// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'basic.dart'; import 'binding.dart'; import 'focus_manager.dart'; import 'focus_scope.dart'; import 'framework.dart'; import 'overlay.dart'; import 'routes.dart'; import 'ticker_provider.dart'; /// An abstraction for an entry managed by a [Navigator]. /// /// This class defines an abstract interface between the navigator and the /// "routes" that are pushed on and popped off the navigator. Most routes have /// visual affordances, which they place in the navigators [Overlay] using one /// or more [OverlayEntry] objects. /// /// See [Navigator] for more explanation of how to use a Route /// with navigation, including code examples. /// /// See [MaterialPageRoute] for a route that replaces the /// entire screen with a platform-adaptive transition. abstract class Route<T> { /// The navigator that the route is in, if any. NavigatorState get navigator => _navigator; NavigatorState _navigator; /// The overlay entries for this route. List<OverlayEntry> get overlayEntries => const <OverlayEntry>[]; /// A future that completes when this route is popped off the navigator. /// /// The future completes with the value given to [Navigator.pop], if any. Future<T> get popped => _popCompleter.future; final Completer<T> _popCompleter = new Completer<T>(); /// Called when the route is inserted into the navigator. /// /// Use this to populate overlayEntries and add them to the overlay /// (accessible as navigator.overlay). (The reason the Route is responsible /// for doing this, rather than the Navigator, is that the Route will be /// responsible for _removing_ the entries and this way it's symmetric.) /// /// The overlay argument will be null if this is the first route inserted. @protected @mustCallSuper void install(OverlayEntry insertionPoint) { } /// Called after [install] when the route is pushed onto the navigator. /// /// The returned value resolves when the push transition is complete. @protected TickerFuture didPush() => new TickerFuture.complete(); /// When this route is popped (see [Navigator.pop]) if the result isn't /// specified or if it's null, this value will be used instead. T get currentResult => null; /// Called after [install] when the route replaced another in the navigator. @protected @mustCallSuper void didReplace(Route<dynamic> oldRoute) { } /// Returns false if this route wants to veto a [Navigator.pop]. This method is /// called by [Navigator.maybePop]. /// /// By default, routes veto a pop if they're the first route in the history /// (i.e., if [isFirst]). This behavior prevents the user from popping the /// first route off the history and being stranded at a blank screen. /// /// See also: /// /// * [Form], which provides a [Form.onWillPop] callback that uses this mechanism. Future<RoutePopDisposition> willPop() async { return isFirst ? RoutePopDisposition.bubble : RoutePopDisposition.pop; } /// A request was made to pop this route. If the route can handle it /// internally (e.g. because it has its own stack of internal state) then /// return false, otherwise return true. Returning false will prevent the /// default behavior of [NavigatorState.pop]. /// /// When this function returns true, the navigator removes this route from /// the history but does not yet call [dispose]. Instead, it is the route's /// responsibility to call [NavigatorState.finalizeRoute], which will in turn /// call [dispose] on the route. This sequence lets the route perform an /// exit animation (or some other visual effect) after being popped but prior /// to being disposed. @protected @mustCallSuper bool didPop(T result) { didComplete(result); return true; } /// Whether calling [didPop] would return false. bool get willHandlePopInternally => false; /// The given route, which came after this one, has been popped off the /// navigator. @protected @mustCallSuper void didPopNext(Route<dynamic> nextRoute) { } /// This route's next route has changed to the given new route. This is called /// on a route whenever the next route changes for any reason, except for /// cases when [didPopNext] would be called, so long as it is in the history. /// `nextRoute` will be null if there's no next route. @protected @mustCallSuper void didChangeNext(Route<dynamic> nextRoute) { } /// This route's previous route has changed to the given new route. This is /// called on a route whenever the previous route changes for any reason, so /// long as it is in the history, except for immediately after the route has /// been pushed (in which wase [didPush] or [didReplace] will be called /// instead). `previousRoute` will be null if there's no previous route. @protected @mustCallSuper void didChangePrevious(Route<dynamic> previousRoute) { } /// The route was popped or is otherwise being removed somewhat gracefully. /// /// This is called by [didPop] and in response to [Navigator.pushReplacement]. @protected @mustCallSuper void didComplete(T result) { _popCompleter.complete(result); } /// The route should remove its overlays and free any other resources. /// /// This route is no longer referenced by the navigator. @mustCallSuper @protected void dispose() { assert(() { if (navigator == null) { throw new FlutterError( '$runtimeType.dipose() called more than once.\n' 'A given route cannot be disposed more than once.' ); } return true; }); _navigator = null; } /// If the route's transition can be popped via a user gesture (e.g. the iOS /// back gesture), this should return a controller object that can be used to /// control the transition animation's progress. Otherwise, it should return /// null. /// /// If attempts to dismiss this route might be vetoed, for example because /// a [WillPopCallback] was defined for the route, then it may make sense /// to disable the pop gesture. For example, the iOS back gesture is disabled /// when [ModalRoute.hasScopedWillPopCallback] is true. NavigationGestureController startPopGesture() => null; /// Whether this route is the top-most route on the navigator. /// /// If this is true, then [isActive] is also true. bool get isCurrent { return _navigator != null && _navigator._history.last == this; } /// Whether this route is the bottom-most route on the navigator. /// /// If this is true, then [Navigator.canPop] will return false if this route's /// [willHandlePopInternally] returns false. /// /// If [isFirst] and [isCurrent] are both true then this is the only route on /// the navigator (and [isActive] will also be true). bool get isFirst { return _navigator != null && _navigator._history.first == this; } /// Whether this route is on the navigator. /// /// If the route is not only active, but also the current route (the top-most /// route), then [isCurrent] will also be true. If it is the first route (the /// bottom-most route), then [isFirst] will also be true. /// /// If a later route is entirely opaque, then the route will be active but not /// rendered. It is even possible for the route to be active but for the stateful /// widgets within the route to not be instatiated. See [ModalRoute.maintainState]. bool get isActive { return _navigator != null && _navigator._history.contains(this); } } /// Data that might be useful in constructing a [Route]. @immutable class RouteSettings { /// Creates data used to construct routes. const RouteSettings({ this.name, this.isInitialRoute: false, }); /// The name of the route (e.g., "/settings"). /// /// If null, the route is anonymous. final String name; /// Whether this route is the very first route being pushed onto this [Navigator]. /// /// The initial route typically skips any entrance transition to speed startup. final bool isInitialRoute; @override String toString() => '"$name"'; } /// Creates a route for the given route settings. /// /// Used by [Navigator.onGenerateRoute] and [Navigator.onUnknownRoute]. typedef Route<dynamic> RouteFactory(RouteSettings settings); /// An interface for observing the behavior of a [Navigator]. class NavigatorObserver { /// The navigator that the observer is observing, if any. NavigatorState get navigator => _navigator; NavigatorState _navigator; /// The [Navigator] pushed the given route. void didPush(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic> previousRoute) { } /// The [Navigator] popped the given route. void didPop(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic> previousRoute) { } /// The [Navigator] is being controlled by a user gesture. /// /// Used for the iOS back gesture. void didStartUserGesture() { } /// User gesture is no longer controlling the [Navigator]. void didStopUserGesture() { } } /// Interface describing an object returned by the [Route.startPopGesture] /// method, allowing the route's transition animations to be controlled by a /// drag or other user gesture. abstract class NavigationGestureController { /// Configures the NavigationGestureController and tells the given [Navigator] that /// a gesture has started. NavigationGestureController(this._navigator) { assert(_navigator != null); // Disable Hero transitions until the gesture is complete. _navigator.didStartUserGesture(); } /// The navigator that this object is controlling. @protected NavigatorState get navigator => _navigator; NavigatorState _navigator; /// Release the resources used by this object. The object is no longer usable /// after this method is called. /// /// Must be called when the gesture is done. /// /// Calling this method notifies the navigator that the gesture has completed. @mustCallSuper void dispose() { _navigator.didStopUserGesture(); _navigator = null; } /// The drag gesture has changed by [fractionalDelta]. The total range of the /// drag should be 0.0 to 1.0. void dragUpdate(double fractionalDelta); /// The drag gesture has ended with a horizontal motion of /// [fractionalVelocity] as a fraction of screen width per second. /// /// Returns true if the gesture will complete (i.e. a back gesture will /// result in a pop). bool dragEnd(double fractionalVelocity); } /// Signature for the [Navigator.popUntil] predicate argument. typedef bool RoutePredicate(Route<dynamic> route); /// A widget that manages a set of child widgets with a stack discipline. /// /// Many apps have a navigator near the top of their widget hierarchy in order /// to display their logical history using an [Overlay] with the most recently /// visited pages visually on top of the older pages. Using this pattern lets /// the navigator visually transition from one page to another by moving the widgets /// around in the overlay. Similarly, the navigator can be used to show a dialog /// by positioning the dialog widget above the current page. /// /// ## Using the Navigator /// /// Mobile apps typically reveal their contents via full-screen elements /// called "screens" or "pages". In Flutter these elements are called /// routes and they're managed by a [Navigator] widget. The navigator /// manages a stack of [Route] objects and provides methods for managing /// the stack, like [Navigator.push] and [Navigator.pop]. /// /// ### Displaying a full-screen route /// /// Although you can create a navigator directly, it's most common to use /// the navigator created by a [WidgetsApp] or a [MaterialApp] widget. You /// can refer to that navigator with [Navigator.of]. /// /// A MaterialApp is the simplest way to set things up. The MaterialApp's /// home becomes the route at the bottom of the Navigator's stack. It is /// what you see when the app is launched. /// /// ```dart /// void main() { /// runApp(new MaterialApp(home: new MyAppHome())); /// } /// ``` /// /// To push a new route on the stack you can create an instance of /// [MaterialPageRoute] with a builder function that creates whatever you /// want to appear on the screen. For example: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute<Null>( /// builder: (BuildContext context) { /// return new Scaffold( /// appBar: new AppBar(title: new Text('My Page')), /// body: new Center( /// child: new FlatButton( /// child: new Text('POP'), /// onPressed: () { /// Navigator.of(context).pop(); /// }, /// ), /// ), /// ); /// }, /// )); /// ``` /// /// The route defines its widget with a builder function instead of a /// child widget because it will be built and rebuilt in different /// contexts depending on when it's pushed and popped. /// /// As you can see, the new route can be popped, revealing the app's home /// page, with the Navigator's pop method: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.of(context).pop(); /// ``` /// /// It usually isn't necessary to provide a widget that pops the Navigator /// in a route with a [Scaffold] because the Scaffold automatically adds a /// 'back' button to its AppBar. Pressing the back button causes /// [Navigator.pop] to be called. On Android, pressing the system back /// button does the same thing. /// /// ### Using named navigator routes /// /// Mobile apps often manage a large number of routes and it's often /// easiest to refer to them by name. Route names, by convention, /// use a path-like structure (for example, '/a/b/c'). /// The app's home page route is named '/' by default. /// /// The [MaterialApp] can be created /// with a `Map<String, WidgetBuilder>` which maps from a route's name to /// a builder function that will create it. The [MaterialApp] uses this /// map to create a value for its navigator's [onGenerateRoute] callback. /// /// ```dart /// void main() { /// runApp(new MaterialApp( /// home: new MyAppHome(), // becomes the route named '/' /// routes: <String, WidgetBuilder> { /// '/a': (BuildContext context) => new MyPage(title: 'page A'), /// '/b': (BuildContext context) => new MyPage(title: 'page B'), /// '/c': (BuildContext context) => new MyPage(title: 'page C'), /// }, /// )); /// } /// ``` /// /// To show a route by name: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/b'); /// ``` /// /// ### Routes can return a value /// /// When a route is pushed to ask the user for a value, the value can be /// returned via the [pop] method's result parameter. /// /// Methods that push a route return a Future. The Future resolves when /// the route is popped and the Future's value is the [pop] method's result /// parameter. /// /// For example if we wanted to ask the user to press 'OK' to confirm an /// operation we could `await` the result of [Navigator.push]: /// /// ``` /// bool value = await Navigator.of(context).push(new MaterialPageRoute<bool>( /// builder: (BuildContext context) { /// return new Center( /// child: new GestureDetector( /// child: new Text('OK'), /// onTap: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(true); } /// ), /// ); /// } /// )); /// ``` /// If the user presses 'OK' then value will be true. If the user backs /// out of the route, for example by pressing the Scaffold's back button, /// the value will be null. /// /// When a route is used to return a value, the route's type parameter /// must match the type of [pop]'s result. That's why we've used /// `MaterialPageRoute<bool>` instead of `MaterialPageRoute<Null>`. /// /// ### Popup routes /// /// Routes don't have to obscure the entire screen. [PopupRoute]s cover /// the screen with a barrierColor that can be only partially opaque to /// allow the current screen to show through. Popup routes are "modal" /// because they block input to the widgets below. /// /// There are functions which create and show popup routes. For /// example: [showDialog], [showMenu], and [showModalBottomSheet]. These /// functions return their pushed route's Future as described above. /// Callers can await the returned value to take an action when the /// route is popped, or to discover the route's value. /// /// There are also widgets which create popup routes, like [PopupMenuButton] and /// [DropdownButton]. These widgets create internal subclasses of PopupRoute /// and use the Naviagator's push and pop methods to show and dismiss them. /// /// ### Custom routes /// /// You can create your own subclass of one the widget library route classes /// like [PopupRoute], [ModalRoute], or [PageRoute], to control the animated /// transition employed to show the route, the color and behavior of the route's /// modal barrier, and other aspects of the route. /// /// The PageRouteBuilder class makes it possible to define a custom route /// in terms of callbacks. Here's an example that rotates and fades its child /// when the route appears or disappears. This route does not obscure the entire /// screen because it specifies `opaque: false`, just as a popup route does. /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.of(context).push(new PageRouteBuilder( /// opaque: false, /// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, _, __) { /// return new Center(child: new Text('My PageRoute')); /// }, /// transitionsBuilder: (_, Animation<double> animation, __, Widget child) { /// return new FadeTransition( /// opacity: animation, /// child: new RotationTransition( /// turns: new Tween<double>(begin: 0.5, end: 1.0).animate(animation), /// child: child, /// ), /// ); /// } /// )); /// ``` /// /// The page route is built in two parts, the "page" and the /// "transitions". The page becomes a descendant of the child passed to /// the `buildTransitions` method. Typically the page is only built once, /// because it doesn't depend on its animation parameters (elided with `_` /// and `__` in this example). The transition is built on every frame /// for its duration. class Navigator extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a widget that maintains a stack-based history of child widgets. /// /// The [onGenerateRoute] argument must not be null. const Navigator({ Key key, this.initialRoute, @required this.onGenerateRoute, this.onUnknownRoute, this.observers: const <NavigatorObserver>[] }) : assert(onGenerateRoute != null), super(key: key); /// The name of the first route to show. final String initialRoute; /// Called to generate a route for a given [RouteSettings]. final RouteFactory onGenerateRoute; /// Called when [onGenerateRoute] fails to generate a route. /// /// This callback is typically used for error handling. For example, this /// callback might always generate a "not found" page that describes the route /// that wasn't found. /// /// Unknown routes can arise either from errors in the app or from external /// requests to push routes, such as from Android intents. final RouteFactory onUnknownRoute; /// A list of observers for this navigator. final List<NavigatorObserver> observers; /// The default name for the initial route. static const String defaultRouteName = '/'; /// Push a named route onto the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context. /// /// The route name will be passed to that navigator's [onGenerateRoute] /// callback. The returned route will be pushed into the navigator. /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. /// /// Typical usage is as follows: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/nyc/1776'); /// ``` static Future<dynamic> pushNamed(BuildContext context, String routeName) { return Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(routeName); } /// Adds the given route to the history of the navigator that most tightly /// encloses the given context, and transitions to it. /// /// The new route and the previous route (if any) are notified (see /// [Route.didPush] and [Route.didChangeNext]). If the [Navigator] has any /// [Navigator.observers], they will be notified as well (see /// [NavigatorObserver.didPush]). /// /// Ongoing gestures within the current route are canceled when a new route is /// pushed. /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. static Future<dynamic> push(BuildContext context, Route<dynamic> route) { return Navigator.of(context).push(route); } /// Returns the value of the current route's [Route.willPop] method. This /// method is typically called before a user-initiated [pop]. For example on /// Android it's called by the binding for the system's back button. /// /// See also: /// /// * [Form], which provides an `onWillPop` callback that enables the form /// to veto a [pop] initiated by the app's back button. /// * [ModalRoute], which provides a `scopedWillPopCallback` that can be used /// to define the route's `willPop` method. static Future<bool> maybePop(BuildContext context, [ dynamic result ]) { return Navigator.of(context).maybePop(result); } /// Pop a route off the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context. /// /// Tries to removes the current route, calling its didPop() method. If that /// method returns false, then nothing else happens. Otherwise, the observer /// (if any) is notified using its didPop() method, and the previous route is /// notified using [Route.didChangeNext]. /// /// If non-null, `result` will be used as the result of the route. Routes /// such as dialogs or popup menus typically use this mechanism to return the /// value selected by the user to the widget that created their route. The /// type of `result`, if provided, must match the type argument of the class /// of the current route. (In practice, this is usually "dynamic".) /// /// Returns true if a route was popped; returns false if there are no further /// previous routes. /// /// Typical usage is as follows: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.pop(context); /// ``` static bool pop(BuildContext context, [ dynamic result ]) { return Navigator.of(context).pop(result); } /// Calls [pop] repeatedly until the predicate returns true. /// /// The predicate may be applied to the same route more than once if /// [Route.willHandlePopInternally] is true. /// /// To pop until a route with a certain name, use the [RoutePredicate] /// returned from [ModalRoute.withName]. /// /// Typical usage is as follows: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.popUntil(context, ModalRoute.withName('/login')); /// ``` static void popUntil(BuildContext context, RoutePredicate predicate) { Navigator.of(context).popUntil(predicate); } /// Whether the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context can be /// popped. /// /// The initial route cannot be popped off the navigator, which implies that /// this function returns true only if popping the navigator would not remove /// the initial route. static bool canPop(BuildContext context) { final NavigatorState navigator = context.ancestorStateOfType(const TypeMatcher<NavigatorState>()); return navigator != null && navigator.canPop(); } /// Executes a simple transaction that both pops the current route off and /// pushes a named route into the navigator that most tightly encloses the /// given context. /// /// If non-null, `result` will be used as the result of the route that is /// popped. Routes such as dialogs or popup menus typically use this mechanism /// to return the value selected by the user to the widget that created their /// route. The type of `result`, if provided, must match the type argument of /// the class of the current route. (In practice, this is usually "dynamic".) /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. /// /// Typical usage is as follows: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.popAndPushNamed(context, '/nyc/1776'); /// ``` static Future<dynamic> popAndPushNamed(BuildContext context, String routeName, { dynamic result }) { final NavigatorState navigator = Navigator.of(context); navigator.pop(result); return navigator.pushNamed(routeName); } /// Replace the current route by pushing the route named [routeName] and then /// disposing the previous route. /// /// The route name will be passed to the navigator's [onGenerateRoute] /// callback. The returned route will be pushed into the navigator. /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. /// /// Typical usage is as follows: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed('/jouett/1781'); /// ``` static Future<dynamic> pushReplacementNamed(BuildContext context, String routeName, { dynamic result }) { return Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed(routeName, result: result); } /// Replace the current route by pushing [route] and then disposing the /// current route. /// /// The new route and the route below the new route (if any) are notified /// (see [Route.didPush] and [Route.didChangeNext]). The navigator observer /// is not notified about the old route. The old route is disposed (see /// [Route.dispose]). /// /// If a [result] is provided, it will be the return value of the old route, /// as if the old route had been popped. /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. static Future<dynamic> pushReplacement(BuildContext context, Route<dynamic> route, { dynamic result }) { return Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(route, result: result); } /// The state from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context. /// /// Typical usage is as follows: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.of(context) /// ..pop() /// ..pop() /// ..pushNamed('/settings'); /// ``` static NavigatorState of(BuildContext context) { final NavigatorState navigator = context.ancestorStateOfType(const TypeMatcher<NavigatorState>()); assert(() { if (navigator == null) { throw new FlutterError( 'Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator.\n' 'The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget.' ); } return true; }); return navigator; } @override NavigatorState createState() => new NavigatorState(); } /// The state for a [Navigator] widget. class NavigatorState extends State<Navigator> with TickerProviderStateMixin { final GlobalKey<OverlayState> _overlayKey = new GlobalKey<OverlayState>(); final List<Route<dynamic>> _history = <Route<dynamic>>[]; final Set<Route<dynamic>> _poppedRoutes = new Set<Route<dynamic>>(); /// The [FocusScopeNode] for the [FocusScope] that encloses the routes. final FocusScopeNode focusScopeNode = new FocusScopeNode(); @override void initState() { super.initState(); for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) { assert(observer.navigator == null); observer._navigator = this; } push(widget.onGenerateRoute(new RouteSettings( name: widget.initialRoute ?? Navigator.defaultRouteName, isInitialRoute: true ))); } @override void didUpdateWidget(Navigator oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (oldWidget.observers != widget.observers) { for (NavigatorObserver observer in oldWidget.observers) observer._navigator = null; for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) { assert(observer.navigator == null); observer._navigator = this; } } } @override void dispose() { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(() { _debugLocked = true; return true; }); for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) observer._navigator = null; final List<Route<dynamic>> doomed = _poppedRoutes.toList()..addAll(_history); for (Route<dynamic> route in doomed) route.dispose(); _poppedRoutes.clear(); _history.clear(); focusScopeNode.detach(); super.dispose(); assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); } /// The overlay this navigator uses for its visual presentation. OverlayState get overlay => _overlayKey.currentState; OverlayEntry get _currentOverlayEntry { for (Route<dynamic> route in _history.reversed) { if (route.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty) return route.overlayEntries.last; } return null; } bool _debugLocked = false; // used to prevent re-entrant calls to push, pop, and friends Route<dynamic> _routeNamed(String name) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(name != null); final RouteSettings settings = new RouteSettings(name: name); Route<dynamic> route = widget.onGenerateRoute(settings); if (route == null) { assert(widget.onUnknownRoute != null); route = widget.onUnknownRoute(settings); assert(route != null); } return route; } /// Push a named route onto the navigator. /// /// The route name will be passed to [Navigator.onGenerateRoute]. The returned /// route will be pushed into the navigator. /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. /// /// Typical usage is as follows: /// /// ```dart /// Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/nyc/1776'); /// ``` Future<dynamic> pushNamed(String name) { return push(_routeNamed(name)); } /// Adds the given route to the navigator's history, and transitions to it. /// /// The new route and the previous route (if any) are notified (see /// [Route.didPush] and [Route.didChangeNext]). If the [Navigator] has any /// [Navigator.observers], they will be notified as well (see /// [NavigatorObserver.didPush]). /// /// Ongoing gestures within the current route are canceled when a new route is /// pushed. /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. Future<dynamic> push(Route<dynamic> route) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(() { _debugLocked = true; return true; }); assert(route != null); assert(route._navigator == null); setState(() { final Route<dynamic> oldRoute = _history.isNotEmpty ? _history.last : null; route._navigator = this; route.install(_currentOverlayEntry); _history.add(route); route.didPush(); route.didChangeNext(null); if (oldRoute != null) oldRoute.didChangeNext(route); for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) observer.didPush(route, oldRoute); }); assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); _cancelActivePointers(); return route.popped; } /// Replaces a route that is not currently visible with a new route. /// /// The new route and the route below the new route (if any) are notified /// (see [Route.didReplace] and [Route.didChangeNext]). The navigator observer /// is not notified. The old route is disposed (see [Route.dispose]). /// /// This can be useful in combination with [removeRouteBelow] when building a /// non-linear user experience. void replace({ @required Route<dynamic> oldRoute, @required Route<dynamic> newRoute }) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(oldRoute != null); assert(newRoute != null); if (oldRoute == newRoute) return; assert(() { _debugLocked = true; return true; }); assert(oldRoute._navigator == this); assert(newRoute._navigator == null); assert(oldRoute.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty); assert(newRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty); assert(!overlay.debugIsVisible(oldRoute.overlayEntries.last)); setState(() { final int index = _history.indexOf(oldRoute); assert(index >= 0); newRoute._navigator = this; newRoute.install(oldRoute.overlayEntries.last); _history[index] = newRoute; newRoute.didReplace(oldRoute); if (index + 1 < _history.length) { newRoute.didChangeNext(_history[index + 1]); _history[index + 1].didChangePrevious(newRoute); } else { newRoute.didChangeNext(null); } if (index > 0) _history[index - 1].didChangeNext(newRoute); oldRoute.dispose(); }); assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); } /// Push the [newRoute] and dispose the old current Route. /// /// The new route and the route below the new route (if any) are notified /// (see [Route.didPush] and [Route.didChangeNext]). The navigator observer /// is not notified about the old route. The old route is disposed (see /// [Route.dispose]). The new route is not notified when the old route /// is removed (which happens when the new route's animation completes). /// /// If a [result] is provided, it will be the return value of the old route, /// as if the old route had been popped. Future<dynamic> pushReplacement(Route<dynamic> newRoute, { dynamic result }) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(() { _debugLocked = true; return true; }); final Route<dynamic> oldRoute = _history.last; assert(oldRoute != null && oldRoute._navigator == this); assert(oldRoute.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty); assert(newRoute._navigator == null); assert(newRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty); setState(() { final int index = _history.length - 1; assert(index >= 0); assert(_history.indexOf(oldRoute) == index); newRoute._navigator = this; newRoute.install(_currentOverlayEntry); _history[index] = newRoute; newRoute.didPush().whenCompleteOrCancel(() { // The old route's exit is not animated. We're assuming that the // new route completely obscures the old one. if (mounted) { oldRoute ..didComplete(result ?? oldRoute.currentResult) ..dispose(); } }); newRoute.didChangeNext(null); if (index > 0) _history[index - 1].didChangeNext(newRoute); for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) observer.didPush(newRoute, oldRoute); }); assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); _cancelActivePointers(); return newRoute.popped; } /// Push the route named [name] and dispose the old current route. /// /// The route name will be passed to [Navigator.onGenerateRoute]. The returned /// route will be pushed into the navigator. /// /// Returns a [Future] that completes to the `result` value passed to [pop] /// when the pushed route is popped off the navigator. Future<dynamic> pushReplacementNamed(String name, { dynamic result }) { return pushReplacement(_routeNamed(name), result: result); } /// Replaces a route that is not currently visible with a new route. /// /// The route to be removed is the one below the given `anchorRoute`. That /// route must not be the first route in the history. /// /// In every other way, this acts the same as [replace]. void replaceRouteBelow({ @required Route<dynamic> anchorRoute, Route<dynamic> newRoute }) { assert(anchorRoute != null); assert(anchorRoute._navigator == this); assert(_history.indexOf(anchorRoute) > 0); replace(oldRoute: _history[_history.indexOf(anchorRoute)-1], newRoute: newRoute); } /// Removes the route below the given `anchorRoute`. The route to be removed /// must not currently be visible. The `anchorRoute` must not be the first /// route in the history. /// /// The removed route is disposed (see [Route.dispose]). The route prior to /// the removed route, if any, is notified (see [Route.didChangeNext]). The /// route above the removed route, if any, is also notified (see /// [Route.didChangePrevious]). The navigator observer is not notified. void removeRouteBelow(Route<dynamic> anchorRoute) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(() { _debugLocked = true; return true; }); assert(anchorRoute._navigator == this); final int index = _history.indexOf(anchorRoute) - 1; assert(index >= 0); final Route<dynamic> targetRoute = _history[index]; assert(targetRoute._navigator == this); assert(targetRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty || !overlay.debugIsVisible(targetRoute.overlayEntries.last)); setState(() { _history.removeAt(index); final Route<dynamic> nextRoute = index < _history.length ? _history[index] : null; final Route<dynamic> previousRoute = index > 0 ? _history[index - 1] : null; if (previousRoute != null) previousRoute.didChangeNext(nextRoute); if (nextRoute != null) nextRoute.didChangePrevious(previousRoute); targetRoute.dispose(); }); assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); } /// Push the given route and then remove all the previous routes until the /// `predicate` returns true. /// /// The predicate may be applied to the same route more than once if /// [Route.willHandlePopInternally] is true. /// /// To remove routes until a route with a certain name, use the /// [RoutePredicate] returned from [ModalRoute.withName]. /// /// To remove all the routes before the pushed route, use a [RoutePredicate] /// that always returns false. Future<dynamic> pushAndRemoveUntil(Route<dynamic> newRoute, RoutePredicate predicate) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(() { _debugLocked = true; return true; }); final List<Route<dynamic>> removedRoutes = <Route<dynamic>>[]; while (_history.isNotEmpty && !predicate(_history.last)) { final Route<dynamic> removedRoute = _history.removeLast(); assert(removedRoute != null && removedRoute._navigator == this); assert(removedRoute.overlayEntries.isNotEmpty); removedRoutes.add(removedRoute); } assert(newRoute._navigator == null); assert(newRoute.overlayEntries.isEmpty); setState(() { final Route<dynamic> oldRoute = _history.isNotEmpty ? _history.last : null; newRoute._navigator = this; newRoute.install(_currentOverlayEntry); _history.add(newRoute); newRoute.didPush().whenCompleteOrCancel(() { if (mounted) { for (Route<dynamic> route in removedRoutes) route.dispose(); } }); newRoute.didChangeNext(null); if (oldRoute != null) oldRoute.didChangeNext(newRoute); for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) observer.didPush(newRoute, oldRoute); }); assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); _cancelActivePointers(); return newRoute.popped; } /// Push the route with the given name and then remove all the previous routes /// until the `predicate` returns true. /// /// The predicate may be applied to the same route more than once if /// [Route.willHandlePopInternally] is true. /// /// To remove routes until a route with a certain name, use the /// [RoutePredicate] returned from [ModalRoute.withName]. /// /// To remove all the routes before the pushed route, use a [RoutePredicate] /// that always returns false. Future<dynamic> pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(String routeName, RoutePredicate predicate) { return pushAndRemoveUntil(_routeNamed(routeName), predicate); } /// Tries to pop the current route, first giving the active route the chance /// to veto the operation using [Route.willPop]. This method is typically /// called instead of [pop] when the user uses a back button. For example on /// Android it's called by the binding for the system's back button. /// /// See also: /// /// * [Form], which provides a [Form.onWillPop] callback that enables the form /// to veto a [maybePop] initiated by the app's back button. /// * [ModalRoute], which has as a [ModalRoute.willPop] method that can be /// defined by a list of [WillPopCallback]s. Future<bool> maybePop([dynamic result]) async { final Route<dynamic> route = _history.last; assert(route._navigator == this); final RoutePopDisposition disposition = await route.willPop(); if (disposition != RoutePopDisposition.bubble && mounted) { if (disposition == RoutePopDisposition.pop) pop(result); return true; } return false; } /// Removes the top route in the [Navigator]'s history. /// /// If an argument is provided, that argument will be the return value of the /// route (see [Route.didPop]). /// /// If there are any routes left on the history, the top remaining route is /// notified (see [Route.didPopNext]), and the method returns true. In that /// case, if the [Navigator] has any [Navigator.observers], they will be notified /// as well (see [NavigatorObserver.didPop]). Otherwise, if the popped route /// was the last route, the method returns false. /// /// Ongoing gestures within the current route are canceled when a route is /// popped. bool pop([dynamic result]) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(() { _debugLocked = true; return true; }); final Route<dynamic> route = _history.last; assert(route._navigator == this); bool debugPredictedWouldPop; assert(() { debugPredictedWouldPop = !route.willHandlePopInternally; return true; }); if (route.didPop(result ?? route.currentResult)) { assert(debugPredictedWouldPop); if (_history.length > 1) { setState(() { // We use setState to guarantee that we'll rebuild, since the routes // can't do that for themselves, even if they have changed their own // state (e.g. ModalScope.isCurrent). _history.removeLast(); // If route._navigator is null, the route called finalizeRoute from // didPop, which means the route has already been disposed and doesn't // need to be added to _poppedRoutes for later disposal. if (route._navigator != null) _poppedRoutes.add(route); _history.last.didPopNext(route); for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) observer.didPop(route, _history.last); }); } else { assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); return false; } } else { assert(!debugPredictedWouldPop); } assert(() { _debugLocked = false; return true; }); _cancelActivePointers(); return true; } /// Complete the lifecycle for a route that has been popped off the navigator. /// /// When the navigator pops a route, the navigator retains a reference to the /// route in order to call [Route.dispose] if the navigator itself is removed /// from the tree. When the route is finished with any exit animation, the /// route should call this function to complete its lifecycle (e.g., to /// receive a call to [Route.dispose]). /// /// The given `route` must have already received a call to [Route.didPop]. /// This function may be called directly from [Route.didPop] if [Route.didPop] /// will return true. void finalizeRoute(Route<dynamic> route) { _poppedRoutes.remove(route); route.dispose(); } /// Repeatedly calls [pop] until the given `predicate` returns true. /// /// The predicate may be applied to the same route more than once if /// [Route.willHandlePopInternally] is true. /// /// To pop until a route with a certain name, use the [RoutePredicate] /// returned from [ModalRoute.withName]. void popUntil(RoutePredicate predicate) { while (!predicate(_history.last)) pop(); } /// Whether this navigator can be popped. /// /// The only route that cannot be popped off the navigator is the initial /// route. bool canPop() { assert(_history.isNotEmpty); return _history.length > 1 || _history[0].willHandlePopInternally; } /// Starts a gesture that results in popping the navigator. NavigationGestureController startPopGesture() { if (canPop()) return _history.last.startPopGesture(); return null; } /// Whether a gesture controlled by a [NavigationGestureController] is currently in progress. bool get userGestureInProgress => _userGestureInProgress; // TODO(mpcomplete): remove this bool when we fix // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/5577 bool _userGestureInProgress = false; /// The navigator is being controlled by a user gesture. /// /// Used for the iOS back gesture. void didStartUserGesture() { _userGestureInProgress = true; for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) observer.didStartUserGesture(); } /// A user gesture is no longer controlling the navigator. void didStopUserGesture() { _userGestureInProgress = false; for (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) observer.didStopUserGesture(); } final Set<int> _activePointers = new Set<int>(); void _handlePointerDown(PointerDownEvent event) { _activePointers.add(event.pointer); } void _handlePointerUpOrCancel(PointerEvent event) { _activePointers.remove(event.pointer); } void _cancelActivePointers() { // TODO(abarth): This mechanism is far from perfect. See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/4770 final RenderAbsorbPointer absorber = _overlayKey.currentContext?.ancestorRenderObjectOfType(const TypeMatcher<RenderAbsorbPointer>()); setState(() { absorber?.absorbing = true; }); for (int pointer in _activePointers.toList()) WidgetsBinding.instance.cancelPointer(pointer); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { assert(!_debugLocked); assert(_history.isNotEmpty); final Route<dynamic> initialRoute = _history.first; return new Listener( onPointerDown: _handlePointerDown, onPointerUp: _handlePointerUpOrCancel, onPointerCancel: _handlePointerUpOrCancel, child: new AbsorbPointer( absorbing: false, // it's mutated directly by _cancelActivePointers above child: new FocusScope( node: focusScopeNode, autofocus: true, child: new Overlay( key: _overlayKey, initialEntries: initialRoute.overlayEntries, ), ), ), ); } }