// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/physics.dart'; import '../rendering/mock_canvas.dart'; import '../rendering/recording_canvas.dart'; import '../widgets/semantics_tester.dart'; Widget boilerplate({ Widget child, TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr }) { return Localizations( locale: const Locale('en', 'US'), delegates: const <LocalizationsDelegate<dynamic>>[ DefaultMaterialLocalizations.delegate, DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.delegate, ], child: Directionality( textDirection: textDirection, child: Material( child: child, ), ), ); } class StateMarker extends StatefulWidget { const StateMarker({ Key key, this.child }) : super(key: key); final Widget child; @override StateMarkerState createState() => StateMarkerState(); } class StateMarkerState extends State<StateMarker> { String marker; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (widget.child != null) return widget.child; return Container(); } } class AlwaysKeepAliveWidget extends StatefulWidget { static String text = 'AlwaysKeepAlive'; @override AlwaysKeepAliveState createState() => AlwaysKeepAliveState(); } class AlwaysKeepAliveState extends State<AlwaysKeepAliveWidget> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Text(AlwaysKeepAliveWidget.text); } } Widget buildFrame({ Key tabBarKey, List<String> tabs, String value, bool isScrollable = false, Color indicatorColor, }) { return boilerplate( child: DefaultTabController( initialIndex: tabs.indexOf(value), length: tabs.length, child: TabBar( key: tabBarKey, tabs: tabs.map<Widget>((String tab) => Tab(text: tab)).toList(), isScrollable: isScrollable, indicatorColor: indicatorColor, ), ), ); } typedef TabControllerFrameBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, TabController controller); class TabControllerFrame extends StatefulWidget { const TabControllerFrame({ this.length, this.initialIndex = 0, this.builder }); final int length; final int initialIndex; final TabControllerFrameBuilder builder; @override TabControllerFrameState createState() => TabControllerFrameState(); } class TabControllerFrameState extends State<TabControllerFrame> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin { TabController _controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = TabController( vsync: this, length: widget.length, initialIndex: widget.initialIndex, ); } @override void dispose() { _controller.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return widget.builder(context, _controller); } } Widget buildLeftRightApp({ List<String> tabs, String value }) { return MaterialApp( theme: ThemeData(platform: TargetPlatform.android), home: DefaultTabController( initialIndex: tabs.indexOf(value), length: tabs.length, child: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('tabs'), bottom: TabBar( tabs: tabs.map<Widget>((String tab) => Tab(text: tab)).toList(), ), ), body: const TabBarView( children: <Widget>[ Center(child: Text('LEFT CHILD')), Center(child: Text('RIGHT CHILD')) ] ) ) ) ); } class TabIndicatorRecordingCanvas extends TestRecordingCanvas { TabIndicatorRecordingCanvas(this.indicatorColor); final Color indicatorColor; Rect indicatorRect; @override void drawLine(Offset p1, Offset p2, Paint paint) { // Assuming that the indicatorWeight is 2.0, the default. const double indicatorWeight = 2.0; if (paint.color == indicatorColor) indicatorRect = Rect.fromPoints(p1, p2).inflate(indicatorWeight / 2.0); } } class TestScrollPhysics extends ScrollPhysics { const TestScrollPhysics({ ScrollPhysics parent }) : super(parent: parent); @override TestScrollPhysics applyTo(ScrollPhysics ancestor) { return TestScrollPhysics(parent: buildParent(ancestor)); } static final SpringDescription _kDefaultSpring = SpringDescription.withDampingRatio( mass: 0.5, stiffness: 500.0, ratio: 1.1, ); @override SpringDescription get spring => _kDefaultSpring; } void main() { setUp(() { debugResetSemanticsIdCounter(); }); testWidgets('TabBar tap selects tab', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['A', 'B', 'C']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'C', isScrollable: false)); expect(find.text('A'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('B'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('C'), findsOneWidget); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('A'))); expect(controller, isNotNull); expect(controller.index, 2); expect(controller.previousIndex, 2); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'C', isScrollable: false)); await tester.tap(find.text('B')); await tester.pump(); expect(controller.indexIsChanging, true); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the animation expect(controller.index, 1); expect(controller.previousIndex, 2); expect(controller.indexIsChanging, false); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'C', isScrollable: false)); await tester.tap(find.text('C')); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); expect(controller.index, 2); expect(controller.previousIndex, 1); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'C', isScrollable: false)); await tester.tap(find.text('A')); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); expect(controller.index, 0); expect(controller.previousIndex, 2); }); testWidgets('Scrollable TabBar tap selects tab', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['A', 'B', 'C']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'C', isScrollable: true)); expect(find.text('A'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('B'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('C'), findsOneWidget); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('A'))); expect(controller.index, 2); expect(controller.previousIndex, 2); await tester.tap(find.text('C')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 2); await tester.tap(find.text('B')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 1); await tester.tap(find.text('A')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 0); }); testWidgets('Scrollable TabBar tap centers selected tab', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['AAAAAA', 'BBBBBB', 'CCCCCC', 'DDDDDD', 'EEEEEE', 'FFFFFF', 'GGGGGG', 'HHHHHH', 'IIIIII', 'JJJJJJ', 'KKKKKK', 'LLLLLL']; const Key tabBarKey = Key('TabBar'); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'AAAAAA', isScrollable: true, tabBarKey: tabBarKey)); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('AAAAAA'))); expect(controller, isNotNull); expect(controller.index, 0); expect(tester.getSize(find.byKey(tabBarKey)).width, equals(800.0)); // The center of the FFFFFF item is to the right of the TabBar's center expect(tester.getCenter(find.text('FFFFFF')).dx, greaterThan(401.0)); await tester.tap(find.text('FFFFFF')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 5); // The center of the FFFFFF item is now at the TabBar's center expect(tester.getCenter(find.text('FFFFFF')).dx, closeTo(400.0, 1.0)); }); testWidgets('TabBar can be scrolled independent of the selection', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['AAAA', 'BBBB', 'CCCC', 'DDDD', 'EEEE', 'FFFF', 'GGGG', 'HHHH', 'IIII', 'JJJJ', 'KKKK', 'LLLL']; const Key tabBarKey = Key('TabBar'); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'AAAA', isScrollable: true, tabBarKey: tabBarKey)); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('AAAA'))); expect(controller, isNotNull); expect(controller.index, 0); // Fling-scroll the TabBar to the left expect(tester.getCenter(find.text('HHHH')).dx, lessThan(700.0)); await tester.fling(find.byKey(tabBarKey), const Offset(-200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation expect(tester.getCenter(find.text('HHHH')).dx, lessThan(500.0)); // Scrolling the TabBar doesn't change the selection expect(controller.index, 0); }); testWidgets('TabBarView maintains state', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['AAAAAA', 'BBBBBB', 'CCCCCC', 'DDDDDD', 'EEEEEE']; String value = tabs[0]; Widget builder() { return boilerplate( child: DefaultTabController( initialIndex: tabs.indexOf(value), length: tabs.length, child: TabBarView( children: tabs.map<Widget>((String name) { return StateMarker( child: Text(name) ); }).toList() ), ), ); } StateMarkerState findStateMarkerState(String name) { return tester.state(find.widgetWithText(StateMarker, name, skipOffstage: false)); } await tester.pumpWidget(builder()); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('AAAAAA'))); TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.text(tabs[0]))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(-600.0, 0.0)); await tester.pump(); expect(value, equals(tabs[0])); findStateMarkerState(tabs[1]).marker = 'marked'; await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); value = tabs[controller.index]; expect(value, equals(tabs[1])); await tester.pumpWidget(builder()); expect(findStateMarkerState(tabs[1]).marker, equals('marked')); // Move to the third tab. gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.text(tabs[1]))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(-600.0, 0.0)); await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(); expect(findStateMarkerState(tabs[1]).marker, equals('marked')); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); value = tabs[controller.index]; expect(value, equals(tabs[2])); await tester.pumpWidget(builder()); // The state is now gone. expect(find.text(tabs[1]), findsNothing); // Move back to the second tab. gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.text(tabs[2]))); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(600.0, 0.0)); await tester.pump(); final StateMarkerState markerState = findStateMarkerState(tabs[1]); expect(markerState.marker, isNull); markerState.marker = 'marked'; await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); value = tabs[controller.index]; expect(value, equals(tabs[1])); await tester.pumpWidget(builder()); expect(findStateMarkerState(tabs[1]).marker, equals('marked')); }); testWidgets('TabBar left/right fling', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildLeftRightApp(tabs: tabs, value: 'LEFT')); expect(find.text('LEFT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('LEFT'))); expect(controller.index, 0); // Fling to the left, switch from the 'LEFT' tab to the 'RIGHT' Offset flingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('LEFT CHILD')); await tester.flingFrom(flingStart, const Offset(-200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 1); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsNothing); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); // Fling to the right, switch back to the 'LEFT' tab flingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('RIGHT CHILD')); await tester.flingFrom(flingStart, const Offset(200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 0); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); }); testWidgets('TabBar left/right fling reverse (1)', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildLeftRightApp(tabs: tabs, value: 'LEFT')); expect(find.text('LEFT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('LEFT'))); expect(controller.index, 0); final Offset flingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('LEFT CHILD')); await tester.flingFrom(flingStart, const Offset(200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation expect(controller.index, 0); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); }); testWidgets('TabBar left/right fling reverse (2)', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildLeftRightApp(tabs: tabs, value: 'LEFT')); expect(find.text('LEFT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('LEFT'))); expect(controller.index, 0); final Offset flingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('LEFT CHILD')); await tester.flingFrom(flingStart, const Offset(-200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pump(); // this is similar to a test above, but that one does many more pumps await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation expect(controller.index, 1); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsNothing); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); }); // A regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/5095 testWidgets('TabBar left/right fling reverse (2)', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildLeftRightApp(tabs: tabs, value: 'LEFT')); expect(find.text('LEFT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('LEFT'))); expect(controller.index, 0); final Offset flingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('LEFT CHILD')); final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(flingStart); for (int index = 0; index > 50; index += 1) { await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(-10.0, 0.0)); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 1)); } // End the fling by reversing direction. This should cause not cause // a change to the selected tab, everything should just settle back to // to where it started. for (int index = 0; index > 50; index += 1) { await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(10.0, 0.0)); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 1)); } await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation expect(controller.index, 0); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); }); // A regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/7133 testWidgets('TabBar fling velocity', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['AAAAAA', 'BBBBBB', 'CCCCCC', 'DDDDDD', 'EEEEEE', 'FFFFFF', 'GGGGGG', 'HHHHHH', 'IIIIII', 'JJJJJJ', 'KKKKKK', 'LLLLLL']; int index = 0; await tester.pumpWidget( MaterialApp( home: Align( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: SizedBox( width: 300.0, height: 200.0, child: DefaultTabController( length: tabs.length, child: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('tabs'), bottom: TabBar( isScrollable: true, tabs: tabs.map<Widget>((String tab) => Tab(text: tab)).toList(), ), ), body: TabBarView( children: tabs.map<Widget>((String name) => Text('${index++}')).toList(), ), ), ), ), ), ), ); // After a small slow fling to the left, we expect the second item to still be visible. await tester.fling(find.text('AAAAAA'), const Offset(-25.0, 0.0), 100.0); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation final RenderBox box = tester.renderObject(find.text('BBBBBB')); expect(box.localToGlobal(Offset.zero).dx, greaterThan(0.0)); }); testWidgets('TabController change notification', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildLeftRightApp(tabs: tabs, value: 'LEFT')); final TabController controller = DefaultTabController.of(tester.element(find.text('LEFT'))); expect(controller, isNotNull); expect(controller.index, 0); String value; controller.addListener(() { value = tabs[controller.index]; }); await tester.tap(find.text('RIGHT')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(value, 'RIGHT'); await tester.tap(find.text('LEFT')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(value, 'LEFT'); final Offset leftFlingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('LEFT CHILD')); await tester.flingFrom(leftFlingStart, const Offset(-200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(value, 'RIGHT'); final Offset rightFlingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('RIGHT CHILD')); await tester.flingFrom(rightFlingStart, const Offset(200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(value, 'LEFT'); }); testWidgets('Explicit TabController', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; TabController tabController; Widget buildTabControllerFrame(BuildContext context, TabController controller) { tabController = controller; return MaterialApp( theme: ThemeData(platform: TargetPlatform.android), home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('tabs'), bottom: TabBar( controller: controller, tabs: tabs.map<Widget>((String tab) => Tab(text: tab)).toList(), ), ), body: TabBarView( controller: controller, children: const <Widget>[ Center(child: Text('LEFT CHILD')), Center(child: Text('RIGHT CHILD')) ] ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(TabControllerFrame( builder: buildTabControllerFrame, length: tabs.length, initialIndex: 1, )); expect(find.text('LEFT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsNothing); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(tabController.index, 1); expect(tabController.previousIndex, 1); expect(tabController.indexIsChanging, false); expect(tabController.animation.value, 1.0); expect(tabController.animation.status, AnimationStatus.completed); tabController.index = 0; await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsNothing); tabController.index = 1; await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect(find.text('LEFT CHILD'), findsNothing); expect(find.text('RIGHT CHILD'), findsOneWidget); }); testWidgets('TabController listener resets index', (WidgetTester tester) async { // This is a regression test for the scenario brought up here // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/7387#pullrequestreview-15630946 final List<String> tabs = <String>['A', 'B', 'C']; TabController tabController; Widget buildTabControllerFrame(BuildContext context, TabController controller) { tabController = controller; return MaterialApp( theme: ThemeData(platform: TargetPlatform.android), home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('tabs'), bottom: TabBar( controller: controller, tabs: tabs.map<Widget>((String tab) => Tab(text: tab)).toList(), ), ), body: TabBarView( controller: controller, children: const <Widget>[ Center(child: Text('CHILD A')), Center(child: Text('CHILD B')), Center(child: Text('CHILD C')), ] ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(TabControllerFrame( builder: buildTabControllerFrame, length: tabs.length, )); tabController.animation.addListener(() { if (tabController.animation.status == AnimationStatus.forward) tabController.index = 2; expect(tabController.indexIsChanging, true); }); expect(tabController.index, 0); expect(tabController.indexIsChanging, false); tabController.animateTo(1, duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 200), curve: Curves.linear); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 300)); expect(tabController.index, 2); expect(tabController.indexIsChanging, false); }); testWidgets('TabBarView child disposed during animation', (WidgetTester tester) async { // This is a regression test for the scenario brought up here // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/7387#discussion_r95089191x final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildLeftRightApp(tabs: tabs, value: 'LEFT')); // Fling to the left, switch from the 'LEFT' tab to the 'RIGHT' final Offset flingStart = tester.getCenter(find.text('LEFT CHILD')); await tester.flingFrom(flingStart, const Offset(-200.0, 0.0), 10000.0); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation }); testWidgets('TabBar unselectedLabelColor control test', (WidgetTester tester) async { final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 2, ); Color firstColor; Color secondColor; await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: TabBar( controller: controller, labelColor: Colors.green[500], unselectedLabelColor: Colors.blue[500], tabs: <Widget>[ Builder( builder: (BuildContext context) { firstColor = IconTheme.of(context).color; return const Text('First'); } ), Builder( builder: (BuildContext context) { secondColor = IconTheme.of(context).color; return const Text('Second'); } ), ], ), ), ); expect(firstColor, equals(Colors.green[500])); expect(secondColor, equals(Colors.blue[500])); }); testWidgets('TabBarView page left and right test', (WidgetTester tester) async { final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 2, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: TabBarView( controller: controller, children: const <Widget>[ Text('First'), Text('Second') ], ), ), ); expect(controller.index, equals(0)); TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(100.0, 100.0)); expect(controller.index, equals(0)); // Drag to the left and right, by less than the TabBarView's width. // The selected index (controller.index) should not change. await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(-100.0, 0.0)); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(100.0, 0.0)); expect(controller.index, equals(0)); expect(find.text('First'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('Second'), findsNothing); // Drag more than the TabBarView's width to the right. This forces // the selected index to change to 1. await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(-500.0, 0.0)); await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(); // start the scroll animation await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation expect(controller.index, equals(1)); expect(find.text('First'), findsNothing); expect(find.text('Second'), findsOneWidget); gesture = await tester.startGesture(const Offset(100.0, 100.0)); expect(controller.index, equals(1)); // Drag to the left and right, by less than the TabBarView's width. // The selected index (controller.index) should not change. await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(-100.0, 0.0)); await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(100.0, 0.0)); expect(controller.index, equals(1)); expect(find.text('First'), findsNothing); expect(find.text('Second'), findsOneWidget); // Drag more than the TabBarView's width to the left. This forces // the selected index to change back to 0. await gesture.moveBy(const Offset(500.0, 0.0)); await gesture.up(); await tester.pump(); // start the scroll animation await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // finish the scroll animation expect(controller.index, equals(0)); expect(find.text('First'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('Second'), findsNothing); }); testWidgets('TabBar tap animates the selection indicator', (WidgetTester tester) async { // This is a regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/7479 final List<String> tabs = <String>['A', 'B']; const Color indicatorColor = Color(0xFFFF0000); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(tabs: tabs, value: 'A', indicatorColor: indicatorColor)); final RenderBox box = tester.renderObject(find.byType(TabBar)); final TabIndicatorRecordingCanvas canvas = TabIndicatorRecordingCanvas(indicatorColor); final TestRecordingPaintingContext context = TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas); box.paint(context, Offset.zero); final Rect indicatorRect0 = canvas.indicatorRect; expect(indicatorRect0.left, 0.0); expect(indicatorRect0.width, 400.0); expect(indicatorRect0.height, 2.0); await tester.tap(find.text('B')); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); box.paint(context, Offset.zero); final Rect indicatorRect1 = canvas.indicatorRect; expect(indicatorRect1.left, greaterThan(indicatorRect0.left)); expect(indicatorRect1.right, lessThan(800.0)); expect(indicatorRect1.height, 2.0); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 300)); box.paint(context, Offset.zero); final Rect indicatorRect2 = canvas.indicatorRect; expect(indicatorRect2.left, 400.0); expect(indicatorRect2.width, 400.0); expect(indicatorRect2.height, 2.0); }); testWidgets('TabBarView child disposed during animation', (WidgetTester tester) async { // This is a regression test for this patch: // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/9015 final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 2, ); Widget buildFrame() { return boilerplate( child: TabBar( key: UniqueKey(), controller: controller, tabs: const <Widget>[ Text('A'), Text('B') ], ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame()); // The original TabBar will be disposed. The controller should no // longer have any listeners from the original TabBar. await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame()); controller.index = 1; await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 300)); }); testWidgets('TabBarView scrolls end close to a new page', (WidgetTester tester) async { // This is a regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/9375 final TabController tabController = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), initialIndex: 1, length: 3, ); await tester.pumpWidget(Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: SizedBox.expand( child: Center( child: SizedBox( width: 400.0, height: 400.0, child: TabBarView( controller: tabController, children: const <Widget>[ Center(child: Text('0')), Center(child: Text('1')), Center(child: Text('2')), ], ), ), ), ), )); expect(tabController.index, 1); final PageView pageView = tester.widget(find.byType(PageView)); final PageController pageController = pageView.controller; final ScrollPosition position = pageController.position; // The TabBarView's page width is 400, so page 0 is at scroll offset 0.0, // page 1 is at 400.0, page 2 is at 800.0. expect(position.pixels, 400.0); // Not close enough to switch to page 2 pageController.jumpTo(500.0); expect(tabController.index, 1); // Close enough to switch to page 2 pageController.jumpTo(700.0); expect(tabController.index, 2); // Same behavior going left: not left enough to get to page 0 pageController.jumpTo(300.0); expect(tabController.index, 1); // Left enough to get to page 0 pageController.jumpTo(100.0); expect(tabController.index, 0); }); testWidgets('TabBarView scrolls end close to a new page with custom physics', (WidgetTester tester) async { final TabController tabController = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), initialIndex: 1, length: 3, ); await tester.pumpWidget(Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: SizedBox.expand( child: Center( child: SizedBox( width: 400.0, height: 400.0, child: TabBarView( controller: tabController, physics: const TestScrollPhysics(), children: const <Widget>[ Center(child: Text('0')), Center(child: Text('1')), Center(child: Text('2')), ], ), ), ), ), )); expect(tabController.index, 1); final PageView pageView = tester.widget(find.byType(PageView)); final PageController pageController = pageView.controller; final ScrollPosition position = pageController.position; // The TabBarView's page width is 400, so page 0 is at scroll offset 0.0, // page 1 is at 400.0, page 2 is at 800.0. expect(position.pixels, 400.0); // Not close enough to switch to page 2 pageController.jumpTo(500.0); expect(tabController.index, 1); // Close enough to switch to page 2 pageController.jumpTo(700.0); expect(tabController.index, 2); // Same behavior going left: not left enough to get to page 0 pageController.jumpTo(300.0); expect(tabController.index, 1); // Left enough to get to page 0 pageController.jumpTo(100.0); expect(tabController.index, 0); }); testWidgets('Scrollable TabBar with a non-zero TabController initialIndex', (WidgetTester tester) async { // This is a regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/9374 final List<Tab> tabs = List<Tab>.generate(20, (int index) { return Tab(text: 'TAB #$index'); }); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, initialIndex: tabs.length - 1, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: TabBar( isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ); // The initialIndex tab should be visible and right justified expect(find.text('TAB #19'), findsOneWidget); // Tabs have a minimum width of 72.0 and 'TAB #19' is wider than // that. Tabs are padded horizontally with kTabLabelPadding. final double tabRight = 800.0 - kTabLabelPadding.right; expect(tester.getTopRight(find.widgetWithText(Tab, 'TAB #19')).dx, tabRight); }); testWidgets('TabBar with indicatorWeight, indicatorPadding (LTR)', (WidgetTester tester) async { const Color indicatorColor = Color(0xFF00FF00); const double indicatorWeight = 8.0; const double padLeft = 8.0; const double padRight = 4.0; final List<Widget> tabs = List<Widget>.generate(4, (int index) { return Tab(text: 'Tab $index'); }); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( indicatorWeight: indicatorWeight, indicatorColor: indicatorColor, indicatorPadding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: padLeft, right: padRight), controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); expect(tabBarBox.size.height, 54.0); // 54 = _kTabHeight(46) + indicatorWeight(8.0) const double indicatorY = 54.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorLeft = padLeft + indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorRight = 200.0 - (padRight + indicatorWeight / 2.0); expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( color: indicatorColor, strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); // Select tab 3 controller.index = 3; await tester.pumpAndSettle(); indicatorLeft = 600.0 + padLeft + indicatorWeight / 2.0; indicatorRight = 800.0 - (padRight + indicatorWeight / 2.0); expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( color: indicatorColor, strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('TabBar with indicatorWeight, indicatorPadding (RTL)', (WidgetTester tester) async { const Color indicatorColor = Color(0xFF00FF00); const double indicatorWeight = 8.0; const double padLeft = 8.0; const double padRight = 4.0; final List<Widget> tabs = List<Widget>.generate(4, (int index) { return Tab(text: 'Tab $index'); }); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( indicatorWeight: indicatorWeight, indicatorColor: indicatorColor, indicatorPadding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: padLeft, right: padRight), controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); expect(tabBarBox.size.height, 54.0); // 54 = _kTabHeight(46) + indicatorWeight(8.0) expect(tabBarBox.size.width, 800.0); const double indicatorY = 54.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorLeft = 600.0 + padLeft + indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorRight = 800.0 - padRight - indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( color: indicatorColor, strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); // Select tab 3 controller.index = 3; await tester.pumpAndSettle(); indicatorLeft = padLeft + indicatorWeight / 2.0; indicatorRight = 200.0 - padRight - indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( color: indicatorColor, strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('TabBar changes indicator attributes', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<Widget> tabs = List<Widget>.generate(4, (int index) { return Tab(text: 'Tab $index'); }); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); Color indicatorColor = const Color(0xFF00FF00); double indicatorWeight = 8.0; double padLeft = 8.0; double padRight = 4.0; Widget buildFrame() { return boilerplate( child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( indicatorWeight: indicatorWeight, indicatorColor: indicatorColor, indicatorPadding: EdgeInsets.only(left: padLeft, right: padRight), controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ); } await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame()); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); expect(tabBarBox.size.height, 54.0); // 54 = _kTabHeight(46) + indicatorWeight(8.0) double indicatorY = 54.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorLeft = padLeft + indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorRight = 200.0 - (padRight + indicatorWeight / 2.0); expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( color: indicatorColor, strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); indicatorColor = const Color(0xFF0000FF); indicatorWeight = 4.0; padLeft = 4.0; padRight = 8.0; await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame()); expect(tabBarBox.size.height, 50.0); // 54 = _kTabHeight(46) + indicatorWeight(4.0) indicatorY = 50.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; indicatorLeft = padLeft + indicatorWeight / 2.0; indicatorRight = 200.0 - (padRight + indicatorWeight / 2.0); expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( color: indicatorColor, strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('TabBar with directional indicatorPadding (LTR)', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<Widget> tabs = <Widget>[ SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 130.0, height: 30.0), SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 140.0, height: 40.0), SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 150.0, height: 50.0), ]; const double indicatorWeight = 2.0; // the default final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( indicatorPadding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 100.0), isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); const double tabBarHeight = 50.0 + indicatorWeight; // 50 = max tab height expect(tabBarBox.size.height, tabBarHeight); // Tab0 width = 130, height = 30 double tabLeft = kTabLabelPadding.left; double tabRight = tabLeft + 130.0; double tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 30.0) / 2.0; double tabBottom = tabTop + 30.0; Rect tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[0].key)), tabRect); // Tab1 width = 140, height = 40 tabLeft = tabRight + kTabLabelPadding.right + kTabLabelPadding.left; tabRight = tabLeft + 140.0; tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 40.0) / 2.0; tabBottom = tabTop + 40.0; tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[1].key)), tabRect); // Tab2 width = 150, height = 50 tabLeft = tabRight + kTabLabelPadding.right + kTabLabelPadding.left; tabRight = tabLeft + 150.0; tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 50.0) / 2.0; tabBottom = tabTop + 50.0; tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[2].key)), tabRect); // Tab 0 selected, indicator padding resolves to left: 100.0 const double indicatorLeft = 100.0 + indicatorWeight / 2.0; final double indicatorRight = 130.0 + kTabLabelPadding.horizontal - indicatorWeight / 2.0; final double indicatorY = tabBottom + indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('TabBar with directional indicatorPadding (RTL)', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<Widget> tabs = <Widget>[ SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 130.0, height: 30.0), SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 140.0, height: 40.0), SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 150.0, height: 50.0), ]; const double indicatorWeight = 2.0; // the default final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( indicatorPadding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 100.0), isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); const double tabBarHeight = 50.0 + indicatorWeight; // 50 = max tab height expect(tabBarBox.size.height, tabBarHeight); // Tab2 width = 150, height = 50 double tabLeft = kTabLabelPadding.left; double tabRight = tabLeft + 150.0; double tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 50.0) / 2.0; double tabBottom = tabTop + 50.0; Rect tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[2].key)), tabRect); // Tab1 width = 140, height = 40 tabLeft = tabRight + kTabLabelPadding.right + kTabLabelPadding.left; tabRight = tabLeft + 140.0; tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 40.0) / 2.0; tabBottom = tabTop + 40.0; tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[1].key)), tabRect); // Tab0 width = 130, height = 30 tabLeft = tabRight + kTabLabelPadding.right + kTabLabelPadding.left; tabRight = tabLeft + 130.0; tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 30.0) / 2.0; tabBottom = tabTop + 30.0; tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[0].key)), tabRect); // Tab 0 selected, indicator padding resolves to right: 100.0 final double indicatorLeft = tabLeft - kTabLabelPadding.left + indicatorWeight / 2.0; final double indicatorRight = tabRight + kTabLabelPadding.left - indicatorWeight / 2.0 - 100.0; const double indicatorY = 50.0 + indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('TabBar with labelPadding', (WidgetTester tester) async { const double indicatorWeight = 2.0; // default indicator weight const EdgeInsets labelPadding = EdgeInsets.only(left: 3.0, right: 7.0); const EdgeInsets indicatorPadding = labelPadding; final List<Widget> tabs = <Widget>[ SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 130.0, height: 30.0), SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 140.0, height: 40.0), SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 150.0, height: 50.0), ]; final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( labelPadding: labelPadding, indicatorPadding: labelPadding, isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); const double tabBarHeight = 50.0 + indicatorWeight; // 50 = max tab height expect(tabBarBox.size.height, tabBarHeight); // Tab0 width = 130, height = 30 double tabLeft = labelPadding.left; double tabRight = tabLeft + 130.0; double tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 30.0) / 2.0; double tabBottom = tabTop + 30.0; Rect tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[0].key)), tabRect); // Tab1 width = 140, height = 40 tabLeft = tabRight + labelPadding.right + labelPadding.left; tabRight = tabLeft + 140.0; tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 40.0) / 2.0; tabBottom = tabTop + 40.0; tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[1].key)), tabRect); // Tab2 width = 150, height = 50 tabLeft = tabRight + labelPadding.right + labelPadding.left; tabRight = tabLeft + 150.0; tabTop = (tabBarHeight - indicatorWeight - 50.0) / 2.0; tabBottom = tabTop + 50.0; tabRect = Rect.fromLTRB(tabLeft, tabTop, tabRight, tabBottom); expect(tester.getRect(find.byKey(tabs[2].key)), tabRect); // Tab 0 selected, indicatorPadding == labelPadding final double indicatorLeft = indicatorPadding.left + indicatorWeight / 2.0; final double indicatorRight = 130.0 + labelPadding.horizontal - indicatorPadding.right - indicatorWeight / 2.0; final double indicatorY = tabBottom + indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('Overflowing RTL tab bar', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List<Widget> tabs = List<Widget>.filled(100, // For convenience padded width of each tab will equal 100: // 68 + kTabLabelPadding.horizontal(32) SizedBox(key: UniqueKey(), width: 68.0, height: 40.0), ); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); const double indicatorWeight = 2.0; // the default await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); const double tabBarHeight = 40.0 + indicatorWeight; // 40 = tab height expect(tabBarBox.size.height, tabBarHeight); // Tab 0 out of 100 selected double indicatorLeft = 99.0 * 100.0 + indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorRight = 100.0 * 100.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; const double indicatorY = 40.0 + indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); controller.animateTo(tabs.length - 1, duration: const Duration(seconds: 1), curve: Curves.linear); await tester.pump(); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); // The x coordinates of p1 and p2 were derived empirically, not analytically. expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: const Offset(2476.0, indicatorY), p2: const Offset(2574.0, indicatorY), )); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 501)); // Tab 99 out of 100 selected, appears on the far left because RTL indicatorLeft = indicatorWeight / 2.0; indicatorRight = 100.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('correct semantics', (WidgetTester tester) async { final SemanticsTester semantics = SemanticsTester(tester); final List<Tab> tabs = List<Tab>.generate(2, (int index) { return Tab(text: 'TAB #$index'); }); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, initialIndex: 0, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Semantics( container: true, child: TabBar( isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final TestSemantics expectedSemantics = TestSemantics.root( children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics.rootChild( id: 1, rect: TestSemantics.fullScreen, children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics( id: 2, rect: TestSemantics.fullScreen, children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics( id: 3, rect: TestSemantics.fullScreen, children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics( id: 4, actions: SemanticsAction.tap.index, flags: SemanticsFlag.isSelected.index, label: 'TAB #0\nTab 1 of 2', rect: Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 116.0, kTextTabBarHeight), transform: Matrix4.translationValues(0.0, 276.0, 0.0), ), TestSemantics( id: 5, actions: SemanticsAction.tap.index, label: 'TAB #1\nTab 2 of 2', rect: Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 116.0, kTextTabBarHeight), transform: Matrix4.translationValues(116.0, 276.0, 0.0), ), ] ) ], ), ], ), ], ); expect(semantics, hasSemantics(expectedSemantics)); semantics.dispose(); }); testWidgets('correct scrolling semantics', (WidgetTester tester) async { final SemanticsTester semantics = SemanticsTester(tester); final List<Tab> tabs = List<Tab>.generate(20, (int index) { return Tab(text: 'This is a very wide tab #$index'); }); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, initialIndex: 0, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Semantics( container: true, child: TabBar( isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); const String tab0title = 'This is a very wide tab #0\nTab 1 of 20'; const String tab10title = 'This is a very wide tab #10\nTab 11 of 20'; expect(semantics, includesNodeWith(actions: <SemanticsAction>[SemanticsAction.scrollLeft])); expect(semantics, includesNodeWith(label: tab0title)); expect(semantics, isNot(includesNodeWith(label: tab10title))); controller.index = 10; await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(semantics, isNot(includesNodeWith(label: tab0title))); expect(semantics, includesNodeWith(actions: <SemanticsAction>[SemanticsAction.scrollLeft, SemanticsAction.scrollRight])); expect(semantics, includesNodeWith(label: tab10title)); controller.index = 19; await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(semantics, includesNodeWith(actions: <SemanticsAction>[SemanticsAction.scrollRight])); controller.index = 0; await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(semantics, includesNodeWith(actions: <SemanticsAction>[SemanticsAction.scrollLeft])); expect(semantics, includesNodeWith(label: tab0title)); expect(semantics, isNot(includesNodeWith(label: tab10title))); semantics.dispose(); }); testWidgets('TabBar etc with zero tabs', (WidgetTester tester) async { final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 0, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Column( children: <Widget>[ TabBar( controller: controller, tabs: const <Widget>[], ), Flexible( child: TabBarView( controller: controller, children: const <Widget>[], ), ), ], ), ), ); expect(controller.index, 0); expect(tester.getSize(find.byType(TabBar)), const Size(800.0, 48.0)); expect(tester.getSize(find.byType(TabBarView)), const Size(800.0, 600.0 - 48.0)); // A fling in the TabBar or TabBarView, shouldn't do anything. await tester.fling(find.byType(TabBar), const Offset(-100.0, 0.0), 5000.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await tester.fling(find.byType(TabBarView), const Offset(100.0, 0.0), 5000.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 0); }); testWidgets('TabBar etc with one tab', (WidgetTester tester) async { final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 1, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Column( children: <Widget>[ TabBar( controller: controller, tabs: const <Widget>[Tab(text: 'TAB')], ), Flexible( child: TabBarView( controller: controller, children: const <Widget>[Text('PAGE')], ), ), ], ), ), ); expect(controller.index, 0); expect(find.text('TAB'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('PAGE'), findsOneWidget); expect(tester.getSize(find.byType(TabBar)), const Size(800.0, 48.0)); expect(tester.getSize(find.byType(TabBarView)), const Size(800.0, 600.0 - 48.0)); // The one tab should be center vis the app's width (800). final double tabLeft = tester.getTopLeft(find.widgetWithText(Tab, 'TAB')).dx; final double tabRight = tester.getTopRight(find.widgetWithText(Tab, 'TAB')).dx; expect(tabLeft + (tabRight - tabLeft) / 2.0, 400.0); // A fling in the TabBar or TabBarView, shouldn't move the tab. await tester.fling(find.byType(TabBar), const Offset(-100.0, 0.0), 5000.0); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); expect(tester.getTopLeft(find.widgetWithText(Tab, 'TAB')).dx, tabLeft); expect(tester.getTopRight(find.widgetWithText(Tab, 'TAB')).dx, tabRight); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await tester.fling(find.byType(TabBarView), const Offset(100.0, 0.0), 5000.0); await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 50)); expect(tester.getTopLeft(find.widgetWithText(Tab, 'TAB')).dx, tabLeft); expect(tester.getTopRight(find.widgetWithText(Tab, 'TAB')).dx, tabRight); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 0); expect(find.text('TAB'), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('PAGE'), findsOneWidget); }); testWidgets('can tap on indicator at very bottom of TabBar to switch tabs', (WidgetTester tester) async { final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 2, initialIndex: 0, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Column( children: <Widget>[ TabBar( controller: controller, indicatorWeight: 30.0, tabs: const <Widget>[Tab(text: 'TAB1'), Tab(text: 'TAB2')], ), Flexible( child: TabBarView( controller: controller, children: const <Widget>[Text('PAGE1'), Text('PAGE2')], ), ), ], ), ), ); expect(controller.index, 0); final Offset bottomRight = tester.getBottomRight(find.byType(TabBar)) - const Offset(1.0, 1.0); final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(bottomRight); await gesture.up(); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.index, 1); }); testWidgets('can override semantics of tabs', (WidgetTester tester) async { final SemanticsTester semantics = SemanticsTester(tester); final List<Tab> tabs = List<Tab>.generate(2, (int index) { return Tab( child: Semantics( label: 'Semantics override $index', child: ExcludeSemantics( child: Text('TAB #$index'), ), ), ); }); final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, initialIndex: 0, ); await tester.pumpWidget( boilerplate( child: Semantics( container: true, child: TabBar( isScrollable: true, controller: controller, tabs: tabs, ), ), ), ); final TestSemantics expectedSemantics = TestSemantics.root( children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics.rootChild( id: 1, rect: TestSemantics.fullScreen, children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics( id: 2, rect: TestSemantics.fullScreen, children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics( id: 3, rect: TestSemantics.fullScreen, children: <TestSemantics>[ TestSemantics( id: 4, actions: SemanticsAction.tap.index, flags: SemanticsFlag.isSelected.index, label: 'Semantics override 0\nTab 1 of 2', rect: Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 116.0, kTextTabBarHeight), transform: Matrix4.translationValues(0.0, 276.0, 0.0), ), TestSemantics( id: 5, actions: SemanticsAction.tap.index, label: 'Semantics override 1\nTab 2 of 2', rect: Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 116.0, kTextTabBarHeight), transform: Matrix4.translationValues(116.0, 276.0, 0.0), ), ] ) ], ), ], ), ], ); expect(semantics, hasSemantics(expectedSemantics)); semantics.dispose(); }); test('illegal constructor combinations', () { expect(() => Tab(icon: nonconst(null)), throwsAssertionError); expect(() => Tab(icon: Container(), text: 'foo', child: Container()), throwsAssertionError); expect(() => Tab(text: 'foo', child: Container()), throwsAssertionError); }); testWidgets('TabController changes', (WidgetTester tester) async { // This is a regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/14812 Widget buildFrame(TabController controller) { return boilerplate( child: Container( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: TabBar( controller: controller, tabs: const <Tab>[ Tab(text: 'LEFT'), Tab(text: 'RIGHT'), ], ), ), ); } final TabController controller1 = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 2, initialIndex: 0, ); final TabController controller2 = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: 2, initialIndex: 0, ); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(controller1)); await tester.pumpWidget(buildFrame(controller2)); expect(controller1.index, 0); expect(controller2.index, 0); const double indicatorWeight = 2.0; final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); expect(tabBarBox.size.height, 48.0); // 48 = _kTabHeight(46) + indicatorWeight(2.0) const double indicatorY = 48.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorLeft = indicatorWeight / 2.0; double indicatorRight = 400.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; // 400 = screen_width / 2 expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); await tester.tap(find.text('RIGHT')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller1.index, 0); expect(controller2.index, 1); // Verify that the TabBar's _IndicatorPainter is now listening to // tabController2. indicatorLeft = 400.0 + indicatorWeight / 2.0; indicatorRight = 800.0 - indicatorWeight / 2.0; expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( strokeWidth: indicatorWeight, p1: Offset(indicatorLeft, indicatorY), p2: Offset(indicatorRight, indicatorY), )); }); testWidgets('Default tab indicator color is white', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/15958 final List<String> tabs = <String>['LEFT', 'RIGHT']; await tester.pumpWidget(buildLeftRightApp(tabs: tabs, value: 'LEFT')); final RenderBox tabBarBox = tester.firstRenderObject<RenderBox>(find.byType(TabBar)); expect(tabBarBox, paints..line( color: Colors.white, )); }); testWidgets('Skipping tabs with a KeepAlive child works', (WidgetTester tester) async { // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/11895 final List<String> tabs = <String>[ 'Tab1', 'Tab2', 'Tab3', 'Tab4', 'Tab5', ]; final TabController controller = TabController( vsync: const TestVSync(), length: tabs.length, ); await tester.pumpWidget( MaterialApp( home: Align( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: SizedBox( width: 300.0, height: 200.0, child: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('tabs'), bottom: TabBar( controller: controller, tabs: tabs.map<Widget>((String tab) => Tab(text: tab)).toList(), ), ), body: TabBarView( controller: controller, children: <Widget>[ AlwaysKeepAliveWidget(), const Text('2'), const Text('3'), const Text('4'), const Text('5'), ], ), ), ), ), ), ); expect(find.text(AlwaysKeepAliveWidget.text), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('4'), findsNothing); await tester.tap(find.text('Tab4')); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); await tester.pump(); expect(controller.index, 3); expect(find.text(AlwaysKeepAliveWidget.text, skipOffstage: false), findsOneWidget); expect(find.text('4'), findsOneWidget); }); }