part of flutter_sprites; // TODO: The sound effects should probably use Android's SoundPool instead of // MediaPlayer as it is more efficient and flexible for playing back sound effects typedef void SoundEffectStreamCallback(SoundEffectStream); class SoundEffect { SoundEffect(this._pipeFuture); // TODO: Remove load method from SoundEffect Future load() async { _data = await _pipeFuture; } Future<MojoDataPipeConsumer> _pipeFuture; MojoDataPipeConsumer _data; } class SoundEffectStream { SoundEffectStream( this.sound, this.loop, this.volume, this.pitch, this.pan, this.onSoundComplete ); // TODO: Make these properties work SoundEffect sound; bool playing = false; bool loop = false; double volume = 1.0; double pitch = 1.0; double pan = 0.0; // TODO: Implement completion callback. On completion, sounds should // also be removed from the list of playing sounds. SoundEffectStreamCallback onSoundComplete; MediaPlayerProxy _player; } SoundEffectPlayer _sharedSoundEffectPlayer; class SoundEffectPlayer { static SoundEffectPlayer sharedInstance() { if (_sharedSoundEffectPlayer == null) { _sharedSoundEffectPlayer = new SoundEffectPlayer(); } return _sharedSoundEffectPlayer; } SoundEffectPlayer() { _mediaService = new MediaServiceProxy.unbound(); shell.connectToService(null, _mediaService); } MediaServiceProxy _mediaService; List<SoundEffectStream> _soundEffectStreams = <SoundEffectStream>[]; // TODO: This should no longer be needed when moving to SoundPool backing Map<SoundEffect,MediaPlayerProxy> _mediaPlayers = <SoundEffect, MediaPlayerProxy>{}; Future _prepare(SoundEffectStream playingSound) async { await playingSound._player.ptr.prepare(playingSound.sound._data); } // TODO: Move sound loading here // TODO: Support loading sounds from bundles // Future<SoundEffect> load(url) async { // ... // } // TODO: Add sound unloader // unload(SoundEffect effect) { // ... // } // TODO: Add paused property (should pause playback of all sounds) bool paused; SoundEffectStream play( SoundEffect sound, [bool loop = false, double volume = 1.0, double pitch = 1.0, double pan = 0.0, SoundEffectStreamCallback callback = null]) { // Create new PlayingSound object SoundEffectStream playingSound = new SoundEffectStream( sound, loop, volume, pitch, pan, callback ); // TODO: Replace this with calls to SoundPool if (_mediaPlayers[sound] == null) { // Create player playingSound._player = new MediaPlayerProxy.unbound(); _mediaService.ptr.createPlayer(playingSound._player); // Prepare sound, then play it _prepare(playingSound).then((_) { playingSound._player.ptr.seekTo(0); playingSound._player.ptr.start(); }); _soundEffectStreams.add(playingSound); _mediaPlayers[sound] = playingSound._player; } else { // Reuse player playingSound._player = _mediaPlayers[sound]; playingSound._player.ptr.seekTo(0); playingSound._player.ptr.start(); } return playingSound; } void stop(SoundEffectStream stream) { stream._player.ptr.pause(); _soundEffectStreams.remove(stream); } void stopAll() { for (SoundEffectStream playingSound in _soundEffectStreams) { playingSound._player.ptr.pause(); } _soundEffectStreams = <SoundEffectStream>[]; } } typedef void SoundTrackCallback(SoundTrack); typedef void SoundTrackBufferingCallback(SoundTrack, int); class SoundTrack { MediaPlayerProxy _player; SoundTrackCallback onSoundComplete; SoundTrackCallback onSeekComplete; SoundTrackBufferingCallback onBufferingUpdate; bool loop; double time; double volume; } SoundTrackPlayer _sharedSoundTrackPlayer; class SoundTrackPlayer { List<SoundTrack> _soundTracks = <SoundTrack>[]; static sharedInstance() { if (_sharedSoundTrackPlayer == null) { _sharedSoundTrackPlayer = new SoundTrackPlayer(); } return _sharedSoundTrackPlayer; } SoundTrackPlayer() { _mediaService = new MediaServiceProxy.unbound(); shell.connectToService(null, _mediaService); } MediaServiceProxy _mediaService; Future<SoundTrack> load(Future<MojoDataPipeConsumer> pipe) async { // Create media player SoundTrack soundTrack = new SoundTrack(); soundTrack._player = new MediaPlayerProxy.unbound(); _mediaService.ptr.createPlayer(soundTrack._player); await soundTrack._player.ptr.prepare(await pipe); return soundTrack; } void unload(SoundTrack soundTrack) { stop(soundTrack); _soundTracks.remove(soundTrack); } void play( SoundTrack soundTrack, [bool loop = false, double volume, double startTime = 0.0]) { // TODO: Implement looping & volume // soundTrack._player.ptr.setLooping(loop); // soundTrack._player.ptr.setVolume(volume); soundTrack._player.ptr.seekTo((startTime * 1000.0).toInt()); soundTrack._player.ptr.start(); } void stop(SoundTrack track) { track._player.ptr.pause(); } void stopAll() { for (SoundTrack soundTrack in _soundTracks) { soundTrack._player.ptr.pause(); } } }