// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'host_agent.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; typedef SimulatorFunction = Future Function(String deviceId); Future fileType(String pathToBinary) { return eval('file', [pathToBinary]); } Future minPhoneOSVersion(String pathToBinary) async { final String loadCommands = await eval('otool', [ '-l', '-arch', 'arm64', pathToBinary, ]); if (!loadCommands.contains('LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS')) { return null; } String? minVersion; // Load command 7 // cmd LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS // cmdsize 16 // version 9.0 // sdk 15.2 // ... final List lines = LineSplitter.split(loadCommands).toList(); lines.asMap().forEach((int index, String line) { if (line.contains('LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS') && lines.length - index - 1 > 3) { final String versionLine = lines .skip(index - 1) .take(4).last; final RegExp versionRegex = RegExp(r'\s*version\s*(\S*)'); minVersion = versionRegex.firstMatch(versionLine)?.group(1); } }); return minVersion; } /// Creates and boots a new simulator, passes the new simulator's identifier to /// `testFunction`. /// /// Remember to call removeIOSimulator in the test teardown. Future testWithNewIOSSimulator( String deviceName, SimulatorFunction testFunction, { String deviceTypeId = 'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-11', }) async { // Xcode 11.4 simctl create makes the runtime argument optional, and defaults to latest. // TODO(jmagman): Remove runtime parsing when devicelab upgrades to Xcode 11.4 https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/54889 final String availableRuntimes = await eval( 'xcrun', [ 'simctl', 'list', 'runtimes', ], workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path, ); String? iOSSimRuntime; final RegExp iOSRuntimePattern = RegExp(r'iOS .*\) - (.*)'); for (final String runtime in LineSplitter.split(availableRuntimes)) { // These seem to be in order, so allow matching multiple lines so it grabs // the last (hopefully latest) one. final RegExpMatch? iOSRuntimeMatch = iOSRuntimePattern.firstMatch(runtime); if (iOSRuntimeMatch != null) { iOSSimRuntime = iOSRuntimeMatch.group(1)!.trim(); continue; } } if (iOSSimRuntime == null) { throw 'No iOS simulator runtime found. Available runtimes:\n$availableRuntimes'; } final String deviceId = await eval( 'xcrun', [ 'simctl', 'create', deviceName, deviceTypeId, iOSSimRuntime, ], workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path, ); await eval( 'xcrun', [ 'simctl', 'boot', deviceId, ], workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path, ); await testFunction(deviceId); } /// Shuts down and deletes simulator with deviceId. Future removeIOSimulator(String? deviceId) async { if (deviceId != null && deviceId != '') { await eval( 'xcrun', [ 'simctl', 'shutdown', deviceId, ], canFail: true, workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path, ); await eval( 'xcrun', [ 'simctl', 'delete', deviceId, ], canFail: true, workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path, ); } } Future runXcodeTests({ required String platformDirectory, required String destination, required String testName, String configuration = 'Release', bool skipCodesign = false, }) async { final Map environment = Platform.environment; String? developmentTeam; String? codeSignStyle; String? provisioningProfile; if (!skipCodesign) { // If not running on CI, inject the Flutter team code signing properties. developmentTeam = environment['FLUTTER_XCODE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM'] ?? 'S8QB4VV633'; codeSignStyle = environment['FLUTTER_XCODE_CODE_SIGN_STYLE']; provisioningProfile = environment['FLUTTER_XCODE_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER']; } final String resultBundleTemp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_xcresult.').path; final String resultBundlePath = path.join(resultBundleTemp, 'result'); final int testResultExit = await exec( 'xcodebuild', [ '-workspace', 'Runner.xcworkspace', '-scheme', 'Runner', '-configuration', configuration, '-destination', destination, '-resultBundlePath', resultBundlePath, 'test', 'COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO', if (developmentTeam != null) 'DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=$developmentTeam', if (codeSignStyle != null) 'CODE_SIGN_STYLE=$codeSignStyle', if (provisioningProfile != null) 'PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER=$provisioningProfile', ], workingDirectory: platformDirectory, canFail: true, ); if (testResultExit != 0) { final Directory? dumpDirectory = hostAgent.dumpDirectory; final Directory xcresultBundle = Directory(path.join(resultBundleTemp, 'result.xcresult')); if (dumpDirectory != null) { if (xcresultBundle.existsSync()) { // Zip the test results to the artifacts directory for upload. final String zipPath = path.join(dumpDirectory.path, '$testName-${DateTime.now().toLocal().toIso8601String()}.zip'); await exec( 'zip', [ '-r', '-9', '-q', zipPath, path.basename(xcresultBundle.path), ], workingDirectory: resultBundleTemp, canFail: true, // Best effort to get the logs. ); } else { print('xcresult bundle ${xcresultBundle.path} does not exist, skipping upload'); } } return false; } return true; }