// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show visibleForTesting; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'events.dart'; import 'pointer_router.dart'; /// Signature for listening to [PointerEnterEvent] events. /// /// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [Listener] and [RenderPointerListener]. typedef PointerEnterEventListener = void Function(PointerEnterEvent event); /// Signature for listening to [PointerExitEvent] events. /// /// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [Listener] and [RenderPointerListener]. typedef PointerExitEventListener = void Function(PointerExitEvent event); /// Signature for listening to [PointerHoverEvent] events. /// /// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [Listener] and [RenderPointerListener]. typedef PointerHoverEventListener = void Function(PointerHoverEvent event); /// The annotation object used to annotate layers that are interested in mouse /// movements. /// /// This is added to a layer and managed by the [Listener] widget. class MouseTrackerAnnotation { /// Creates an annotation that can be used to find layers interested in mouse /// movements. const MouseTrackerAnnotation({this.onEnter, this.onHover, this.onExit}); /// Triggered when a pointer has entered the bounding box of the annotated /// layer. final PointerEnterEventListener onEnter; /// Triggered when a pointer has moved within the bounding box of the /// annotated layer. final PointerHoverEventListener onHover; /// Triggered when a pointer has exited the bounding box of the annotated /// layer. final PointerExitEventListener onExit; @override String toString() { final String none = (onEnter == null && onExit == null && onHover == null) ? ' <none>' : ''; return '[$runtimeType${hashCode.toRadixString(16)}$none' '${onEnter == null ? '' : ' onEnter'}' '${onHover == null ? '' : ' onHover'}' '${onExit == null ? '' : ' onExit'}]'; } } // Used internally by the MouseTracker for accounting for which annotation is // active on which devices inside of the MouseTracker. class _TrackedAnnotation { _TrackedAnnotation(this.annotation); final MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation; /// Tracks devices that are currently active for this annotation. /// /// If the mouse pointer corresponding to the integer device ID is /// present in the Set, then it is currently inside of the annotated layer. /// /// This is used to detect layers that used to have the mouse pointer inside /// them, but now no longer do (to facilitate exit notification). Set<int> activeDevices = <int>{}; } /// Describes a function that finds an annotation given an offset in logical /// coordinates. /// /// It is used by the [MouseTracker] to fetch annotations for the mouse /// position. typedef MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder = MouseTrackerAnnotation Function(Offset offset); /// Keeps state about which objects are interested in tracking mouse positions /// and notifies them when a mouse pointer enters, moves, or leaves an annotated /// region that they are interested in. /// /// Owned by the [RendererBinding] class. class MouseTracker { /// Creates a mouse tracker to keep track of mouse locations. /// /// All of the parameters must not be null. MouseTracker(PointerRouter router, this.annotationFinder) : assert(router != null), assert(annotationFinder != null) { router.addGlobalRoute(_handleEvent); } /// Used to find annotations at a given logical coordinate. final MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder annotationFinder; // The collection of annotations that are currently being tracked. They may or // may not be active, depending on the value of _TrackedAnnotation.active. final Map<MouseTrackerAnnotation, _TrackedAnnotation> _trackedAnnotations = <MouseTrackerAnnotation, _TrackedAnnotation>{}; /// Track an annotation so that if the mouse enters it, we send it events. /// /// This is typically called when the [AnnotatedRegion] containing this /// annotation has been added to the layer tree. void attachAnnotation(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { _trackedAnnotations[annotation] = _TrackedAnnotation(annotation); // Schedule a check so that we test this new annotation to see if the mouse // is currently inside its region. _scheduleMousePositionCheck(); } /// Stops tracking an annotation, indicating that it has been removed from the /// layer tree. /// /// If the associated layer is not removed, and receives a hit, then /// [collectMousePositions] will assert the next time it is called. void detachAnnotation(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { final _TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation = _findAnnotation(annotation); for (int deviceId in trackedAnnotation.activeDevices) { if (annotation.onExit != null) { annotation.onExit(PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(_lastMouseEvent[deviceId])); } } _trackedAnnotations.remove(annotation); } void _scheduleMousePositionCheck() { SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration _) => collectMousePositions()); SchedulerBinding.instance.scheduleFrame(); } // Handler for events coming from the PointerRouter. void _handleEvent(PointerEvent event) { if (event.kind != PointerDeviceKind.mouse) { return; } final int deviceId = event.device; if (_trackedAnnotations.isEmpty) { // If we're not tracking anything, then there is no point in registering a // frame callback or scheduling a frame. By definition there are no active // annotations that need exiting, either. _lastMouseEvent.remove(deviceId); return; } if (event is PointerRemovedEvent) { _lastMouseEvent.remove(deviceId); // If the mouse was removed, then we need to schedule one more check to // exit any annotations that were active. _scheduleMousePositionCheck(); } else { if (event is PointerMoveEvent || event is PointerHoverEvent || event is PointerDownEvent) { if (!_lastMouseEvent.containsKey(deviceId) || _lastMouseEvent[deviceId].position != event.position) { // Only schedule a frame if we have our first event, or if the // location of the mouse has changed. _scheduleMousePositionCheck(); } _lastMouseEvent[deviceId] = event; } } } _TrackedAnnotation _findAnnotation(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { final _TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation = _trackedAnnotations[annotation]; assert( trackedAnnotation != null, 'Unable to find annotation $annotation in tracked annotations. ' 'Check that attachAnnotation has been called for all annotated layers.'); return trackedAnnotation; } /// Checks if the given [MouseTrackerAnnotation] is attached to this /// [MouseTracker]. /// /// This function is only public to allow for proper testing of the /// MouseTracker. Do not call in other contexts. @visibleForTesting bool isAnnotationAttached(MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation) { return _trackedAnnotations.containsKey(annotation); } /// Tells interested objects that a mouse has entered, exited, or moved, given /// a callback to fetch the [MouseTrackerAnnotation] associated with a global /// offset. /// /// This is called from a post-frame callback when the layer tree has been /// updated, right after rendering the frame. /// /// This function is only public to allow for proper testing of the /// MouseTracker. Do not call in other contexts. @visibleForTesting void collectMousePositions() { void exitAnnotation(_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation, int deviceId) { if (trackedAnnotation.annotation?.onExit != null && trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.contains(deviceId)) { trackedAnnotation.annotation.onExit(PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(_lastMouseEvent[deviceId])); trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.remove(deviceId); } } void exitAllDevices(_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation) { if (trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.isNotEmpty) { final Set<int> deviceIds = trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.toSet(); for (int deviceId in deviceIds) { exitAnnotation(trackedAnnotation, deviceId); } } } // This indicates that all mouse pointers were removed, or none have been // connected yet. If no mouse is connected, then we want to make sure that // all active annotations are exited. if (!mouseIsConnected) { _trackedAnnotations.values.forEach(exitAllDevices); return; } for (int deviceId in _lastMouseEvent.keys) { final PointerEvent lastEvent = _lastMouseEvent[deviceId]; final MouseTrackerAnnotation hit = annotationFinder(lastEvent.position); // No annotation was found at this position for this deviceId, so send an // exit to all active tracked annotations, since none of them were hit. if (hit == null) { // Send an exit to all tracked animations tracking this deviceId. for (_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation in _trackedAnnotations.values) { exitAnnotation(trackedAnnotation, deviceId); } return; } final _TrackedAnnotation hitAnnotation = _findAnnotation(hit); if (!hitAnnotation.activeDevices.contains(deviceId)) { // A tracked annotation that just became active and needs to have an enter // event sent to it. hitAnnotation.activeDevices.add(deviceId); if (hitAnnotation.annotation?.onEnter != null) { hitAnnotation.annotation.onEnter(PointerEnterEvent.fromMouseEvent(lastEvent)); } } if (hitAnnotation.annotation?.onHover != null && lastEvent is PointerHoverEvent) { hitAnnotation.annotation.onHover(lastEvent); } // Tell any tracked annotations that weren't hit that they are no longer // active. for (_TrackedAnnotation trackedAnnotation in _trackedAnnotations.values) { if (hitAnnotation == trackedAnnotation) { continue; } if (trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.contains(deviceId)) { if (trackedAnnotation.annotation?.onExit != null) { trackedAnnotation.annotation.onExit(PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(lastEvent)); } trackedAnnotation.activeDevices.remove(deviceId); } } } } /// The most recent mouse event observed for each mouse device ID observed. /// /// May be null if no mouse is connected, or hasn't produced an event yet. /// Will not be updated unless there is at least one tracked annotation. final Map<int, PointerEvent> _lastMouseEvent = <int, PointerEvent>{}; /// Whether or not a mouse is connected and has produced events. bool get mouseIsConnected => _lastMouseEvent.isNotEmpty; }