// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ui' show window, FrameTiming; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import '../flutter_test_alternative.dart'; import 'scheduler_tester.dart'; class TestSchedulerBinding extends BindingBase with ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding { final Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>> eventsDispatched = <String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>>{}; @override void postEvent(String eventKind, Map<String, dynamic> eventData) { getEventsDispatched(eventKind).add(eventData); } List<Map<String, dynamic>> getEventsDispatched(String eventKind) { return eventsDispatched.putIfAbsent(eventKind, () => <Map<String, dynamic>>[]); } } class TestStrategy { int allowedPriority = 10000; bool shouldRunTaskWithPriority({ int priority, SchedulerBinding scheduler }) { return priority >= allowedPriority; } } void main() { TestSchedulerBinding scheduler; setUpAll(() { scheduler = TestSchedulerBinding(); }); test('Tasks are executed in the right order', () { final TestStrategy strategy = TestStrategy(); scheduler.schedulingStrategy = strategy.shouldRunTaskWithPriority; final List<int> input = <int>[2, 23, 23, 11, 0, 80, 3]; final List<int> executedTasks = <int>[]; void scheduleAddingTask(int x) { scheduler.scheduleTask(() { executedTasks.add(x); }, Priority.idle + x); } input.forEach(scheduleAddingTask); strategy.allowedPriority = 100; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) expect(scheduler.handleEventLoopCallback(), isFalse); expect(executedTasks.isEmpty, isTrue); strategy.allowedPriority = 50; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) expect(scheduler.handleEventLoopCallback(), i == 0 ? isTrue : isFalse); expect(executedTasks, hasLength(1)); expect(executedTasks.single, equals(80)); executedTasks.clear(); strategy.allowedPriority = 20; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) expect(scheduler.handleEventLoopCallback(), i < 2 ? isTrue : isFalse); expect(executedTasks, hasLength(2)); expect(executedTasks[0], equals(23)); expect(executedTasks[1], equals(23)); executedTasks.clear(); scheduleAddingTask(99); scheduleAddingTask(19); scheduleAddingTask(5); scheduleAddingTask(97); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) expect(scheduler.handleEventLoopCallback(), i < 2 ? isTrue : isFalse); expect(executedTasks, hasLength(2)); expect(executedTasks[0], equals(99)); expect(executedTasks[1], equals(97)); executedTasks.clear(); strategy.allowedPriority = 10; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) expect(scheduler.handleEventLoopCallback(), i < 2 ? isTrue : isFalse); expect(executedTasks, hasLength(2)); expect(executedTasks[0], equals(19)); expect(executedTasks[1], equals(11)); executedTasks.clear(); strategy.allowedPriority = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) expect(scheduler.handleEventLoopCallback(), i < 3 ? isTrue : isFalse); expect(executedTasks, hasLength(3)); expect(executedTasks[0], equals(5)); expect(executedTasks[1], equals(3)); expect(executedTasks[2], equals(2)); executedTasks.clear(); strategy.allowedPriority = 0; expect(scheduler.handleEventLoopCallback(), isFalse); expect(executedTasks, hasLength(1)); expect(executedTasks[0], equals(0)); }); test('2 calls to scheduleWarmUpFrame just schedules it once', () { final List<VoidCallback> timerQueueTasks = <VoidCallback>[]; bool taskExecuted = false; runZoned<void>( () { // Run it twice without processing the queued tasks. scheduler.scheduleWarmUpFrame(); scheduler.scheduleWarmUpFrame(); scheduler.scheduleTask(() { taskExecuted = true; }, Priority.touch); }, zoneSpecification: ZoneSpecification( createTimer: (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration duration, void f()) { // Don't actually run the tasks, just record that it was scheduled. timerQueueTasks.add(f); return null; }, ), ); // scheduleWarmUpFrame scheduled 2 Timers, scheduleTask scheduled 0 because // events are locked. expect(timerQueueTasks.length, 2); expect(taskExecuted, false); }); test('Flutter.Frame event fired', () async { window.onReportTimings(<FrameTiming>[FrameTiming(<int>[ // build start, build finish 10000, 15000, // raster start, raster finish 16000, 20000, ])]); final List<Map<String, dynamic>> events = scheduler.getEventsDispatched('Flutter.Frame'); expect(events, hasLength(1)); final Map<String, dynamic> event = events.first; expect(event['number'], isNonNegative); expect(event['startTime'], 10000); expect(event['elapsed'], 10000); expect(event['build'], 5000); expect(event['raster'], 4000); }); test('TimingsCallback exceptions are caught', () { FlutterErrorDetails errorCaught; FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) { errorCaught = details; }; SchedulerBinding.instance.addTimingsCallback((List<FrameTiming> timings) { throw Exception('Test'); }); window.onReportTimings(<FrameTiming>[]); expect(errorCaught.exceptionAsString(), equals('Exception: Test')); }); test('currentSystemFrameTimeStamp is the raw timestamp', () { Duration lastTimeStamp; Duration lastSystemTimeStamp; void frameCallback(Duration timeStamp) { expect(timeStamp, scheduler.currentFrameTimeStamp); lastTimeStamp = scheduler.currentFrameTimeStamp; lastSystemTimeStamp = scheduler.currentSystemFrameTimeStamp; } scheduler.scheduleFrameCallback(frameCallback); tick(const Duration(seconds: 2)); expect(lastTimeStamp, Duration.zero); expect(lastSystemTimeStamp, const Duration(seconds: 2)); scheduler.scheduleFrameCallback(frameCallback); tick(const Duration(seconds: 4)); expect(lastTimeStamp, const Duration(seconds: 2)); expect(lastSystemTimeStamp, const Duration(seconds: 4)); timeDilation = 2; scheduler.scheduleFrameCallback(frameCallback); tick(const Duration(seconds: 6)); expect(lastTimeStamp, const Duration(seconds: 2)); // timeDilation calls SchedulerBinding.resetEpoch expect(lastSystemTimeStamp, const Duration(seconds: 6)); scheduler.scheduleFrameCallback(frameCallback); tick(const Duration(seconds: 8)); expect(lastTimeStamp, const Duration(seconds: 3)); // 2s + (8 - 6)s / 2 expect(lastSystemTimeStamp, const Duration(seconds: 8)); }); }