// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import 'utils.dart';

/// The root of the API for controlling devices.
DeviceDiscovery get devices => DeviceDiscovery();

/// Device operating system the test is configured to test.
enum DeviceOperatingSystem { android, ios }

/// Device OS to test on.
DeviceOperatingSystem deviceOperatingSystem = DeviceOperatingSystem.android;

/// Discovers available devices and chooses one to work with.
abstract class DeviceDiscovery {
  factory DeviceDiscovery() {
    switch (deviceOperatingSystem) {
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.android:
        return AndroidDeviceDiscovery();
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.ios:
        return IosDeviceDiscovery();
        throw StateError('Unsupported device operating system: {config.deviceOperatingSystem}');

  /// Selects a device to work with, load-balancing between devices if more than
  /// one are available.
  /// Calling this method does not guarantee that the same device will be
  /// returned. For such behavior see [workingDevice].
  Future<void> chooseWorkingDevice();

  /// A device to work with.
  /// Returns the same device when called repeatedly (unlike
  /// [chooseWorkingDevice]). This is useful when you need to perform multiple
  /// operations on one.
  Future<Device> get workingDevice;

  /// Lists all available devices' IDs.
  Future<List<String>> discoverDevices();

  /// Checks the health of the available devices.
  Future<Map<String, HealthCheckResult>> checkDevices();

  /// Prepares the system to run tasks.
  Future<void> performPreflightTasks();

/// A proxy for one specific device.
abstract class Device {
  /// A unique device identifier.
  String get deviceId;

  /// Whether the device is awake.
  Future<bool> isAwake();

  /// Whether the device is asleep.
  Future<bool> isAsleep();

  /// Wake up the device if it is not awake.
  Future<void> wakeUp();

  /// Send the device to sleep mode.
  Future<void> sendToSleep();

  /// Emulates pressing the power button, toggling the device's on/off state.
  Future<void> togglePower();

  /// Unlocks the device.
  /// Assumes the device doesn't have a secure unlock pattern.
  Future<void> unlock();

  /// Emulate a tap on the touch screen.
  Future<void> tap(int x, int y);

  /// Read memory statistics for a process.
  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getMemoryStats(String packageName);

  /// Stream the system log from the device.
  /// Flutter applications' `print` statements end up in this log
  /// with some prefix.
  Stream<String> get logcat;

  /// Stop a process.
  Future<void> stop(String packageName);

class AndroidDeviceDiscovery implements DeviceDiscovery {
  factory AndroidDeviceDiscovery() {
    return _instance ??= AndroidDeviceDiscovery._();


  // Parses information about a device. Example:
  // 015d172c98400a03       device usb:340787200X product:nakasi model:Nexus_7 device:grouper
  static final RegExp _kDeviceRegex = RegExp(r'^(\S+)\s+(\S+)(.*)');

  static AndroidDeviceDiscovery _instance;

  AndroidDevice _workingDevice;

  Future<AndroidDevice> get workingDevice async {
    if (_workingDevice == null) {
      await chooseWorkingDevice();

    return _workingDevice;

  /// Picks a random Android device out of connected devices and sets it as
  /// [workingDevice].
  Future<void> chooseWorkingDevice() async {
    final List<AndroidDevice> allDevices = (await discoverDevices())
      .map<AndroidDevice>((String id) => AndroidDevice(deviceId: id))

    if (allDevices.isEmpty)
      throw 'No Android devices detected';

    // TODO(yjbanov): filter out and warn about those with low battery level
    _workingDevice = allDevices[math.Random().nextInt(allDevices.length)];

  Future<List<String>> discoverDevices() async {
    final List<String> output = (await eval(adbPath, <String>['devices', '-l'], canFail: false))
    final List<String> results = <String>[];
    for (final String line in output) {
      // Skip lines like: * daemon started successfully *
      if (line.startsWith('* daemon '))

      if (line.startsWith('List of devices'))

      if (_kDeviceRegex.hasMatch(line)) {
        final Match match = _kDeviceRegex.firstMatch(line);

        final String deviceID = match[1];
        final String deviceState = match[2];

        if (!const <String>['unauthorized', 'offline'].contains(deviceState)) {
      } else {
        throw 'Failed to parse device from adb output: "$line"';

    return results;

  Future<Map<String, HealthCheckResult>> checkDevices() async {
    final Map<String, HealthCheckResult> results = <String, HealthCheckResult>{};
    for (final String deviceId in await discoverDevices()) {
      try {
        final AndroidDevice device = AndroidDevice(deviceId: deviceId);
        // Just a smoke test that we can read wakefulness state
        // TODO(yjbanov): check battery level
        await device._getWakefulness();
        results['android-device-$deviceId'] = HealthCheckResult.success();
      } catch (e, s) {
        results['android-device-$deviceId'] = HealthCheckResult.error(e, s);
    return results;

  Future<void> performPreflightTasks() async {
    // Kills the `adb` server causing it to start a new instance upon next
    // command.
    // Restarting `adb` helps with keeping device connections alive. When `adb`
    // runs non-stop for too long it loses connections to devices. There may be
    // a better method, but so far that's the best one I've found.
    await exec(adbPath, <String>['kill-server'], canFail: false);

class AndroidDevice implements Device {
  AndroidDevice({@required this.deviceId});

  final String deviceId;

  /// Whether the device is awake.
  Future<bool> isAwake() async {
    return await _getWakefulness() == 'Awake';

  /// Whether the device is asleep.
  Future<bool> isAsleep() async {
    return await _getWakefulness() == 'Asleep';

  /// Wake up the device if it is not awake using [togglePower].
  Future<void> wakeUp() async {
    if (!(await isAwake()))
      await togglePower();

  /// Send the device to sleep mode if it is not asleep using [togglePower].
  Future<void> sendToSleep() async {
    if (!(await isAsleep()))
      await togglePower();

  /// Sends `KEYCODE_POWER` (26), which causes the device to toggle its mode
  /// between awake and asleep.
  Future<void> togglePower() async {
    await shellExec('input', const <String>['keyevent', '26']);

  /// Unlocks the device by sending `KEYCODE_MENU` (82).
  /// This only works when the device doesn't have a secure unlock pattern.
  Future<void> unlock() async {
    await wakeUp();
    await shellExec('input', const <String>['keyevent', '82']);

  Future<void> tap(int x, int y) async {
    await shellExec('input', <String>['tap', '$x', '$y']);

  /// Retrieves device's wakefulness state.
  /// See: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/core/java/android/os/PowerManagerInternal.java
  Future<String> _getWakefulness() async {
    final String powerInfo = await shellEval('dumpsys', <String>['power']);
    final String wakefulness = grep('mWakefulness=', from: powerInfo).single.split('=')[1].trim();
    return wakefulness;

  /// Executes [command] on `adb shell` and returns its exit code.
  Future<void> shellExec(String command, List<String> arguments, { Map<String, String> environment }) async {
    await adb(<String>['shell', command, ...arguments], environment: environment);

  /// Executes [command] on `adb shell` and returns its standard output as a [String].
  Future<String> shellEval(String command, List<String> arguments, { Map<String, String> environment }) {
    return adb(<String>['shell', command, ...arguments], environment: environment);

  /// Runs `adb` with the given [arguments], selecting this device.
  Future<String> adb(List<String> arguments, { Map<String, String> environment }) {
    return eval(adbPath, <String>['-s', deviceId, ...arguments], environment: environment, canFail: false);

  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getMemoryStats(String packageName) async {
    final String meminfo = await shellEval('dumpsys', <String>['meminfo', packageName]);
    final Match match = RegExp(r'TOTAL\s+(\d+)').firstMatch(meminfo);
    assert(match != null, 'could not parse dumpsys meminfo output');
    return <String, dynamic>{
      'total_kb': int.parse(match.group(1)),

  Stream<String> get logcat {
    final Completer<void> stdoutDone = Completer<void>();
    final Completer<void> stderrDone = Completer<void>();
    final Completer<void> processDone = Completer<void>();
    final Completer<void> abort = Completer<void>();
    bool aborted = false;
    StreamController<String> stream;
    stream = StreamController<String>(
      onListen: () async {
        await adb(<String>['logcat', '--clear']);
        final Process process = await startProcess(
          // Make logcat less chatty by filtering down to just ActivityManager
          // (to let us know when app starts), flutter (needed by tests to see
          // log output), and fatal messages (hopefully catches tombstones).
          // For local testing, this can just be:
          //   <String>['-s', deviceId, 'logcat']
          // to view the whole log, or just run logcat alongside this.
          <String>['-s', deviceId, 'logcat', 'ActivityManager:I', 'flutter:V', '*:F'],
          .transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
          .listen((String line) {
            print('adb logcat: $line');
          }, onDone: () { stdoutDone.complete(); });
          .transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
          .listen((String line) {
            print('adb logcat stderr: $line');
          }, onDone: () { stderrDone.complete(); });
        process.exitCode.then<void>((int exitCode) {
          print('adb logcat process terminated with exit code $exitCode');
          if (!aborted) {
            stream.addError(BuildFailedError('adb logcat failed with exit code $exitCode.\n'));
        await Future.any<dynamic>(<Future<dynamic>>[
        aborted = true;
        print('terminating adb logcat');
        print('closing logcat stream');
        await stream.close();
      onCancel: () {
        if (!aborted) {
          print('adb logcat aborted');
          aborted = true;
    return stream.stream;

  Future<void> stop(String packageName) async {
    return shellExec('am', <String>['force-stop', packageName]);

class IosDeviceDiscovery implements DeviceDiscovery {
  factory IosDeviceDiscovery() {
    return _instance ??= IosDeviceDiscovery._();


  static IosDeviceDiscovery _instance;

  IosDevice _workingDevice;

  Future<IosDevice> get workingDevice async {
    if (_workingDevice == null) {
      await chooseWorkingDevice();

    return _workingDevice;

  /// Picks a random iOS device out of connected devices and sets it as
  /// [workingDevice].
  Future<void> chooseWorkingDevice() async {
    final List<IosDevice> allDevices = (await discoverDevices())
      .map<IosDevice>((String id) => IosDevice(deviceId: id))

    if (allDevices.isEmpty)
      throw 'No iOS devices detected';

    // TODO(yjbanov): filter out and warn about those with low battery level
    _workingDevice = allDevices[math.Random().nextInt(allDevices.length)];

  // Returns the path to cached binaries relative to devicelab directory
  String get _artifactDirPath {
    return path.normalize(

  // Returns a colon-separated environment variable that contains the paths
  // of linked libraries for idevice_id
  Map<String, String> get _ideviceIdEnvironment {
    final String libPath = const <String>[
    ].map((String packageName) => path.join(_artifactDirPath, packageName)).join(':');
    return <String, String>{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH': libPath};

  Future<List<String>> discoverDevices() async {
    final String ideviceIdPath = path.join(_artifactDirPath, 'libimobiledevice', 'idevice_id');
    final List<String> iosDeviceIDs = LineSplitter.split(await eval(ideviceIdPath, <String>['-l'], environment: _ideviceIdEnvironment))
      .map<String>((String line) => line.trim())
      .where((String line) => line.isNotEmpty)
    if (iosDeviceIDs.isEmpty)
      throw 'No connected iOS devices found.';
    return iosDeviceIDs;

  Future<Map<String, HealthCheckResult>> checkDevices() async {
    final Map<String, HealthCheckResult> results = <String, HealthCheckResult>{};
    for (final String deviceId in await discoverDevices()) {
      // TODO(ianh): do a more meaningful connectivity check than just recording the ID
      results['ios-device-$deviceId'] = HealthCheckResult.success();
    return results;

  Future<void> performPreflightTasks() async {
    // Currently we do not have preflight tasks for iOS.

/// iOS device.
class IosDevice implements Device {
  const IosDevice({ @required this.deviceId });

  final String deviceId;

  // The methods below are stubs for now. They will need to be expanded.
  // We currently do not have a way to lock/unlock iOS devices. So we assume the
  // devices are already unlocked. For now we'll just keep them at minimum
  // screen brightness so they don't drain battery too fast.

  Future<bool> isAwake() async => true;

  Future<bool> isAsleep() async => false;

  Future<void> wakeUp() async {}

  Future<void> sendToSleep() async {}

  Future<void> togglePower() async {}

  Future<void> unlock() async {}

  Future<void> tap(int x, int y) async {
    throw 'Not implemented';

  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getMemoryStats(String packageName) async {
    throw 'Not implemented';

  Stream<String> get logcat {
    throw 'Not implemented';

  Future<void> stop(String packageName) async {}

/// Path to the `adb` executable.
String get adbPath {
  final String androidHome = Platform.environment['ANDROID_HOME'] ?? Platform.environment['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'];

  if (androidHome == null)
    throw 'The ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and ANDROID_HOME environment variables are '
        'missing. At least one of these variables must point to the Android '
        'SDK directory containing platform-tools.';

  final String adbPath = path.join(androidHome, 'platform-tools/adb');

  if (!canRun(adbPath))
    throw 'adb not found at: $adbPath';

  return path.absolute(adbPath);