// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:args/command_runner.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import '../artifacts.dart'; import '../base/logging.dart'; import '../base/process.dart'; import '../build_configuration.dart'; import 'version.dart'; const String kFlutterRootEnvironmentVariableName = 'FLUTTER_ROOT'; // should point to //flutter/ (root of flutter/flutter repo) const String kFlutterEngineEnvironmentVariableName = 'FLUTTER_ENGINE'; // should point to //engine/src/ (root of flutter/engine repo) const String kSnapshotFileName = 'flutter_tools.snapshot'; // in //flutter/bin/cache/ const String kFlutterToolsScriptFileName = 'flutter_tools.dart'; // in //flutter/packages/flutter_tools/bin/ const String kFlutterEnginePackageName = 'sky_engine'; class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner { FlutterCommandRunner() : super('flutter', 'Manage your Flutter app development.') { argParser.addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v', negatable: false, help: 'Noisy logging, including all shell commands executed.'); argParser.addFlag('very-verbose', negatable: false, help: 'Very noisy logging, including the output of all ' 'shell commands executed.'); argParser.addFlag('version', negatable: false, help: 'Reports the version of this tool.'); String packagesHelp; if (ArtifactStore.isPackageRootValid) packagesHelp = '\n(defaults to "${ArtifactStore.packageRoot}")'; else packagesHelp = '\n(required, since the current directory does not contain a "packages" subdirectory)'; argParser.addOption('package-root', help: 'Path to your packages directory.$packagesHelp'); argParser.addOption('flutter-root', help: 'The root directory of the Flutter repository. Defaults to \$$kFlutterRootEnvironmentVariableName if set,\n' 'otherwise defaults to a value derived from the location of this tool.', defaultsTo: _defaultFlutterRoot); argParser.addOption('android-device-id', help: 'Serial number of the target Android device.'); argParser.addSeparator('Local build selection options (not normally required):'); argParser.addFlag('debug', negatable: false, help: 'Set this if you are building Flutter locally and want to use the debug build products.\n' 'Defaults to true if --engine-src-path is specified and --release is not, otherwise false.'); argParser.addFlag('release', negatable: false, help: 'Set this if you are building Flutter locally and want to use the release build products.\n' 'The --release option is not compatible with the listen command on iOS devices and simulators.'); argParser.addOption('engine-src-path', help: 'Path to your engine src directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'Defaults to \$$kFlutterEngineEnvironmentVariableName if set, otherwise defaults to the path given in your pubspec.yaml\n' 'dependency_overrides for $kFlutterEnginePackageName, if any, or, failing that, tries to guess at the location\n' 'based on the value of the --flutter-root option.'); argParser.addOption('host-debug-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your host Debug out directory (i.e. the one that runs on your workstation, not a device), if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/Debug/'); argParser.addOption('host-release-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your host Release out directory (i.e. the one that runs on your workstation, not a device), if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/Release/'); argParser.addOption('android-debug-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your Android Debug out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/android_Debug/'); argParser.addOption('android-release-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your Android Release out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/android_Release/'); argParser.addOption('ios-debug-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your iOS Debug out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/ios_Debug/'); argParser.addOption('ios-release-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your iOS Release out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/ios_Release/'); argParser.addOption('ios-sim-debug-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your iOS Simulator Debug out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/ios_sim_Debug/'); argParser.addOption('ios-sim-release-build-path', hide: true, help: 'Path to your iOS Simulator Release out directory, if you are building Flutter locally.\n' 'This path is relative to --engine-src-path. Not normally required.', defaultsTo: 'out/ios_sim_Release/'); } List<BuildConfiguration> get buildConfigurations { if (_buildConfigurations == null) _buildConfigurations = _createBuildConfigurations(_globalResults); return _buildConfigurations; } List<BuildConfiguration> _buildConfigurations; String get enginePath { if (!_enginePathSet) { _enginePath = _findEnginePath(_globalResults); _enginePathSet = true; } return _enginePath; } String _enginePath; bool _enginePathSet = false; ArgResults _globalResults; String get _defaultFlutterRoot { if (Platform.environment.containsKey(kFlutterRootEnvironmentVariableName)) return Platform.environment[kFlutterRootEnvironmentVariableName]; String script = Platform.script.toFilePath(); if (path.basename(script) == kSnapshotFileName) return path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(script))); if (path.basename(script) == kFlutterToolsScriptFileName) return path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(script)))); return '.'; } Future<int> runCommand(ArgResults globalResults) { if (globalResults['verbose']) Logger.root.level = Level.INFO; if (globalResults['very-verbose']) Logger.root.level = Level.FINE; _globalResults = globalResults; ArtifactStore.flutterRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(globalResults['flutter-root'])); if (globalResults.wasParsed('package-root')) ArtifactStore.packageRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(globalResults['package-root'])); if (globalResults['version']) { print(getVersion(ArtifactStore.flutterRoot)); return new Future<int>.value(0); } return super.runCommand(globalResults); } String _tryEnginePath(String enginePath) { if (FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(path.join(enginePath, 'out'))) return enginePath; return null; } String _findEnginePath(ArgResults globalResults) { String engineSourcePath = globalResults['engine-src-path'] ?? Platform.environment[kFlutterEngineEnvironmentVariableName]; bool isDebug = globalResults['debug']; bool isRelease = globalResults['release']; if (engineSourcePath == null && (isDebug || isRelease)) { if (ArtifactStore.isPackageRootValid) { Directory engineDir = new Directory(path.join(ArtifactStore.packageRoot, kFlutterEnginePackageName)); try { String realEnginePath = engineDir.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); engineSourcePath = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(realEnginePath)))); bool dirExists = FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(path.join(engineSourcePath, 'out')); if (engineSourcePath == '/' || engineSourcePath.isEmpty || !dirExists) engineSourcePath = null; } on FileSystemException { } } if (engineSourcePath == null) engineSourcePath = _tryEnginePath(path.join(ArtifactStore.flutterRoot, '../engine/src')); if (engineSourcePath == null) { stderr.writeln('Unable to detect local Flutter engine build directory.\n' 'Either specify a dependency_override for the $kFlutterEnginePackageName package in your pubspec.yaml and\n' 'ensure --package-root is set if necessary, or set the \$$kFlutterEngineEnvironmentVariableName environment variable, or\n' 'use --engine-src-path to specify the path to the root of your flutter/engine repository.'); throw new ProcessExit(2); } } if (engineSourcePath != null && _tryEnginePath(engineSourcePath) == null) { stderr.writeln('Unable to detect a Flutter engine build directory in $engineSourcePath.\n' 'Please ensure that $engineSourcePath is a Flutter engine \'src\' directory and that\n' 'you have compiled the engine in that directory, which should produce an \'out\' directory'); throw new ProcessExit(2); } return engineSourcePath; } List<BuildConfiguration> _createBuildConfigurations(ArgResults globalResults) { bool isDebug = globalResults['debug']; bool isRelease = globalResults['release']; HostPlatform hostPlatform = getCurrentHostPlatform(); TargetPlatform hostPlatformAsTarget = getCurrentHostPlatformAsTarget(); List<BuildConfiguration> configs = <BuildConfiguration>[]; if (enginePath == null) { configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.prebuilt( hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.android, deviceId: globalResults['android-device-id'] )); if (hostPlatform == HostPlatform.linux) { configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.prebuilt( hostPlatform: HostPlatform.linux, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.linux, testable: true )); } if (hostPlatform == HostPlatform.mac) { configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.prebuilt( hostPlatform: HostPlatform.mac, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.iOS )); configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.prebuilt( hostPlatform: HostPlatform.mac, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.iOSSimulator )); } } else { if (!FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(enginePath)) logging.warning('$enginePath is not a valid directory'); if (!isDebug && !isRelease) isDebug = true; if (isDebug) { configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.debug, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.android, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['android-debug-build-path'], deviceId: globalResults['android-device-id'] )); configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.debug, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: hostPlatformAsTarget, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['host-debug-build-path'], testable: true )); if (Platform.isMacOS) { configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.debug, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.iOS, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['ios-debug-build-path'] )); configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.debug, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.iOSSimulator, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['ios-sim-debug-build-path'] )); } } if (isRelease) { configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.release, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.android, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['android-release-build-path'], deviceId: globalResults['android-device-id'] )); configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.release, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: hostPlatformAsTarget, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['host-release-build-path'], testable: true )); if (Platform.isMacOS) { configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.release, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.iOS, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['ios-release-build-path'] )); configs.add(new BuildConfiguration.local( type: BuildType.release, hostPlatform: hostPlatform, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.iOSSimulator, enginePath: enginePath, buildPath: globalResults['ios-sim-release-build-path'] )); } } } return configs; } }