// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:convert';

import 'message.dart';

/// A Flutter Driver command that waits until a given [condition] is satisfied.
class WaitForCondition extends Command {
  /// Creates a command that waits for the given [condition] is met.
  /// The [condition] argument must not be null.
  const WaitForCondition(this.condition, {Duration timeout})
      : assert(condition != null),
        super(timeout: timeout);

  /// Deserializes this command from the value generated by [serialize].
  /// The [json] argument cannot be null.
  WaitForCondition.deserialize(Map<String, String> json)
      : assert(json != null),
        condition = _deserialize(json),

  /// The condition that this command shall wait for.
  final SerializableWaitCondition condition;

  Map<String, String> serialize() => super.serialize()..addAll(condition.serialize());

  String get kind => 'waitForCondition';

/// A Flutter Driver command that waits until there are no more transient callbacks in the queue.
/// This command has been deprecated in favor of [WaitForCondition]. Construct
/// a command that waits until no transient callbacks as follows:
/// ```dart
/// WaitForCondition noTransientCallbacks = WaitForCondition(NoTransientCallbacks());
/// ```
@Deprecated('This command has been deprecated in favor of WaitForCondition. '
            'Use WaitForCondition command with NoTransientCallbacks.')
class WaitUntilNoTransientCallbacks extends Command {
  /// Creates a command that waits for there to be no transient callbacks.
  const WaitUntilNoTransientCallbacks({ Duration timeout }) : super(timeout: timeout);

  /// Deserializes this command from the value generated by [serialize].
  WaitUntilNoTransientCallbacks.deserialize(Map<String, String> json)
      : super.deserialize(json);

  String get kind => 'waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks';

/// A Flutter Driver command that waits until the frame is synced.
/// This command has been deprecated in favor of [WaitForCondition]. Construct
/// a command that waits until no pending frame as follows:
/// ```dart
/// WaitForCondition noPendingFrame = WaitForCondition(NoPendingFrame());
/// ```
@Deprecated('This command has been deprecated in favor of WaitForCondition. '
            'Use WaitForCondition command with NoPendingFrame.')
class WaitUntilNoPendingFrame extends Command {
  /// Creates a command that waits until there's no pending frame scheduled.
  const WaitUntilNoPendingFrame({ Duration timeout }) : super(timeout: timeout);

  /// Deserializes this command from the value generated by [serialize].
  WaitUntilNoPendingFrame.deserialize(Map<String, String> json)
      : super.deserialize(json);

  String get kind => 'waitUntilNoPendingFrame';

/// A Flutter Driver command that waits until the Flutter engine rasterizes the
/// first frame.
/// {@template flutter.frame_rasterized_vs_presented}
/// Usually, the time that a frame is rasterized is very close to the time that
/// it gets presented on the display. Specifically, rasterization is the last
/// expensive phase of a frame that's still in Flutter's control.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// This command has been deprecated in favor of [WaitForCondition]. Construct
/// a command that waits until no pending frame as follows:
/// ```dart
/// WaitForCondition firstFrameRasterized = WaitForCondition(FirstFrameRasterized());
/// ```
@Deprecated('This command has been deprecated in favor of WaitForCondition. '
            'Use WaitForCondition command with FirstFrameRasterized.')
class WaitUntilFirstFrameRasterized extends Command {
  /// Creates this command.
  const WaitUntilFirstFrameRasterized({ Duration timeout }) : super(timeout: timeout);

  /// Deserializes this command from the value generated by [serialize].
  WaitUntilFirstFrameRasterized.deserialize(Map<String, String> json)
      : super.deserialize(json);

  String get kind => 'waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized';

/// Thrown to indicate a serialization error.
class SerializationException implements Exception {
  /// Creates a [SerializationException] with an optional error message.
  const SerializationException([this.message]);

  /// The error message, possibly null.
  final String message;

  String toString() => 'SerializationException($message)';

/// Base class for Flutter Driver wait conditions, objects that describe conditions
/// the driver can wait for.
/// This class is sent from the driver script running on the host to the driver
/// extension on device to perform waiting on a given condition. In the extension,
/// it will be converted to a [WaitCondition] that actually defines the wait logic.
/// If you subclass this, you also need to implement a [WaitCondition] in the extension.
abstract class SerializableWaitCondition {
  /// A const constructor to allow subclasses to be const.
  const SerializableWaitCondition();

  /// Identifies the name of the wait condition.
  String get conditionName;

  /// Serializes the object to JSON.
  Map<String, String> serialize() {
    return <String, String>{
      'conditionName': conditionName

/// A condition that waits until no transient callbacks are scheduled.
class NoTransientCallbacks extends SerializableWaitCondition {
  /// Creates a [NoTransientCallbacks] condition.
  const NoTransientCallbacks();

  /// Factory constructor to parse a [NoTransientCallbacks] instance from the
  /// given JSON map.
  /// The [json] argument must not be null.
  factory NoTransientCallbacks.deserialize(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    assert(json != null);
    if (json['conditionName'] != 'NoTransientCallbacksCondition')
      throw SerializationException('Error occurred during deserializing the NoTransientCallbacksCondition JSON string: $json');
    return const NoTransientCallbacks();

  String get conditionName => 'NoTransientCallbacksCondition';

/// A condition that waits until no pending frame is scheduled.
class NoPendingFrame extends SerializableWaitCondition {
  /// Creates a [NoPendingFrame] condition.
  const NoPendingFrame();

  /// Factory constructor to parse a [NoPendingFrame] instance from the given
  /// JSON map.
  /// The [json] argument must not be null.
  factory NoPendingFrame.deserialize(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    assert(json != null);
    if (json['conditionName'] != 'NoPendingFrameCondition')
      throw SerializationException('Error occurred during deserializing the NoPendingFrameCondition JSON string: $json');
    return const NoPendingFrame();

  String get conditionName => 'NoPendingFrameCondition';

/// A condition that waits until the Flutter engine has rasterized the first frame.
class FirstFrameRasterized extends SerializableWaitCondition {
  /// Creates a [FirstFrameRasterized] condition.
  const FirstFrameRasterized();

  /// Factory constructor to parse a [FirstFrameRasterized] instance from the
  /// given JSON map.
  /// The [json] argument must not be null.
  factory FirstFrameRasterized.deserialize(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    assert(json != null);
    if (json['conditionName'] != 'FirstFrameRasterizedCondition')
      throw SerializationException('Error occurred during deserializing the FirstFrameRasterizedCondition JSON string: $json');
    return const FirstFrameRasterized();

  String get conditionName => 'FirstFrameRasterizedCondition';

/// A condition that waits until there are no pending platform messages.
class NoPendingPlatformMessages extends SerializableWaitCondition {
  /// Creates a [NoPendingPlatformMessages] condition.
  const NoPendingPlatformMessages();

  /// Factory constructor to parse a [NoPendingPlatformMessages] instance from the
  /// given JSON map.
  /// The [json] argument must not be null.
  factory NoPendingPlatformMessages.deserialize(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    assert(json != null);
    if (json['conditionName'] != 'NoPendingPlatformMessagesCondition')
      throw SerializationException('Error occurred during deserializing the NoPendingPlatformMessagesCondition JSON string: $json');
    return const NoPendingPlatformMessages();

  String get conditionName => 'NoPendingPlatformMessagesCondition';

/// A combined condition that waits until all the given [conditions] are met.
class CombinedCondition extends SerializableWaitCondition {
  /// Creates a [CombinedCondition] condition.
  /// The [conditions] argument must not be null.
  const CombinedCondition(this.conditions)
      : assert(conditions != null);

  /// Factory constructor to parse a [CombinedCondition] instance from the
  /// given JSON map.
  /// The [jsonMap] argument must not be null.
  factory CombinedCondition.deserialize(Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap) {
    assert(jsonMap != null);
    if (jsonMap['conditionName'] != 'CombinedCondition')
      throw SerializationException('Error occurred during deserializing the CombinedCondition JSON string: $jsonMap');
    if (jsonMap['conditions'] == null) {
      return const CombinedCondition(<SerializableWaitCondition>[]);

    final List<SerializableWaitCondition> conditions = <SerializableWaitCondition>[];
    for (Map<String, dynamic> condition in json.decode(jsonMap['conditions'])) {
    return CombinedCondition(conditions);

  /// A list of conditions it waits for.
  final List<SerializableWaitCondition> conditions;

  String get conditionName => 'CombinedCondition';

  Map<String, String> serialize() {
    final Map<String, String> jsonMap = super.serialize();
    final List<Map<String, String>> jsonConditions = conditions.map(
      (SerializableWaitCondition condition) {
        assert(condition != null);
        return condition.serialize();
    jsonMap['conditions'] = json.encode(jsonConditions);
    return jsonMap;

/// Parses a [SerializableWaitCondition] or its subclass from the given [json] map.
/// The [json] argument must not be null.
SerializableWaitCondition _deserialize(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  assert(json != null);
  final String conditionName = json['conditionName'];
  switch (conditionName) {
    case 'NoTransientCallbacksCondition':
      return NoTransientCallbacks.deserialize(json);
    case 'NoPendingFrameCondition':
      return NoPendingFrame.deserialize(json);
    case 'FirstFrameRasterizedCondition':
      return FirstFrameRasterized.deserialize(json);
    case 'NoPendingPlatformMessagesCondition':
      return NoPendingPlatformMessages.deserialize(json);
    case 'CombinedCondition':
      return CombinedCondition.deserialize(json);
  throw SerializationException(
      'Unsupported wait condition $conditionName in the JSON string $json');