#!/bin/bash set -e function script_location() { local script_location="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" # Resolve symlinks while [[ -h "$script_location" ]]; do DIR="$(cd -P "$(dirname "$script_location")" >/dev/null && pwd)" script_location="$(readlink "$script_location")" [[ "$script_location" != /* ]] && script_location="$DIR/$script_location" done echo "$(cd -P "$(dirname "$script_location")" >/dev/null && pwd)" } # So that users can run this script locally from any directory and it will work as # expected. SCRIPT_LOCATION="$(script_location)" FLUTTER_ROOT="$(dirname "$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")")" export PATH="$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin:$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin:$PATH" set -x cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT" if [[ "$SHARD" = "deploy_gallery" ]]; then version="$( /root/.android/debug.keystore fi set -x ( cd examples/flutter_gallery/android fastlane deploy_play_store ) else echo "Not deployed: Flutter Gallery is only deployed to the Play Store on merged and tagged dev branch commits" fi elif [[ "$OS" == "darwin" ]]; then echo "Building Flutter Gallery $version for iOS..." ( cd examples/flutter_gallery flutter build ios --release --no-codesign -t lib/main_publish.dart ) echo "iOS Flutter Gallery built" if [[ -z "$CIRRUS_PR" ]]; then if [[ "$CIRRUS_BRANCH" == "dev" && "$version" != *"pre"* ]]; then echo "Archiving with distribution profile and deploying to TestFlight..." ( cd examples/flutter_gallery/ios export DELIVER_ITMSTRANSPORTER_ADDITIONAL_UPLOAD_PARAMETERS="-t DAV" fastlane build_and_deploy_testflight upload:true ) else echo "Archiving with distribution profile..." ( cd examples/flutter_gallery/ios fastlane build_and_deploy_testflight ) echo "Archive is only deployed to TestFlight on tagged dev branch commits" fi else echo "Not deployed: Flutter Gallery is only deployed to TestFlight on merged and tagged dev branch commits" fi fi else echo "Doing nothing: not on the 'deploy_gallery' SHARD." fi