// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show LineSplitter, json, utf8;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter_devicelab/tasks/track_widget_creation_enabled_task.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import '../framework/adb.dart';
import '../framework/framework.dart';
import '../framework/ios.dart';
import '../framework/utils.dart';

TaskFunction createComplexLayoutScrollPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createTilesScrollPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createUiKitViewScrollPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(
    testDriver: 'test_driver/scroll_perf_test.dart',

TaskFunction createAndroidTextureScrollPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(
    testDriver: 'test_driver/scroll_perf_test.dart',

TaskFunction createAndroidViewScrollPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(
    testDriver: 'test_driver/scroll_perf_test.dart',

TaskFunction createHomeScrollPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createCullOpacityPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createCubicBezierPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createCubicBezierPerfSkSLWarmupTest() {
  return PerfTestWithSkSL(

TaskFunction createFlutterGalleryTransitionsPerfSkSLWarmupTest() {
  return PerfTestWithSkSL(

TaskFunction createBackdropFilterPerfTest({bool needsMeasureCpuGpu = false}) {
  return PerfTest(
    needsMeasureCpuGpu: needsMeasureCpuGpu,

TaskFunction createPostBackdropFilterPerfTest({bool needsMeasureCpuGpu = false}) {
  return PerfTest(
    needsMeasureCpuGpu: needsMeasureCpuGpu,

TaskFunction createSimpleAnimationPerfTest({bool needsMeasureCpuGpu = false}) {
  return PerfTest(
    needsMeasureCpuGpu: needsMeasureCpuGpu,

TaskFunction createAnimatedPlaceholderPerfTest({bool needsMeasureCpuGpu = false}) {
  return PerfTest(
    needsMeasureCpuGpu: needsMeasureCpuGpu,

TaskFunction createPictureCachePerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createFlutterGalleryStartupTest() {
  return StartupTest(

TaskFunction createComplexLayoutStartupTest() {
  return StartupTest(

TaskFunction createHelloWorldStartupTest() {
  return StartupTest(
    reportMetrics: false,

TaskFunction createFlutterGalleryCompileTest() {
  return CompileTest('${flutterDirectory.path}/dev/integration_tests/flutter_gallery').run;

TaskFunction createHelloWorldCompileTest() {
  return CompileTest('${flutterDirectory.path}/examples/hello_world', reportPackageContentSizes: true).run;

TaskFunction createWebCompileTest() {
  return const WebCompileTest().run;

TaskFunction createComplexLayoutCompileTest() {
  return CompileTest('${flutterDirectory.path}/dev/benchmarks/complex_layout').run;

TaskFunction createFlutterViewStartupTest() {
  return StartupTest(
      reportMetrics: false,

TaskFunction createPlatformViewStartupTest() {
  return StartupTest(
    reportMetrics: false,

TaskFunction createBasicMaterialCompileTest() {
  return () async {
    const String sampleAppName = 'sample_flutter_app';
    final Directory sampleDir = dir('${Directory.systemTemp.path}/$sampleAppName');


    await inDirectory<void>(Directory.systemTemp, () async {
      await flutter('create', options: <String>['--template=app', sampleAppName]);

    if (!sampleDir.existsSync())
      throw 'Failed to create default Flutter app in ${sampleDir.path}';

    return CompileTest(sampleDir.path).run();

TaskFunction createTextfieldPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createColorFilterAndFadePerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createFadingChildAnimationPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createImageFilteredTransformAnimationPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

TaskFunction createsMultiWidgetConstructPerfTest() {
  return PerfTest(

/// Measure application startup performance.
class StartupTest {
  const StartupTest(this.testDirectory, { this.reportMetrics = true });

  final String testDirectory;
  final bool reportMetrics;

  Future<TaskResult> run() async {
    return await inDirectory<TaskResult>(testDirectory, () async {
      final String deviceId = (await devices.workingDevice).deviceId;
      await flutter('packages', options: <String>['get']);

      await flutter('run', options: <String>[
      final Map<String, dynamic> data = json.decode(
      ) as Map<String, dynamic>;

      if (!reportMetrics)
        return TaskResult.success(data);

      return TaskResult.success(data, benchmarkScoreKeys: <String>[

/// Measures application runtime performance, specifically per-frame
/// performance.
class PerfTest {
  const PerfTest(
    this.timelineFileName, {
    this.needsMeasureCpuGpu = false,

  /// The directory where the app under test is defined.
  final String testDirectory;
  /// The main entry-point file of the application, as run on the device.
  final String testTarget;
  // The prefix name of the filename such as `<timelineFileName>.timeline_summary.json`.
  final String timelineFileName;
  /// The test file to run on the host.
  final String testDriver;
  /// Whether to collect CPU and GPU metrics.
  final bool needsMeasureCpuGpu;

  Future<TaskResult> run() {
    return internalRun();

  Future<TaskResult> internalRun({
      bool cacheSkSL = false,
      bool noBuild = false,
      String existingApp,
      String writeSkslFileName,
  }) {
    return inDirectory<TaskResult>(testDirectory, () async {
      final Device device = await devices.workingDevice;
      await device.unlock();
      final String deviceId = device.deviceId;
      await flutter('packages', options: <String>['get']);

      await flutter('drive', options: <String>[
        '--trace-startup', // Enables "endless" timeline event buffering.
        '-t', testTarget,
        if (noBuild) '--no-build',
        if (testDriver != null)
          ...<String>['--driver', testDriver],
        if (existingApp != null)
          ...<String>['--use-existing-app', existingApp],
        if (writeSkslFileName != null)
          ...<String>['--write-sksl-on-exit', writeSkslFileName],
        if (cacheSkSL) '--cache-sksl',
      final Map<String, dynamic> data = json.decode(
      ) as Map<String, dynamic>;

      if (data['frame_count'] as int < 5) {
        return TaskResult.failure(
          'Timeline contains too few frames: ${data['frame_count']}. Possibly '
          'trace events are not being captured.',

      if (needsMeasureCpuGpu) {
        await inDirectory<void>('$testDirectory/build', () async {
          data.addAll(await measureIosCpuGpu(deviceId: deviceId));

      return TaskResult.success(data, benchmarkScoreKeys: <String>[
        if (needsMeasureCpuGpu) 'cpu_percentage',
        if (needsMeasureCpuGpu) 'gpu_percentage',

class PerfTestWithSkSL extends PerfTest {
    String testDirectory,
    String testTarget,
    String timelineFileName, {
    bool needsMeasureCpuGpu = false,
    String testDriver,
  }) : super(
    needsMeasureCpuGpu: needsMeasureCpuGpu,
    testDriver: testDriver,

  Future<TaskResult> run() async {
    return inDirectory<TaskResult>(testDirectory, () async {
      // Some initializations
      _device = await devices.workingDevice;
      _flutterPath = path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'bin', 'flutter');

      // Prepare the SkSL by running the driver test.
      await _generateSkSL();

      // Build the app with SkSL artifacts and run that app
      final String observatoryUri = await _buildAndRun();

      // Attach to the running app and run the final driver test to get metrics.
      final TaskResult result = await internalRun(
        existingApp: observatoryUri,

      await _runProcess.exitCode;

      return result;

  Future<void> _generateSkSL() async {
    // `flutter drive` without `flutter run`, and `flutter drive --existing-app`
    // with `flutter run` may generate different SkSLs. Hence we run both
    // versions to generate as many SkSLs as possible.
    // 1st, `flutter drive --existing-app` with `flutter run`. The
    // `--write-sksl-on-exit` option doesn't seem to be compatible with
    // `flutter drive --existing-app` as it will complain web socket connection
    // issues.
    final String observatoryUri = await _runApp(cacheSkSL: true);
    await super.internalRun(cacheSkSL: true, existingApp: observatoryUri);
    await _runProcess.exitCode;

    // 2nd, `flutter drive` without `flutter run`. The --no-build option ensures
    // that we won't remove the SkSLs generated earlier.
    await super.internalRun(
      cacheSkSL: true,
      noBuild: true,
      writeSkslFileName: _skslJsonFileName,

  Future<String> _runApp({String appBinary, bool cacheSkSL = false}) async {
    if (File(_vmserviceFileName).existsSync()) {

    _runProcess = await startProcess(
        if (cacheSkSL) '--cache-sksl',
        '-d', _device.deviceId,
        '-t', testTarget,
        if (appBinary != null) ...<String>['--use-application-binary', _appBinary],
        '--vmservice-out-file', _vmserviceFileName,

    final Stream<List<int>> broadcastOut = _runProcess.stdout.asBroadcastStream();
    _forwardStream(broadcastOut, 'run stdout');
    _forwardStream(_runProcess.stderr, 'run stderr');

    final File file = await waitForFile(_vmserviceFileName);
    return file.readAsStringSync();

  // Return the VMService URI.
  Future<String> _buildAndRun() async {
    await flutter('build', options: <String>[
      if (_isAndroid) 'apk' else 'ios',
      '--bundle-sksl-path', _skslJsonFileName,
      '-t', testTarget,

    return _runApp(appBinary: _appBinary);

  String get _skslJsonFileName => '$testDirectory/flutter_01.sksl.json';
  String get _vmserviceFileName => '$testDirectory/$_kVmserviceOutFileName';

  bool get _isAndroid => deviceOperatingSystem == DeviceOperatingSystem.android;

  String get _appBinary {
    if (_isAndroid) {
      return '$testDirectory/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-profile.apk';
    for (final FileSystemEntity entry in Directory('$testDirectory/build/ios/iphoneos/').listSync()) {
      if (entry.path.endsWith('.app')) {
        return entry.path;
    throw 'No app found.';

  Stream<String> _transform(Stream<List<int>> stream) =>
      stream.transform<String>(utf8.decoder).transform<String>(const LineSplitter());

  void _forwardStream(Stream<List<int>> stream, String label) {
    _transform(stream).listen((String line) {
      print('$label: $line');

  String _flutterPath;
  Device _device;
  Process _runProcess;

  static const String _kVmserviceOutFileName = 'vmservice.out';

/// Measures how long it takes to compile a Flutter app to JavaScript and how
/// big the compiled code is.
class WebCompileTest {
  const WebCompileTest();

  Future<TaskResult> run() async {
    final Map<String, Object> metrics = <String, Object>{};

    metrics.addAll(await runSingleBuildTest(
      directory: '${flutterDirectory.path}/examples/hello_world',
      metric: 'hello_world',

    metrics.addAll(await runSingleBuildTest(
      directory: '${flutterDirectory.path}/dev/integration_tests/flutter_gallery',
      metric: 'flutter_gallery',

    const String sampleAppName = 'sample_flutter_app';
    final Directory sampleDir = dir('${Directory.systemTemp.path}/$sampleAppName');


    await inDirectory<void>(Directory.systemTemp, () async {
      await flutter('create', options: <String>['--template=app', sampleAppName]);

    metrics.addAll(await runSingleBuildTest(
      directory: sampleDir.path,
      metric: 'basic_material_app',

    return TaskResult.success(metrics, benchmarkScoreKeys: metrics.keys.toList());

  /// Run a single web compile test and return its metrics.
  /// Run a single web compile test for the app under [directory], and store
  /// its metrics with prefix [metric].
  static Future<Map<String, int>> runSingleBuildTest({String directory, String metric, bool measureBuildTime = false}) {
    return inDirectory<Map<String, int>>(directory, () async {
      final Map<String, int> metrics = <String, int>{};

      await flutter('packages', options: <String>['get']);
      final Stopwatch watch = measureBuildTime ? Stopwatch() : null;
      await evalFlutter('build', options: <String>[
      final String outputFileName = path.join(directory, 'build/web/main.dart.js');
      metrics.addAll(await getSize(outputFileName, metric: metric));

      if (measureBuildTime) {
        metrics['${metric}_dart2js_millis'] = watch.elapsedMilliseconds;

      return metrics;

  /// Obtains the size and gzipped size of a file given by [fileName].
  static Future<Map<String, int>> getSize(String fileName, {String metric}) async {
    final Map<String, int> sizeMetrics = <String, int>{};

    final ProcessResult result = await Process.run('du', <String>['-k', fileName]);
    sizeMetrics['${metric}_dart2js_size'] = _parseDu(result.stdout as String);

    await Process.run('gzip',<String>['-k', '9', fileName]);
    final ProcessResult resultGzip = await Process.run('du', <String>['-k', fileName + '.gz']);
    sizeMetrics['${metric}_dart2js_size_gzip'] = _parseDu(resultGzip.stdout as String);

    return sizeMetrics;

  static int _parseDu(String source) {
    return int.parse(source.split(RegExp(r'\s+')).first.trim());

/// Measures how long it takes to compile a Flutter app and how big the compiled
/// code is.
class CompileTest {
  const CompileTest(this.testDirectory, { this.reportPackageContentSizes = false });

  final String testDirectory;
  final bool reportPackageContentSizes;

  Future<TaskResult> run() async {
    return await inDirectory<TaskResult>(testDirectory, () async {
      final Device device = await devices.workingDevice;
      await device.unlock();
      await flutter('packages', options: <String>['get']);

      final Map<String, dynamic> metrics = <String, dynamic>{
        ...await _compileApp(reportPackageContentSizes: reportPackageContentSizes),
        ...await _compileDebug(),

      return TaskResult.success(metrics, benchmarkScoreKeys: metrics.keys.toList());

  static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileApp({ bool reportPackageContentSizes = false }) async {
    await flutter('clean');
    final Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch();
    int releaseSizeInBytes;
    final List<String> options = <String>['--release'];
    final Map<String, dynamic> metrics = <String, dynamic>{};

    switch (deviceOperatingSystem) {
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.ios:
        options.insert(0, 'ios');
        await flutter('build', options: options);
        final Directory appBuildDirectory = dir(path.join(cwd, 'build/ios/Release-iphoneos'));
        final Directory appBundle = appBuildDirectory
            .singleWhere((Directory directory) => path.extension(directory.path) == '.app', orElse: () => null);
        if (appBundle == null) {
          throw 'Failed to find app bundle in ${appBuildDirectory.path}';
        final String appPath =  appBundle.path;
        // IPAs are created manually, https://flutter.dev/ios-release/
        await exec('tar', <String>['-zcf', 'build/app.ipa', appPath]);
        releaseSizeInBytes = await file('$cwd/build/app.ipa').length();
        if (reportPackageContentSizes)
          metrics.addAll(await getSizesFromIosApp(appPath));
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.android:
        options.insert(0, 'apk');
        await flutter('build', options: options);
        final String apkPath = '$cwd/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk';
        final File apk = file(apkPath);
        releaseSizeInBytes = apk.lengthSync();
        if (reportPackageContentSizes)
          metrics.addAll(await getSizesFromApk(apkPath));
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.fuchsia:
        throw Exception('Unsupported option for Fuchsia devices');
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.fake:
        throw Exception('Unsupported option for fake devices');

    metrics.addAll(<String, dynamic>{
      'release_full_compile_millis': watch.elapsedMilliseconds,
      'release_size_bytes': releaseSizeInBytes,

    return metrics;

  static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _compileDebug() async {
    await flutter('clean');
    final Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch();
    final List<String> options = <String>['--debug'];
    switch (deviceOperatingSystem) {
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.ios:
        options.insert(0, 'ios');
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.android:
        options.insert(0, 'apk');
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.fuchsia:
        throw Exception('Unsupported option for Fuchsia devices');
      case DeviceOperatingSystem.fake:
        throw Exception('Unsupported option for fake devices');
    await flutter('build', options: options);

    return <String, dynamic>{
      'debug_full_compile_millis': watch.elapsedMilliseconds,

  static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getSizesFromIosApp(String appPath) async {
    // Thin the binary to only contain one architecture.
    final String xcodeBackend = path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'packages', 'flutter_tools', 'bin', 'xcode_backend.sh');
    await exec(xcodeBackend, <String>['thin'], environment: <String, String>{
      'ARCHS': 'arm64',
      'WRAPPER_NAME': path.basename(appPath),
      'TARGET_BUILD_DIR': path.dirname(appPath),

    final File appFramework = File(path.join(appPath, 'Frameworks', 'App.framework', 'App'));
    final File flutterFramework = File(path.join(appPath, 'Frameworks', 'Flutter.framework', 'Flutter'));

    return <String, dynamic>{
      'app_framework_uncompressed_bytes': await appFramework.length(),
      'flutter_framework_uncompressed_bytes': await flutterFramework.length(),

  static Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getSizesFromApk(String apkPath) async {
    final  String output = await eval('unzip', <String>['-v', apkPath]);
    final List<String> lines = output.split('\n');
    final Map<String, _UnzipListEntry> fileToMetadata = <String, _UnzipListEntry>{};

    // First three lines are header, last two lines are footer.
    for (int i = 3; i < lines.length - 2; i++) {
      final _UnzipListEntry entry = _UnzipListEntry.fromLine(lines[i]);
      fileToMetadata[entry.path] = entry;

    final _UnzipListEntry libflutter = fileToMetadata['lib/armeabi-v7a/libflutter.so'];
    final _UnzipListEntry libapp = fileToMetadata['lib/armeabi-v7a/libapp.so'];
    final _UnzipListEntry license = fileToMetadata['assets/flutter_assets/NOTICES'];

    return <String, dynamic>{
      'libflutter_uncompressed_bytes': libflutter.uncompressedSize,
      'libflutter_compressed_bytes': libflutter.compressedSize,
      'libapp_uncompressed_bytes': libapp.uncompressedSize,
      'libapp_compressed_bytes': libapp.compressedSize,
      'license_uncompressed_bytes': license.uncompressedSize,
      'license_compressed_bytes': license.compressedSize,

/// Measure application memory usage.
class MemoryTest {
  MemoryTest(this.project, this.test, this.package);

  final String project;
  final String test;
  final String package;

  /// Completes when the log line specified in the last call to
  /// [prepareForNextMessage] is seen by `adb logcat`.
  Future<void> get receivedNextMessage => _receivedNextMessage?.future;
  Completer<void> _receivedNextMessage;
  String _nextMessage;

  /// Prepares the [receivedNextMessage] future such that it will complete
  /// when `adb logcat` sees a log line with the given `message`.
  void prepareForNextMessage(String message) {
    _nextMessage = message;
    _receivedNextMessage = Completer<void>();

  int get iterationCount => 10;

  Device get device => _device;
  Device _device;

  Future<TaskResult> run() {
    return inDirectory<TaskResult>(project, () async {
      // This test currently only works on Android, because device.logcat,
      // device.getMemoryStats, etc, aren't implemented for iOS.

      _device = await devices.workingDevice;
      await device.unlock();
      await flutter('packages', options: <String>['get']);

      final StreamSubscription<String> adb = device.logcat.listen(
        (String data) {
          if (data.contains('==== MEMORY BENCHMARK ==== $_nextMessage ===='))

      for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterationCount; iteration += 1) {
        print('running memory test iteration $iteration...');
        _startMemoryUsage = null;
        await useMemory();
        assert(_startMemoryUsage != null);
        assert(_startMemory.length == iteration + 1);
        assert(_endMemory.length == iteration + 1);
        assert(_diffMemory.length == iteration + 1);
        await device.stop(package);
        await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 10));

      await adb.cancel();

      final ListStatistics startMemoryStatistics = ListStatistics(_startMemory);
      final ListStatistics endMemoryStatistics = ListStatistics(_endMemory);
      final ListStatistics diffMemoryStatistics = ListStatistics(_diffMemory);

      final Map<String, dynamic> memoryUsage = <String, dynamic>{

      _device = null;

      return TaskResult.success(memoryUsage, benchmarkScoreKeys: memoryUsage.keys.toList());

  /// Starts the app specified by [test] on the [device].
  /// The [run] method will terminate it by its package name ([package]).
  Future<void> launchApp() async {
    print('launching $project$test on device...');
    await flutter('run', options: <String>[
      '-d', device.deviceId,
    print('awaiting "ready" message...');
    await receivedNextMessage;

  /// To change the behavior of the test, override this.
  /// Make sure to call recordStart() and recordEnd() once each in that order.
  /// By default it just launches the app, records memory usage, taps the device,
  /// awaits a DONE notification, and records memory usage again.
  Future<void> useMemory() async {
    await launchApp();
    await recordStart();

    print('tapping device...');
    await device.tap(100, 100);
    print('awaiting "done" message...');
    await receivedNextMessage;

    await recordEnd();

  final List<int> _startMemory = <int>[];
  final List<int> _endMemory = <int>[];
  final List<int> _diffMemory = <int>[];

  Map<String, dynamic> _startMemoryUsage;

  Future<void> recordStart() async {
    assert(_startMemoryUsage == null);
    print('snapshotting memory usage...');
    _startMemoryUsage = await device.getMemoryStats(package);

  Future<void> recordEnd() async {
    assert(_startMemoryUsage != null);
    print('snapshotting memory usage...');
    final Map<String, dynamic> endMemoryUsage = await device.getMemoryStats(package);
    _startMemory.add(_startMemoryUsage['total_kb'] as int);
    _endMemory.add(endMemoryUsage['total_kb'] as int);
    _diffMemory.add((endMemoryUsage['total_kb'] as int) - (_startMemoryUsage['total_kb'] as int));

class DevToolsMemoryTest {
  DevToolsMemoryTest(this.project, this.driverTest);

  final String project;
  final String driverTest;

  Future<TaskResult> run() {
    return inDirectory<TaskResult>(project, () async {
      _device = await devices.workingDevice;
      await _device.unlock();
      await flutter('packages', options: <String>['get']);

      await _launchApp();
      if (_observatoryUri == null) {
        return  TaskResult.failure('Observatory URI not found.');

      await _launchDevTools();

      await flutter(
        options: <String>[
          '--use-existing-app', _observatoryUri,
          '-d', _device.deviceId,

      await _devToolsProcess.exitCode;

      await _runProcess.exitCode;

      final Map<String, dynamic> data = json.decode(
      ) as Map<String, dynamic>;
      final List<dynamic> samples = data['samples']['data'] as List<dynamic>;
      int maxRss = 0;
      int maxAdbTotal = 0;
      for (final dynamic sample in samples) {
        maxRss = math.max(maxRss, sample['rss'] as int);
        if (sample['adb_memoryInfo'] != null) {
          maxAdbTotal = math.max(maxAdbTotal, sample['adb_memoryInfo']['Total'] as int);
      return TaskResult.success(
          <String, dynamic>{'maxRss': maxRss, 'maxAdbTotal': maxAdbTotal},
          benchmarkScoreKeys: <String>['maxRss', 'maxAdbTotal'],

  Future<void> _launchApp() async {
    print('launching $project$driverTest on device...');
    final String flutterPath = path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'bin', 'flutter');
    _runProcess = await startProcess(
        '-d', _device.deviceId,

    // Listen for Observatory URI and forward stdout/stderr
    final Completer<String> observatoryUri = Completer<String>();
        .transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
        .listen((String line) {
          print('run stdout: $line');
          final RegExpMatch match = RegExp(r'An Observatory debugger and profiler on .+ is available at: ((http|//)[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_\-\.\[\]]+)').firstMatch(line);
          if (match != null) {
            _observatoryUri = match[1];
        }, onDone: () { observatoryUri.complete(null); });
    _forwardStream(_runProcess.stderr, 'run stderr');

    _observatoryUri = await observatoryUri.future;

  Future<void> _launchDevTools() async {
    await exec(pubBin, <String>[
    _devToolsProcess = await startProcess(
        '--vm-uri', _observatoryUri,
        '--profile-memory', _kJsonFileName,
    _forwardStream(_devToolsProcess.stdout, 'devtools stdout');
    _forwardStream(_devToolsProcess.stderr, 'devtools stderr');

  void _forwardStream(Stream<List<int>> stream, String label) {
        .transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
        .listen((String line) {
          print('$label: $line');

  Device _device;
  String _observatoryUri;
  Process _runProcess;
  Process _devToolsProcess;

  static const String _kJsonFileName = 'devtools_memory.json';

enum ReportedDurationTestFlavor {
  debug, profile, release

String _reportedDurationTestToString(ReportedDurationTestFlavor flavor) {
  switch (flavor) {
    case ReportedDurationTestFlavor.debug:
      return 'debug';
    case ReportedDurationTestFlavor.profile:
      return 'profile';
    case ReportedDurationTestFlavor.release:
      return 'release';
  throw ArgumentError('Unexpected value for enum $flavor');

class ReportedDurationTest {
  ReportedDurationTest(this.flavor, this.project, this.test, this.package, this.durationPattern);

  final ReportedDurationTestFlavor flavor;
  final String project;
  final String test;
  final String package;
  final RegExp durationPattern;

  final Completer<int> durationCompleter = Completer<int>();

  int get iterationCount => 10;

  Device get device => _device;
  Device _device;

  Future<TaskResult> run() {
    return inDirectory<TaskResult>(project, () async {
      // This test currently only works on Android, because device.logcat,
      // device.getMemoryStats, etc, aren't implemented for iOS.

      _device = await devices.workingDevice;
      await device.unlock();
      await flutter('packages', options: <String>['get']);

      final StreamSubscription<String> adb = device.logcat.listen(
        (String data) {
          if (durationPattern.hasMatch(data))
      print('launching $project$test on device...');
      await flutter('run', options: <String>[
        '-d', device.deviceId,

      final int duration = await durationCompleter.future;
      await device.stop(package);
      await adb.cancel();

      _device = null;

      final Map<String, dynamic> reportedDuration = <String, dynamic>{
        'duration': duration,
      _device = null;

      return TaskResult.success(reportedDuration, benchmarkScoreKeys: reportedDuration.keys.toList());

/// Holds simple statistics of an odd-lengthed list of integers.
class ListStatistics {
  factory ListStatistics(Iterable<int> data) {
    assert(data.length % 2 == 1);
    final List<int> sortedData = data.toList()..sort();
    return ListStatistics._(
      sortedData[(sortedData.length - 1) ~/ 2],

  const ListStatistics._(this.min, this.max, this.median);

  final int min;
  final int max;
  final int median;

  Map<String, int> asMap(String prefix) {
    return <String, int>{
      '$prefix-min': min,
      '$prefix-max': max,
      '$prefix-median': median,

class _UnzipListEntry {
  factory _UnzipListEntry.fromLine(String line) {
    final List<String> data = line.trim().split(RegExp(r'\s+'));
    assert(data.length == 8);
    return _UnzipListEntry._(
      uncompressedSize:  int.parse(data[0]),
      compressedSize: int.parse(data[2]),
      path: data[7],

    @required this.uncompressedSize,
    @required this.compressedSize,
    @required this.path,
  }) : assert(uncompressedSize != null),
       assert(compressedSize != null),
       assert(compressedSize <= uncompressedSize),
       assert(path != null);

  final int uncompressedSize;
  final int compressedSize;
  final String path;