// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';

import './repository.dart';
import './stdio.dart';
import './version.dart';

const String kIncrement = 'increment';
const String kCandidateBranch = 'candidate-branch';
const String kRemoteName = 'remote';
const String kJustPrint = 'just-print';
const String kYes = 'yes';
const String kForce = 'force';
const String kSkipTagging = 'skip-tagging';

/// Create a new dev release without cherry picks.
class RollDevCommand extends Command<void> {
    required this.checkouts,
    required this.fileSystem,
    required this.platform,
    required this.stdio,
  }) {
      help: 'Specifies which part of the x.y.z version number to increment. Required.',
      valueHelp: 'level',
      allowed: <String>['y', 'z', 'm'],
      allowedHelp: <String, String>{
        'y': 'Indicates the first dev release after a beta release.',
        'z': 'Indicates a hotfix to a stable release.',
        'm': 'Indicates a standard dev release.',
      help: 'Specifies which git branch to roll to the dev branch. Required.',
      valueHelp: 'branch',
      defaultsTo: null, // This option is required
      abbr: 'f',
      help: 'Force push. Necessary when the previous release had cherry-picks.',
      negatable: false,
      negatable: false,
          "Don't actually roll the dev channel; "
          'just print the would-be version and quit.',
      negatable: false,
      help: 'Do not create tag and push to remote, only update release branch. '
      'For recovering when the script fails trying to git push to the release branch.'
      negatable: false,
      abbr: 'y',
      help: 'Skip the confirmation prompt.',
      help: 'Specifies which git remote to fetch from.',
      defaultsTo: 'upstream',

  final Checkouts checkouts;
  final FileSystem fileSystem;
  final Platform platform;
  final Stdio stdio;

  String get name => 'roll-dev';

  String get description =>
      'For publishing a dev release without cherry picks.';

  void run() {
      argResults: argResults!,
      repository: FrameworkRepository(checkouts),
      stdio: stdio,
      usage: argParser.usage,

/// Main script execution.
/// Returns true if publishing was successful, else false.
bool rollDev({
  required String usage,
  required ArgResults argResults,
  required Stdio stdio,
  required FrameworkRepository repository,
}) {
  final String remoteName = argResults[kRemoteName] as String;
  final String? level = argResults[kIncrement] as String?;
  final String candidateBranch = argResults[kCandidateBranch] as String;
  final bool justPrint = argResults[kJustPrint] as bool;
  final bool autoApprove = argResults[kYes] as bool;
  final bool force = argResults[kForce] as bool;
  final bool skipTagging = argResults[kSkipTagging] as bool;

  if (level == null || candidateBranch == null) {
    throw Exception(
        'roll_dev.dart --$kIncrement=level --$kCandidateBranch=branch • update the version tags '
        'and roll a new dev build.\n$usage');

  final String remoteUrl = repository.remoteUrl(remoteName);

  if (!repository.gitCheckoutClean()) {
    throw Exception(
        'Your git repository is not clean. Try running "git clean -fd". Warning, '
        'this will delete files! Run with -n to find out which ones.');


  // Verify [commit] is valid
  final String commit = repository.reverseParse(candidateBranch);

  stdio.printStatus('remoteName is $remoteName');
  // Get the name of the last dev release
  final Version lastVersion = Version.fromString(
    repository.getFullTag(remoteName, 'dev'),

  final Version version =
      skipTagging ? lastVersion : Version.fromCandidateBranch(candidateBranch);
  final String tagName = version.toString();

  if (repository.reverseParse(lastVersion.toString()).contains(commit.trim())) {
    throw Exception(
        'Commit $commit is already on the dev branch as $lastVersion.');

  if (justPrint) {
    return false;

  if (skipTagging && !repository.isCommitTagged(commit)) {
    throw Exception(
        'The $kSkipTagging flag is only supported for tagged commits.');

  if (!force && !repository.isAncestor(commit, lastVersion.toString())) {
    throw Exception(
        'The previous dev tag $lastVersion is not a direct ancestor of $commit.\n'
        'The flag "$kForce" is required to force push a new release past a cherry-pick.');

  final String hash = repository.reverseParse(commit);

  // [commit] can be a prefix for [hash].

  if (autoApprove) {
        'Publishing Flutter $version ($hash) to the "dev" channel.');
  } else {
    stdio.printStatus('Your tree is ready to publish Flutter $version '
        '($hash) to the "dev" channel.');
    stdio.write('Are you? [yes/no] ');
    if (stdio.readLineSync() != 'yes') {
      stdio.printError('The dev roll has been aborted.');
      return false;

  if (!skipTagging) {
    repository.tag(commit, version.toString(), remoteName);

    fromRef: commit,
    remote: remoteName,
    toRef: 'dev',
    force: force,

    'Flutter version $version has been rolled to the "dev" channel at $remoteUrl.',
  return true;