// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; /// Records the frames of an animating widget, and later displays the frames as a /// grid in an animation sheet. /// /// This class does not support Web, because the animation sheet utilizes taking /// screenshots, which is unsupported on the Web. Tests that use this class must /// be noted with `skip: isBrowser`. /// (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/56001) /// /// Using this class includes the following steps: /// /// * Create an instance of this class. /// * Pump frames that render the target widget wrapped in [record]. Every frame /// that has `recording` being true will be recorded. /// * Adjust the size of the test viewport to the [sheetSize] (see the /// documentation of [sheetSize] for more information). /// * Pump a frame that renders [display], which shows all recorded frames in an /// animation sheet, and can be matched against the golden test. /// /// {@tool snippet} /// The following example shows how to record an animation sheet of an [InkWell] /// being pressed then released. /// /// ```dart /// testWidgets('Inkwell animation sheet', (WidgetTester tester) async { /// // Create instance /// final AnimationSheetBuilder animationSheet = AnimationSheetBuilder(frameSize: const Size(48, 24)); /// /// final Widget target = Material( /// child: Directionality( /// textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, /// child: InkWell( /// splashColor: Colors.blue, /// onTap: () {}, /// ), /// ), /// ); /// /// // Optional: setup before recording (`recording` is false) /// await tester.pumpWidget(animationSheet.record( /// target, /// recording: false, /// )); /// /// final TestGesture gesture = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.byType(InkWell))); /// /// // Start recording (`recording` is true) /// await tester.pumpFrames(animationSheet.record( /// target, /// recording: true, /// ), const Duration(seconds: 1)); /// /// await gesture.up(); /// /// await tester.pumpFrames(animationSheet.record( /// target, /// recording: true, /// ), const Duration(seconds: 1)); /// /// // Adjust view port size /// tester.binding.setSurfaceSize(animationSheet.sheetSize()); /// /// // Display /// final Widget display = await animationSheet.display(); /// await tester.pumpWidget(display); /// /// // Compare against golden file /// await expectLater( /// find.byWidget(display), /// matchesGoldenFile('inkwell.press.animation.png'), /// ); /// }, skip: isBrowser); // Animation sheet does not support browser https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/56001 /// ``` /// {@end-tool} /// /// See also: /// /// * [GoldenFileComparator], which introduces Golden File Testing. class AnimationSheetBuilder { /// Starts a session of building an animation sheet. /// /// The [frameSize] is a tight constraint for the child to be recorded, and must not /// be null. AnimationSheetBuilder({required this.frameSize}) : assert(frameSize != null); /// The size of the child to be recorded. /// /// This size is applied as a tight layout constraint for the child, and is /// fixed throughout the building session. final Size frameSize; final List> _recordedFrames = >[]; Future> get _frames async { final List frames = await Future.wait(_recordedFrames, eagerError: true); assert(() { for (final ui.Image frame in frames) { assert(frame.width == frameSize.width && frame.height == frameSize.height, 'Unexpected size mismatch: frame has (${frame.width}, ${frame.height}) ' 'while `frameSize` is $frameSize.' ); } return true; }()); return frames; } /// Returns a widget that renders a widget in a box that can be recorded. /// /// The returned widget wraps `child` in a box with a fixed size specified by /// [frameSize]. The `key` is also applied to the returned widget. /// /// The `recording` defaults to true, which means the painted result of each /// frame will be stored and later available for [display]. If `recording` is /// false, then frames are not recorded. This is useful during the setup phase /// that shouldn't be recorded; if the target widget isn't wrapped in [record] /// during the setup phase, the states will be lost when it starts recording. /// /// The `child` must not be null. /// /// See also: /// /// * [WidgetTester.pumpFrames], which renders a widget in a series of frames /// with a fixed time interval. Widget record(Widget child, { Key? key, bool recording = true, }) { assert(child != null); return _AnimationSheetRecorder( key: key, child: child, size: frameSize, handleRecorded: recording ? _recordedFrames.add : null, ); } /// Constructs a widget that renders the recorded frames in an animation sheet. /// /// The resulting widget takes as much space as its parent allows, which is /// usually the screen size. It is then filled with all recorded frames, each /// having a size specified by [frameSize], chronologically from top-left to /// bottom-right in a row-major order. /// /// This widget does not check whether its size fits all recorded frames. /// Having too many frames can cause overflow errors, while having too few can /// waste the size of golden files. Therefore you should usually adjust the /// viewport size to [sheetSize] before calling this method. /// /// The `key` is applied to the root widget. /// /// This method can only be called if at least one frame has been recorded. Future display({Key? key}) async { assert(_recordedFrames.isNotEmpty); final List frames = await _frames; return _CellSheet( key: key, cellSize: frameSize, children: frames.map((ui.Image image) => RawImage( image: image.clone(), width: frameSize.width, height: frameSize.height, // Disable quality enhancement because the point of this class is to // precisely record what the widget looks like. filterQuality: ui.FilterQuality.none, )).toList(), ); } /// Returns the smallest size that can contain all recorded frames. /// /// This is used to adjust the viewport during unit tests, i.e. the size of /// virtual screen. Having too many frames recorded than the default viewport /// size can contain will lead to overflow errors, while having too few frames /// means the golden file might be larger than necessary. /// /// The [sheetSize] returns the smallest possible size by placing the /// recorded frames, each of which has a size specified by [frameSize], in a /// row-major grid with a maximum width specified by `maxWidth`, and returns /// the size of that grid. /// /// Setting the viewport size during a widget test usually involves /// [TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.setSurfaceSize] and [WidgetTester.binding]. /// /// The `maxWidth` defaults to the width of the default viewport, 800.0. /// /// This method can only be called if at least one frame has been recorded. Size sheetSize({double maxWidth = _kDefaultTestViewportWidth}) { assert(_recordedFrames.isNotEmpty); final int cellsPerRow = (maxWidth / frameSize.width).floor(); final int rowNum = (_recordedFrames.length / cellsPerRow).ceil(); final double width = math.min(cellsPerRow, _recordedFrames.length) * frameSize.width; return Size(width, frameSize.height * rowNum); } // The width of _kDefaultTestViewportSize in [TestViewConfiguration]. static const double _kDefaultTestViewportWidth = 800.0; } typedef _RecordedHandler = void Function(Future image); class _AnimationSheetRecorder extends StatefulWidget { const _AnimationSheetRecorder({ this.handleRecorded, required this.child, required this.size, Key? key, }) : super(key: key); final _RecordedHandler? handleRecorded; final Widget child; final Size size; @override State createState() => _AnimationSheetRecorderState(); } class _AnimationSheetRecorderState extends State<_AnimationSheetRecorder> { GlobalKey boundaryKey = GlobalKey(); void _record(Duration duration) { assert(widget.handleRecorded != null); final RenderRepaintBoundary boundary = boundaryKey.currentContext!.findRenderObject()! as RenderRepaintBoundary; widget.handleRecorded!(boundary.toImage()); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Align( alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: SizedBox.fromSize( size: widget.size, child: RepaintBoundary( key: boundaryKey, child: _PostFrameCallbacker( callback: widget.handleRecorded == null ? null : _record, child: widget.child, ), ), ), ); } } // Invokes `callback` and [markNeedsPaint] during the post-frame callback phase // of every frame. // // If `callback` is non-null, `_PostFrameCallbacker` adds a post-frame callback // every time it paints, during which it calls the provided `callback` then // invokes [markNeedsPaint]. // // If `callback` is null, `_PostFrameCallbacker` is equivalent to a proxy box. class _PostFrameCallbacker extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget { const _PostFrameCallbacker({ Key? key, Widget? child, this.callback, }) : super(key: key, child: child); final FrameCallback? callback; @override _RenderPostFrameCallbacker createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => _RenderPostFrameCallbacker( callback: callback, ); @override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _RenderPostFrameCallbacker renderObject) { renderObject.callback = callback; } } class _RenderPostFrameCallbacker extends RenderProxyBox { _RenderPostFrameCallbacker({ FrameCallback? callback, }) : _callback = callback; FrameCallback? get callback => _callback; FrameCallback? _callback; set callback(FrameCallback? value) { _callback = value; if (value != null) { markNeedsPaint(); } } @override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (callback != null) { SchedulerBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((Duration duration) { callback!(duration); markNeedsPaint(); }); } super.paint(context, offset); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(FlagProperty('callback', value: callback != null, ifTrue: 'has a callback')); } } // Layout children in a grid of fixed-sized cells. // // The sheet fills up as much space as the parent allows. The cells are // positioned from top left to bottom right in a row-major order. class _CellSheet extends StatelessWidget { _CellSheet({ Key? key, required this.cellSize, required this.children, }) : assert(cellSize != null), assert(children != null && children.isNotEmpty), super(key: key); final Size cellSize; final List children; @override Widget build(BuildContext _context) { return LayoutBuilder(builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { final double rowWidth = constraints.biggest.width; final int cellsPerRow = (rowWidth / cellSize.width).floor(); final List rows = []; for (int rowStart = 0; rowStart < children.length; rowStart += cellsPerRow) { final Iterable rowTargets = children.sublist(rowStart, math.min(rowStart + cellsPerRow, children.length)); rows.add(Row( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, children: rowTargets.map((Widget target) => SizedBox.fromSize( size: cellSize, child: target, )).toList(), )); } return Column( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: rows, ); }); } }