// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';

import 'framework.dart';

/// A mixin for a [RenderObjectWidget] that configures a [RenderObject]
/// subclass, which organizes its children in different slots.
/// Implementers of this mixin have to provide the list of available slots by
/// overriding [slots]. The list of slots must never change for a given class
/// implementing this mixin. In the common case, [Enum] values are used as slots
/// and [slots] is typically implemented to return the value of the enum's
/// `values` getter.
/// Furthermore, [childForSlot] must be implemented to return the current
/// widget configuration for a given slot.
/// The [RenderObject] returned by [createRenderObject] and updated by
/// [updateRenderObject] must implement the [SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin].
/// The type parameter `S` is the type for the slots to be used by this
/// [RenderObjectWidget] and the [RenderObject] it configures. In the typical
/// case, `S` is an [Enum] type.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example uses the [SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin] in
/// combination with the [SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin] to implement a
/// widget that provides two slots: topLeft and bottomRight. The widget arranges
/// the children in those slots diagonally.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/slotted_render_object_widget/slotted_multi_child_render_object_widget_mixin.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
///   * [MultiChildRenderObjectWidget], which configures a [RenderObject]
///     with a single list of children.
///   * [ListTile], which uses [SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin] in its
///     internal (private) implementation.
mixin SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin<S> on RenderObjectWidget {
  /// Returns a list of all available slots.
  /// The list of slots must be static and must never change for a given class
  /// implementing this mixin.
  /// Typically, an [Enum] is used to identify the different slots. In that case
  /// this getter can be implemented by returning what the `values` getter
  /// of the enum used returns.
  Iterable<S> get slots;

  /// Returns the widget that is currently occupying the provided `slot`.
  /// The [RenderObject] configured by this class will be configured to have
  /// the [RenderObject] produced by the returned [Widget] in the provided
  /// `slot`.
  Widget? childForSlot(S slot);

  SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin<S> createRenderObject(BuildContext context);

  void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin<S> renderObject);

  SlottedRenderObjectElement<S> createElement() => SlottedRenderObjectElement<S>(this);

/// Mixin for a [RenderBox] configured by a [SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin].
/// The [RenderBox] child currently occupying a given slot can be obtained by
/// calling [childForSlot].
/// Implementers may consider overriding [children] to return the children
/// of this render object in a consistent order (e.g. hit test order).
/// The type parameter `S` is the type for the slots to be used by this
/// [RenderObject] and the [SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin] it was
/// configured by. In the typical case, `S` is an [Enum] type.
/// See [SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin] for example code showcasing
/// how this mixin is used in combination with the
/// [SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin].
/// See also:
///  * [ContainerRenderObjectMixin], which organizes its children in a single
///    list.
mixin SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin<S> on RenderBox {
  /// Returns the [RenderBox] child that is currently occupying the provided
  /// `slot`.
  /// Returns null if no [RenderBox] is configured for the given slot.
  RenderBox? childForSlot(S slot) => _slotToChild[slot];

  /// Returns an [Iterable] of all non-null children.
  /// This getter is used by the default implementation of [attach], [detach],
  /// [redepthChildren], [visitChildren], and [debugDescribeChildren] to iterate
  /// over the children of this [RenderBox]. The base implementation makes no
  /// guarantee about the order in which the children are returned. Subclasses,
  /// for which the child order is important should override this getter and
  /// return the children in the desired order.
  Iterable<RenderBox> get children => _slotToChild.values;

  /// Returns the debug name for a given `slot`.
  /// This method is called by [debugDescribeChildren] for each slot that is
  /// currently occupied by a child to obtain a name for that slot for debug
  /// outputs.
  /// The default implementation calls [EnumName.name] on `slot` it it is an
  /// [Enum] value and `toString` if it is not.
  String debugNameForSlot(S slot) {
    if (slot is Enum) {
      return slot.name;
    return slot.toString();

  void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
    for (final RenderBox child in children) {

  void detach() {
    for (final RenderBox child in children) {

  void redepthChildren() {

  void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) {

  List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() {
    final List<DiagnosticsNode> value = <DiagnosticsNode>[];
    final Map<RenderBox, S> childToSlot = Map<RenderBox, S>.fromIterables(
    for (final RenderBox child in children) {
      _addDiagnostics(child, value, debugNameForSlot(childToSlot[child] as S));
    return value;

  void _addDiagnostics(RenderBox child, List<DiagnosticsNode> value, String name) {
    value.add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: name));

  final Map<S, RenderBox> _slotToChild = <S, RenderBox>{};

  void _setChild(RenderBox? child, S slot) {
    final RenderBox? oldChild = _slotToChild[slot];
    if (oldChild != null) {
    if (child != null) {
      _slotToChild[slot] = child;

  void _moveChild(RenderBox child, S slot, S oldSlot) {
    assert(slot != oldSlot);
    final RenderBox? oldChild = _slotToChild[oldSlot];
    if (oldChild == child) {
      _setChild(null, oldSlot);
    _setChild(child, slot);

/// Element used by the [SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin].
class SlottedRenderObjectElement<S> extends RenderObjectElement {
  /// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
  SlottedRenderObjectElement(SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin<S> super.widget);

  Map<S, Element> _slotToChild = <S, Element>{};
  Map<Key, Element> _keyedChildren = <Key, Element>{};

  SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin<S> get renderObject => super.renderObject as SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin<S>;

  void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {

  void forgetChild(Element child) {
    assert(child.slot is S);

  void mount(Element? parent, Object? newSlot) {
    super.mount(parent, newSlot);

  void update(SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin<S> newWidget) {
    assert(widget == newWidget);

  List<S>? _debugPreviousSlots;

  void _updateChildren() {
    final SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin<S> slottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin = widget as SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin<S>;
    assert(() {
      _debugPreviousSlots ??= slottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.slots.toList();
      return listEquals(_debugPreviousSlots, slottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.slots.toList());
    }(), '${widget.runtimeType}.slots must not change.');
    assert(slottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.slots.toSet().length == slottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.slots.length, 'slots must be unique');

    final Map<Key, Element> oldKeyedElements = _keyedChildren;
    _keyedChildren = <Key, Element>{};
    final Map<S, Element> oldSlotToChild = _slotToChild;
    _slotToChild = <S, Element>{};

    Map<Key, List<Element>>? debugDuplicateKeys;

    for (final S slot in slottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.slots) {
      final Widget? widget = slottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.childForSlot(slot);
      final Key? newWidgetKey = widget?.key;

      final Element? oldSlotChild = oldSlotToChild[slot];
      final Element? oldKeyChild = oldKeyedElements[newWidgetKey];

      // Try to find the slot for the correct Element that `widget` should update.
      // If key matching fails, resort to `oldSlotChild` from the same slot.
      final Element? fromElement;
      if (oldKeyChild != null) {
        fromElement = oldSlotToChild.remove(oldKeyChild.slot as S);
      } else if (oldSlotChild?.widget.key == null) {
        fromElement = oldSlotToChild.remove(slot);
      } else {
        // The only case we can't use `oldSlotChild` is when its widget has a key.
        assert(oldSlotChild!.widget.key != newWidgetKey);
        fromElement = null;
      final Element? newChild = updateChild(fromElement, widget, slot);

      if (newChild != null) {
        _slotToChild[slot] = newChild;

        if (newWidgetKey != null) {
          assert(() {
            final Element? existingElement = _keyedChildren[newWidgetKey];
            if (existingElement != null) {
              (debugDuplicateKeys ??= <Key, List<Element>>{})
                .putIfAbsent(newWidgetKey, () => <Element>[existingElement])
            return true;
          _keyedChildren[newWidgetKey] = newChild;
    assert(_keyedChildren.values.every(_slotToChild.values.contains), '_keyedChildren ${_keyedChildren.values} should be a subset of ${_slotToChild.values}');

  bool _debugDuplicateKeys(Map<Key, List<Element>>? debugDuplicateKeys) {
    if (debugDuplicateKeys == null) {
      return true;
    for (final MapEntry<Key, List<Element>> duplicateKey in debugDuplicateKeys.entries) {
      throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
        ErrorSummary('Multiple widgets used the same key in ${widget.runtimeType}.'),
          'The key ${duplicateKey.key} was used by multiple widgets. The offending widgets were:\n'
        for (final Element element in duplicateKey.value) ErrorDescription('  - $element\n'),
          'A key can only be specified on one widget at a time in the same parent widget.',
    return true;

  void insertRenderObjectChild(RenderBox child, S slot) {
    renderObject._setChild(child, slot);
    assert(renderObject._slotToChild[slot] == child);

  void removeRenderObjectChild(RenderBox child, S slot) {
    if (renderObject._slotToChild[slot] == child) {
      renderObject._setChild(null, slot);
      assert(renderObject._slotToChild[slot] == null);

  void moveRenderObjectChild(RenderBox child, S oldSlot, S newSlot) {
    renderObject._moveChild(child, newSlot, oldSlot);