// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
import 'typography.dart';
/// Material design text theme.
/// Definitions for the various typographical styles found in Material Design
/// (e.g., labelLarge, bodySmall). Rather than creating a [TextTheme] directly,
/// you can obtain an instance as [Typography.black] or [Typography.white].
/// To obtain the current text theme, call [Theme.of] with the current
/// [BuildContext] and read the [ThemeData.textTheme] property.
/// The names of the TextTheme properties match this table from the
/// [Material Design spec](https://m3.material.io/styles/typography/tokens).
/// The Material Design typography scheme was significantly changed in the
/// current (2021) version of the specification
/// ([https://m3.material.io/styles/typography/tokens](https://m3.material.io/styles/typography/tokens)).
/// The names of the 2018 TextTheme properties match this table from the
/// [Material Design spec](https://material.io/design/typography/the-type-system.html#type-scale)
/// with two exceptions: the styles called H1-H6 in the spec are
/// headline1-headline6 in the API, and body1,body2 are called
/// bodyText1 and bodyText2.
/// The 2018 spec has thirteen text styles:
/// |------------|------|---------|----------|-------------|
/// | headline1 | 96.0 | light | -1.5 | |
/// | headline2 | 60.0 | light | -0.5 | |
/// | headline3 | 48.0 | regular | 0.0 | |
/// | headline4 | 34.0 | regular | 0.25 | |
/// | headline5 | 24.0 | regular | 0.0 | |
/// | headline6 | 20.0 | medium | 0.15 | |
/// | subtitle1 | 16.0 | regular | 0.15 | |
/// | subtitle2 | 14.0 | medium | 0.1 | |
/// | body1 | 16.0 | regular | 0.5 | (bodyText1) |
/// | body2 | 14.0 | regular | 0.25 | (bodyText2) |
/// | button | 14.0 | medium | 1.25 | |
/// | caption | 12.0 | regular | 0.4 | |
/// | overline | 10.0 | regular | 1.5 | |
/// ...where "light" is `FontWeight.w300`, "regular" is `FontWeight.w400` and
/// "medium" is `FontWeight.w500`.
/// By default, text styles are initialized to match the 2018 Material Design
/// specification as listed above. To provide backwards compatibility, the 2014
/// specification is also available.
/// To explicitly configure a [Theme] for the 2018 sizes, weights, and letter
/// spacings, you can initialize its [ThemeData.typography] value using
/// [Typography.material2018]. The [Typography] constructor defaults to this
/// configuration. To configure a [Theme] for the 2014 sizes, weights, and letter
/// spacings, initialize its [ThemeData.typography] value using
/// [Typography.material2014].
/// See also:
/// * [Typography], the class that generates [TextTheme]s appropriate for a platform.
/// * [Theme], for other aspects of a Material Design application that can be
/// globally adjusted, such as the color scheme.
/// *
class TextTheme with Diagnosticable {
/// Creates a text theme that uses the given values.
/// Rather than creating a new text theme, consider using [Typography.black]
/// or [Typography.white], which implement the typography styles in the
/// Material Design specification:
/// If you do decide to create your own text theme, consider using one of
/// those predefined themes as a starting point for [copyWith] or [apply].
/// Please note that you can not mix and match the 2018 styles with the 2021
/// styles. Only one or the other is allowed in this constructor. The 2018
/// styles will be deprecated and removed eventually.
const TextTheme({
TextStyle? displayLarge,
TextStyle? displayMedium,
TextStyle? displaySmall,
TextStyle? headlineMedium,
TextStyle? headlineSmall,
TextStyle? titleLarge,
TextStyle? titleMedium,
TextStyle? titleSmall,
TextStyle? bodyLarge,
TextStyle? bodyMedium,
TextStyle? bodySmall,
TextStyle? labelLarge,
TextStyle? labelSmall,
'Use displayLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline1,
'Use displayMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline2,
'Use displaySmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline3,
'Use headlineMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline4,
'Use headlineSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline5,
'Use titleLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline6,
'Use titleMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? subtitle1,
'Use titleSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? subtitle2,
'Use bodyLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? bodyText1,
'Use bodyMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? bodyText2,
'Use bodySmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? caption,
'Use labelLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? button,
'Use labelSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? overline,
}) : assert(
(displayLarge == null && displayMedium == null && displaySmall == null && headlineMedium == null &&
headlineSmall == null && titleLarge == null && titleMedium == null && titleSmall == null &&
bodyLarge == null && bodyMedium == null && bodySmall == null && labelLarge == null && labelSmall == null) ||
(headline1 == null && headline2 == null && headline3 == null && headline4 == null &&
headline5 == null && headline6 == null && subtitle1 == null && subtitle2 == null &&
bodyText1 == null && bodyText2 == null && caption == null && button == null && overline == null),
'Cannot mix 2018 and 2021 terms in call to TextTheme() constructor.'
displayLarge = displayLarge ?? headline1,
displayMedium = displayMedium ?? headline2,
displaySmall = displaySmall ?? headline3,
headlineMedium = headlineMedium ?? headline4,
headlineSmall = headlineSmall ?? headline5,
titleLarge = titleLarge ?? headline6,
titleMedium = titleMedium ?? subtitle1,
titleSmall = titleSmall ?? subtitle2,
bodyLarge = bodyLarge ?? bodyText1,
bodyMedium = bodyMedium ?? bodyText2,
bodySmall = bodySmall ?? caption,
labelLarge = labelLarge ?? button,
labelSmall = labelSmall ?? overline;
/// Largest of the display styles.
/// As the largest text on the screen, display styles are reserved for short,
/// important text or numerals. They work best on large screens.
final TextStyle? displayLarge;
/// Middle size of the display styles.
/// As the largest text on the screen, display styles are reserved for short,
/// important text or numerals. They work best on large screens.
final TextStyle? displayMedium;
/// Smallest of the display styles.
/// As the largest text on the screen, display styles are reserved for short,
/// important text or numerals. They work best on large screens.
final TextStyle? displaySmall;
/// Largest of the headline styles.
/// Headline styles are smaller than display styles. They're best-suited for
/// short, high-emphasis text on smaller screens.
final TextStyle? headlineLarge;
/// Middle size of the headline styles.
/// Headline styles are smaller than display styles. They're best-suited for
/// short, high-emphasis text on smaller screens.
final TextStyle? headlineMedium;
/// Smallest of the headline styles.
/// Headline styles are smaller than display styles. They're best-suited for
/// short, high-emphasis text on smaller screens.
final TextStyle? headlineSmall;
/// Largest of the title styles.
/// Titles are smaller than headline styles and should be used for shorter,
/// medium-emphasis text.
final TextStyle? titleLarge;
/// Middle size of the title styles.
/// Titles are smaller than headline styles and should be used for shorter,
/// medium-emphasis text.
final TextStyle? titleMedium;
/// Smallest of the title styles.
/// Titles are smaller than headline styles and should be used for shorter,
/// medium-emphasis text.
final TextStyle? titleSmall;
/// Largest of the body styles.
/// Body styles are used for longer passages of text.
final TextStyle? bodyLarge;
/// Middle size of the body styles.
/// Body styles are used for longer passages of text.
/// The default text style for [Material].
final TextStyle? bodyMedium;
/// Smallest of the body styles.
/// Body styles are used for longer passages of text.
final TextStyle? bodySmall;
/// Largest of the label styles.
/// Label styles are smaller, utilitarian styles, used for areas of the UI
/// such as text inside of components or very small supporting text in the
/// content body, like captions.
/// Used for text on [ElevatedButton], [TextButton] and [OutlinedButton].
final TextStyle? labelLarge;
/// Middle size of the label styles.
/// Label styles are smaller, utilitarian styles, used for areas of the UI
/// such as text inside of components or very small supporting text in the
/// content body, like captions.
final TextStyle? labelMedium;
/// Smallest of the label styles.
/// Label styles are smaller, utilitarian styles, used for areas of the UI
/// such as text inside of components or very small supporting text in the
/// content body, like captions.
final TextStyle? labelSmall;
/// Extremely large text.
'Use displayLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get headline1 => displayLarge;
/// Very, very large text.
/// Used for the date in the dialog shown by [showDatePicker].
'Use displayMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get headline2 => displayMedium;
/// Very large text.
'Use displaySmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get headline3 => displaySmall;
/// Large text.
'Use headlineMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get headline4 => headlineMedium;
/// Used for large text in dialogs (e.g., the month and year in the dialog
/// shown by [showDatePicker]).
'Use headlineSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get headline5 => headlineSmall;
/// Used for the primary text in app bars and dialogs (e.g., [AppBar.title]
/// and [AlertDialog.title]).
'Use titleLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get headline6 => titleLarge;
/// Used for the primary text in lists (e.g., [ListTile.title]).
'Use titleMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get subtitle1 => titleMedium;
/// For medium emphasis text that's a little smaller than [titleMedium].
'Use titleSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get subtitle2 => titleSmall;
/// Used for emphasizing text that would otherwise be [bodyMedium].
'Use bodyLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get bodyText1 => bodyLarge;
/// The default text style for [Material].
'Use bodyMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get bodyText2 => bodyMedium;
/// Used for auxiliary text associated with images.
'Use bodySmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get caption => bodySmall;
/// Used for text on [ElevatedButton], [TextButton] and [OutlinedButton].
'Use labelLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get button => labelLarge;
/// The smallest style.
/// Typically used for captions or to introduce a (larger) headline.
'Use labelSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? get overline => labelSmall;
/// Creates a copy of this text theme but with the given fields replaced with
/// the new values.
/// Consider using [Typography.black] or [Typography.white], which implement
/// the typography styles in the Material Design specification, as a starting
/// point.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// /// A Widget that sets the ambient theme's title text color for its
/// /// descendants, while leaving other ambient theme attributes alone.
/// class TitleColorThemeCopy extends StatelessWidget {
/// const TitleColorThemeCopy({super.key, required this.titleColor, required this.child});
/// final Color titleColor;
/// final Widget child;
/// @override
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
/// return Theme(
/// data: theme.copyWith(
/// textTheme: theme.textTheme.copyWith(
/// titleLarge: theme.textTheme.titleLarge!.copyWith(
/// color: titleColor,
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// child: child,
/// );
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [merge] is used instead of [copyWith] when you want to merge all
/// of the fields of a TextTheme instead of individual fields.
TextTheme copyWith({
TextStyle? displayLarge,
TextStyle? displayMedium,
TextStyle? displaySmall,
TextStyle? headlineLarge,
TextStyle? headlineMedium,
TextStyle? headlineSmall,
TextStyle? titleLarge,
TextStyle? titleMedium,
TextStyle? titleSmall,
TextStyle? bodyLarge,
TextStyle? bodyMedium,
TextStyle? bodySmall,
TextStyle? labelLarge,
TextStyle? labelMedium,
TextStyle? labelSmall,
'Use displayLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline1,
'Use displayMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline2,
'Use displaySmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline3,
'Use headlineMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline4,
'Use headlineSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline5,
'Use titleLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? headline6,
'Use titleMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? subtitle1,
'Use titleSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? subtitle2,
'Use bodyLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? bodyText1,
'Use bodyMedium instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? bodyText2,
'Use bodySmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? caption,
'Use labelLarge instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? button,
'Use labelSmall instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.1.0-0.0.pre.',
TextStyle? overline,
}) {
(displayLarge == null && displayMedium == null && displaySmall == null && headlineMedium == null &&
headlineSmall == null && titleLarge == null && titleMedium == null && titleSmall == null &&
bodyLarge == null && bodyMedium == null && bodySmall == null && labelLarge == null && labelSmall == null) ||
(headline1 == null && headline2 == null && headline3 == null && headline4 == null &&
headline5 == null && headline6 == null && subtitle1 == null && subtitle2 == null &&
bodyText1 == null && bodyText2 == null && caption == null && button == null && overline == null),
'Cannot mix 2018 and 2021 terms in call to TextTheme() constructor.'
return TextTheme(
displayLarge: displayLarge ?? headline1 ?? this.displayLarge,
displayMedium: displayMedium ?? headline2 ?? this.displayMedium,
displaySmall: displaySmall ?? headline3 ?? this.displaySmall,
headlineLarge: headlineLarge ?? this.headlineLarge,
headlineMedium: headlineMedium ?? headline4 ?? this.headlineMedium,
headlineSmall: headlineSmall ?? headline5 ?? this.headlineSmall,
titleLarge: titleLarge ?? headline6 ?? this.titleLarge,
titleMedium: titleMedium ?? subtitle1 ?? this.titleMedium,
titleSmall: titleSmall ?? subtitle2 ?? this.titleSmall,
bodyLarge: bodyLarge ?? bodyText1 ?? this.bodyLarge,
bodyMedium: bodyMedium ?? bodyText2 ?? this.bodyMedium,
bodySmall: bodySmall ?? caption ?? this.bodySmall,
labelLarge: labelLarge ?? button ?? this.labelLarge,
labelMedium: labelMedium ?? this.labelMedium,
labelSmall: labelSmall ?? overline ?? this.labelSmall,
/// Creates a new [TextTheme] where each text style from this object has been
/// merged with the matching text style from the `other` object.
/// The merging is done by calling [TextStyle.merge] on each respective pair
/// of text styles from this and the [other] text themes and is subject to
/// the value of [TextStyle.inherit] flag. For more details, see the
/// documentation on [TextStyle.merge] and [TextStyle.inherit].
/// If this theme, or the `other` theme has members that are null, then the
/// non-null one (if any) is used. If the `other` theme is itself null, then
/// this [TextTheme] is returned unchanged. If values in both are set, then
/// the values are merged using [TextStyle.merge].
/// This is particularly useful if one [TextTheme] defines one set of
/// properties and another defines a different set, e.g. having colors
/// defined in one text theme and font sizes in another, or when one
/// [TextTheme] has only some fields defined, and you want to define the rest
/// by merging it with a default theme.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// /// A Widget that sets the ambient theme's title text color for its
/// /// descendants, while leaving other ambient theme attributes alone.
/// class TitleColorTheme extends StatelessWidget {
/// const TitleColorTheme({super.key, required this.child, required this.titleColor});
/// final Color titleColor;
/// final Widget child;
/// @override
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
/// // This partialTheme is incomplete: it only has the title style
/// // defined. Just replacing theme.textTheme with partialTheme would
/// // set the title, but everything else would be null. This isn't very
/// // useful, so merge it with the existing theme to keep all of the
/// // preexisting definitions for the other styles.
/// final TextTheme partialTheme = TextTheme(titleLarge: TextStyle(color: titleColor));
/// theme = theme.copyWith(textTheme: theme.textTheme.merge(partialTheme));
/// return Theme(data: theme, child: child);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [copyWith] is used instead of [merge] when you wish to override
/// individual fields in the [TextTheme] instead of merging all of the
/// fields of two [TextTheme]s.
TextTheme merge(TextTheme? other) {
if (other == null) {
return this;
return copyWith(
displayLarge: displayLarge?.merge(other.displayLarge) ?? other.displayLarge,
displayMedium: displayMedium?.merge(other.displayMedium) ?? other.displayMedium,
displaySmall: displaySmall?.merge(other.displaySmall) ?? other.displaySmall,
headlineLarge: headlineLarge?.merge(other.headlineLarge) ?? other.headlineLarge,
headlineMedium: headlineMedium?.merge(other.headlineMedium) ?? other.headlineMedium,
headlineSmall: headlineSmall?.merge(other.headlineSmall) ?? other.headlineSmall,
titleLarge: titleLarge?.merge(other.titleLarge) ?? other.titleLarge,
titleMedium: titleMedium?.merge(other.titleMedium) ?? other.titleMedium,
titleSmall: titleSmall?.merge(other.titleSmall) ?? other.titleSmall,
bodyLarge: bodyLarge?.merge(other.bodyLarge) ?? other.bodyLarge,
bodyMedium: bodyMedium?.merge(other.bodyMedium) ?? other.bodyMedium,
bodySmall: bodySmall?.merge(other.bodySmall) ?? other.bodySmall,
labelLarge: labelLarge?.merge(other.labelLarge) ?? other.labelLarge,
labelMedium: labelMedium?.merge(other.labelMedium) ?? other.labelMedium,
labelSmall: labelSmall?.merge(other.labelSmall) ?? other.labelSmall,
/// Creates a copy of this text theme but with the given field replaced in
/// each of the individual text styles.
/// The `displayColor` is applied to [displayLarge], [displayMedium],
/// [displaySmall], [headlineLarge], [headlineMedium], and [bodySmall]. The
/// `bodyColor` is applied to the remaining text styles.
/// Consider using [Typography.black] or [Typography.white], which implement
/// the typography styles in the Material Design specification, as a starting
/// point.
TextTheme apply({
String? fontFamily,
List? fontFamilyFallback,
String? package,
double fontSizeFactor = 1.0,
double fontSizeDelta = 0.0,
Color? displayColor,
Color? bodyColor,
TextDecoration? decoration,
Color? decorationColor,
TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle,
}) {
return TextTheme(
displayLarge: displayLarge?.apply(
color: displayColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
displayMedium: displayMedium?.apply(
color: displayColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
displaySmall: displaySmall?.apply(
color: displayColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
headlineLarge: headlineLarge?.apply(
color: displayColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
headlineMedium: headlineMedium?.apply(
color: displayColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
headlineSmall: headlineSmall?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
titleLarge: titleLarge?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
titleMedium: titleMedium?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
titleSmall: titleSmall?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
bodyLarge: bodyLarge?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
bodyMedium: bodyMedium?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
bodySmall: bodySmall?.apply(
color: displayColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
labelLarge: labelLarge?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
labelMedium: labelMedium?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
labelSmall: labelSmall?.apply(
color: bodyColor,
decoration: decoration,
decorationColor: decorationColor,
decorationStyle: decorationStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback,
fontSizeFactor: fontSizeFactor,
fontSizeDelta: fontSizeDelta,
package: package,
/// Linearly interpolate between two text themes.
/// {@macro dart.ui.shadow.lerp}
static TextTheme lerp(TextTheme? a, TextTheme? b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
return TextTheme(
displayLarge: TextStyle.lerp(a?.displayLarge, b?.displayLarge, t),
displayMedium: TextStyle.lerp(a?.displayMedium, b?.displayMedium, t),
displaySmall: TextStyle.lerp(a?.displaySmall, b?.displaySmall, t),
headlineLarge: TextStyle.lerp(a?.headlineLarge, b?.headlineLarge, t),
headlineMedium: TextStyle.lerp(a?.headlineMedium, b?.headlineMedium, t),
headlineSmall: TextStyle.lerp(a?.headlineSmall, b?.headlineSmall, t),
titleLarge: TextStyle.lerp(a?.titleLarge, b?.titleLarge, t),
titleMedium: TextStyle.lerp(a?.titleMedium, b?.titleMedium, t),
titleSmall: TextStyle.lerp(a?.titleSmall, b?.titleSmall, t),
bodyLarge: TextStyle.lerp(a?.bodyLarge, b?.bodyLarge, t),
bodyMedium: TextStyle.lerp(a?.bodyMedium, b?.bodyMedium, t),
bodySmall: TextStyle.lerp(a?.bodySmall, b?.bodySmall, t),
labelLarge: TextStyle.lerp(a?.labelLarge, b?.labelLarge, t),
labelMedium: TextStyle.lerp(a?.labelMedium, b?.labelMedium, t),
labelSmall: TextStyle.lerp(a?.labelSmall, b?.labelSmall, t),
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is TextTheme
&& displayLarge == other.displayLarge
&& displayMedium == other.displayMedium
&& displaySmall == other.displaySmall
&& headlineLarge == other.headlineLarge
&& headlineMedium == other.headlineMedium
&& headlineSmall == other.headlineSmall
&& titleLarge == other.titleLarge
&& titleMedium == other.titleMedium
&& titleSmall == other.titleSmall
&& bodyLarge == other.bodyLarge
&& bodyMedium == other.bodyMedium
&& bodySmall == other.bodySmall
&& labelLarge == other.labelLarge
&& labelMedium == other.labelMedium
&& labelSmall == other.labelSmall;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
final TextTheme defaultTheme = Typography.material2018(platform: defaultTargetPlatform).black;
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('displayLarge', displayLarge, defaultValue: defaultTheme.displayLarge));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('displayMedium', displayMedium, defaultValue: defaultTheme.displayMedium));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('displaySmall', displaySmall, defaultValue: defaultTheme.displaySmall));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('headlineLarge', headlineLarge, defaultValue: defaultTheme.headlineLarge));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('headlineMedium', headlineMedium, defaultValue: defaultTheme.headlineMedium));
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