// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/context.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/io.dart'; import '../base/platform.dart'; import '../base/process_manager.dart'; import '../base/version.dart'; import '../globals.dart'; import '../ios/ios_workflow.dart'; import '../ios/plist_utils.dart' as plist; AndroidStudio get androidStudio => context.get<AndroidStudio>(); // Android Studio layout: // Linux/Windows: // $HOME/.AndroidStudioX.Y/system/.home // macOS: // /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/ // $HOME/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/ final RegExp _dotHomeStudioVersionMatcher = RegExp(r'^\.(AndroidStudio[^\d]*)([\d.]+)'); String get javaPath => androidStudio?.javaPath; class AndroidStudio implements Comparable<AndroidStudio> { AndroidStudio( this.directory, { Version version, this.configured, this.studioAppName = 'AndroidStudio', this.presetPluginsPath, }) : version = version ?? Version.unknown { _init(); } factory AndroidStudio.fromMacOSBundle(String bundlePath) { String studioPath = fs.path.join(bundlePath, 'Contents'); String plistFile = fs.path.join(studioPath, 'Info.plist'); String plistValue = iosWorkflow.getPlistValueFromFile( plistFile, null, ); final RegExp _pathsSelectorMatcher = RegExp(r'"idea.paths.selector" = "[^;]+"'); final RegExp _jetBrainsToolboxAppMatcher = RegExp(r'JetBrainsToolboxApp = "[^;]+"'); // As AndroidStudio managed by JetBrainsToolbox could have a wrapper pointing to the real Android Studio. // Check if we've found a JetBrainsToolbox wrapper and deal with it properly. final String jetBrainsToolboxAppBundlePath = extractStudioPlistValueWithMatcher(plistValue, _jetBrainsToolboxAppMatcher); if (jetBrainsToolboxAppBundlePath != null) { studioPath = fs.path.join(jetBrainsToolboxAppBundlePath, 'Contents'); plistFile = fs.path.join(studioPath, 'Info.plist'); plistValue = iosWorkflow.getPlistValueFromFile( plistFile, null, ); } final String versionString = iosWorkflow.getPlistValueFromFile( plistFile, plist.kCFBundleShortVersionStringKey, ); Version version; if (versionString != null) version = Version.parse(versionString); final String pathsSelectorValue = extractStudioPlistValueWithMatcher(plistValue, _pathsSelectorMatcher); final String presetPluginsPath = pathsSelectorValue == null ? null : fs.path.join(homeDirPath, 'Library', 'Application Support', '$pathsSelectorValue'); return AndroidStudio(studioPath, version: version, presetPluginsPath: presetPluginsPath); } factory AndroidStudio.fromHomeDot(Directory homeDotDir) { final Match versionMatch = _dotHomeStudioVersionMatcher.firstMatch(homeDotDir.basename); if (versionMatch?.groupCount != 2) { return null; } final Version version = Version.parse(versionMatch[2]); final String studioAppName = versionMatch[1]; if (studioAppName == null || version == null) { return null; } String installPath; try { installPath = fs .file(fs.path.join(homeDotDir.path, 'system', '.home')) .readAsStringSync(); } catch (e) { // ignored, installPath will be null, which is handled below } if (installPath != null && fs.isDirectorySync(installPath)) { return AndroidStudio( installPath, version: version, studioAppName: studioAppName, ); } return null; } final String directory; final String studioAppName; final Version version; final String configured; final String presetPluginsPath; String _javaPath; bool _isValid = false; final List<String> _validationMessages = <String>[]; String get javaPath => _javaPath; bool get isValid => _isValid; String get pluginsPath { if (presetPluginsPath != null) { return presetPluginsPath; } final int major = version?.major; final int minor = version?.minor; if (platform.isMacOS) { return fs.path.join( homeDirPath, 'Library', 'Application Support', 'AndroidStudio$major.$minor'); } else { return fs.path.join(homeDirPath, '.$studioAppName$major.$minor', 'config', 'plugins'); } } List<String> get validationMessages => _validationMessages; @override int compareTo(AndroidStudio other) { final int result = version.compareTo(other.version); if (result == 0) return directory.compareTo(other.directory); return result; } /// Locates the newest, valid version of Android Studio. static AndroidStudio latestValid() { final String configuredStudio = config.getValue('android-studio-dir'); if (configuredStudio != null) { String configuredStudioPath = configuredStudio; if (platform.isMacOS && !configuredStudioPath.endsWith('Contents')) configuredStudioPath = fs.path.join(configuredStudioPath, 'Contents'); return AndroidStudio(configuredStudioPath, configured: configuredStudio); } // Find all available Studio installations. final List<AndroidStudio> studios = allInstalled(); if (studios.isEmpty) { return null; } studios.sort(); return studios.lastWhere((AndroidStudio s) => s.isValid, orElse: () => null); } static List<AndroidStudio> allInstalled() => platform.isMacOS ? _allMacOS() : _allLinuxOrWindows(); static List<AndroidStudio> _allMacOS() { final List<FileSystemEntity> candidatePaths = <FileSystemEntity>[]; void _checkForStudio(String path) { if (!fs.isDirectorySync(path)) return; try { final Iterable<Directory> directories = fs .directory(path) .listSync(followLinks: false) .whereType<Directory>(); for (Directory directory in directories) { final String name = directory.basename; // An exact match, or something like 'Android Studio 3.0 Preview.app'. if (name.startsWith('Android Studio') && name.endsWith('.app')) { candidatePaths.add(directory); } else if (!directory.path.endsWith('.app')) { _checkForStudio(directory.path); } } } catch (e) { printTrace('Exception while looking for Android Studio: $e'); } } _checkForStudio('/Applications'); _checkForStudio(fs.path.join(homeDirPath, 'Applications')); final String configuredStudioDir = config.getValue('android-studio-dir'); if (configuredStudioDir != null) { FileSystemEntity configuredStudio = fs.file(configuredStudioDir); if (configuredStudio.basename == 'Contents') { configuredStudio = configuredStudio.parent; } if (!candidatePaths .any((FileSystemEntity e) => e.path == configuredStudio.path)) { candidatePaths.add(configuredStudio); } } return candidatePaths .map<AndroidStudio>((FileSystemEntity e) => AndroidStudio.fromMacOSBundle(e.path)) .where((AndroidStudio s) => s != null) .toList(); } static List<AndroidStudio> _allLinuxOrWindows() { final List<AndroidStudio> studios = <AndroidStudio>[]; bool _hasStudioAt(String path, { Version newerThan }) { return studios.any((AndroidStudio studio) { if (studio.directory != path) return false; if (newerThan != null) { return studio.version.compareTo(newerThan) >= 0; } return true; }); } // Read all $HOME/.AndroidStudio*/system/.home files. There may be several // pointing to the same installation, so we grab only the latest one. if (fs.directory(homeDirPath).existsSync()) { for (FileSystemEntity entity in fs.directory(homeDirPath).listSync(followLinks: false)) { if (entity is Directory && entity.basename.startsWith('.AndroidStudio')) { final AndroidStudio studio = AndroidStudio.fromHomeDot(entity); if (studio != null && !_hasStudioAt(studio.directory, newerThan: studio.version)) { studios.removeWhere((AndroidStudio other) => other.directory == studio.directory); studios.add(studio); } } } } final String configuredStudioDir = config.getValue('android-studio-dir'); if (configuredStudioDir != null && !_hasStudioAt(configuredStudioDir)) { studios.add(AndroidStudio(configuredStudioDir, configured: configuredStudioDir)); } if (platform.isLinux) { void _checkWellKnownPath(String path) { if (fs.isDirectorySync(path) && !_hasStudioAt(path)) { studios.add(AndroidStudio(path)); } } // Add /opt/android-studio and $HOME/android-studio, if they exist. _checkWellKnownPath('/opt/android-studio'); _checkWellKnownPath('$homeDirPath/android-studio'); } return studios; } static String extractStudioPlistValueWithMatcher(String plistValue, RegExp keyMatcher) { if (plistValue == null || keyMatcher == null) { return null; } return keyMatcher?.stringMatch(plistValue)?.split('=')?.last?.trim()?.replaceAll('"', ''); } void _init() { _isValid = false; _validationMessages.clear(); if (configured != null) { _validationMessages.add('android-studio-dir = $configured'); } if (!fs.isDirectorySync(directory)) { _validationMessages.add('Android Studio not found at $directory'); return; } final String javaPath = platform.isMacOS ? fs.path.join(directory, 'jre', 'jdk', 'Contents', 'Home') : fs.path.join(directory, 'jre'); final String javaExecutable = fs.path.join(javaPath, 'bin', 'java'); if (!processManager.canRun(javaExecutable)) { _validationMessages.add('Unable to find bundled Java version.'); } else { final ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(<String>[javaExecutable, '-version']); if (result.exitCode == 0) { final List<String> versionLines = result.stderr.split('\n'); final String javaVersion = versionLines.length >= 2 ? versionLines[1] : versionLines[0]; _validationMessages.add('Java version $javaVersion'); _javaPath = javaPath; _isValid = true; } else { _validationMessages.add('Unable to determine bundled Java version.'); } } } @override String toString() => 'Android Studio ($version)'; }