// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // @dart = 2.8 // Regenerates the material icons file. // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Updating-Material-Design-Fonts-&-Icons import 'dart:convert' show LineSplitter; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; const String _newCodepointsPathOption = 'new-codepoints'; const String _oldCodepointsPathOption = 'old-codepoints'; const String _iconsClassPathOption = 'icons'; const String _dryRunOption = 'dry-run'; const String _defaultNewCodepointsPath = 'codepoints'; const String _defaultOldCodepointsPath = 'bin/cache/artifacts/material_fonts/codepoints'; const String _defaultIconsPath = 'packages/flutter/lib/src/material/icons.dart'; const String _beginGeneratedMark = '// BEGIN GENERATED ICONS'; const String _endGeneratedMark = '// END GENERATED ICONS'; const String _beginPlatformAdaptiveGeneratedMark = '// BEGIN GENERATED PLATFORM ADAPTIVE ICONS'; const String _endPlatformAdaptiveGeneratedMark = '// END GENERATED PLATFORM ADAPTIVE ICONS'; const Map<String, List<String>> _platformAdaptiveIdentifiers = <String, List<String>>{ // Mapping of Flutter IDs to an Android/agnostic ID and an iOS ID. // Flutter IDs can be anything, but should be chosen to be agnostic. 'arrow_back': <String>['arrow_back', 'arrow_back_ios'], 'arrow_forward': <String>['arrow_forward', 'arrow_forward_ios'], 'flip_camera': <String>['flip_camera_android', 'flip_camera_ios'], 'more': <String>['more_vert', 'more_horiz'], 'share': <String>['share', 'ios_share'], }; // Rewrite certain Flutter IDs (reserved keywords, numbers) using prefix matching. const Map<String, String> identifierRewrites = <String, String>{ '1x': 'one_x', '360': 'threesixty', '2d': 'twod', '3d': 'threed', '3p': 'three_p', '6_ft': 'six_ft', '3g': 'three_g', '4g': 'four_g', '5g': 'five_g', '30fps': 'thirty_fps', '60fps': 'sixty_fps', '1k': 'one_k', '2k': 'two_k', '3k': 'three_k', '4k': 'four_k', '5k': 'five_k', '6k': 'six_k', '7k': 'seven_k', '8k': 'eight_k', '9k': 'nine_k', '10k': 'ten_k', '1mp': 'one_mp', '2mp': 'two_mp', '3mp': 'three_mp', '4mp': 'four_mp', '5mp': 'five_mp', '6mp': 'six_mp', '7mp': 'seven_mp', '8mp': 'eight_mp', '9mp': 'nine_mp', '10mp': 'ten_mp', '11mp': 'eleven_mp', '12mp': 'twelve_mp', '13mp': 'thirteen_mp', '14mp': 'fourteen_mp', '15mp': 'fifteen_mp', '16mp': 'sixteen_mp', '17mp': 'seventeen_mp', '18mp': 'eighteen_mp', '19mp': 'nineteen_mp', '20mp': 'twenty_mp', '21mp': 'twenty_one_mp', '22mp': 'twenty_two_mp', '23mp': 'twenty_three_mp', '24mp': 'twenty_four_mp', 'class': 'class_', 'try': 'try_sms_star', }; const Set<String> _iconsMirroredWhenRTL = <String>{ // This list is obtained from: // http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/#icons-in-rtl 'arrow_back', 'arrow_back_ios', 'arrow_forward', 'arrow_forward_ios', 'arrow_left', 'arrow_right', 'assignment', 'assignment_return', 'backspace', 'battery_unknown', 'call_made', 'call_merge', 'call_missed', 'call_missed_outgoing', 'call_received', 'call_split', 'chevron_left', 'chevron_right', 'chrome_reader_mode', 'device_unknown', 'dvr', 'event_note', 'featured_play_list', 'featured_video', 'first_page', 'flight_land', 'flight_takeoff', 'format_indent_decrease', 'format_indent_increase', 'format_list_bulleted', 'forward', 'functions', 'help', 'help_outline', 'input', 'keyboard_backspace', 'keyboard_tab', 'label', 'label_important', 'label_outline', 'last_page', 'launch', 'list', 'live_help', 'mobile_screen_share', 'multiline_chart', 'navigate_before', 'navigate_next', 'next_week', 'note', 'open_in_new', 'playlist_add', 'queue_music', 'redo', 'reply', 'reply_all', 'screen_share', 'send', 'short_text', 'show_chart', 'sort', 'star_half', 'subject', 'trending_flat', 'toc', 'trending_down', 'trending_up', 'undo', 'view_list', 'view_quilt', 'wrap_text', }; void main(List<String> args) { // If we're run from the `tools` dir, set the cwd to the repo root. if (path.basename(Directory.current.path) == 'tools') Directory.current = Directory.current.parent.parent; final ArgResults argResults = _handleArguments(args); final File iconClassFile = File(path.normalize(path.absolute(argResults[_iconsClassPathOption] as String))); if (!iconClassFile.existsSync()) { stderr.writeln('Error: Icons file not found: ${iconClassFile.path}'); exit(1); } final File newCodepointsFile = File(argResults[_newCodepointsPathOption] as String); if (!newCodepointsFile.existsSync()) { stderr.writeln('Error: New codepoints file not found: ${newCodepointsFile.path}'); exit(1); } final File oldCodepointsFile = File(argResults[_oldCodepointsPathOption] as String); if (!oldCodepointsFile.existsSync()) { stderr.writeln('Error: Old codepoints file not found: ${oldCodepointsFile.path}'); exit(1); } final String newCodepointsString = newCodepointsFile.readAsStringSync(); final Map<String, String> newTokenPairMap = stringToTokenPairMap(newCodepointsString); final String oldCodepointsString = oldCodepointsFile.readAsStringSync(); final Map<String, String> oldTokenPairMap = stringToTokenPairMap(oldCodepointsString); _testIsMapSuperset(newTokenPairMap, oldTokenPairMap); final String iconClassFileData = iconClassFile.readAsStringSync(); stderr.writeln('Generating icons file...'); final String newIconData = regenerateIconsFile(iconClassFileData, newTokenPairMap); if (argResults[_dryRunOption] as bool) { stdout.write(newIconData); } else { stderr.writeln('\nWriting to ${iconClassFile.path}.'); iconClassFile.writeAsStringSync(newIconData); _overwriteOldCodepoints(newCodepointsFile, oldCodepointsFile); } } ArgResults _handleArguments(List<String> args) { final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser() ..addOption(_newCodepointsPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultNewCodepointsPath, help: 'Location of the new codepoints directory') ..addOption(_oldCodepointsPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultOldCodepointsPath, help: 'Location of the existing codepoints directory') ..addOption(_iconsClassPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultIconsPath, help: 'Location of the material icons file') ..addFlag(_dryRunOption, defaultsTo: false); argParser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', negatable: false, callback: (bool help) { if (help) { print(argParser.usage); exit(1); } }); return argParser.parse(args); } Map<String, String> stringToTokenPairMap(String codepointData) { final Iterable<String> cleanData = LineSplitter.split(codepointData) .map((String line) => line.trim()) .where((String line) => line.isNotEmpty); final Map<String, String> pairs = <String, String>{}; for (final String line in cleanData) { final List<String> tokens = line.split(' '); if (tokens.length != 2) { throw FormatException('Unexpected codepoint data: $line'); } pairs.putIfAbsent(tokens[0], () => tokens[1]); } return pairs; } String regenerateIconsFile(String iconData, Map<String, String> tokenPairMap) { final List<_Icon> newIcons = tokenPairMap.entries.map((MapEntry<String, String> entry) => _Icon(entry)).toList(); newIcons.sort((_Icon a, _Icon b) => a._compareTo(b)); final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer(); bool generating = false; for (final String line in LineSplitter.split(iconData)) { if (!generating) { buf.writeln(line); } // Generate for _PlatformAdaptiveIcons if (line.contains(_beginPlatformAdaptiveGeneratedMark)) { generating = true; final List<String> platformAdaptiveDeclarations = <String>[]; _platformAdaptiveIdentifiers.forEach((String flutterId, List<String> ids) { // Automatically finds and generates styled icon declarations. for (final String style in _Icon.styleSuffixes) { try { final _Icon agnosticIcon = newIcons.firstWhere( (_Icon icon) => icon.id == '${ids[0]}$style', orElse: () => throw ids[0]); final _Icon iOSIcon = newIcons.firstWhere( (_Icon icon) => icon.id == '${ids[1]}$style', orElse: () => throw ids[1]); platformAdaptiveDeclarations.add(_Icon.platformAdaptiveDeclaration('$flutterId$style', agnosticIcon, iOSIcon)); } catch (e) { if (style == '') { // Throw an error for regular (unstyled) icons. stderr.writeln("Error while generating platformAdaptiveDeclarations: Icon '$e' not found."); exit(1); } else { // Ignore errors for styled icons since some don't exist. } } } }); buf.write(platformAdaptiveDeclarations.join()); } else if (line.contains(_endPlatformAdaptiveGeneratedMark)) { generating = false; buf.writeln(line); } // Generate for Icons if (line.contains(_beginGeneratedMark)) { generating = true; final String iconDeclarationsString = newIcons.map((_Icon icon) => icon.fullDeclaration).join(''); buf.write(iconDeclarationsString); } else if (line.contains(_endGeneratedMark)) { generating = false; buf.writeln(line); } } return buf.toString(); } void _testIsMapSuperset(Map<String, String> newCodepoints, Map<String, String> oldCodepoints) { final Set<String> newCodepointsSet = newCodepoints.keys.toSet(); final Set<String> oldCodepointsSet = oldCodepoints.keys.toSet(); if (!newCodepointsSet.containsAll(oldCodepointsSet)) { stderr.writeln(''' Error: New codepoints file does not contain all the existing codepoints.\n Missing: ${oldCodepointsSet.difference(newCodepointsSet)} ''', ); exit(1); } else { final int diff = newCodepointsSet.length - oldCodepointsSet.length; stderr.writeln('New codepoints file contains all ${oldCodepointsSet.length} existing codepoints.'); if (diff > 0) { stderr.writeln('It also contains $diff new codepoints: ${newCodepointsSet.difference(oldCodepointsSet)}'); } } } // Replace the old codepoints file with the new. void _overwriteOldCodepoints(File newCodepointsFile, File oldCodepointsFile) { stderr.writeln('Copying new codepoints file to ${oldCodepointsFile.path}.\n'); newCodepointsFile.copySync(oldCodepointsFile.path); } class _Icon { // Parse tokenPair (e.g. {"6_ft_apart_outlined": "e004"}). _Icon(MapEntry<String, String> tokenPair) { id = tokenPair.key; hexCodepoint = tokenPair.value; if (id.endsWith('_outlined') && id!='insert_chart_outlined') { shortId = _replaceLast(id, '_outlined'); htmlSuffix = '-outlined'; } else if (id.endsWith('_rounded')) { shortId = _replaceLast(id, '_rounded'); htmlSuffix = '-round'; } else if (id.endsWith('_sharp')) { shortId = _replaceLast(id, '_sharp'); htmlSuffix = '-sharp'; } else { shortId = id; htmlSuffix = ''; } flutterId = id; for (final MapEntry<String, String> rewritePair in identifierRewrites.entries) { if (id.startsWith(rewritePair.key)) { flutterId = id.replaceFirst(rewritePair.key, identifierRewrites[rewritePair.key]); } } name = id.replaceAll('_', ' '); } static const List<String> styleSuffixes = <String>['', '_outlined', '_rounded', '_sharp']; String id; // e.g. 5g, 5g_outlined, 5g_rounded, 5g_sharp String shortId; // e.g. 5g String flutterId; // e.g. five_g, five_g_outlined, five_g_rounded, five_g_sharp String name; // e.g. five g, five g outlined, five g rounded, five g sharp String hexCodepoint; // e.g. e547 // The suffix for the 'material-icons' HTML class. String htmlSuffix; String get mirroredInRTL => _iconsMirroredWhenRTL.contains(shortId) ? ', matchTextDirection: true' : ''; String get dartDoc => '<i class="material-icons$htmlSuffix md-36">$shortId</i> — material icon named "$name"'; String get declaration => "static const IconData $flutterId = IconData(0x$hexCodepoint, fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons'$mirroredInRTL);"; String get fullDeclaration => ''' /// $dartDoc. $declaration '''; static String platformAdaptiveDeclaration(String fullFlutterId, _Icon agnosticIcon, _Icon iOSIcon) => ''' /// Platform-adaptive icon for ${agnosticIcon.dartDoc} and ${iOSIcon.dartDoc}.; IconData get $fullFlutterId => !_isCupertino() ? Icons.${agnosticIcon.flutterId} : Icons.${iOSIcon.flutterId}; '''; @override String toString() => id; /// Analogous to [String.compareTo] int _compareTo(_Icon b) { // Sort a regular icon before its variants. if (shortId == b.shortId) { return id.length - b.id.length; } else { return flutterId.compareTo(b.flutterId); } } String _replaceLast(String string, String toReplace) { return string.replaceAll(RegExp('$toReplace\$'), ''); } }