// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'base/file_system.dart'; import 'device.dart'; import 'globals.dart'; import 'resident_runner.dart'; import 'tracing.dart'; import 'vmservice.dart'; // TODO(mklim): Test this, flutter/flutter#23031. class ColdRunner extends ResidentRunner { ColdRunner( List devices, { String target, DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions, bool usesTerminalUI = true, this.traceStartup = false, this.awaitFirstFrameWhenTracing = true, this.applicationBinary, bool saveCompilationTrace = false, bool stayResident = true, bool ipv6 = false, }) : super(devices, target: target, debuggingOptions: debuggingOptions, usesTerminalUI: usesTerminalUI, saveCompilationTrace: saveCompilationTrace, stayResident: stayResident, ipv6: ipv6); final bool traceStartup; final bool awaitFirstFrameWhenTracing; final File applicationBinary; bool _didAttach = false; @override Future run({ Completer connectionInfoCompleter, Completer appStartedCompleter, String route, bool shouldBuild = true, }) async { final bool prebuiltMode = applicationBinary != null; if (!prebuiltMode) { if (!fs.isFileSync(mainPath)) { String message = 'Tried to run $mainPath, but that file does not exist.'; if (target == null) message += '\nConsider using the -t option to specify the Dart file to start.'; printError(message); return 1; } } for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) { final int result = await device.runCold( coldRunner: this, route: route, shouldBuild: shouldBuild, ); if (result != 0) return result; } // Connect to observatory. if (debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled) { try { await connectToServiceProtocol(); } on String catch (message) { printError(message); return 2; } } if (flutterDevices.first.observatoryUris != null) { // For now, only support one debugger connection. connectionInfoCompleter?.complete(DebugConnectionInfo( httpUri: flutterDevices.first.observatoryUris.first, wsUri: flutterDevices.first.vmServices.first.wsAddress, )); } printTrace('Application running.'); for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) { if (device.vmServices == null) continue; device.initLogReader(); await device.refreshViews(); printTrace('Connected to ${device.device.name}'); } if (traceStartup) { // Only trace startup for the first device. final FlutterDevice device = flutterDevices.first; if (device.vmServices != null && device.vmServices.isNotEmpty) { printStatus('Tracing startup on ${device.device.name}.'); await downloadStartupTrace( device.vmServices.first, awaitFirstFrame: awaitFirstFrameWhenTracing, ); } appFinished(); } else if (stayResident) { setupTerminal(); registerSignalHandlers(); } appStartedCompleter?.complete(); if (stayResident && !traceStartup) return waitForAppToFinish(); await cleanupAtFinish(); return 0; } @override Future attach({ Completer connectionInfoCompleter, Completer appStartedCompleter, }) async { _didAttach = true; try { await connectToServiceProtocol(); } catch (error) { printError('Error connecting to the service protocol: $error'); return 2; } for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) { device.initLogReader(); } await refreshViews(); for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) { for (FlutterView view in device.views) { printTrace('Connected to $view.'); } } if (stayResident) { setupTerminal(); registerSignalHandlers(); } appStartedCompleter?.complete(); if (stayResident) { return waitForAppToFinish(); } await cleanupAtFinish(); return 0; } @override Future handleTerminalCommand(String code) async { } @override Future cleanupAfterSignal() async { await stopEchoingDeviceLog(); if (_didAttach) { appFinished(); } else { await stopApp(); } await stopApp(); } @override Future cleanupAtFinish() async { await stopEchoingDeviceLog(); } @override void printHelp({ @required bool details }) { bool haveDetails = false; bool haveAnything = false; for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) { final String dname = device.device.name; if (device.observatoryUris != null) { for (Uri uri in device.observatoryUris) { printStatus('An Observatory debugger and profiler on $dname is available at $uri'); haveAnything = true; } } } if (supportsServiceProtocol) { haveDetails = true; if (details) { printHelpDetails(); haveAnything = true; } } final String quitMessage = _didAttach ? 'To detach, press "d"; to quit, press "q".' : 'To quit, press "q".'; if (haveDetails && !details) { if (saveCompilationTrace) { printStatus('Compilation training data will be saved when flutter run quits...'); } printStatus('For a more detailed help message, press "h". $quitMessage'); } else if (haveAnything) { printStatus('To repeat this help message, press "h". $quitMessage'); } else { printStatus(quitMessage); } } @override Future preStop() async { for (FlutterDevice device in flutterDevices) { // If we're running in release mode, stop the app using the device logic. if (device.vmServices == null || device.vmServices.isEmpty) await device.device.stopApp(device.package); } } }