// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:flutter/animation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'bottom_sheet.dart'; import 'material.dart'; import 'snack_bar.dart'; import 'tool_bar.dart'; const double _kFloatingActionButtonMargin = 16.0; // TODO(hmuller): should be device dependent enum _Child { body, toolBar, bottomSheet, snackBar, floatingActionButton } class _ScaffoldLayout extends MultiChildLayoutDelegate { void performLayout(Size size, BoxConstraints constraints) { // This part of the layout has the same effect as putting the toolbar and // body in a column and making the body flexible. What's different is that // in this case the toolbar appears -after- the body in the stacking order, // so the toolbar's shadow is drawn on top of the body. final BoxConstraints toolBarConstraints = constraints.loosen().tightenWidth(size.width); Size toolBarSize = Size.zero; if (isChild(_Child.toolBar)) { toolBarSize = layoutChild(_Child.toolBar, toolBarConstraints); positionChild(_Child.toolBar, Point.origin); } if (isChild(_Child.body)) { final double bodyHeight = size.height - toolBarSize.height; final BoxConstraints bodyConstraints = toolBarConstraints.tightenHeight(bodyHeight); layoutChild(_Child.body, bodyConstraints); positionChild(_Child.body, new Point(0.0, toolBarSize.height)); } // The BottomSheet and the SnackBar are anchored to the bottom of the parent, // they're as wide as the parent and are given their intrinsic height. // If all three elements are present then either the center of the FAB straddles // the top edge of the BottomSheet or the bottom of the FAB is // _kFloatingActionButtonMargin above the SnackBar, whichever puts the FAB // the farthest above the bottom of the parent. If only the FAB is has a // non-zero height then it's inset from the parent's right and bottom edges // by _kFloatingActionButtonMargin. final BoxConstraints fullWidthConstraints = constraints.loosen().tightenWidth(size.width); Size bottomSheetSize = Size.zero; Size snackBarSize = Size.zero; if (isChild(_Child.bottomSheet)) { bottomSheetSize = layoutChild(_Child.bottomSheet, fullWidthConstraints); positionChild(_Child.bottomSheet, new Point((size.width - bottomSheetSize.width) / 2.0, size.height - bottomSheetSize.height)); } if (isChild(_Child.snackBar)) { snackBarSize = layoutChild(_Child.snackBar, fullWidthConstraints); positionChild(_Child.snackBar, new Point(0.0, size.height - snackBarSize.height)); } if (isChild(_Child.floatingActionButton)) { final Size fabSize = layoutChild(_Child.floatingActionButton, constraints.loosen()); final double fabX = size.width - fabSize.width - _kFloatingActionButtonMargin; double fabY = size.height - fabSize.height - _kFloatingActionButtonMargin; if (snackBarSize.height > 0.0) fabY = math.min(fabY, size.height - snackBarSize.height - fabSize.height - _kFloatingActionButtonMargin); if (bottomSheetSize.height > 0.0) fabY = math.min(fabY, size.height - bottomSheetSize.height - fabSize.height / 2.0); positionChild(_Child.floatingActionButton, new Point(fabX, fabY)); } } } final _ScaffoldLayout _scaffoldLayout = new _ScaffoldLayout(); class Scaffold extends StatefulComponent { Scaffold({ Key key, this.toolBar, this.body, this.floatingActionButton }) : super(key: key); final ToolBar toolBar; final Widget body; final Widget floatingActionButton; static ScaffoldState of(BuildContext context) => context.ancestorStateOfType(ScaffoldState); ScaffoldState createState() => new ScaffoldState(); } class ScaffoldState extends State<Scaffold> { // SNACKBAR API Queue<ScaffoldFeatureController<SnackBar>> _snackBars = new Queue<ScaffoldFeatureController<SnackBar>>(); Performance _snackBarPerformance; Timer _snackBarTimer; ScaffoldFeatureController showSnackBar(SnackBar snackbar) { _snackBarPerformance ??= SnackBar.createPerformance() ..addStatusListener(_handleSnackBarStatusChange); if (_snackBars.isEmpty) { assert(_snackBarPerformance.isDismissed); _snackBarPerformance.forward(); } ScaffoldFeatureController<SnackBar> controller; controller = new ScaffoldFeatureController<SnackBar>._( snackbar.withPerformance(_snackBarPerformance), new Completer(), () { assert(_snackBars.first == controller); _hideSnackBar(); }, null // SnackBar doesn't use a builder function so setState() wouldn't rebuild it ); setState(() { _snackBars.addLast(controller); }); return controller; } void _handleSnackBarStatusChange(PerformanceStatus status) { switch (status) { case PerformanceStatus.dismissed: assert(_snackBars.isNotEmpty); setState(() { _snackBars.removeFirst(); }); if (_snackBars.isNotEmpty) _snackBarPerformance.forward(); break; case PerformanceStatus.completed: setState(() { assert(_snackBarTimer == null); // build will create a new timer if necessary to dismiss the snack bar }); break; case PerformanceStatus.forward: case PerformanceStatus.reverse: break; } } void _hideSnackBar() { assert(_snackBarPerformance.status == PerformanceStatus.forward || _snackBarPerformance.status == PerformanceStatus.completed); _snackBars.first._completer.complete(); _snackBarPerformance.reverse(); _snackBarTimer = null; } // PERSISTENT BOTTOM SHEET API List<Widget> _dismissedBottomSheets; ScaffoldFeatureController _currentBottomSheet; ScaffoldFeatureController showBottomSheet(WidgetBuilder builder) { if (_currentBottomSheet != null) { _currentBottomSheet.close(); assert(_currentBottomSheet == null); } Completer completer = new Completer(); GlobalKey<_PersistentBottomSheetState> bottomSheetKey = new GlobalKey<_PersistentBottomSheetState>(); Performance performance = BottomSheet.createPerformance() ..forward(); _PersistentBottomSheet bottomSheet; Route route = new StateRoute( onPop: () { assert(_currentBottomSheet._widget == bottomSheet); assert(bottomSheetKey.currentState != null); bottomSheetKey.currentState.close(); _dismissedBottomSheets ??= <Widget>[]; _dismissedBottomSheets.add(bottomSheet); _currentBottomSheet = null; completer.complete(); } ); bottomSheet = new _PersistentBottomSheet( key: bottomSheetKey, performance: performance, onClosing: () { assert(_currentBottomSheet._widget == bottomSheet); Navigator.of(context).remove(route); }, onDismissed: () { assert(_dismissedBottomSheets != null); setState(() { _dismissedBottomSheets.remove(bottomSheet); }); }, builder: builder ); Navigator.of(context).push(route); setState(() { _currentBottomSheet = new ScaffoldFeatureController._( bottomSheet, completer, () => Navigator.of(context).remove(route), setState ); }); return _currentBottomSheet; } // INTERNALS void dispose() { _snackBarPerformance?.stop(); _snackBarPerformance = null; _snackBarTimer?.cancel(); _snackBarTimer = null; super.dispose(); } void _addIfNonNull(List<LayoutId> children, Widget child, Object childId) { if (child != null) children.add(new LayoutId(child: child, id: childId)); } Widget build(BuildContext context) { final Widget paddedToolBar = config.toolBar?.withPadding(new EdgeDims.only(top: ui.window.padding.top)); final Widget materialBody = config.body != null ? new Material(child: config.body) : null; if (_snackBars.length > 0) { ModalRoute route = ModalRoute.of(context); if (route == null || route.isCurrent) { if (_snackBarPerformance.isCompleted && _snackBarTimer == null) _snackBarTimer = new Timer(_snackBars.first._widget.duration, _hideSnackBar); } else { _snackBarTimer?.cancel(); _snackBarTimer = null; } } final List<LayoutId>children = new List<LayoutId>(); _addIfNonNull(children, materialBody, _Child.body); _addIfNonNull(children, paddedToolBar, _Child.toolBar); if (_currentBottomSheet != null || (_dismissedBottomSheets != null && _dismissedBottomSheets.isNotEmpty)) { List<Widget> bottomSheets = <Widget>[]; if (_dismissedBottomSheets != null && _dismissedBottomSheets.isNotEmpty) bottomSheets.addAll(_dismissedBottomSheets); if (_currentBottomSheet != null) bottomSheets.add(_currentBottomSheet._widget); Widget stack = new Stack( bottomSheets, alignment: const FractionalOffset(0.5, 1.0) // bottom-aligned, centered ); _addIfNonNull(children, stack, _Child.bottomSheet); } if (_snackBars.isNotEmpty) _addIfNonNull(children, _snackBars.first._widget, _Child.snackBar); _addIfNonNull(children, config.floatingActionButton, _Child.floatingActionButton); return new CustomMultiChildLayout(children, delegate: _scaffoldLayout); } } class ScaffoldFeatureController<T extends Widget> { const ScaffoldFeatureController._(this._widget, this._completer, this.close, this.setState); final T _widget; final Completer _completer; Future get closed => _completer.future; final VoidCallback close; // call this to close the bottom sheet or snack bar final StateSetter setState; } class _PersistentBottomSheet extends StatefulComponent { _PersistentBottomSheet({ Key key, this.performance, this.onClosing, this.onDismissed, this.builder }) : super(key: key); final Performance performance; final VoidCallback onClosing; final VoidCallback onDismissed; final WidgetBuilder builder; _PersistentBottomSheetState createState() => new _PersistentBottomSheetState(); } class _PersistentBottomSheetState extends State<_PersistentBottomSheet> { // We take ownership of the performance given in the first configuration. // We also share control of that performance with out BottomSheet widget. void initState() { super.initState(); assert(config.performance.status == PerformanceStatus.forward); config.performance.addStatusListener(_handleStatusChange); } void didUpdateConfig(_PersistentBottomSheet oldConfig) { super.didUpdateConfig(oldConfig); assert(config.performance == oldConfig.performance); } void dispose() { config.performance.stop(); super.dispose(); } void close() { config.performance.reverse(); } void _handleStatusChange(PerformanceStatus status) { if (status == PerformanceStatus.dismissed && config.onDismissed != null) config.onDismissed(); } double _childHeight; void _updateChildHeight(Size newSize) { setState(() { _childHeight = newSize.height; }); } Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new AlignTransition( performance: config.performance, alignment: new AnimatedValue<FractionalOffset>(const FractionalOffset(0.0, 0.0)), heightFactor: new AnimatedValue<double>(0.0, end: 1.0), child: new BottomSheet( performance: config.performance, onClosing: config.onClosing, childHeight: _childHeight, builder: (BuildContext context) => new SizeObserver(child: config.builder(context), onSizeChanged: _updateChildHeight) ) ); } }