// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';

import 'common.dart';

/// A mock that can be used to fake a process manager that runs commands
/// and returns results.
/// Call [setResults] to provide a list of results that will return from
/// each command line (with arguments).
/// Call [verifyCalls] to verify that each desired call occurred.
class FakeProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {
  FakeProcessManager({this.stdinResults}) {

  /// The callback that will be called each time stdin input is supplied to
  /// a call.
  final StringReceivedCallback stdinResults;

  /// The list of results that will be sent back, organized by the command line
  /// that will produce them. Each command line has a list of returned stdout
  /// output that will be returned on each successive call.
  Map<String, List<ProcessResult>> _fakeResults = <String, List<ProcessResult>>{};
  Map<String, List<ProcessResult>> get fakeResults => _fakeResults;
  set fakeResults(Map<String, List<ProcessResult>> value) {
    _fakeResults = <String, List<ProcessResult>>{};
    for (final String key in value.keys) {
      _fakeResults[key] = (value[key] ?? <ProcessResult>[ProcessResult(0, 0, '', '')]).toList();

  /// The list of invocations that occurred, in the order they occurred.
  List<Invocation> invocations = <Invocation>[];

  /// Verify that the given command lines were called, in the given order, and that the
  /// parameters were in the same order.
  void verifyCalls(List<String> calls) {
    int index = 0;
    for (final String call in calls) {
      expect(call.split(' '), orderedEquals(invocations[index].positionalArguments[0] as Iterable<dynamic>));
    expect(invocations.length, equals(calls.length));

  ProcessResult _popResult(List<String> command) {
    final String key = command.join(' ');
    expect(fakeResults, isNotEmpty);
    expect(fakeResults, contains(key));
    expect(fakeResults[key], isNotEmpty);
    return fakeResults[key].removeAt(0);

  FakeProcess _popProcess(List<String> command) =>
      FakeProcess(_popResult(command), stdinResults: stdinResults);

  Future<Process> _nextProcess(Invocation invocation) async {
    return Future<Process>.value(_popProcess(invocation.positionalArguments[0] as List<String>));

  ProcessResult _nextResultSync(Invocation invocation) {
    return _popResult(invocation.positionalArguments[0] as List<String>);

  Future<ProcessResult> _nextResult(Invocation invocation) async {
    return Future<ProcessResult>.value(_popResult(invocation.positionalArguments[0] as List<String>));

  void _setupMock() {
    // Not all possible types of invocations are covered here, just the ones
    // expected to be called.
    // TODO(gspencer): make this more general so that any call will be captured.
      environment: anyNamed('environment'),
      workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),


      environment: anyNamed('environment'),
      workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),


      environment: anyNamed('environment'),
      workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),


    when(killPid(any, any)).thenReturn(true);

    when(canRun(any, workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory')))

/// A fake process that can be used to interact with a process "started" by the FakeProcessManager.
class FakeProcess extends Mock implements Process {
  FakeProcess(ProcessResult result, {void stdinResults(String input)})
      : stdoutStream = Stream<List<int>>.value((result.stdout as String).codeUnits),
        stderrStream = Stream<List<int>>.value((result.stderr as String).codeUnits),
        desiredExitCode = result.exitCode,
        stdinSink = IOSink(StringStreamConsumer(stdinResults)) {

  final IOSink stdinSink;
  final Stream<List<int>> stdoutStream;
  final Stream<List<int>> stderrStream;
  final int desiredExitCode;

  void _setupMock() {

  Future<int> get exitCode => Future<int>.value(desiredExitCode);

  int get pid => 0;

  IOSink get stdin => stdinSink;

  Stream<List<int>> get stderr => stderrStream;

  Stream<List<int>> get stdout => stdoutStream;

/// Callback used to receive stdin input when it occurs.
typedef StringReceivedCallback = void Function(String received);

/// A stream consumer class that consumes UTF8 strings as lists of ints.
class StringStreamConsumer implements StreamConsumer<List<int>> {

  List<Stream<List<int>>> streams = <Stream<List<int>>>[];
  List<StreamSubscription<List<int>>> subscriptions = <StreamSubscription<List<int>>>[];
  List<Completer<dynamic>> completers = <Completer<dynamic>>[];

  /// The callback called when this consumer receives input.
  StringReceivedCallback sendString;

  Future<dynamic> addStream(Stream<List<int>> value) {
      value.listen((List<int> data) {
    subscriptions.last.onDone(() => completers.last.complete(null));
    return Future<dynamic>.value(null);

  Future<dynamic> close() async {
    for (final Completer<dynamic> completer in completers) {
      await completer.future;
    return Future<dynamic>.value(null);