// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import '../application_package.dart'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/io.dart'; import '../device.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import '../runner/flutter_command.dart'; class LogsCommand extends FlutterCommand { LogsCommand() { argParser.addFlag('clear', negatable: false, abbr: 'c', help: 'Clear log history before reading from logs.', ); usesDeviceTimeoutOption(); usesDeviceConnectionOption(); } @override final String name = 'logs'; @override final String description = 'Show log output for running Flutter apps.'; @override final String category = FlutterCommandCategory.tools; @override bool get refreshWirelessDevices => true; @override Future> get requiredArtifacts async => const {}; Device? device; @override Future verifyThenRunCommand(String? commandPath) async { device = await findTargetDevice(includeDevicesUnsupportedByProject: true); if (device == null) { throwToolExit(null); } return super.verifyThenRunCommand(commandPath); } @override Future runCommand() async { final Device cachedDevice = device!; if (boolArg('clear')) { cachedDevice.clearLogs(); } final ApplicationPackage? app = await applicationPackages?.getPackageForPlatform( await cachedDevice.targetPlatform, ); final DeviceLogReader logReader = await cachedDevice.getLogReader(app: app); globals.printStatus('Showing $logReader logs:'); final Completer exitCompleter = Completer(); // Start reading. final StreamSubscription subscription = logReader.logLines.listen( (String message) => globals.printStatus(message, wrap: false), onDone: () { exitCompleter.complete(0); }, onError: (dynamic error) { exitCompleter.complete(error is int ? error : 1); }, ); // When terminating, close down the log reader. ProcessSignal.sigint.watch().listen((ProcessSignal signal) { subscription.cancel(); globals.printStatus(''); exitCompleter.complete(0); }); ProcessSignal.sigterm.watch().listen((ProcessSignal signal) { subscription.cancel(); exitCompleter.complete(0); }); // Wait for the log reader to be finished. final int result = await exitCompleter.future; await subscription.cancel(); if (result != 0) { throwToolExit('Error listening to $logReader logs.'); } return FlutterCommandResult.success(); } }