// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../base/net.dart'; import '../base/platform.dart'; import '../cache.dart'; import '../dart/pub.dart'; import '../globals.dart'; import '../runner/flutter_command.dart'; /// Map from package name to package version, used to artificially pin a pub /// package version in cases when upgrading to the latest breaks Flutter. /// /// Example: /// /// ``` /// 'linter': '0.1.35', // TODO(yjbanov): https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/824 /// ``` const Map<String, String> _kManuallyPinnedDependencies = const <String, String>{ // Add pinned packages here. 'mockito': '3.0.0-alpha+2', // TODO(aam): https://github.com/dart-lang/mockito/issues/110 }; class UpdatePackagesCommand extends FlutterCommand { UpdatePackagesCommand({ this.hidden: false }) { argParser ..addFlag( 'force-upgrade', help: 'Attempt to update all the dependencies to their latest versions.\n' 'This will actually modify the pubspec.yaml files in your checkout.', defaultsTo: false, ) ..addFlag( 'paths', help: 'Finds paths in the dependency chain leading from package specified ' 'in --from to package specified in --to.', defaultsTo: false, ) ..addOption( 'from', help: 'Used with flag --dependency-path. Specifies the package to begin ' 'searching dependency path from.', ) ..addOption( 'to', help: 'Used with flag --dependency-path. Specifies the package that the ' 'sought after dependency path leads to.', ) ..addFlag( 'transitive-closure', help: 'Prints the dependency graph that is the transitive closure of ' 'packages the Flutter SDK depends on.', defaultsTo: false, ) ..addFlag( 'verify-only', help: 'verifies the package checksum without changing or updating deps', defaultsTo: false, ); } @override final String name = 'update-packages'; @override final String description = 'Update the packages inside the Flutter repo.'; @override final bool hidden; Future<Null> _downloadCoverageData() async { final Status status = logger.startProgress('Downloading lcov data for package:flutter...', expectSlowOperation: true); final String urlBase = platform.environment['FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL'] ?? 'https://storage.googleapis.com'; final List<int> data = await fetchUrl(Uri.parse('$urlBase/flutter_infra/flutter/coverage/lcov.info')); final String coverageDir = fs.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, 'packages/flutter/coverage'); fs.file(fs.path.join(coverageDir, 'lcov.base.info')) ..createSync(recursive: true) ..writeAsBytesSync(data, flush: true); fs.file(fs.path.join(coverageDir, 'lcov.info')) ..createSync(recursive: true) ..writeAsBytesSync(data, flush: true); status.stop(); } @override Future<Null> runCommand() async { final List<Directory> packages = runner.getRepoPackages(); final bool upgrade = argResults['force-upgrade']; final bool isPrintPaths = argResults['paths']; final bool isPrintTransitiveClosure = argResults['transitive-closure']; final bool isVerifyOnly = argResults['verify-only']; if (isVerifyOnly) { printStatus('Verifying pubspecs...'); for (Directory directory in packages) { final PubspecYaml pubspec = new PubspecYaml(directory); printTrace('Reading pubspec.yaml from ${directory.path}'); if (pubspec.checksum.value == -1) { // If the checksum is invalid or missing, we can just ask them run to run // upgrade again to compute it. printStatus( 'Warning: pubspec in ${directory.path} has out of date dependencies. ' 'Please run "flutter update-packages" --force-upgrade to update them correctly.' ); } // all dependencies in the pubspec sorted lexically. final Set<String> checksumDependencies = new Set<String>(); for (PubspecLine data in pubspec.inputData) { if (data is PubspecDependency) { if (!_ignoreForChecksum.contains(data.name)) checksumDependencies.add('${data.name}${data.version ?? ""}'); } } final List<String> sortedChecksunDependencies = checksumDependencies.toList()..sort(); final int checksum = _computeChecksum(sortedChecksunDependencies); if (checksum != pubspec.checksum.value) { // If the checksum doesn't match, they may have added or removed some dependencies. // we need to run update-packages to recapture the transitive deps. printStatus( 'Warning: pubspec in ${directory.path} has invalid dependencies. ' 'Please run "flutter update-packages" --force-upgrade to update them correctly.' ); } else { // everything is correct in the pubspec. printStatus('pubspec in ${directory.path} is up to date!'); } } return; } if (upgrade || isPrintPaths || isPrintTransitiveClosure) { printStatus('Upgrading packages...'); // This feature attempts to collect all the packages used across all the // pubspec.yamls in the repo (including via transitive dependencies), and // find the latest version of each that can be used while keeping each // such package fixed at a single version across all the pubspec.yamls. // // First, collect up the explicit dependencies: final List<PubspecYaml> pubspecs = <PubspecYaml>[]; final Map<String, PubspecDependency> dependencies = <String, PubspecDependency>{}; final Set<String> specialDependencies = new Set<String>(); for (Directory directory in packages) { // these are all the directories with pubspec.yamls we care about printTrace('Reading pubspec.yaml from: ${directory.path}'); final PubspecYaml pubspec = new PubspecYaml(directory); // this parses the pubspec.yaml pubspecs.add(pubspec); // remember it for later for (PubspecDependency dependency in pubspec.allDependencies) { // this is all the explicit dependencies if (dependencies.containsKey(dependency.name)) { // If we've seen the dependency before, make sure that we are // importing it the same way. There's several ways to import a // dependency. Hosted (from pub via version number), by path (e.g. // pointing at the version of a package we get from the Dart SDK // that we download with Flutter), by SDK (e.g. the "flutter" // package is explicitly from "sdk: flutter"). // // This makes sure that we don't import a package in two different // ways, e.g. by saying "sdk: flutter" in one pubspec.yaml and // saying "path: ../../..." in another. final PubspecDependency previous = dependencies[dependency.name]; if (dependency.kind != previous.kind || dependency.lockTarget != previous.lockTarget) { throw 'Inconsistent requirements around ${dependency.name}; ' 'saw ${dependency.kind} (${dependency.lockTarget}) in "${dependency.sourcePath}" ' 'and ${previous.kind} (${previous.lockTarget}) in "${previous.sourcePath}".'; } } // Remember this dependency by name so we can look it up again. dependencies[dependency.name] = dependency; // Normal dependencies are those we get from pub. The others we // already implicitly pin since we pull down one version of the // Flutter and Dart SDKs, so we track which those are here so that we // can omit them from our list of pinned dependencies later. if (dependency.kind != DependencyKind.normal) specialDependencies.add(dependency.name); } } // Now that we have all the dependencies we explicitly care about, we are // going to create a fake package and then run "pub upgrade" on it. The // pub tool will attempt to bring these dependencies up to the most recent // possible versions while honoring all their constraints. final PubDependencyTree tree = new PubDependencyTree(); // object to collect results final Directory temporaryDirectory = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_update_packages_'); try { final File fakePackage = _pubspecFor(temporaryDirectory); fakePackage.createSync(); fakePackage.writeAsStringSync(_generateFakePubspec(dependencies.values)); // First we run "pub upgrade" on this generated package: await pubGet(context: PubContext.updatePackages, directory: temporaryDirectory.path, upgrade: true, checkLastModified: false); // Then we run "pub deps --style=compact" on the result. We pipe all the // output to tree.fill(), which parses it so that it can create a graph // of all the dependencies so that we can figure out the transitive // dependencies later. It also remembers which version was selected for // each package. await pub( <String>['deps', '--style=compact'], context: PubContext.updatePackages, directory: temporaryDirectory.path, filter: tree.fill, retry: false, // errors here are usually fatal since we're not hitting the network ); } finally { temporaryDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true); } // The transitive dependency tree for the fake package does not contain // dependencies between Flutter SDK packages and pub packages. We add them // here. for (PubspecYaml pubspec in pubspecs) { final String package = pubspec.name; final String version = pubspec.version; for (PubspecDependency dependency in pubspec.dependencies) { if (dependency.kind == DependencyKind.normal) { tree._versions[package] = version; tree._dependencyTree[package] ??= new Set<String>(); tree._dependencyTree[package].add(dependency.name); } } } if (isPrintTransitiveClosure) { tree._dependencyTree.forEach((String from, Set<String> to) { printStatus('$from -> $to'); }); return; } if (isPrintPaths) { showDependencyPaths(from: argResults['from'], to: argResults['to'], tree: tree); return; } // Now that we have collected all the data, we can apply our dependency // versions to each pubspec.yaml that we collected. This mutates the // pubspec.yaml files. // // The specialDependencies argument is the set of package names to not pin // to specific versions because they are explicitly pinned by their // constraints. Here we list the names we earlier established we didn't // need to pin because they come from the Dart or Flutter SDKs. for (PubspecYaml pubspec in pubspecs) pubspec.apply(tree, specialDependencies); // Now that the pubspec.yamls are updated, we run "pub get" on each one so // that the various packages are ready to use. This is what "flutter // update-packages" does without --force-upgrade, so we can just fall into // the regular code path. } final Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start(); int count = 0; for (Directory dir in packages) { await pubGet(context: PubContext.updatePackages, directory: dir.path, checkLastModified: false); count += 1; } await _downloadCoverageData(); final double seconds = timer.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0; printStatus('\nRan \'pub\' $count time${count == 1 ? "" : "s"} and fetched coverage data in ${seconds.toStringAsFixed(1)}s.'); } void showDependencyPaths({ @required String from, @required String to, @required PubDependencyTree tree, }) { if (!tree.contains(from)) throw new ToolExit('Package $from not found in the dependency tree.'); if (!tree.contains(to)) throw new ToolExit('Package $to not found in the dependency tree.'); final Queue<_DependencyLink> traversalQueue = new Queue<_DependencyLink>(); final Set<String> visited = new Set<String>(); final List<_DependencyLink> paths = <_DependencyLink>[]; traversalQueue.addFirst(new _DependencyLink(from: null, to: from)); while (traversalQueue.isNotEmpty) { final _DependencyLink link = traversalQueue.removeLast(); if (link.to == to) paths.add(link); if (link.from != null) visited.add(link.from.to); for (String dependency in tree._dependencyTree[link.to]) { if (!visited.contains(dependency)) { traversalQueue.addFirst(new _DependencyLink(from: link, to: dependency)); } } } for (_DependencyLink path in paths) { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (path != null) { buf.write('${path.to}'); path = path.from; if (path != null) buf.write(' <- '); } printStatus(buf.toString()); } if (paths.isEmpty) { printStatus('No paths found from $from to $to'); } } } class _DependencyLink { _DependencyLink({ @required this.from, @required this.to, }); final _DependencyLink from; final String to; @override String toString() => '${from?.to} -> $to'; } /// The various sections of a pubspec.yaml file. /// /// We care about the "dependencies", "dev_dependencies", and /// "dependency_overrides" sections, as well as the "name" and "version" fields /// in the pubspec header bucketed into [header]. The others are all bucketed /// into [other]. enum Section { header, dependencies, devDependencies, dependencyOverrides, other } /// The various kinds of dependencies we know and care about. enum DependencyKind { // Dependencies that will be path or sdk dependencies but // for which we haven't yet parsed the data. unknown, // Regular dependencies with a specified version range. normal, // Dependency that uses an explicit path, e.g. into the Dart SDK. path, // Dependency defined as coming from an SDK (typically "sdk: flutter"). sdk, // A dependency that was "normal", but for which we later found a "path" or // "sdk" dependency in the dependency_overrides section. overridden, } /// This is the string we output next to each of our autogenerated transitive /// dependencies so that we can ignore them the next time we parse the /// pubspec.yaml file. const String kTransitiveMagicString= '# THIS LINE IS AUTOGENERATED - TO UPDATE USE "flutter update-packages --force-upgrade"'; /// This is the string output before a checksum of the packages used. const String kDependencyChecksum = '# PUBSPEC CHECKSUM: '; /// This class represents a pubspec.yaml file for the purposes of upgrading the /// dependencies as done by this file. class PubspecYaml { /// You create one of these by providing a directory, from which we obtain the /// pubspec.yaml and parse it into a line-by-line form. factory PubspecYaml(Directory directory) { final File file = _pubspecFor(directory); return _parse(file, file.readAsLinesSync()); } PubspecYaml._(this.file, this.name, this.version, this.inputData, this.checksum); final File file; // The actual pubspec.yaml file. /// The package name. final String name; /// The package version. final String version; final List<PubspecLine> inputData; // Each line of the pubspec.yaml file, parsed(ish). /// The package checksum. /// /// If this was not found in the pubspec, a synthetic checksum is created /// with a value of `-1`. final PubspecChecksum checksum; /// This parses each line of a pubspec.yaml file (a list of lines) into /// slightly more structured data (in the form of a list of PubspecLine /// objects). We don't just use a YAML parser because we care about comments /// and also because we can just define the style of pubspec.yaml files we care /// about (since they're all under our control). static PubspecYaml _parse(File file, List<String> lines) { final String filename = file.path; String packageName; String packageVersion; PubspecChecksum checksum; // the checksum value used to verify that dependencies haven't changed. final List<PubspecLine> result = <PubspecLine>[]; // The output buffer. Section section = Section.other; // Which section we're currently reading from. bool seenMain = false; // Whether we've seen the "dependencies:" section. bool seenDev = false; // Whether we've seen the "dev_dependencies:" section. // The masterDependencies map is used to keep track of the objects // representing actual dependencies we've seen so far in this file so that // if we see dependency overrides we can update the actual dependency so it // knows that it's not really a dependency. final Map<String, PubspecDependency> masterDependencies = <String, PubspecDependency>{}; // The "special" dependencies (the ones that use git: or path: or sdk: or // whatnot) have the style of having extra data after the line that declares // the dependency. So we track what is the "current" (or "last") dependency // that we are dealing with using this variable. PubspecDependency lastDependency; for (String line in lines) { if (lastDependency == null) { // First we look to see if we're transitioning to a new top-level section. // The PubspecHeader.parse static method can recognize those headers. final PubspecHeader header = PubspecHeader.parse(line); // See if it's a header. if (header != null) { // It is! section = header.section; // The parser determined what kind of section it is. if (section == Section.header) { if (header.name == 'name') packageName = header.value; else if (header.name == 'version') packageVersion = header.value; } else if (section == Section.dependencies) { // If we're entering the "dependencies" section, we want to make sure that // it's the first section (of those we care about) that we've seen so far. if (seenMain) throw 'Two dependencies sections found in $filename. There should only be one.'; if (seenDev) { throw 'The dependencies section was after the dev_dependencies section in $filename. ' 'To enable one-pass processing, the dependencies section must come before the ' 'dev_dependencies section.'; } seenMain = true; } else if (section == Section.devDependencies) { // Similarly, if we're entering the dev_dependencies section, we should verify // that we've not seen one already. if (seenDev) throw 'Two dev_dependencies sections found in $filename. There should only be one.'; seenDev = true; } result.add(header); } else if (section == Section.other) { if (line.contains(kDependencyChecksum)) { // This is the pubspec checksum. After computing it, we remove it from the output data // since it will be recomputed later. checksum = PubspecChecksum.parse(line); } else { // This line isn't a section header, and we're not in a section we care about. // We just stick the line into the output unmodified. result.add(new PubspecLine(line)); } } else { // We're in a section we care about. Try to parse out the dependency: final PubspecDependency dependency = PubspecDependency.parse(line, filename: filename); if (dependency != null) { // We got one! // Track whether or not this a dev dependency. dependency.isDevDependency = seenDev; result.add(dependency); if (dependency.kind == DependencyKind.unknown) { // If we didn't get a version number, then we need to be ready to // read the next line as part of this dependency, so keep track of // this dependency object. lastDependency = dependency; } if (section != Section.dependencyOverrides) { // If we're not in the overrides section, then just remember the // dependency, in case it comes up again later in the overrides // section. // // First, make sure it's a unique dependency. Listing dependencies // twice doesn't make sense. if (masterDependencies.containsKey(dependency.name)) throw '$filename contains two dependencies on ${dependency.name}.'; masterDependencies[dependency.name] = dependency; } else { // If we _are_ in the overrides section, then go tell the version // we saw earlier (if any -- there might not be, we might be // overriding a transitive dependency) that we have overridden it, // so that later when we output the dependencies we can leave // the line unmodified. masterDependencies[dependency.name]?.markOverridden(dependency); } } else if (line.contains(kDependencyChecksum)) { // This is the pubspec checksum. After computing it, we remove it from the output data // since it will be recomputed later. checksum = PubspecChecksum.parse(line); } else { // We're in a section we care about but got a line we didn't // recognize. Maybe it's a comment or a blank line or something. // Just pass it through. result.add(new PubspecLine(line)); } } } else { // If we're here it means the last line was a dependency that needed // extra information to be parsed from the next line. // // Try to parse the line by giving it to the last PubspecDependency // object we created. If parseLock fails to recognize the line, it will // throw. If it does recognize the line but decides it's one we don't // care about (specifically, "git:" dependencies), it'll return false. // Otherwise it returns true. // // If it returns true, then it will have updated itself internally to // store the information from this line. if (!lastDependency.parseLock(line, filename, lockIsOverride: section == Section.dependencyOverrides)) { // Ok we're dealing with some "git:" dependency. Let's pretend we // never saw it. In practice this is only used for the flutter gallery // assets dependency which we don't care about especially since it has // no subdependencies and it's pinned by git hash. // // Remove the PubspecDependency entry we had for it and replace it // with a PubspecLine entry, and add such an entry for this line. result.removeLast(); result.add(new PubspecLine(lastDependency.line)); result.add(new PubspecLine(line)); } // We're done with this special dependency, so reset back to null so // we'll go in the top section next time instead. lastDependency = null; } } return new PubspecYaml._(file, packageName, packageVersion, result, checksum ?? new PubspecChecksum(-1, '')); } /// This returns all the explicit dependencies that this pubspec.yaml lists under dependencies. Iterable<PubspecDependency> get dependencies sync* { // It works by iterating over the parsed data from _parse above, collecting // all the dependencies that were found, ignoring any that are flagged as as // overridden by subsequent entries in the same file and any that have the // magic comment flagging them as auto-generated transitive dependencies // that we added in a previous run. for (PubspecLine data in inputData) { if (data is PubspecDependency && data.kind != DependencyKind.overridden && !data.isTransitive && !data.isDevDependency) yield data; } } /// This returns all regular dependencies and all dev dependencies. Iterable<PubspecDependency> get allDependencies sync* { for (PubspecLine data in inputData) { if (data is PubspecDependency && data.kind != DependencyKind.overridden && !data.isTransitive) yield data; } } /// Take a dependency graph with explicit version numbers, and apply them to /// the pubspec.yaml, ignoring any that we know are special dependencies (those /// that depend on the Flutter or Dart SDK directly and are thus automatically /// pinned). void apply(PubDependencyTree versions, Set<String> specialDependencies) { assert(versions != null); final List<String> output = <String>[]; // the string data to output to the file, line by line final Set<String> directDependencies = new Set<String>(); // packages this pubspec directly depends on (i.e. not transitive) final Set<String> devDependencies = new Set<String>(); Section section = Section.other; // the section we're currently handling // the line number where we're going to insert the transitive dependencies. int endOfDirectDependencies; // The line number where we're going to insert the transitive dev dependencies. int endOfDevDependencies; // Walk the pre-parsed input file, outputting it unmodified except for // updating version numbers, removing the old transitive dependencies lines, // and adding our new transitive dependencies lines. We also do a little // cleanup, removing trailing spaces, removing double-blank lines, leading // blank lines, and trailing blank lines, and ensuring the file ends with a // newline. This cleanup lets us be a little more aggressive while building // the output. for (PubspecLine data in inputData) { if (data is PubspecHeader) { // This line was a header of some sort. // // If we're leaving one of the sections in which we can list transitive // dependencies, then remember this as the current last known valid // place to insert our transitive dependencies. if (section == Section.dependencies) endOfDirectDependencies = output.length; endOfDevDependencies = output.length; if (section == Section.devDependencies) endOfDevDependencies = output.length; section = data.section; // track which section we're now in. output.add(data.line); // insert the header into the output } else if (data is PubspecDependency) { // This was a dependency of some sort. // How we handle this depends on the section. switch (section) { case Section.devDependencies: case Section.dependencies: // For the dependencies and dev_dependencies sections, we reinsert // the dependency if it wasn't one of our autogenerated transitive // dependency lines. if (!data.isTransitive) { // Assert that we haven't seen it in this file already. assert(!directDependencies.contains(data.name) && !devDependencies.contains(data.name)); if (data.kind == DependencyKind.normal) { // This is a regular dependency, so we need to update the // version number. // // We output data that matches the format that // PubspecDependency.parse can handle. The data.suffix is any // previously-specified trailing comment. assert(versions.contains(data.name)); output.add(' ${data.name}: ${versions.versionFor(data.name)}${data.suffix}'); } else { // If it wasn't a regular dependency, then we output the line // unmodified. If there was an additional line (e.g. an "sdk: // flutter" line) then we output that too. output.add(data.line); if (data.lockLine != null) output.add(data.lockLine); } // Remember that we've dealt with this dependency so we don't // mention it again when doing the transitive dependencies. if (section == Section.dependencies) { directDependencies.add(data.name); } else { devDependencies.add(data.name); } } // Since we're in one of the places where we can list dependencies, // remember this as the current last known valid place to insert our // transitive dev dependencies. If the section is for regular dependencies, // then also rememeber the line for the end of direct dependencies. if (section == Section.dependencies) { endOfDirectDependencies = output.length; } endOfDevDependencies = output.length; break; default: // In other sections, pass everything through in its original form. output.add(data.line); if (data.lockLine != null) output.add(data.lockLine); break; } } else { // Not a header, not a dependency, just pass that through unmodified. output.add(data.line); } } // By this point we should know where to put our transitive dependencies. // Only if there were no dependencies or dev_dependencies sections could // we get here with these still null, and we should not have any such files // in our repo. assert(endOfDirectDependencies != null); assert(endOfDevDependencies != null); // Now include all the transitive dependencies and transitive dev dependencies. // The blocks of text to insert for each dependency section. final List<String> transitiveDependencyOutput = <String>[]; final List<String> transitiveDevDependencyOutput = <String>[]; // Which dependencies we need to handle for the transitive and dev dependency sections. final Set<String> transitiveDependencies = new Set<String>(); final Set<String> transitiveDevDependencies = new Set<String>(); // Merge the lists of dependencies we've seen in this file from dependencies, dev dependencies, // and the dependencies we know this file mentions that are already pinned // (and which didn't get special processing above). final Set<String> implied = new Set<String>.from(directDependencies) ..addAll(specialDependencies) ..addAll(devDependencies); // Create a new set to hold the list of packages we've already processed, so // that we don't redundantly process them multiple times. final Set<String> done = new Set<String>(); for (String package in directDependencies) transitiveDependencies.addAll(versions.getTransitiveDependenciesFor(package, seen: done, exclude: implied)); for (String package in devDependencies) transitiveDevDependencies.addAll(versions.getTransitiveDependenciesFor(package, seen: done, exclude: implied)); // Sort each dependency block lexically so that we don't get noisy diffs when upgrading. final List<String> transitiveDependenciesAsList = transitiveDependencies.toList()..sort(); final List<String> transitiveDevDependenciesAsList = transitiveDevDependencies.toList()..sort(); // Add a line for each transitive dependency and transitive dev dependency using our magic string to recognize them later. for (String package in transitiveDependenciesAsList) transitiveDependencyOutput.add(' $package: ${versions.versionFor(package)} $kTransitiveMagicString'); for (String package in transitiveDevDependenciesAsList) transitiveDevDependencyOutput.add(' $package: ${versions.versionFor(package)} $kTransitiveMagicString'); // Build a sorted list of all dependencies for the checksum. final Set<String> checksumDependencies = new Set<String>() ..addAll(directDependencies) ..addAll(devDependencies) ..addAll(transitiveDependenciesAsList) ..addAll(transitiveDevDependenciesAsList); // Combine the package name with a version, if availible, and sort them. final List<String> sortedChecksumDependencies = checksumDependencies .where((String name) => !_ignoreForChecksum.contains(name)) .map((String name) => '$name${versions.versionFor(name) ?? ""}') .toList() ..sort(); // Add a blank line before and after each section to keep the resulting output clean. transitiveDependencyOutput ..insert(0, '') ..add(''); transitiveDevDependencyOutput ..insert(0, '') ..add(''); // Compute a new checksum from all sorted dependencies and their version and convert to a hex string. final String checksumString = _computeChecksum(sortedChecksumDependencies).toRadixString(16); // Insert the block of transitive dependency declarations into the output after [endOfDirectDependencies], // and the blocks of transitive dev dependency declarations into the output after [lastPossiblePlace]. Finally, // insert the [checksumString] at the very end. output ..insertAll(endOfDevDependencies, transitiveDevDependencyOutput) ..insertAll(endOfDirectDependencies, transitiveDependencyOutput) ..add('') ..add('$kDependencyChecksum$checksumString'); // Remove trailing lines. while (output.last.isEmpty) output.removeLast(); // Output the result to the pubspec.yaml file, skipping leading and // duplicate blank lines and removing trailing spaces. final StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer(); bool hadBlankLine = true; for (String line in output) { line = line.trimRight(); if (line == '') { if (!hadBlankLine) contents.writeln(''); hadBlankLine = true; } else { contents.writeln(line); hadBlankLine = false; } } file.writeAsStringSync(contents.toString()); } } /// This is the base class for the objects that represent lines in the /// pubspec.yaml files. class PubspecLine { PubspecLine(this.line); /// The raw line as we saw it in the original file. This is used so that we can /// output the same line unmodified for the majority of lines. final String line; } /// A checksum of the non autogenerated dependencies. class PubspecChecksum extends PubspecLine { PubspecChecksum(this.value, String line) : super(line); /// The checksum value, computed using [hashValues] over the direct, dev, /// and special dependencies sorted lexically. /// /// If the line cannot be parsed, [value] will equal `-1`. final int value; /// Parses a [PubspecChecksum] from a line. /// /// on a parse error, returns `-1` which could never come from the /// hash function. static PubspecChecksum parse(String line) { final List<String> twoLines = line.split(kDependencyChecksum); if (twoLines.length != 2) { return new PubspecChecksum(-1, line); } final int value = int.parse(twoLines.last.trim(), radix: 16, onError: (String _) => -1); return new PubspecChecksum(value, line); } } /// A header, e.g. "dependencies:". class PubspecHeader extends PubspecLine { PubspecHeader(String line, this.section, { this.name, this.value }) : super(line); /// The section of the pubspec where the parse [line] appears. final Section section; /// The name in the pubspec line providing a name/value pair, such as "name" /// and "version". /// /// Example: /// /// The value of this field extracted from the following line is "version". /// /// ``` /// version: 0.16.5 /// ``` final String name; /// The value in the pubspec line providing a name/value pair, such as "name" /// and "version". /// /// Example: /// /// The value of this field extracted from the following line is "0.16.5". /// /// ``` /// version: 0.16.5 /// ``` final String value; static PubspecHeader parse(String line) { // We recognize any line that: // * doesn't start with a space (i.e. is aligned on the left edge) // * ignoring trailing spaces and comments, ends with a colon // * has contents before the colon // We also try to recognize which of the kinds of Sections it is // by comparing those contents against known strings. if (line.startsWith(' ')) return null; final String strippedLine = _stripComments(line); if (!strippedLine.contains(':') || strippedLine.length <= 1) return null; final List<String> parts = strippedLine.split(':'); final String sectionName = parts.first; final String value = parts.last.trim(); switch (sectionName) { case 'dependencies': return new PubspecHeader(line, Section.dependencies); case 'dev_dependencies': return new PubspecHeader(line, Section.devDependencies); case 'dependency_overrides': return new PubspecHeader(line, Section.dependencyOverrides); case 'name': case 'version': return new PubspecHeader(line, Section.header, name: sectionName, value: value); default: return new PubspecHeader(line, Section.other); } } /// Returns the input after removing trailing spaces and anything after the /// first "#". static String _stripComments(String line) { final int hashIndex = line.indexOf('#'); if (hashIndex < 0) return line.trimRight(); return line.substring(0, hashIndex).trimRight(); } } /// A dependency, as represented by a line (or two) from a pubspec.yaml file. class PubspecDependency extends PubspecLine { PubspecDependency(String line, this.name, this.suffix, { @required this.isTransitive, DependencyKind kind, this.version, this.sourcePath, }) : _kind = kind, super(line); static PubspecDependency parse(String line, { @required String filename }) { // We recognize any line that: // * starts with exactly two spaces, no more or less // * has some content, then a colon // // If we recognize the line, then we look to see if there's anything after // the colon, ignoring comments. If there is, then this is a normal // dependency, otherwise it's an unknown one. // // We also try and save the version string, if any. This is used to verify // the checksum of package deps. // // We also look at the trailing comment, if any, to see if it is the magic // string that identifies the line as a transitive dependency that we // previously pinned, so we can ignore it. // // We remember the trailing comment, if any, so that we can reconstruct the // line later. We forget the specified version range, if any. if (line.length < 4 || line.startsWith(' ') || !line.startsWith(' ')) return null; final int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':'); final int hashIndex = line.indexOf('#'); if (colonIndex < 3) // two spaces at 0 and 1, a character at 2 return null; if (hashIndex >= 0 && hashIndex < colonIndex) return null; final String package = line.substring(2, colonIndex).trimRight(); assert(package.isNotEmpty); assert(line.startsWith(' $package')); String suffix = ''; bool isTransitive = false; String stripped; String version = ''; if (hashIndex >= 0) { assert(hashIndex > colonIndex); final String trailingComment = line.substring(hashIndex, line.length); assert(line.endsWith(trailingComment)); isTransitive = trailingComment == kTransitiveMagicString; suffix = ' ' + trailingComment; stripped = line.substring(colonIndex + 1, hashIndex).trimRight(); } else { stripped = line.substring(colonIndex + 1, line.length).trimRight(); } if (colonIndex != -1) { version = line.substring(colonIndex + 1, hashIndex != -1 ? hashIndex : line.length).trim(); } return new PubspecDependency(line, package, suffix, isTransitive: isTransitive, version: version, kind: stripped.isEmpty ? DependencyKind.unknown : DependencyKind.normal, sourcePath: filename); } final String name; // the package name final String suffix; // any trailing comment we found final String version; // the version string if found, or blank. final bool isTransitive; // whether the suffix matched kTransitiveMagicString final String sourcePath; // the filename of the pubspec.yaml file, for error messages bool isDevDependency; // Whether this dependency is under the `dev dependencies` section. DependencyKind get kind => _kind; DependencyKind _kind = DependencyKind.normal; /// If we're a path or sdk dependency, the path or sdk in question. String get lockTarget => _lockTarget; String _lockTarget; /// If we were a two-line dependency, the second line (see the inherited [line] /// for the first). String get lockLine => _lockLine; String _lockLine; /// If we're a path or sdk dependency, whether we were found in a /// dependencies/dev_dependencies section, or a dependency_overrides section. /// We track this so that we can put ourselves in the right section when /// generating the fake pubspec.yaml. bool get lockIsOverride => _lockIsOverride; bool _lockIsOverride; static const String _kPathPrefix = ' path: '; static const String _kSdkPrefix = ' sdk: '; static const String _kGitPrefix = ' git:'; /// Whether the dependency points to a package in the Flutter SDK. /// /// There are two ways one can point to a Flutter package: /// /// - Using a "sdk: flutter" dependency. /// - Using a "path" dependency that points somewhere in the Flutter /// repository other than the "bin" directory. bool get pointsToSdk { if (_kind == DependencyKind.sdk) return true; if (_kind == DependencyKind.path && !fs.path.isWithin(fs.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, 'bin'), _lockTarget) && fs.path.isWithin(Cache.flutterRoot, _lockTarget)) return true; return false; } /// If parse decided we were a two-line dependency, this is called to parse the second line. /// We throw if we couldn't parse this line. /// We return true if we parsed it and stored the line in lockLine. /// We return false if we parsed it but want to forget the whole thing. bool parseLock(String line, String pubspecPath, { @required bool lockIsOverride }) { assert(lockIsOverride != null); assert(kind == DependencyKind.unknown); if (line.startsWith(_kPathPrefix)) { // We're a path dependency; remember the (absolute) path. _lockTarget = fs.path.absolute(fs.path.dirname(pubspecPath), line.substring(_kPathPrefix.length, line.length)); _kind = DependencyKind.path; } else if (line.startsWith(_kSdkPrefix)) { // We're an SDK dependency. _lockTarget = line.substring(_kSdkPrefix.length, line.length); _kind = DependencyKind.sdk; } else if (line.startsWith(_kGitPrefix)) { // We're a git: dependency. Return false so we'll be forgotten. return false; } else { throw 'Could not parse additional details for dependency $name; line was: "$line"'; } _lockIsOverride = lockIsOverride; _lockLine = line; return true; } void markOverridden(PubspecDependency sibling) { // This is called when we find a dependency is mentioned a second time, // first in dependencies/dev_dependencies, and then in dependency_overrides. // It is called on the one found in dependencies/dev_dependencies, so that // we'll later know to report our version as "any" in the fake pubspec.yaml // and unmodified in the official pubspec.yamls. assert(sibling.name == name); assert(sibling.sourcePath == sourcePath); assert(sibling.kind != DependencyKind.normal); _kind = DependencyKind.overridden; } /// This generates the entry for this dependency for the pubspec.yaml for the /// fake package that we'll use to get the version numbers figured out. void describeForFakePubspec(StringBuffer dependencies, StringBuffer overrides) { switch (kind) { case DependencyKind.unknown: case DependencyKind.overridden: assert(kind != DependencyKind.unknown); break; case DependencyKind.normal: dependencies.writeln(' $name: ${_kManuallyPinnedDependencies[name] ?? 'any'}'); break; case DependencyKind.path: if (_lockIsOverride) { dependencies.writeln(' $name: any'); overrides.writeln(' $name:'); overrides.writeln(' path: $lockTarget'); } else { dependencies.writeln(' $name:'); dependencies.writeln(' path: $lockTarget'); } break; case DependencyKind.sdk: if (_lockIsOverride) { dependencies.writeln(' $name: any'); overrides.writeln(' $name:'); overrides.writeln(' sdk: $lockTarget'); } else { dependencies.writeln(' $name:'); dependencies.writeln(' sdk: $lockTarget'); } break; } } } /// Generates the File object for the pubspec.yaml file of a given Directory. File _pubspecFor(Directory directory) { return fs.file('${directory.path}/pubspec.yaml'); } /// Generates the source of a fake pubspec.yaml file given a list of /// dependencies. String _generateFakePubspec(Iterable<PubspecDependency> dependencies) { if (_kManuallyPinnedDependencies.isNotEmpty) { final String hardCodedConstraints = _kManuallyPinnedDependencies.keys .map((String packageName) { return ' - $packageName: ${_kManuallyPinnedDependencies[packageName]}'; }) .join('\n'); printStatus( 'WARNING: the following packages use hard-coded version constraints:\n' '$hardCodedConstraints', ); } final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer overrides = new StringBuffer(); result.writeln('name: flutter_update_packages'); result.writeln('dependencies:'); overrides.writeln('dependency_overrides:'); for (PubspecDependency dependency in dependencies) if (!dependency.pointsToSdk) dependency.describeForFakePubspec(result, overrides); result.write(overrides.toString()); return result.toString(); } /// This object tracks the output of a call to "pub deps --style=compact". /// /// It ends up holding the full graph of dependencies, and the version number for /// each one. class PubDependencyTree { final Map<String, String> _versions = <String, String>{}; final Map<String, Set<String>> _dependencyTree = <String, Set<String>>{}; /// Handles the output from "pub deps --style=compact". /// /// That output is of this form: /// /// ``` /// package_name 0.0.0 /// /// dependencies: /// - analyzer 0.31.0-alpha.0 [watcher args package_config collection] /// - archive 1.0.31 [crypto args path] /// - args 0.13.7 /// - cli_util 0.1.2+1 [path] /// /// dev dependencies: /// - async 1.13.3 [collection] /// - barback 0.15.2+11 [stack_trace source_span pool async collection path] /// /// dependency overrides: /// - analyzer 0.31.0-alpha.0 [watcher args package_config collection] /// ``` /// /// We ignore all the lines that don't start with a hyphen. For each other /// line, we ignore any line that mentions a package we've already seen (this /// happens when the overrides section mentions something that was in the /// dependencies section). We ignore if something is a dependency or /// dev_dependency (pub won't use different versions for those two). /// /// We then parse out the package name, version number, and subdependencies for /// each entry, and store than in our _versions and _dependencyTree fields /// above. String fill(String message) { if (message.startsWith('- ')) { final int space2 = message.indexOf(' ', 2); int space3 = message.indexOf(' ', space2 + 1); if (space3 < 0) space3 = message.length; final String package = message.substring(2, space2); if (!contains(package)) { // Some packages get listed in the dependency overrides section too. // We just ignore those. The data is the same either way. final String version = message.substring(space2 + 1, space3); List<String> dependencies; if (space3 < message.length) { assert(message[space3 + 1] == '['); assert(message[message.length - 1] == ']'); final String allDependencies = message.substring(space3 + 2, message.length - 1); dependencies = allDependencies.split(' '); } else { dependencies = const <String>[]; } _versions[package] = version; _dependencyTree[package] = new Set<String>.from(dependencies); } } return null; } /// Whether we know about this package. bool contains(String package) { return _versions.containsKey(package); } /// The transitive closure of all the dependencies for the given package, /// excluding any listen in `seen`. Iterable<String> getTransitiveDependenciesFor(String package, { @required Set<String> seen, @required Set<String> exclude, }) sync* { assert(seen != null); assert(exclude != null); if (!_dependencyTree.containsKey(package)) { // We have no transitive dependencies extracted for flutter_sdk packages // because they were omitted from pubspec.yaml used for 'pub upgrade' run. return; } for (String dependency in _dependencyTree[package]) { if (!seen.contains(dependency)) { if (!exclude.contains(dependency)) yield dependency; seen.add(dependency); yield* getTransitiveDependenciesFor(dependency, seen: seen, exclude: exclude); } } } /// The version that a particular package ended up with. String versionFor(String package) { return _versions[package]; } } // Produces a 16-bit checksum from the codePoints of the package name and // version strings using Fletcher's algorithm. int _computeChecksum(List<String> values) { int lowerCheck = 0; int upperCheck = 0; for (String value in values) { // Each code unit is 16 bits. for (int codeUnit in value.codeUnits) { final int upper = codeUnit >> 8; final int lower = codeUnit & 0xFF; lowerCheck = (lowerCheck + upper) % 255; upperCheck = (upperCheck + lowerCheck) % 255; lowerCheck = (lowerCheck + lower) % 255; upperCheck = (upperCheck + lowerCheck) % 255; } } return (upperCheck << 8) | lowerCheck; } // The exact versioning is tricky to figure out for these, but the packages aren't // frequently added or removed by users - it should be okay. const List<String> _ignoreForChecksum = const <String>[ 'analyzer', 'flutter', 'flutter_test', 'flutter_tools', 'flutter_driver', 'flutter_localizations', 'front_end', 'kernel', 'sky_engine', ];