// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // @dart = 2.8 import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/painting.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'binding.dart'; import 'focus_scope.dart'; import 'focus_traversal.dart'; import 'framework.dart'; // Used for debugging focus code. Set to true to see highly verbose debug output // when focus changes occur. const bool _kDebugFocus = false; bool _focusDebug(String message, [Iterable details]) { if (_kDebugFocus) { debugPrint('FOCUS: $message'); if (details != null && details.isNotEmpty) { for (final String detail in details) { debugPrint(' $detail'); } } } return true; } /// Signature of a callback used by [Focus.onKey] and [FocusScope.onKey] /// to receive key events. /// /// The [node] is the node that received the event. typedef FocusOnKeyCallback = bool Function(FocusNode node, RawKeyEvent event); /// An attachment point for a [FocusNode]. /// /// Using a [FocusAttachment] is rarely needed, unless you are building /// something akin to the [Focus] or [FocusScope] widgets from scratch. /// /// Once created, a [FocusNode] must be attached to the widget tree by its /// _host_ [StatefulWidget] via a [FocusAttachment] object. [FocusAttachment]s /// are owned by the [StatefulWidget] that hosts a [FocusNode] or /// [FocusScopeNode]. There can be multiple [FocusAttachment]s for each /// [FocusNode], but the node will only ever be attached to one of them at a /// time. /// /// This attachment is created by calling [FocusNode.attach], usually from the /// host widget's [State.initState] method. If the widget is updated to have a /// different focus node, then the new node needs to be attached in /// [State.didUpdateWidget], after calling [detach] on the previous /// [FocusAttachment]. Once detached, the attachment is defunct and will no /// longer make changes to the [FocusNode] through [reparent]. /// /// Without these attachment points, it would be possible for a focus node to /// simultaneously be attached to more than one part of the widget tree during /// the build stage. class FocusAttachment { /// A private constructor, because [FocusAttachment]s are only to be created /// by [FocusNode.attach]. FocusAttachment._(this._node) : assert(_node != null); // The focus node that this attachment manages an attachment for. The node may // not yet have a parent, or may have been detached from this attachment, so // don't count on this node being in a usable state. final FocusNode _node; /// Returns true if the associated node is attached to this attachment. /// /// It is possible to be attached to the widget tree, but not be placed in /// the focus tree (i.e. to not have a parent yet in the focus tree). bool get isAttached => _node._attachment == this; /// Detaches the [FocusNode] this attachment point is associated with from the /// focus tree, and disconnects it from this attachment point. /// /// Calling [FocusNode.dispose] will also automatically detach the node. void detach() { assert(_node != null); assert(_focusDebug('Detaching node:', [_node.toString(), 'With enclosing scope ${_node.enclosingScope}'])); if (isAttached) { if (_node.hasPrimaryFocus || (_node._manager != null && _node._manager._markedForFocus == _node)) { _node.unfocus(disposition: UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild); } // This node is no longer in the tree, so shouldn't send notifications anymore. _node._manager?._markDetached(_node); _node._parent?._removeChild(_node); _node._attachment = null; assert(!_node.hasPrimaryFocus); assert(_node._manager?._markedForFocus != _node); } assert(!isAttached); } /// Ensures that the [FocusNode] attached at this attachment point has the /// proper parent node, changing it if necessary. /// /// If given, ensures that the given [parent] node is the parent of the node /// that is attached at this attachment point, changing it if necessary. /// However, it is usually not necessary to supply an explicit parent, since /// [reparent] will use [Focus.of] to determine the correct parent node for /// the context given in [FocusNode.attach]. /// /// If [isAttached] is false, then calling this method does nothing. /// /// Should be called whenever the associated widget is rebuilt in order to /// maintain the focus hierarchy. /// /// A [StatefulWidget] that hosts a [FocusNode] should call this method on the /// node it hosts during its [State.build] or [State.didChangeDependencies] /// methods in case the widget is moved from one location in the tree to /// another location that has a different [FocusScope] or context. /// /// The optional [parent] argument must be supplied when not using [Focus] and /// [FocusScope] widgets to build the focus tree, or if there is a need to /// supply the parent explicitly (which are both uncommon). void reparent({FocusNode parent}) { assert(_node != null); if (isAttached) { assert(_node.context != null); parent ??= Focus.of(_node.context, nullOk: true, scopeOk: true); parent ??= _node.context.owner.focusManager.rootScope; assert(parent != null); parent._reparent(_node); } } } /// Describe what should happen after [FocusNode.unfocus] is called. /// /// See also: /// /// * [FocusNode.unfocus], which takes this as its `disposition` parameter. enum UnfocusDisposition { /// Focus the nearest focusable enclosing scope of this node, but do not /// descend to locate the leaf [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] the way /// [previouslyFocusedChild] does. /// /// Focusing the scope in this way clears the [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] /// history for the enclosing scope when it receives focus. Because of this, /// calling a traversal method like [FocusNode.nextFocus] after unfocusing /// will cause the [FocusTraversalPolicy] to pick the node it thinks should be /// first in the scope. /// /// This is the default disposition for [FocusNode.unfocus]. scope, /// Focus the previously focused child of the nearest focusable enclosing /// scope of this node. /// /// If there is no previously focused child, then this is equivalent to /// using the [scope] disposition. /// /// Unfocusing with this disposition will cause [FocusNode.unfocus] to walk up /// the tree to the nearest focusable enclosing scope, then start to walk down /// the tree, looking for a focused child at its /// [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild]. /// /// If the [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] is a scope, then look for its /// [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild], and so on, finding the leaf /// [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] that is not a scope, or, failing that, a /// leaf scope that has no focused child. previouslyFocusedChild, } /// An object that can be used by a stateful widget to obtain the keyboard focus /// and to handle keyboard events. /// /// _Please see the [Focus] and [FocusScope] widgets, which are utility widgets /// that manage their own [FocusNode]s and [FocusScopeNode]s, respectively. If /// they aren't appropriate, [FocusNode]s can be managed directly, but doing /// this yourself is rare._ /// /// [FocusNode]s are persistent objects that form a _focus tree_ that is a /// representation of the widgets in the hierarchy that are interested in focus. /// A focus node might need to be created if it is passed in from an ancestor of /// a [Focus] widget to control the focus of the children from the ancestor, or /// a widget might need to host one if the widget subsystem is not being used, /// or if the [Focus] and [FocusScope] widgets provide insufficient control. /// /// [FocusNodes] are organized into _scopes_ (see [FocusScopeNode]), which form /// sub-trees of nodes that restrict traversal to a group of nodes. Within a /// scope, the most recent nodes to have focus are remembered, and if a node is /// focused and then unfocused, the previous node receives focus again. /// /// The focus node hierarchy can be traversed using the [parent], [children], /// [ancestors] and [descendants] accessors. /// /// [FocusNode]s are [ChangeNotifier]s, so a listener can be registered to /// receive a notification when the focus changes. If the [Focus] and /// [FocusScope] widgets are being used to manage the nodes, consider /// establishing an [InheritedWidget] dependency on them by calling [Focus.of] /// or [FocusScope.of] instead. [Focus.hasFocus] can also be used to establish a /// similar dependency, especially if all that is needed is to determine whether /// or not the widget is focused at build time. /// /// To see the focus tree in the debug console, call [debugDumpFocusTree]. To /// get the focus tree as a string, call [debugDescribeFocusTree]. /// /// {@template flutter.widgets.focus_manager.focus.lifecycle} /// ## Lifecycle /// /// There are several actors involved in the lifecycle of a /// [FocusNode]/[FocusScopeNode]. They are created and disposed by their /// _owner_, attached, detached, and re-parented using a [FocusAttachment] by /// their _host_ (which must be owned by the [State] of a [StatefulWidget]), and /// they are managed by the [FocusManager]. Different parts of the [FocusNode] /// API are intended for these different actors. /// /// [FocusNode]s (and hence [FocusScopeNode]s) are persistent objects that form /// part of a _focus tree_ that is a sparse representation of the widgets in the /// hierarchy that are interested in receiving keyboard events. They must be /// managed like other persistent state, which is typically done by a /// [StatefulWidget] that owns the node. A stateful widget that owns a focus /// scope node must call [dispose] from its [State.dispose] method. /// /// Once created, a [FocusNode] must be attached to the widget tree via a /// [FocusAttachment] object. This attachment is created by calling [attach], /// usually from the [State.initState] method. If the hosting widget is updated /// to have a different focus node, then the updated node needs to be attached /// in [State.didUpdateWidget], after calling [detach] on the previous /// [FocusAttachment]. /// /// Because [FocusNode]s form a sparse representation of the widget tree, /// they must be updated whenever the widget tree is rebuilt. This is done by /// calling [FocusAttachment.reparent], usually from the [State.build] or /// [State.didChangeDependencies] methods of the widget that represents the /// focused region, so that the [BuildContext] assigned to the [FocusScopeNode] /// can be tracked (the context is used to obtain the [RenderObject], from which /// the geometry of focused regions can be determined). /// /// Creating a [FocusNode] each time [State.build] is invoked will cause the /// focus to be lost each time the widget is built, which is usually not desired /// behavior (call [unfocus] if losing focus is desired). /// /// If, as is common, the hosting [StatefulWidget] is also the owner of the /// focus node, then it will also call [dispose] from its [State.dispose] (in /// which case the [detach] may be skipped, since dispose will automatically /// detach). If another object owns the focus node, then it must call [dispose] /// when the node is done being used. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// {@template flutter.widgets.focus_manager.focus.keyEvents} /// ## Key Event Propagation /// /// The [FocusManager] receives key events from [RawKeyboard] and will pass them /// to the focused nodes. It starts with the node with the primary focus, and /// will call the [onKey] callback for that node. If the callback returns false, /// indicating that it did not handle the event, the [FocusManager] will move to /// the parent of that node and call its [onKey]. If that [onKey] returns true, /// then it will stop propagating the event. If it reaches the root /// [FocusScopeNode], [FocusManager.rootScope], the event is discarded. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// ## Focus Traversal /// /// The term _traversal_, sometimes called _tab traversal_, refers to moving the /// focus from one widget to the next in a particular order (also sometimes /// referred to as the _tab order_, since the TAB key is often bound to the /// action to move to the next widget). /// /// To give focus to the logical _next_ or _previous_ widget in the UI, call the /// [nextFocus] or [previousFocus] methods. To give the focus to a widget in a /// particular direction, call the [focusInDirection] method. /// /// The policy for what the _next_ or _previous_ widget is, or the widget in a /// particular direction, is determined by the [FocusTraversalPolicy] in force. /// /// The ambient policy is determined by looking up the widget hierarchy for a /// [FocusTraversalGroup] widget, and obtaining the focus traversal policy from /// it. Different focus nodes can inherit difference policies, so part of the /// app can go in a predefined order (using [OrderedTraversalPolicy]), and part /// can go in reading order (using [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy]), depending /// upon the use case. /// /// Predefined policies include [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], /// [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy], [OrderedTraversalPolicy], and /// [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin], but custom policies can be built /// based upon these policies. See [FocusTraversalPolicy] for more information. /// /// {@tool dartpad --template=stateless_widget_scaffold} /// This example shows how a FocusNode should be managed if not using the /// [Focus] or [FocusScope] widgets. See the [Focus] widget for a similar /// example using [Focus] and [FocusScope] widgets. /// /// ```dart imports /// import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; /// ``` /// /// ```dart preamble /// class ColorfulButton extends StatefulWidget { /// ColorfulButton({Key key}) : super(key: key); /// /// @override /// _ColorfulButtonState createState() => _ColorfulButtonState(); /// } /// /// class _ColorfulButtonState extends State { /// FocusNode _node; /// bool _focused = false; /// FocusAttachment _nodeAttachment; /// Color _color = Colors.white; /// /// @override /// void initState() { /// super.initState(); /// _node = FocusNode(debugLabel: 'Button'); /// _node.addListener(_handleFocusChange); /// _nodeAttachment = _node.attach(context, onKey: _handleKeyPress); /// } /// /// void _handleFocusChange() { /// if (_node.hasFocus != _focused) { /// setState(() { /// _focused = _node.hasFocus; /// }); /// } /// } /// /// bool _handleKeyPress(FocusNode node, RawKeyEvent event) { /// if (event is RawKeyDownEvent) { /// print('Focus node ${node.debugLabel} got key event: ${event.logicalKey}'); /// if (event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.keyR) { /// print('Changing color to red.'); /// setState(() { /// _color = Colors.red; /// }); /// return true; /// } else if (event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.keyG) { /// print('Changing color to green.'); /// setState(() { /// _color = Colors.green; /// }); /// return true; /// } else if (event.logicalKey == LogicalKeyboardKey.keyB) { /// print('Changing color to blue.'); /// setState(() { /// _color = Colors.blue; /// }); /// return true; /// } /// } /// return false; /// } /// /// @override /// void dispose() { /// _node.removeListener(_handleFocusChange); /// // The attachment will automatically be detached in dispose(). /// _node.dispose(); /// super.dispose(); /// } /// /// @override /// Widget build(BuildContext context) { /// _nodeAttachment.reparent(); /// return GestureDetector( /// onTap: () { /// if (_focused) { /// _node.unfocus(); /// } else { /// _node.requestFocus(); /// } /// }, /// child: Center( /// child: Container( /// width: 400, /// height: 100, /// color: _focused ? _color : Colors.white, /// alignment: Alignment.center, /// child: Text( /// _focused ? "I'm in color! Press R,G,B!" : 'Press to focus'), /// ), /// ), /// ); /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// ```dart /// Widget build(BuildContext context) { /// final TextTheme textTheme = Theme.of(context).textTheme; /// return DefaultTextStyle( /// style: textTheme.headline4, /// child: ColorfulButton(), /// ); /// } /// ``` /// {@end-tool} /// /// See also: /// /// * [Focus], a widget that manages a [FocusNode] and provides access to /// focus information and actions to its descendant widgets. /// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget used to group together and configure the /// focus traversal policy for a widget subtree. /// * [FocusManager], a singleton that manages the primary focus and /// distributes key events to focused nodes. /// * [FocusTraversalPolicy], a class used to determine how to move the focus /// to other nodes. class FocusNode with DiagnosticableTreeMixin, ChangeNotifier { /// Creates a focus node. /// /// The [debugLabel] is ignored on release builds. /// /// The [skipTraversal], [descendantsAreFocusable], and [canRequestFocus] /// arguments must not be null. FocusNode({ String debugLabel, FocusOnKeyCallback onKey, bool skipTraversal = false, bool canRequestFocus = true, bool descendantsAreFocusable = true, }) : assert(skipTraversal != null), assert(canRequestFocus != null), assert(descendantsAreFocusable != null), _skipTraversal = skipTraversal, _canRequestFocus = canRequestFocus, _descendantsAreFocusable = descendantsAreFocusable, _onKey = onKey { // Set it via the setter so that it does nothing on release builds. this.debugLabel = debugLabel; } /// If true, tells the focus traversal policy to skip over this node for /// purposes of the traversal algorithm. /// /// This may be used to place nodes in the focus tree that may be focused, but /// not traversed, allowing them to receive key events as part of the focus /// chain, but not be traversed to via focus traversal. /// /// This is different from [canRequestFocus] because it only implies that the /// node can't be reached via traversal, not that it can't be focused. It may /// still be focused explicitly. bool get skipTraversal => _skipTraversal; bool _skipTraversal; set skipTraversal(bool value) { if (value != _skipTraversal) { _skipTraversal = value; _manager?._markPropertiesChanged(this); } } /// If true, this focus node may request the primary focus. /// /// Defaults to true. Set to false if you want this node to do nothing when /// [requestFocus] is called on it. /// /// If set to false on a [FocusScopeNode], will cause all of the children of /// the scope node to not be focusable. /// /// If set to false on a [FocusNode], it will not affect the children of the /// node. /// /// The [hasFocus] member can still return true if this node is the ancestor /// of a node with primary focus. /// /// This is different than [skipTraversal] because [skipTraversal] still /// allows the node to be focused, just not traversed to via the /// [FocusTraversalPolicy] /// /// Setting [canRequestFocus] to false implies that the node will also be /// skipped for traversal purposes. /// /// See also: /// /// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget used to group together and configure the /// focus traversal policy for a widget subtree. /// * [FocusTraversalPolicy], a class that can be extended to describe a /// traversal policy. bool get canRequestFocus { if (!_canRequestFocus) { return false; } final FocusScopeNode scope = enclosingScope; if (scope != null && !scope.canRequestFocus) { return false; } for (final FocusNode ancestor in ancestors) { if (!ancestor.descendantsAreFocusable) { return false; } } return true; } bool _canRequestFocus; @mustCallSuper set canRequestFocus(bool value) { if (value != _canRequestFocus) { // Have to set this first before unfocusing, since it checks this to cull // unfocusable, previously-focused children. _canRequestFocus = value; if (hasFocus && !value) { unfocus(disposition: UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild); } _manager?._markPropertiesChanged(this); } } /// If false, will disable focus for all of this node's descendants. /// /// Defaults to true. Does not affect focusability of this node: for that, /// use [canRequestFocus]. /// /// If any descendants are focused when this is set to false, they will be /// unfocused. When `descendantsAreFocusable` is set to true again, they will /// not be refocused, although they will be able to accept focus again. /// /// Does not affect the value of [canRequestFocus] on the descendants. /// /// If a descendant node loses focus when this value is changed, the focus /// will move to the scope enclosing this node. /// /// See also: /// /// * [ExcludeFocus], a widget that uses this property to conditionally /// exclude focus for a subtree. /// * [Focus], a widget that exposes this setting as a parameter. /// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget used to group together and configure /// the focus traversal policy for a widget subtree that also has an /// `descendantsAreFocusable` parameter that prevents its children from /// being focused. bool get descendantsAreFocusable => _descendantsAreFocusable; bool _descendantsAreFocusable; @mustCallSuper set descendantsAreFocusable(bool value) { if (value == _descendantsAreFocusable) { return; } // Set _descendantsAreFocusable before unfocusing, so the scope won't try // and focus any of the children here again if it is false. _descendantsAreFocusable = value; if (!value && hasFocus) { unfocus(disposition: UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild); } _manager?._markPropertiesChanged(this); } /// The context that was supplied to [attach]. /// /// This is typically the context for the widget that is being focused, as it /// is used to determine the bounds of the widget. BuildContext get context => _context; BuildContext _context; /// Called if this focus node receives a key event while focused (i.e. when /// [hasFocus] returns true). /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.focus_manager.focus.keyEvents} FocusOnKeyCallback get onKey => _onKey; FocusOnKeyCallback _onKey; FocusManager _manager; List _ancestors; List _descendants; bool _hasKeyboardToken = false; /// Returns the parent node for this object. /// /// All nodes except for the root [FocusScopeNode] ([FocusManager.rootScope]) /// will be given a parent when they are added to the focus tree, which is /// done using [FocusAttachment.reparent]. FocusNode get parent => _parent; FocusNode _parent; /// An iterator over the children of this node. Iterable get children => _children; final List _children = []; /// An iterator over the children that are allowed to be traversed by the /// [FocusTraversalPolicy]. Iterable get traversalChildren { if (!canRequestFocus) { return const []; } return children.where( (FocusNode node) => !node.skipTraversal && node.canRequestFocus, ); } /// A debug label that is used for diagnostic output. /// /// Will always return null in release builds. String get debugLabel => _debugLabel; String _debugLabel; set debugLabel(String value) { assert(() { // Only set the value in debug builds. _debugLabel = value; return true; }()); } FocusAttachment _attachment; /// An [Iterable] over the hierarchy of children below this one, in /// depth-first order. Iterable get descendants { if (_descendants == null) { final List result = []; for (final FocusNode child in _children) { result.addAll(child.descendants); result.add(child); } _descendants = result; } return _descendants; } /// Returns all descendants which do not have the [skipTraversal] and do have /// the [canRequestFocus] flag set. Iterable get traversalDescendants => descendants.where((FocusNode node) => !node.skipTraversal && node.canRequestFocus); /// An [Iterable] over the ancestors of this node. /// /// Iterates the ancestors of this node starting at the parent and iterating /// over successively more remote ancestors of this node, ending at the root /// [FocusScopeNode] ([FocusManager.rootScope]). Iterable get ancestors { if (_ancestors == null) { final List result = []; FocusNode parent = _parent; while (parent != null) { result.add(parent); parent = parent._parent; } _ancestors = result; } return _ancestors; } /// Whether this node has input focus. /// /// A [FocusNode] has focus when it is an ancestor of a node that returns true /// from [hasPrimaryFocus], or it has the primary focus itself. /// /// The [hasFocus] accessor is different from [hasPrimaryFocus] in that /// [hasFocus] is true if the node is anywhere in the focus chain, but for /// [hasPrimaryFocus] the node must to be at the end of the chain to return /// true. /// /// A node that returns true for [hasFocus] will receive key events if none of /// its focused descendants returned true from their [onKey] handler. /// /// This object is a [ChangeNotifier], and notifies its [Listenable] listeners /// (registered via [addListener]) whenever this value changes. /// /// See also: /// /// * [Focus.isAt], which is a static method that will return the focus /// state of the nearest ancestor [Focus] widget's focus node. bool get hasFocus => hasPrimaryFocus || (_manager?.primaryFocus?.ancestors?.contains(this) ?? false); /// Returns true if this node currently has the application-wide input focus. /// /// A [FocusNode] has the primary focus when the node is focused in its /// nearest ancestor [FocusScopeNode] and [hasFocus] is true for all its /// ancestor nodes, but none of its descendants. /// /// This is different from [hasFocus] in that [hasFocus] is true if the node /// is anywhere in the focus chain, but here the node has to be at the end of /// the chain to return true. /// /// A node that returns true for [hasPrimaryFocus] will be the first node to /// receive key events through its [onKey] handler. /// /// This object notifies its listeners whenever this value changes. bool get hasPrimaryFocus => _manager?.primaryFocus == this; /// Returns the [FocusHighlightMode] that is currently in effect for this node. FocusHighlightMode get highlightMode => FocusManager.instance.highlightMode; /// Returns the nearest enclosing scope node above this node, including /// this node, if it's a scope. /// /// Returns null if no scope is found. /// /// Use [enclosingScope] to look for scopes above this node. FocusScopeNode get nearestScope => enclosingScope; /// Returns the nearest enclosing scope node above this node, or null if the /// node has not yet be added to the focus tree. /// /// If this node is itself a scope, this will only return ancestors of this /// scope. /// /// Use [nearestScope] to start at this node instead of above it. FocusScopeNode get enclosingScope { return ancestors.firstWhere((FocusNode node) => node is FocusScopeNode, orElse: () => null) as FocusScopeNode; } /// Returns the size of the attached widget's [RenderObject], in logical /// units. /// /// Size is the size of the transformed widget in global coordinates. Size get size => rect.size; /// Returns the global offset to the upper left corner of the attached /// widget's [RenderObject], in logical units. /// /// Offset is the offset of the transformed widget in global coordinates. Offset get offset { assert( context != null, "Tried to get the offset of a focus node that didn't have its context set yet.\n" 'The context needs to be set before trying to evaluate traversal policies. ' 'Setting the context is typically done with the attach method.'); final RenderObject object = context.findRenderObject(); return MatrixUtils.transformPoint(object.getTransformTo(null), object.semanticBounds.topLeft); } /// Returns the global rectangle of the attached widget's [RenderObject], in /// logical units. /// /// Rect is the rectangle of the transformed widget in global coordinates. Rect get rect { assert( context != null, "Tried to get the bounds of a focus node that didn't have its context set yet.\n" 'The context needs to be set before trying to evaluate traversal policies. ' 'Setting the context is typically done with the attach method.'); final RenderObject object = context.findRenderObject(); final Offset topLeft = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(object.getTransformTo(null), object.semanticBounds.topLeft); final Offset bottomRight = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(object.getTransformTo(null), object.semanticBounds.bottomRight); return Rect.fromLTRB(topLeft.dx, topLeft.dy, bottomRight.dx, bottomRight.dy); } /// Removes the focus on this node by moving the primary focus to another node. /// /// This method removes focus from a node that has the primary focus, cancels /// any outstanding requests to focus it, while setting the primary focus to /// another node according to the `disposition`. /// /// It is safe to call regardless of whether this node has ever requested /// focus or not. If this node doesn't have focus or primary focus, nothing /// happens. /// /// The `disposition` argument determines which node will receive primary /// focus after this one loses it. /// /// If `disposition` is set to [UnfocusDisposition.scope] (the default), then /// the previously focused node history of the enclosing scope will be /// cleared, and the primary focus will be moved to the nearest enclosing /// scope ancestor that is enabled for focus, ignoring the /// [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] for that scope. /// /// If `disposition` is set to [UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild], /// then this node will be removed from the previously focused list in the /// [enclosingScope], and the focus will be moved to the previously focused /// node of the [enclosingScope], which (if it is a scope itself), will find /// its focused child, etc., until a leaf focus node is found. If there is no /// previously focused child, then the scope itself will receive focus, as if /// [UnfocusDisposition.scope] were specified. /// /// If you want this node to lose focus and the focus to move to the next or /// previous node in the enclosing [FocusTraversalGroup], call [nextFocus] or /// [previousFocus] instead of calling `unfocus`. /// /// {@tool dartpad --template=stateful_widget_material} /// This example shows the difference between the different [UnfocusDisposition] /// values for [unfocus]. /// /// Try setting focus on the four text fields by selecting them, and then /// select "UNFOCUS" to see what happens when the current /// [FocusManager.primaryFocus] is unfocused. /// /// Try pressing the TAB key after unfocusing to see what the next widget /// chosen is. /// /// ```dart imports /// import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; /// ``` /// /// ```dart /// UnfocusDisposition disposition = UnfocusDisposition.scope; /// /// @override /// Widget build(BuildContext context) { /// return Material( /// child: Container( /// color: Colors.white, /// child: Column( /// mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, /// children: [ /// Wrap( /// children: List.generate(4, (int index) { /// return SizedBox( /// width: 200, /// child: Padding( /// padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), /// child: TextField( /// decoration: InputDecoration(border: OutlineInputBorder()), /// ), /// ), /// ); /// }), /// ), /// Row( /// mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, /// children: [ /// ...List.generate(UnfocusDisposition.values.length, /// (int index) { /// return Row( /// mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, /// children: [ /// Radio( /// groupValue: disposition, /// onChanged: (UnfocusDisposition value) { /// setState(() { /// disposition = value; /// }); /// }, /// value: UnfocusDisposition.values[index], /// ), /// Text(describeEnum(UnfocusDisposition.values[index])), /// ], /// ); /// }), /// OutlineButton( /// child: const Text('UNFOCUS'), /// onPressed: () { /// setState(() { /// primaryFocus.unfocus(disposition: disposition); /// }); /// }, /// ), /// ], /// ), /// ], /// ), /// ), /// ); /// } /// ``` /// {@end-tool} void unfocus({ UnfocusDisposition disposition = UnfocusDisposition.scope, }) { assert(disposition != null); if (!hasFocus && (_manager == null || _manager._markedForFocus != this)) { return; } FocusScopeNode scope = enclosingScope; if (scope == null) { // If the scope is null, then this is either the root node, or a node that // is not yet in the tree, neither of which do anything when unfocused. return; } switch (disposition) { case UnfocusDisposition.scope: // If it can't request focus, then don't modify its focused children. if (scope.canRequestFocus) { // Clearing the focused children here prevents re-focusing the node // that we just unfocused if we immediately hit "next" after // unfocusing, and also prevents choosing to refocus the next-to-last // focused child if unfocus is called more than once. scope._focusedChildren.clear(); } while (!scope.canRequestFocus) { scope = scope.enclosingScope ?? _manager?.rootScope; } scope?._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: false); break; case UnfocusDisposition.previouslyFocusedChild: // Select the most recent focused child from the nearest focusable scope // and focus that. If there isn't one, focus the scope itself. if (scope.canRequestFocus) { scope?._focusedChildren?.remove(this); } while (!scope.canRequestFocus) { scope.enclosingScope?._focusedChildren?.remove(scope); scope = scope.enclosingScope ?? _manager?.rootScope; } scope?._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); break; } assert(_focusDebug('Unfocused node:', ['primary focus was $this', 'next focus will be ${_manager?._markedForFocus}'])); } /// Removes the keyboard token from this focus node if it has one. /// /// This mechanism helps distinguish between an input control gaining focus by /// default and gaining focus as a result of an explicit user action. /// /// When a focus node requests the focus (either via /// [FocusScopeNode.requestFocus] or [FocusScopeNode.autofocus]), the focus /// node receives a keyboard token if it does not already have one. Later, /// when the focus node becomes focused, the widget that manages the /// [TextInputConnection] should show the keyboard (i.e. call /// [TextInputConnection.show]) only if it successfully consumes the keyboard /// token from the focus node. /// /// Returns true if this method successfully consumes the keyboard token. bool consumeKeyboardToken() { if (!_hasKeyboardToken) { return false; } _hasKeyboardToken = false; return true; } // Marks the node as being the next to be focused, meaning that it will become // the primary focus and notify listeners of a focus change the next time // focus is resolved by the manager. If something else calls _markNextFocus // before then, then that node will become the next focus instead of the // previous one. void _markNextFocus(FocusNode newFocus) { if (_manager != null) { // If we have a manager, then let it handle the focus change. _manager._markNextFocus(this); return; } // If we don't have a manager, then change the focus locally. newFocus?._setAsFocusedChildForScope(); newFocus?._notify(); if (newFocus != this) { _notify(); } } // Removes the given FocusNode and its children as a child of this node. @mustCallSuper void _removeChild(FocusNode node, {bool removeScopeFocus = true}) { assert(node != null); assert(_children.contains(node), "Tried to remove a node that wasn't a child."); assert(node._parent == this); assert(node._manager == _manager); if (removeScopeFocus) { node.enclosingScope?._focusedChildren?.remove(node); } node._parent = null; _children.remove(node); for (final FocusNode ancestor in ancestors) { ancestor._descendants = null; } _descendants = null; assert(_manager == null || !_manager.rootScope.descendants.contains(node)); } void _updateManager(FocusManager manager) { _manager = manager; for (final FocusNode descendant in descendants) { descendant._manager = manager; descendant._ancestors = null; } } // Used by FocusAttachment.reparent to perform the actual parenting operation. @mustCallSuper void _reparent(FocusNode child) { assert(child != null); assert(child != this, 'Tried to make a child into a parent of itself.'); if (child._parent == this) { assert(_children.contains(child), "Found a node that says it's a child, but doesn't appear in the child list."); // The child is already a child of this parent. return; } assert(_manager == null || child != _manager.rootScope, "Reparenting the root node isn't allowed."); assert(!ancestors.contains(child), 'The supplied child is already an ancestor of this node. Loops are not allowed.'); final FocusScopeNode oldScope = child.enclosingScope; final bool hadFocus = child.hasFocus; child._parent?._removeChild(child, removeScopeFocus: oldScope != nearestScope); _children.add(child); child._parent = this; child._ancestors = null; child._updateManager(_manager); for (final FocusNode ancestor in child.ancestors) { ancestor._descendants = null; } if (hadFocus) { // Update the focus chain for the current focus without changing it. _manager?.primaryFocus?._setAsFocusedChildForScope(); } if (oldScope != null && child.context != null && child.enclosingScope != oldScope) { FocusTraversalGroup.of(child.context, nullOk: true)?.changedScope(node: child, oldScope: oldScope); } if (child._requestFocusWhenReparented) { child._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); child._requestFocusWhenReparented = false; } } /// Called by the _host_ [StatefulWidget] to attach a [FocusNode] to the /// widget tree. /// /// In order to attach a [FocusNode] to the widget tree, call [attach], /// typically from the [StatefulWidget]'s [State.initState] method. /// /// If the focus node in the host widget is swapped out, the new node will /// need to be attached. [FocusAttachment.detach] should be called on the old /// node, and then [attach] called on the new node. This typically happens in /// the [State.didUpdateWidget] method. @mustCallSuper FocusAttachment attach(BuildContext context, {FocusOnKeyCallback onKey}) { _context = context; _onKey = onKey ?? _onKey; _attachment = FocusAttachment._(this); return _attachment; } @override void dispose() { // Detaching will also unfocus and clean up the manager's data structures. _attachment?.detach(); super.dispose(); } @mustCallSuper void _notify() { if (_parent == null) { // no longer part of the tree, so don't notify. return; } if (hasPrimaryFocus) { _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); } notifyListeners(); } /// Requests the primary focus for this node, or for a supplied [node], which /// will also give focus to its [ancestors]. /// /// If called without a node, request focus for this node. If the node hasn't /// been added to the focus tree yet, then defer the focus request until it /// is, allowing newly created widgets to request focus as soon as they are /// added. /// /// If the given [node] is not yet a part of the focus tree, then this method /// will add the [node] as a child of this node before requesting focus. /// /// If the given [node] is a [FocusScopeNode] and that focus scope node has a /// non-null [focusedChild], then request the focus for the focused child. /// This process is recursive and continues until it encounters either a focus /// scope node with a null focused child or an ordinary (non-scope) /// [FocusNode] is found. /// /// The node is notified that it has received the primary focus in a /// microtask, so notification may lag the request by up to one frame. void requestFocus([FocusNode node]) { if (node != null) { if (node._parent == null) { _reparent(node); } assert(node.ancestors.contains(this), 'Focus was requested for a node that is not a descendant of the scope from which it was requested.'); node._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); return; } _doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); } // Note that this is overridden in FocusScopeNode. void _doRequestFocus({@required bool findFirstFocus}) { assert(findFirstFocus != null); if (!canRequestFocus) { assert(_focusDebug('Node NOT requesting focus because canRequestFocus is false: $this')); return; } // If the node isn't part of the tree, then we just defer the focus request // until the next time it is reparented, so that it's possible to focus // newly added widgets. if (_parent == null) { _requestFocusWhenReparented = true; return; } _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); if (hasPrimaryFocus && (_manager._markedForFocus == null || _manager._markedForFocus == this)) { return; } _hasKeyboardToken = true; assert(_focusDebug('Node requesting focus: $this')); _markNextFocus(this); } // If set to true, the node will request focus on this node the next time // this node is reparented in the focus tree. // // Once requestFocus has been called at the next reparenting, this value // will be reset to false. // // This will only force a call to requestFocus for the node once the next time // the node is reparented. After that, _requestFocusWhenReparented would need // to be set to true again to have it be focused again on the next // reparenting. // // This is used when requestFocus is called and there is no parent yet. bool _requestFocusWhenReparented = false; /// Sets this node as the [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] of the enclosing /// scope. /// /// Sets this node as the focused child for the enclosing scope, and that /// scope as the focused child for the scope above it, etc., until it reaches /// the root node. It doesn't change the primary focus, it just changes what /// node would be focused if the enclosing scope receives focus, and keeps /// track of previously focused children in that scope, so that if the focused /// child in that scope is removed, the previous focus returns. void _setAsFocusedChildForScope() { FocusNode scopeFocus = this; for (final FocusScopeNode ancestor in ancestors.whereType()) { assert(scopeFocus != ancestor, 'Somehow made a loop by setting focusedChild to its scope.'); assert(_focusDebug('Setting $scopeFocus as focused child for scope:', [ancestor.toString()])); // Remove it anywhere in the focused child history. ancestor._focusedChildren.remove(scopeFocus); // Add it to the end of the list, which is also the top of the queue: The // end of the list represents the currently focused child. ancestor._focusedChildren.add(scopeFocus); scopeFocus = ancestor; } } /// Request to move the focus to the next focus node, by calling the /// [FocusTraversalPolicy.next] method. /// /// Returns true if it successfully found a node and requested focus. bool nextFocus() => FocusTraversalGroup.of(context).next(this); /// Request to move the focus to the previous focus node, by calling the /// [FocusTraversalPolicy.previous] method. /// /// Returns true if it successfully found a node and requested focus. bool previousFocus() => FocusTraversalGroup.of(context).previous(this); /// Request to move the focus to the nearest focus node in the given /// direction, by calling the [FocusTraversalPolicy.inDirection] method. /// /// Returns true if it successfully found a node and requested focus. bool focusInDirection(TraversalDirection direction) => FocusTraversalGroup.of(context).inDirection(this, direction); @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('context', context, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(FlagProperty('descendantsAreFocusable', value: descendantsAreFocusable, ifFalse: 'DESCENDANTS UNFOCUSABLE', defaultValue: true)); properties.add(FlagProperty('canRequestFocus', value: canRequestFocus, ifFalse: 'NOT FOCUSABLE', defaultValue: true)); properties.add(FlagProperty('hasFocus', value: hasFocus && !hasPrimaryFocus, ifTrue: 'IN FOCUS PATH', defaultValue: false)); properties.add(FlagProperty('hasPrimaryFocus', value: hasPrimaryFocus, ifTrue: 'PRIMARY FOCUS', defaultValue: false)); } @override List debugDescribeChildren() { int count = 1; return _children.map((FocusNode child) { return child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'Child ${count++}'); }).toList(); } @override String toStringShort() { final bool hasDebugLabel = debugLabel != null && debugLabel.isNotEmpty; final String extraData = '${hasDebugLabel ? debugLabel : ''}' '${hasFocus && hasDebugLabel ? ' ' : ''}' '${hasFocus && !hasPrimaryFocus ? '[IN FOCUS PATH]' : ''}' '${hasPrimaryFocus ? '[PRIMARY FOCUS]' : ''}'; return '${describeIdentity(this)}${extraData.isNotEmpty ? '($extraData)' : ''}'; } } /// A subclass of [FocusNode] that acts as a scope for its descendants, /// maintaining information about which descendant is currently or was last /// focused. /// /// _Please see the [FocusScope] and [Focus] widgets, which are utility widgets /// that manage their own [FocusScopeNode]s and [FocusNode]s, respectively. If /// they aren't appropriate, [FocusScopeNode]s can be managed directly._ /// /// [FocusScopeNode] organizes [FocusNodes] into _scopes_. Scopes form sub-trees /// of nodes that can be traversed as a group. Within a scope, the most recent /// nodes to have focus are remembered, and if a node is focused and then /// removed, the original node receives focus again. /// /// From a [FocusScopeNode], calling [setFirstFocus], sets the given focus scope /// as the [focusedChild] of this node, adopting if it isn't already part of the /// focus tree. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.focus_manager.focus.lifecycle} /// {@macro flutter.widgets.focus_manager.focus.keyEvents} /// /// See also: /// /// * [Focus], a widget that manages a [FocusNode] and provides access to focus /// information and actions to its descendant widgets. /// * [FocusManager], a singleton that manages the primary focus and /// distributes key events to focused nodes. class FocusScopeNode extends FocusNode { /// Creates a [FocusScopeNode]. /// /// All parameters are optional. FocusScopeNode({ String debugLabel, FocusOnKeyCallback onKey, bool skipTraversal = false, bool canRequestFocus = true, }) : assert(skipTraversal != null), assert(canRequestFocus != null), super( debugLabel: debugLabel, onKey: onKey, canRequestFocus: canRequestFocus, descendantsAreFocusable: true, skipTraversal: skipTraversal, ); @override FocusScopeNode get nearestScope => this; /// Returns true if this scope is the focused child of its parent scope. bool get isFirstFocus => enclosingScope.focusedChild == this; /// Returns the child of this node that should receive focus if this scope /// node receives focus. /// /// If [hasFocus] is true, then this points to the child of this node that is /// currently focused. /// /// Returns null if there is no currently focused child. FocusNode get focusedChild { assert(_focusedChildren.isEmpty || _focusedChildren.last.enclosingScope == this, 'Focused child does not have the same idea of its enclosing scope as the scope does.'); return _focusedChildren.isNotEmpty ? _focusedChildren.last : null; } // A stack of the children that have been set as the focusedChild, most recent // last (which is the top of the stack). final List _focusedChildren = []; /// Make the given [scope] the active child scope for this scope. /// /// If the given [scope] is not yet a part of the focus tree, then add it to /// the tree as a child of this scope. If it is already part of the focus /// tree, the given scope must be a descendant of this scope. void setFirstFocus(FocusScopeNode scope) { assert(scope != null); assert(scope != this, 'Unexpected self-reference in setFirstFocus.'); assert(_focusDebug('Setting scope as first focus in $this to node:', [scope.toString()])); if (scope._parent == null) { _reparent(scope); } assert(scope.ancestors.contains(this), '$FocusScopeNode $scope must be a child of $this to set it as first focus.'); if (hasFocus) { scope._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); } else { scope._setAsFocusedChildForScope(); } } /// If this scope lacks a focus, request that the given node become the focus. /// /// If the given node is not yet part of the focus tree, then add it as a /// child of this node. /// /// Useful for widgets that wish to grab the focus if no other widget already /// has the focus. /// /// The node is notified that it has received the primary focus in a /// microtask, so notification may lag the request by up to one frame. void autofocus(FocusNode node) { assert(_focusDebug('Node autofocusing: $node')); if (focusedChild == null) { if (node._parent == null) { _reparent(node); } assert(node.ancestors.contains(this), 'Autofocus was requested for a node that is not a descendant of the scope from which it was requested.'); node._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: true); } } @override void _doRequestFocus({@required bool findFirstFocus}) { assert(findFirstFocus != null); // It is possible that a previously focused child is no longer focusable. while (focusedChild != null && !focusedChild.canRequestFocus) _focusedChildren.removeLast(); // If findFirstFocus is false, then the request is to make this scope the // focus instead of looking for the ultimate first focus for this scope and // its descendants. if (!findFirstFocus) { if (canRequestFocus) { _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); _markNextFocus(this); } return; } // Start with the primary focus as the focused child of this scope, if there // is one. Otherwise start with this node itself. FocusNode primaryFocus = focusedChild ?? this; // Keep going down through scopes until the ultimately focusable item is // found, a scope doesn't have a focusedChild, or a non-scope is // encountered. while (primaryFocus is FocusScopeNode && primaryFocus.focusedChild != null) { final FocusScopeNode scope = primaryFocus as FocusScopeNode; primaryFocus = scope.focusedChild; } if (identical(primaryFocus, this)) { // We didn't find a FocusNode at the leaf, so we're focusing the scope, if // allowed. if (primaryFocus.canRequestFocus) { _setAsFocusedChildForScope(); _markNextFocus(this); } } else { // We found a FocusScopeNode at the leaf, so ask it to focus itself // instead of this scope. That will cause this scope to return true from // hasFocus, but false from hasPrimaryFocus. primaryFocus._doRequestFocus(findFirstFocus: findFirstFocus); } } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); if (_focusedChildren.isEmpty) { return; } final List childList = _focusedChildren.reversed.map((FocusNode child) { return child.toStringShort(); }).toList(); properties.add(IterableProperty('focusedChildren', childList, defaultValue: [])); } } /// An enum to describe which kind of focus highlight behavior to use when /// displaying focus information. enum FocusHighlightMode { /// Touch interfaces will not show the focus highlight except for controls /// which bring up the soft keyboard. /// /// If a device that uses a traditional mouse and keyboard has a touch screen /// attached, it can also enter `touch` mode if the user is using the touch /// screen. touch, /// Traditional interfaces (keyboard and mouse) will show the currently /// focused control via a focus highlight of some sort. /// /// If a touch device (like a mobile phone) has a keyboard and/or mouse /// attached, it also can enter `traditional` mode if the user is using these /// input devices. traditional, } /// An enum to describe how the current value of [FocusManager.highlightMode] is /// determined. The strategy is set on [FocusManager.highlightStrategy]. enum FocusHighlightStrategy { /// Automatic switches between the various highlight modes based on the last /// kind of input that was received. This is the default. automatic, /// [FocusManager.highlightMode] always returns [FocusHighlightMode.touch]. alwaysTouch, /// [FocusManager.highlightMode] always returns [FocusHighlightMode.traditional]. alwaysTraditional, } /// Manages the focus tree. /// /// The focus tree is a separate, sparser, tree from the widget tree that /// maintains the hierarchical relationship between focusable widgets in the /// widget tree. /// /// The focus manager is responsible for tracking which [FocusNode] has the /// primary input focus (the [primaryFocus]), holding the [FocusScopeNode] that /// is the root of the focus tree (the [rootScope]), and what the current /// [highlightMode] is. It also distributes key events from [RawKeyboard] to the /// nodes in the focus tree. /// /// The singleton [FocusManager] instance is held by the [WidgetsBinding] as /// [WidgetsBinding.focusManager], and can be conveniently accessed using the /// [FocusManager.instance] static accessor. /// /// To find the [FocusNode] for a given [BuildContext], use [Focus.of]. To find /// the [FocusScopeNode] for a given [BuildContext], use [FocusScope.of]. /// /// If you would like notification whenever the [primaryFocus] changes, register /// a listener with [addListener]. When you no longer want to receive these /// events, as when your object is about to be disposed, you must unregister /// with [removeListener] to avoid memory leaks. Removing listeners is typically /// done in [State.dispose] on stateful widgets. /// /// The [highlightMode] describes how focus highlights should be displayed on /// components in the UI. The [highlightMode] changes are notified separately /// via [addHighlightModeListener] and removed with /// [removeHighlightModeListener]. The highlight mode changes when the user /// switches from a mouse to a touch interface, or vice versa. /// /// The widgets that are used to manage focus in the widget tree are: /// /// * [Focus], a widget that manages a [FocusNode] in the focus tree so that /// the focus tree reflects changes in the widget hierarchy. /// * [FocusScope], a widget that manages a [FocusScopeNode] in the focus tree, /// creating a new scope for restricting focus to a set of focus nodes. /// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together nodes that should be /// traversed using an order described by a given [FocusTraversalPolicy]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [FocusNode], which is a node in the focus tree that can receive focus. /// * [FocusScopeNode], which is a node in the focus tree used to collect /// subtrees into groups and restrict focus to them. /// * The [primaryFocus] global accessor, for convenient access from anywhere /// to the current focus manager state. class FocusManager with DiagnosticableTreeMixin, ChangeNotifier { /// Creates an object that manages the focus tree. /// /// This constructor is rarely called directly. To access the [FocusManager], /// consider using the [FocusManager.instance] accessor instead (which gets it /// from the [WidgetsBinding] singleton). FocusManager() { rootScope._manager = this; RawKeyboard.instance.keyEventHandler = _handleRawKeyEvent; GestureBinding.instance.pointerRouter.addGlobalRoute(_handlePointerEvent); } /// Provides convenient access to the current [FocusManager] singleton from /// the [WidgetsBinding] instance. static FocusManager get instance => WidgetsBinding.instance.focusManager; /// Sets the strategy by which [highlightMode] is determined. /// /// If set to [FocusHighlightStrategy.automatic], then the highlight mode will /// change depending upon the interaction mode used last. For instance, if the /// last interaction was a touch interaction, then [highlightMode] will return /// [FocusHighlightMode.touch], and focus highlights will only appear on /// widgets that bring up a soft keyboard. If the last interaction was a /// non-touch interaction (hardware keyboard press, mouse click, etc.), then /// [highlightMode] will return [FocusHighlightMode.traditional], and focus /// highlights will appear on all widgets. /// /// If set to [FocusHighlightStrategy.alwaysTouch] or /// [FocusHighlightStrategy.alwaysTraditional], then [highlightMode] will /// always return [FocusHighlightMode.touch] or /// [FocusHighlightMode.traditional], respectively, regardless of the last UI /// interaction type. /// /// The initial value of [highlightMode] depends upon the value of /// [defaultTargetPlatform] and /// [RendererBinding.instance.mouseTracker.mouseIsConnected], making a guess /// about which interaction is most appropriate for the initial interaction /// mode. /// /// Defaults to [FocusHighlightStrategy.automatic]. FocusHighlightStrategy get highlightStrategy => _highlightStrategy; FocusHighlightStrategy _highlightStrategy = FocusHighlightStrategy.automatic; set highlightStrategy(FocusHighlightStrategy highlightStrategy) { _highlightStrategy = highlightStrategy; _updateHighlightMode(); } static FocusHighlightMode get _defaultModeForPlatform { // Assume that if we're on one of the mobile platforms, and there's no mouse // connected, that the initial interaction will be touch-based, and that // it's traditional mouse and keyboard on all other platforms. // // This only affects the initial value: the ongoing value is updated to a // known correct value as soon as any pointer/keyboard events are received. switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.android: case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.iOS: if (WidgetsBinding.instance.mouseTracker.mouseIsConnected) { return FocusHighlightMode.traditional; } return FocusHighlightMode.touch; case TargetPlatform.linux: case TargetPlatform.macOS: case TargetPlatform.windows: return FocusHighlightMode.traditional; } assert(false, 'Unhandled target platform $defaultTargetPlatform'); return null; } /// Indicates the current interaction mode for focus highlights. /// /// The value returned depends upon the [highlightStrategy] used, and possibly /// (depending on the value of [highlightStrategy]) the most recent /// interaction mode that they user used. /// /// If [highlightMode] returns [FocusHighlightMode.touch], then widgets should /// not draw their focus highlight unless they perform text entry. /// /// If [highlightMode] returns [FocusHighlightMode.traditional], then widgets should /// draw their focus highlight whenever they are focused. // Don't want to set _highlightMode here, since it's possible for the target // platform to change (especially in tests). FocusHighlightMode get highlightMode => _highlightMode ?? _defaultModeForPlatform; FocusHighlightMode _highlightMode; // If set, indicates if the last interaction detected was touch or not. // If null, no interactions have occurred yet. bool _lastInteractionWasTouch; // Update function to be called whenever the state relating to highlightMode // changes. void _updateHighlightMode() { FocusHighlightMode newMode; switch (highlightStrategy) { case FocusHighlightStrategy.automatic: if (_lastInteractionWasTouch == null) { // If we don't have any information about the last interaction yet, // then just rely on the default value for the platform, which will be // determined based on the target platform if _highlightMode is not // set. return; } if (_lastInteractionWasTouch) { newMode = FocusHighlightMode.touch; } else { newMode = FocusHighlightMode.traditional; } break; case FocusHighlightStrategy.alwaysTouch: newMode = FocusHighlightMode.touch; break; case FocusHighlightStrategy.alwaysTraditional: newMode = FocusHighlightMode.traditional; break; } // We can't just compare newMode with _highlightMode here, since // _highlightMode could be null, so we want to compare with the return value // for the getter, since that's what clients will be looking at. final FocusHighlightMode oldMode = highlightMode; _highlightMode = newMode; if (highlightMode != oldMode) { _notifyHighlightModeListeners(); } } // The list of listeners for [highlightMode] state changes. final HashedObserverList> _listeners = HashedObserverList>(); /// Register a closure to be called when the [FocusManager] notifies its listeners /// that the value of [highlightMode] has changed. void addHighlightModeListener(ValueChanged listener) => _listeners.add(listener); /// Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that the /// [FocusManager] notifies. void removeHighlightModeListener(ValueChanged listener) => _listeners?.remove(listener); void _notifyHighlightModeListeners() { if (_listeners.isEmpty) { return; } final List> localListeners = List>.from(_listeners); for (final ValueChanged listener in localListeners) { try { if (_listeners.contains(listener)) { listener(highlightMode); } } catch (exception, stack) { InformationCollector collector; assert(() { collector = () sync* { yield DiagnosticsProperty( 'The $runtimeType sending notification was', this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty, ); }; return true; }()); FlutterError.reportError(FlutterErrorDetails( exception: exception, stack: stack, library: 'widgets library', context: ErrorDescription('while dispatching notifications for $runtimeType'), informationCollector: collector, )); } } } /// The root [FocusScopeNode] in the focus tree. /// /// This field is rarely used directly. To find the nearest [FocusScopeNode] /// for a given [FocusNode], call [FocusNode.nearestScope]. final FocusScopeNode rootScope = FocusScopeNode(debugLabel: 'Root Focus Scope'); void _handlePointerEvent(PointerEvent event) { FocusHighlightMode expectedMode; switch (event.kind) { case PointerDeviceKind.touch: case PointerDeviceKind.stylus: case PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus: _lastInteractionWasTouch = true; expectedMode = FocusHighlightMode.touch; break; case PointerDeviceKind.mouse: case PointerDeviceKind.unknown: _lastInteractionWasTouch = false; expectedMode = FocusHighlightMode.traditional; break; } if (expectedMode != highlightMode) { _updateHighlightMode(); } } bool _handleRawKeyEvent(RawKeyEvent event) { // Update highlightMode first, since things responding to the keys might // look at the highlight mode, and it should be accurate. _lastInteractionWasTouch = false; _updateHighlightMode(); assert(_focusDebug('Received key event ${event.logicalKey}')); // Walk the current focus from the leaf to the root, calling each one's // onKey on the way up, and if one responds that they handled it, stop. if (_primaryFocus == null) { assert(_focusDebug('No primary focus for key event, ignored: $event')); return false; } bool handled = false; for (final FocusNode node in [_primaryFocus, ..._primaryFocus.ancestors]) { if (node.onKey != null && node.onKey(node, event)) { assert(_focusDebug('Node $node handled key event $event.')); handled = true; break; } } if (!handled) { assert(_focusDebug('Key event not handled by anyone: $event.')); } return handled; } /// The node that currently has the primary focus. FocusNode get primaryFocus => _primaryFocus; FocusNode _primaryFocus; // The set of nodes that need to notify their listeners of changes at the next // update. final Set _dirtyNodes = {}; // The node that has requested to have the primary focus, but hasn't been // given it yet. FocusNode _markedForFocus; void _markDetached(FocusNode node) { // The node has been removed from the tree, so it no longer needs to be // notified of changes. assert(_focusDebug('Node was detached: $node')); if (_primaryFocus == node) { _primaryFocus = null; } _dirtyNodes?.remove(node); } void _markPropertiesChanged(FocusNode node) { _markNeedsUpdate(); assert(_focusDebug('Properties changed for node $node.')); _dirtyNodes?.add(node); } void _markNextFocus(FocusNode node) { if (_primaryFocus == node) { // The caller asked for the current focus to be the next focus, so just // pretend that didn't happen. _markedForFocus = null; } else { _markedForFocus = node; _markNeedsUpdate(); } } // True indicates that there is an update pending. bool _haveScheduledUpdate = false; // Request that an update be scheduled, optionally requesting focus for the // given newFocus node. void _markNeedsUpdate() { assert(_focusDebug('Scheduling update, current focus is $_primaryFocus, next focus will be $_markedForFocus')); if (_haveScheduledUpdate) { return; } _haveScheduledUpdate = true; scheduleMicrotask(_applyFocusChange); } void _applyFocusChange() { _haveScheduledUpdate = false; final FocusNode previousFocus = _primaryFocus; if (_primaryFocus == null && _markedForFocus == null) { // If we don't have any current focus, and nobody has asked to focus yet, // then revert to the root scope. _markedForFocus = rootScope; } assert(_focusDebug('Refreshing focus state. Next focus will be $_markedForFocus')); // A node has requested to be the next focus, and isn't already the primary // focus. if (_markedForFocus != null && _markedForFocus != _primaryFocus) { final Set previousPath = previousFocus?.ancestors?.toSet() ?? {}; final Set nextPath = _markedForFocus.ancestors.toSet(); // Notify nodes that are newly focused. _dirtyNodes.addAll(nextPath.difference(previousPath)); // Notify nodes that are no longer focused _dirtyNodes.addAll(previousPath.difference(nextPath)); _primaryFocus = _markedForFocus; _markedForFocus = null; } if (previousFocus != _primaryFocus) { assert(_focusDebug('Updating focus from $previousFocus to $_primaryFocus')); if (previousFocus != null) { _dirtyNodes.add(previousFocus); } if (_primaryFocus != null) { _dirtyNodes.add(_primaryFocus); } } assert(_focusDebug('Notifying ${_dirtyNodes.length} dirty nodes:', _dirtyNodes.toList().map((FocusNode node) => node.toString()))); for (final FocusNode node in _dirtyNodes) { node._notify(); } _dirtyNodes.clear(); if (previousFocus != _primaryFocus) { notifyListeners(); } assert(() { if (_kDebugFocus) { debugDumpFocusTree(); } return true; }()); } @override List debugDescribeChildren() { return [ rootScope.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'rootScope'), ]; } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { properties.add(FlagProperty('haveScheduledUpdate', value: _haveScheduledUpdate, ifTrue: 'UPDATE SCHEDULED')); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('primaryFocus', primaryFocus, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('nextFocus', _markedForFocus, defaultValue: null)); final Element element = primaryFocus?.context as Element; if (element != null) { properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty('primaryFocusCreator', element.debugGetCreatorChain(20))); } } } /// Provides convenient access to the current [FocusManager.primaryFocus] from the /// [WidgetsBinding] instance. FocusNode get primaryFocus => WidgetsBinding.instance.focusManager.primaryFocus; /// Returns a text representation of the current focus tree, along with the /// current attributes on each node. /// /// Will return an empty string in release builds. String debugDescribeFocusTree() { assert(WidgetsBinding.instance != null); String result; assert(() { result = FocusManager.instance.toStringDeep(); return true; }()); return result ?? ''; } /// Prints a text representation of the current focus tree, along with the /// current attributes on each node. /// /// Will do nothing in release builds. void debugDumpFocusTree() { assert(() { debugPrint(debugDescribeFocusTree()); return true; }()); }