// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert' show json; import 'dart:html' as html; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:macrobenchmarks/src/web/bench_text_layout.dart'; import 'package:macrobenchmarks/src/web/bench_text_out_of_picture_bounds.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_build_image.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_build_material_checkbox.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_card_infinite_scroll.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_child_layers.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_clipped_out_pictures.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_default_target_platform.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_draw_rect.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_dynamic_clip_on_static_picture.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_grid_hover.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_grid_scroll.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_mixed_grid_hover.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_pageview_scroll_linethrough.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_paths.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_picture_recording.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_simple_lazy_text_scroll.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_text_out_of_picture_bounds.dart'; import 'src/web/bench_wrapbox_scroll.dart'; import 'src/web/recorder.dart'; typedef RecorderFactory = Recorder Function(); const bool isCanvasKit = bool.fromEnvironment('FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA', defaultValue: false); /// List of all benchmarks that run in the devicelab. /// /// When adding a new benchmark, add it to this map. Make sure that the name /// of your benchmark is unique. final Map<String, RecorderFactory> benchmarks = <String, RecorderFactory>{ // Benchmarks that run both in CanvasKit and HTML modes BenchDefaultTargetPlatform.benchmarkName: () => BenchDefaultTargetPlatform(), BenchBuildImage.benchmarkName: () => BenchBuildImage(), BenchCardInfiniteScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchCardInfiniteScroll.forward(), BenchCardInfiniteScroll.benchmarkNameBackward: () => BenchCardInfiniteScroll.backward(), BenchClippedOutPictures.benchmarkName: () => BenchClippedOutPictures(), BenchDrawRect.benchmarkName: () => BenchDrawRect.staticPaint(), BenchDrawRect.variablePaintBenchmarkName: () => BenchDrawRect.variablePaint(), BenchPathRecording.benchmarkName: () => BenchPathRecording(), BenchTextOutOfPictureBounds.benchmarkName: () => BenchTextOutOfPictureBounds(), BenchSimpleLazyTextScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchSimpleLazyTextScroll(), BenchBuildMaterialCheckbox.benchmarkName: () => BenchBuildMaterialCheckbox(), BenchDynamicClipOnStaticPicture.benchmarkName: () => BenchDynamicClipOnStaticPicture(), BenchPageViewScrollLineThrough.benchmarkName: () => BenchPageViewScrollLineThrough(), BenchPictureRecording.benchmarkName: () => BenchPictureRecording(), BenchUpdateManyChildLayers.benchmarkName: () => BenchUpdateManyChildLayers(), BenchMouseRegionGridScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchMouseRegionGridScroll(), BenchMouseRegionGridHover.benchmarkName: () => BenchMouseRegionGridHover(), BenchMouseRegionMixedGridHover.benchmarkName: () => BenchMouseRegionMixedGridHover(), BenchWrapBoxScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchWrapBoxScroll(), // CanvasKit-only benchmarks if (isCanvasKit) ...<String, RecorderFactory>{ BenchTextLayout.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout.canvasKit(), BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasKit(), BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasKit(), }, // HTML-only benchmarks if (!isCanvasKit) ...<String, RecorderFactory>{ BenchTextLayout.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout.dom(), BenchTextLayout.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout.canvas(), BenchTextCachedLayout.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout.dom(), BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout.canvas(), BenchBuildColorsGrid.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchBuildColorsGrid.dom(), BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvas(), }, }; final LocalBenchmarkServerClient _client = LocalBenchmarkServerClient(); Future<void> main() async { // Check if the benchmark server wants us to run a specific benchmark. final String nextBenchmark = await _client.requestNextBenchmark(); if (nextBenchmark == LocalBenchmarkServerClient.kManualFallback) { _fallbackToManual('The server did not tell us which benchmark to run next.'); return; } await _runBenchmark(nextBenchmark); html.window.location.reload(); } Future<void> _runBenchmark(String benchmarkName) async { final RecorderFactory recorderFactory = benchmarks[benchmarkName]; if (recorderFactory == null) { _fallbackToManual('Benchmark $benchmarkName not found.'); return; } await runZoned<Future<void>>( () async { final Recorder recorder = recorderFactory(); final Runner runner = recorder.isTracingEnabled && !_client.isInManualMode ? Runner( recorder: recorder, setUpAllDidRun: () => _client.startPerformanceTracing(benchmarkName), tearDownAllWillRun: _client.stopPerformanceTracing, ) : Runner(recorder: recorder); final Profile profile = await runner.run(); if (!_client.isInManualMode) { await _client.sendProfileData(profile); } else { _printResultsToScreen(profile); print(profile); } }, zoneSpecification: ZoneSpecification( print: (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, String line) async { if (_client.isInManualMode) { parent.print(zone, '[$benchmarkName] $line'); } else { await _client.printToConsole(line); } }, handleUncaughtError: ( Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace, ) async { if (_client.isInManualMode) { parent.print(zone, '[$benchmarkName] $error, $stackTrace'); parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackTrace); } else { await _client.reportError(error, stackTrace); } }, ), ); } void _fallbackToManual(String error) { html.document.body.appendHtml(''' <div id="manual-panel"> <h3>$error</h3> <p>Choose one of the following benchmarks:</p> <!-- Absolutely position it so it receives the clicks and not the glasspane --> <ul style="position: absolute"> ${ benchmarks.keys .map((String name) => '<li><button id="$name">$name</button></li>') .join('\n') } </ul> </div> ''', validator: html.NodeValidatorBuilder()..allowHtml5()..allowInlineStyles()); for (final String benchmarkName in benchmarks.keys) { final html.Element button = html.document.querySelector('#$benchmarkName'); button.addEventListener('click', (_) { final html.Element manualPanel = html.document.querySelector('#manual-panel'); manualPanel?.remove(); _runBenchmark(benchmarkName); }); } } /// Visualizes results on the Web page for manual inspection. void _printResultsToScreen(Profile profile) { html.document.body.remove(); html.document.body = html.BodyElement(); html.document.body.appendHtml('<h2>${profile.name}</h2>'); profile.scoreData.forEach((String scoreKey, Timeseries timeseries) { html.document.body.appendHtml('<h2>$scoreKey</h2>'); html.document.body.appendHtml('<pre>${timeseries.computeStats()}</pre>'); html.document.body.append(TimeseriesVisualization(timeseries).render()); }); } /// Draws timeseries data and statistics on a canvas. class TimeseriesVisualization { TimeseriesVisualization(this._timeseries) { _stats = _timeseries.computeStats(); _canvas = html.CanvasElement(); _screenWidth = html.window.screen.width; _canvas.width = _screenWidth; _canvas.height = (_kCanvasHeight * html.window.devicePixelRatio).round(); _canvas.style ..width = '100%' ..height = '${_kCanvasHeight}px' ..outline = '1px solid green'; _ctx = _canvas.context2D; // The amount of vertical space available on the chart. Because some // outliers can be huge they can dwarf all the useful values. So we // limit it to 1.5 x the biggest non-outlier. _maxValueChartRange = 1.5 * _stats.samples .where((AnnotatedSample sample) => !sample.isOutlier) .map<double>((AnnotatedSample sample) => sample.magnitude) .fold<double>(0, math.max); } static const double _kCanvasHeight = 200; final Timeseries _timeseries; TimeseriesStats _stats; html.CanvasElement _canvas; html.CanvasRenderingContext2D _ctx; int _screenWidth; // Used to normalize benchmark values to chart height. double _maxValueChartRange; /// Converts a sample value to vertical canvas coordinates. /// /// This does not work for horizontal coordinates. double _normalized(double value) { return _kCanvasHeight * value / _maxValueChartRange; } /// A utility for drawing lines. void drawLine(num x1, num y1, num x2, num y2) { _ctx.beginPath(); _ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); _ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); _ctx.stroke(); } /// Renders the timeseries into a `<canvas>` and returns the canvas element. html.CanvasElement render() { _ctx.translate(0, _kCanvasHeight * html.window.devicePixelRatio); _ctx.scale(1, -html.window.devicePixelRatio); final double barWidth = _screenWidth / _stats.samples.length; double xOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _stats.samples.length; i++) { final AnnotatedSample sample = _stats.samples[i]; if (sample.isWarmUpValue) { // Put gray background behind warm-up samples. _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(200,200,200,1)'; _ctx.fillRect(xOffset, 0, barWidth, _normalized(_maxValueChartRange)); } if (sample.magnitude > _maxValueChartRange) { // The sample value is so big it doesn't fit on the chart. Paint it purple. _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(100,50,100,0.8)'; } else if (sample.isOutlier) { // The sample is an outlier, color it light red. _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,0.6)'; } else { // A non-outlier sample, color it light blue. _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(50,50,255,0.6)'; } _ctx.fillRect(xOffset, 0, barWidth - 1, _normalized(sample.magnitude)); xOffset += barWidth; } // Draw a horizontal solid line corresponding to the average. _ctx.lineWidth = 1; drawLine(0, _normalized(_stats.average), _screenWidth, _normalized(_stats.average)); // Draw a horizontal dashed line corresponding to the outlier cut off. _ctx.setLineDash(<num>[5, 5]); drawLine(0, _normalized(_stats.outlierCutOff), _screenWidth, _normalized(_stats.outlierCutOff)); // Draw a light red band that shows the noise (1 stddev in each direction). _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,0.3)'; _ctx.fillRect( 0, _normalized(_stats.average * (1 - _stats.noise)), _screenWidth, _normalized(2 * _stats.average * _stats.noise), ); return _canvas; } } /// Implements the client REST API for the local benchmark server. /// /// The local server is optional. If it is not available the benchmark UI must /// implement a manual fallback. This allows debugging benchmarks using plain /// `flutter run`. class LocalBenchmarkServerClient { /// This value is returned by [requestNextBenchmark]. static const String kManualFallback = '__manual_fallback__'; /// Whether we fell back to manual mode. /// /// This happens when you run benchmarks using plain `flutter run` rather than /// devicelab test harness. The test harness spins up a special server that /// provides API for automatically picking the next benchmark to run. bool isInManualMode; /// Asks the local server for the name of the next benchmark to run. /// /// Returns [kManualFallback] if local server is not available (uses 404 as a /// signal). Future<String> requestNextBenchmark() async { final html.HttpRequest request = await _requestXhr( '/next-benchmark', method: 'POST', mimeType: 'application/json', sendData: json.encode(benchmarks.keys.toList()), ); // 404 is expected in the following cases: // - The benchmark is ran using plain `flutter run`, which does not provide "next-benchmark" handler. // - We ran all benchmarks and the benchmark is telling us there are no more benchmarks to run. if (request.status == 404) { isInManualMode = true; return kManualFallback; } isInManualMode = false; return request.responseText; } void _checkNotManualMode() { if (isInManualMode) { throw StateError('Operation not supported in manual fallback mode.'); } } /// Asks the local server to begin tracing performance. /// /// This uses the chrome://tracing tracer, which is not available from within /// the page itself, and therefore must be controlled from outside using the /// DevTools Protocol. Future<void> startPerformanceTracing(String benchmarkName) async { _checkNotManualMode(); await html.HttpRequest.request( '/start-performance-tracing?label=$benchmarkName', method: 'POST', mimeType: 'application/json', ); } /// Stops the performance tracing session started by [startPerformanceTracing]. Future<void> stopPerformanceTracing() async { _checkNotManualMode(); await html.HttpRequest.request( '/stop-performance-tracing', method: 'POST', mimeType: 'application/json', ); } /// Sends the profile data collected by the benchmark to the local benchmark /// server. Future<void> sendProfileData(Profile profile) async { _checkNotManualMode(); final html.HttpRequest request = await html.HttpRequest.request( '/profile-data', method: 'POST', mimeType: 'application/json', sendData: json.encode(profile.toJson()), ); if (request.status != 200) { throw Exception( 'Failed to report profile data to benchmark server. ' 'The server responded with status code ${request.status}.' ); } } /// Reports an error to the benchmark server. /// /// The server will halt the devicelab task and log the error. Future<void> reportError(dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) async { _checkNotManualMode(); await html.HttpRequest.request( '/on-error', method: 'POST', mimeType: 'application/json', sendData: json.encode(<String, dynamic>{ 'error': '$error', 'stackTrace': '$stackTrace', }), ); } /// Reports a message about the demo to the benchmark server. Future<void> printToConsole(String report) async { _checkNotManualMode(); await html.HttpRequest.request( '/print-to-console', method: 'POST', mimeType: 'text/plain', sendData: report, ); } /// This is the same as calling [html.HttpRequest.request] but it doesn't /// crash on 404, which we use to detect `flutter run`. Future<html.HttpRequest> _requestXhr( String url, { String method, bool withCredentials, String responseType, String mimeType, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, dynamic sendData, }) { final Completer<html.HttpRequest> completer = Completer<html.HttpRequest>(); final html.HttpRequest xhr = html.HttpRequest(); method ??= 'GET'; xhr.open(method, url, async: true); if (withCredentials != null) { xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials; } if (responseType != null) { xhr.responseType = responseType; } if (mimeType != null) { xhr.overrideMimeType(mimeType); } if (requestHeaders != null) { requestHeaders.forEach((String header, String value) { xhr.setRequestHeader(header, value); }); } xhr.onLoad.listen((html.ProgressEvent e) { completer.complete(xhr); }); xhr.onError.listen(completer.completeError); if (sendData != null) { xhr.send(sendData); } else { xhr.send(); } return completer.future; } }