// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:file/memory.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:process/process.dart'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/io.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../base/os.dart'; import '../base/platform.dart'; import '../base/process.dart'; import '../base/terminal.dart'; import '../base/utils.dart'; import '../base/version.dart'; import '../build_info.dart'; import '../reporting/reporting.dart'; final RegExp _settingExpr = RegExp(r'(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$'); final RegExp _varExpr = RegExp(r'\$\(([^)]*)\)'); /// Interpreter of Xcode projects. class XcodeProjectInterpreter { factory XcodeProjectInterpreter({ required Platform platform, required ProcessManager processManager, required Logger logger, required FileSystem fileSystem, required Usage usage, }) { return XcodeProjectInterpreter._( platform: platform, processManager: processManager, logger: logger, fileSystem: fileSystem, usage: usage, ); } XcodeProjectInterpreter._({ required Platform platform, required ProcessManager processManager, required Logger logger, required FileSystem fileSystem, required Usage usage, Version? version, }) : _platform = platform, _fileSystem = fileSystem, _logger = logger, _processUtils = ProcessUtils(logger: logger, processManager: processManager), _operatingSystemUtils = OperatingSystemUtils( fileSystem: fileSystem, logger: logger, platform: platform, processManager: processManager, ), _version = version, _versionText = version?.toString(), _usage = usage; /// Create an [XcodeProjectInterpreter] for testing. /// /// Defaults to installed with sufficient version, /// a memory file system, fake platform, buffer logger, /// test [Usage], and test [Terminal]. /// Set [version] to null to simulate Xcode not being installed. factory XcodeProjectInterpreter.test({ required ProcessManager processManager, Version? version = const Version.withText(1000, 0, 0, '1000.0.0'), }) { final Platform platform = FakePlatform( operatingSystem: 'macos', environment: {}, ); return XcodeProjectInterpreter._( fileSystem: MemoryFileSystem.test(), platform: platform, processManager: processManager, usage: TestUsage(), logger: BufferLogger.test(), version: version, ); } final Platform _platform; final FileSystem _fileSystem; final ProcessUtils _processUtils; final OperatingSystemUtils _operatingSystemUtils; final Logger _logger; final Usage _usage; static final RegExp _versionRegex = RegExp(r'Xcode ([0-9.]+)'); void _updateVersion() { if (!_platform.isMacOS || !_fileSystem.file('/usr/bin/xcodebuild').existsSync()) { return; } try { if (_versionText == null) { final RunResult result = _processUtils.runSync( [...xcrunCommand(), 'xcodebuild', '-version'], ); if (result.exitCode != 0) { return; } _versionText = result.stdout.trim().replaceAll('\n', ', '); } final Match? match = _versionRegex.firstMatch(versionText!); if (match == null) { return; } final String version = match.group(1)!; final List components = version.split('.'); final int majorVersion = int.parse(components[0]); final int minorVersion = components.length < 2 ? 0 : int.parse(components[1]); final int patchVersion = components.length < 3 ? 0 : int.parse(components[2]); _version = Version(majorVersion, minorVersion, patchVersion); } on ProcessException { // Ignored, leave values null. } } bool get isInstalled => version != null; String? _versionText; String? get versionText { if (_versionText == null) { _updateVersion(); } return _versionText; } Version? _version; Version? get version { if (_version == null) { _updateVersion(); } return _version; } /// The `xcrun` Xcode command to run or locate development /// tools and properties. /// /// Returns `xcrun` on x86 macOS. /// Returns `/usr/bin/arch -arm64e xcrun` on ARM macOS to force Xcode commands /// to run outside the x86 Rosetta translation, which may cause crashes. List xcrunCommand() { final List xcrunCommand = []; if (_operatingSystemUtils.hostPlatform == HostPlatform.darwin_arm) { // Force Xcode commands to run outside Rosetta. xcrunCommand.addAll([ '/usr/bin/arch', '-arm64e', ]); } xcrunCommand.add('xcrun'); return xcrunCommand; } /// Asynchronously retrieve xcode build settings. This one is preferred for /// new call-sites. /// /// If [scheme] is null, xcodebuild will return build settings for the first discovered /// target (by default this is Runner). Future> getBuildSettings( String projectPath, { required XcodeProjectBuildContext buildContext, Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 1), }) async { final Status status = _logger.startSpinner(); final String? scheme = buildContext.scheme; final String? configuration = buildContext.configuration; final String? deviceId = buildContext.deviceId; final List showBuildSettingsCommand = [ ...xcrunCommand(), 'xcodebuild', '-project', _fileSystem.path.absolute(projectPath), if (scheme != null) ...['-scheme', scheme], if (configuration != null) ...['-configuration', configuration], if (buildContext.environmentType == EnvironmentType.simulator) ...['-sdk', 'iphonesimulator'], '-destination', if (deviceId != null) 'id=$deviceId' else if (buildContext.environmentType == EnvironmentType.physical) 'generic/platform=iOS' else 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator', '-showBuildSettings', 'BUILD_DIR=${_fileSystem.path.absolute(getIosBuildDirectory())}', ...environmentVariablesAsXcodeBuildSettings(_platform) ]; try { // showBuildSettings is reported to occasionally timeout. Here, we give it // a lot of wiggle room (locally on Flutter Gallery, this takes ~1s). // When there is a timeout, we retry once. final RunResult result = await _processUtils.run( showBuildSettingsCommand, throwOnError: true, workingDirectory: projectPath, timeout: timeout, timeoutRetries: 1, ); final String out = result.stdout.trim(); return parseXcodeBuildSettings(out); } on Exception catch (error) { if (error is ProcessException && error.toString().contains('timed out')) { BuildEvent('xcode-show-build-settings-timeout', type: 'ios', command: showBuildSettingsCommand.join(' '), flutterUsage: _usage, ).send(); } _logger.printTrace('Unexpected failure to get Xcode build settings: $error.'); return const {}; } finally { status.stop(); } } /// Asynchronously retrieve xcode build settings for the generated Pods.xcodeproj plugins project. /// /// Returns the stdout of the Xcode command. Future pluginsBuildSettingsOutput( Directory podXcodeProject, { Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 1), }) async { if (!podXcodeProject.existsSync()) { // No plugins. return null; } final Status status = _logger.startSpinner(); final String buildDirectory = _fileSystem.path.absolute(getIosBuildDirectory()); final List showBuildSettingsCommand = [ ...xcrunCommand(), 'xcodebuild', '-alltargets', '-sdk', 'iphonesimulator', '-project', podXcodeProject.path, '-showBuildSettings', 'BUILD_DIR=$buildDirectory', 'OBJROOT=$buildDirectory', ]; try { // showBuildSettings is reported to occasionally timeout. Here, we give it // a lot of wiggle room (locally on Flutter Gallery, this takes ~1s). // When there is a timeout, we retry once. final RunResult result = await _processUtils.run( showBuildSettingsCommand, throwOnError: true, workingDirectory: podXcodeProject.path, timeout: timeout, timeoutRetries: 1, ); // Return the stdout only. Do not parse with parseXcodeBuildSettings, `-alltargets` prints the build settings // for all targets (one per plugin), so it would require a Map of Maps. return result.stdout.trim(); } on Exception catch (error) { if (error is ProcessException && error.toString().contains('timed out')) { BuildEvent('xcode-show-build-settings-timeout', type: 'ios', command: showBuildSettingsCommand.join(' '), flutterUsage: _usage, ).send(); } _logger.printTrace('Unexpected failure to get Pod Xcode project build settings: $error.'); return null; } finally { status.stop(); } } Future cleanWorkspace(String workspacePath, String scheme, { bool verbose = false }) async { await _processUtils.run([ ...xcrunCommand(), 'xcodebuild', '-workspace', workspacePath, '-scheme', scheme, if (!verbose) '-quiet', 'clean', ...environmentVariablesAsXcodeBuildSettings(_platform) ], workingDirectory: _fileSystem.currentDirectory.path); } Future getInfo(String projectPath, {String? projectFilename}) async { // The exit code returned by 'xcodebuild -list' when either: // * -project is passed and the given project isn't there, or // * no -project is passed and there isn't a project. const int missingProjectExitCode = 66; // The exit code returned by 'xcodebuild -list' when the project is corrupted. const int corruptedProjectExitCode = 74; bool _allowedFailures(int c) => c == missingProjectExitCode || c == corruptedProjectExitCode; final RunResult result = await _processUtils.run( [ ...xcrunCommand(), 'xcodebuild', '-list', if (projectFilename != null) ...['-project', projectFilename], ], throwOnError: true, allowedFailures: _allowedFailures, workingDirectory: projectPath, ); if (_allowedFailures(result.exitCode)) { // User configuration error, tool exit instead of crashing. throwToolExit('Unable to get Xcode project information:\n ${result.stderr}'); } return XcodeProjectInfo.fromXcodeBuildOutput(result.toString(), _logger); } } /// Environment variables prefixed by FLUTTER_XCODE_ will be passed as build configurations to xcodebuild. /// This allows developers to pass arbitrary build settings in without the tool needing to make a flag /// for or be aware of each one. This could be used to set code signing build settings in a CI /// environment without requiring settings changes in the Xcode project. List environmentVariablesAsXcodeBuildSettings(Platform platform) { const String xcodeBuildSettingPrefix = 'FLUTTER_XCODE_'; return platform.environment.entries.where((MapEntry mapEntry) { return mapEntry.key.startsWith(xcodeBuildSettingPrefix); }).expand((MapEntry mapEntry) { // Remove FLUTTER_XCODE_ prefix from the environment variable to get the build setting. final String trimmedBuildSettingKey = mapEntry.key.substring(xcodeBuildSettingPrefix.length); return ['$trimmedBuildSettingKey=${mapEntry.value}']; }).toList(); } Map parseXcodeBuildSettings(String showBuildSettingsOutput) { final Map settings = {}; for (final Match? match in showBuildSettingsOutput.split('\n').map(_settingExpr.firstMatch)) { if (match != null) { settings[match[1]!] = match[2]!; } } return settings; } /// Substitutes variables in [str] with their values from the specified Xcode /// project and target. String substituteXcodeVariables(String str, Map xcodeBuildSettings) { final Iterable matches = _varExpr.allMatches(str); if (matches.isEmpty) { return str; } return str.replaceAllMapped(_varExpr, (Match m) => xcodeBuildSettings[m[1]!] ?? m[0]!); } @immutable class XcodeProjectBuildContext { const XcodeProjectBuildContext({ this.scheme, this.configuration, this.environmentType = EnvironmentType.physical, this.deviceId, }); final String? scheme; final String? configuration; final EnvironmentType environmentType; final String? deviceId; @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(scheme, configuration, environmentType, deviceId); @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (identical(other, this)) { return true; } return other is XcodeProjectBuildContext && other.scheme == scheme && other.configuration == configuration && other.deviceId == deviceId && other.environmentType == environmentType; } } /// Information about an Xcode project. /// /// Represents the output of `xcodebuild -list`. class XcodeProjectInfo { const XcodeProjectInfo( this.targets, this.buildConfigurations, this.schemes, Logger logger ) : _logger = logger; factory XcodeProjectInfo.fromXcodeBuildOutput(String output, Logger logger) { final List targets = []; final List buildConfigurations = []; final List schemes = []; List? collector; for (final String line in output.split('\n')) { if (line.isEmpty) { collector = null; continue; } else if (line.endsWith('Targets:')) { collector = targets; continue; } else if (line.endsWith('Build Configurations:')) { collector = buildConfigurations; continue; } else if (line.endsWith('Schemes:')) { collector = schemes; continue; } collector?.add(line.trim()); } if (schemes.isEmpty) { schemes.add('Runner'); } return XcodeProjectInfo(targets, buildConfigurations, schemes, logger); } final List targets; final List buildConfigurations; final List schemes; final Logger _logger; bool get definesCustomSchemes => !(schemes.contains('Runner') && schemes.length == 1); /// The expected scheme for [buildInfo]. @visibleForTesting static String expectedSchemeFor(BuildInfo? buildInfo) { return sentenceCase(buildInfo?.flavor ?? 'runner'); } /// The expected build configuration for [buildInfo] and [scheme]. static String expectedBuildConfigurationFor(BuildInfo buildInfo, String scheme) { final String baseConfiguration = _baseConfigurationFor(buildInfo); if (buildInfo.flavor == null) { return baseConfiguration; } return '$baseConfiguration-$scheme'; } /// Checks whether the [buildConfigurations] contains the specified string, without /// regard to case. bool hasBuildConfigurationForBuildMode(String buildMode) { buildMode = buildMode.toLowerCase(); for (final String name in buildConfigurations) { if (name.toLowerCase() == buildMode) { return true; } } return false; } /// Returns unique scheme matching [buildInfo], or null, if there is no unique /// best match. String? schemeFor(BuildInfo? buildInfo) { final String expectedScheme = expectedSchemeFor(buildInfo); if (schemes.contains(expectedScheme)) { return expectedScheme; } return _uniqueMatch(schemes, (String candidate) { return candidate.toLowerCase() == expectedScheme.toLowerCase(); }); } Never reportFlavorNotFoundAndExit() { _logger.printError(''); if (definesCustomSchemes) { _logger.printError('The Xcode project defines schemes: ${schemes.join(', ')}'); throwToolExit('You must specify a --flavor option to select one of the available schemes.'); } else { throwToolExit('The Xcode project does not define custom schemes. You cannot use the --flavor option.'); } } /// Returns unique build configuration matching [buildInfo] and [scheme], or /// null, if there is no unique best match. String? buildConfigurationFor(BuildInfo? buildInfo, String scheme) { if (buildInfo == null) { return null; } final String expectedConfiguration = expectedBuildConfigurationFor(buildInfo, scheme); if (hasBuildConfigurationForBuildMode(expectedConfiguration)) { return expectedConfiguration; } final String baseConfiguration = _baseConfigurationFor(buildInfo); return _uniqueMatch(buildConfigurations, (String candidate) { candidate = candidate.toLowerCase(); if (buildInfo.flavor == null) { return candidate == expectedConfiguration.toLowerCase(); } return candidate.contains(baseConfiguration.toLowerCase()) && candidate.contains(scheme.toLowerCase()); }); } static String _baseConfigurationFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) { if (buildInfo.isDebug) { return 'Debug'; } if (buildInfo.isProfile) { return 'Profile'; } return 'Release'; } static String? _uniqueMatch(Iterable strings, bool Function(String s) matches) { final List options = strings.where(matches).toList(); if (options.length == 1) { return options.first; } return null; } @override String toString() { return 'XcodeProjectInfo($targets, $buildConfigurations, $schemes)'; } }