[ [ "BDBD", "Boulder Brands, Inc.", "10.81", "$660.85M", "n/a", "Consumer Non-Durables", "Packaged Foods", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bdbd" ], [ "BDCV", "BDCA Venture, Inc.", "4.89", "$48.52M", "2011", "n/a", "n/a", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bdcv" ], [ "BDE", "Black Diamond, Inc.", "6.67", "$218.04M", "n/a", "Consumer Non-Durables", "Recreational Products/Toys", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bde" ], [ "BDGE", "Bridge Bancorp, Inc.", "25.68", "$299.19M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bdge" ], [ "BDMS", "Birner Dental Management Services, Inc.", "15", "$27.9M", "1998", "Health Care", "Medical/Nursing Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bdms" ], [ "BDSI", "BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc.", "14.41", "$739.03M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bdsi" ], [ "BEAT", "BioTelemetry, Inc.", "9.51", "$253.76M", "2008", "Health Care", "Medical/Dental Instruments", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/beat" ], [ "BEAV", "B/E Aerospace, Inc.", "64.54", "$6.8B", "1990", "Consumer Durables", "Industrial Specialties", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/beav" ], [ "BEBE", "bebe stores, inc.", "3.84", "$305.72M", "1998", "Consumer Non-Durables", "Apparel", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bebe" ], [ "BECN", "Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc.", "28.76", "$1.42B", "2004", "Consumer Services", "RETAIL: Building Materials", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/becn" ], [ "BELFA", "Bel Fuse Inc.", "19.38", "$230.23M", "n/a", "Capital Goods", "Electrical Products", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/belfa" ], [ "BELFB", "Bel Fuse Inc.", "19.51", "$231.77M", "n/a", "Capital Goods", "Electrical Products", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/belfb" ], [ "BFIN", "BankFinancial Corporation", "11.97", "$252.59M", "n/a", "Finance", "Savings Institutions", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bfin" ], [ "BGCP", "BGC Partners, Inc.", "9.44", "$2.07B", "n/a", "Finance", "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bgcp" ], [ "BGFV", "Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation", "12.44", "$275.84M", "2002", "Consumer Services", "Other Specialty Stores", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bgfv" ], [ "BGMD", "BG Medicine, Inc.", "0.8201", "$28.23M", "2011", "Health Care", "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bgmd" ], [ "BHACU", "Barington/Hilco Acquisition Corp.", "9.96", "n/a", "2015", "Finance", "Business Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bhacu" ], [ "BHBK", "Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc.", "12.87", "$366.37M", "2014", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bhbk" ], [ "BIB", "ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology", "152.9", "$504.57M", "n/a", "n/a", "n/a", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bib" ], [ "BICK", "First Trust BICK Index Fund", "23.96", "$16.77M", "n/a", "n/a", "n/a", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bick" ], [ "BIDU", "Baidu, Inc.", "209.63", "$73.52B", "2005", "Technology", "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bidu" ], [ "BIIB", "Biogen Idec Inc.", "408.05", "$95.73B", "n/a", "Health Care", "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/biib" ], [ "BIND", "BIND Therapeutics, Inc.", "6.42", "$106.24M", "2013", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bind" ], [ "BIOC", "Biocept, Inc.", "1.45", "$6.45M", "2014", "Health Care", "Medical Specialities", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bioc" ], [ "BIOD", "Biodel Inc.", "1.39", "$34.12M", "2007", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/biod" ], [ "BIOL", "Biolase, Inc.", "2.06", "$119.72M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Medical/Dental Instruments", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/biol" ], [ "BIOS", "BioScrip, Inc.", "6.04", "$414.56M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Medical/Nursing Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bios" ], [ "BIS", "ProShares UltraShort Nasdaq Biotechnology", "36.74", "$44.09M", "n/a", "n/a", "n/a", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bis" ], [ "BJRI", "BJ's Restaurants, Inc.", "53.07", "$1.38B", "n/a", "Consumer Services", "Restaurants", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bjri" ], [ "BKCC", "BlackRock Kelso Capital Corporation", "8.6", "$641.11M", "2007", "n/a", "n/a", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bkcc" ], [ "BKEP", "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", "7.19", "$235.59M", "2011", "Energy", "Natural Gas Distribution", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bkep" ], [ "BKEPP", "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", "8.82", "$266M", "n/a", "Energy", "Natural Gas Distribution", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bkepp" ], [ "BKMU", "Bank Mutual Corporation", "7.15", "$332.93M", "n/a", "Finance", "Savings Institutions", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bkmu" ], [ "BKSC", "Bank of South Carolina Corp.", "14.91", "$66.52M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bksc" ], [ "BKYF", "The Bank of Kentucky Financial Corp.", "47.68", "$366.75M", "n/a", "Finance", "Savings Institutions", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bkyf" ], [ "BLCM", "Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", "21.06", "$544.39M", "2014", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blcm" ], [ "BLDP", "Ballard Power Systems, Inc.", "2.41", "$318.37M", "n/a", "Energy", "Industrial Machinery/Components", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bldp" ], [ "BLDR", "Builders FirstSource, Inc.", "6.5", "$637.94M", "2005", "Consumer Services", "RETAIL: Building Materials", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bldr" ], [ "BLFS", "BioLife Solutions, Inc.", "2.15", "$25.98M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blfs" ], [ "BLIN ", "Bridgeline Digital, Inc.", "0.5", "$10.99M", "n/a", "Technology", "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blin " ], [ "BLKB", "Blackbaud, Inc.", "46.27", "$2.14B", "2004", "Technology", "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blkb" ], [ "BLMN", "Bloomin' Brands, Inc.", "25.4", "$3.19B", "2012", "Consumer Services", "Restaurants", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blmn" ], [ "BLMT", "BSB Bancorp, Inc.", "18.98", "$172.02M", "2011", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blmt" ], [ "BLPH", "Bellerophon Therapeutics, Inc.", "9.42", "$121.57M", "2015", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blph" ], [ "BLRX", "BioLineRx Ltd.", "2.42", "$82.56M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blrx" ], [ "BLUE", "bluebird bio, Inc.", "93.32", "$2.69B", "2013", "Health Care", "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blue" ], [ "BLVD", "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", "9.75", "$268.73M", "2014", "Finance", "Business Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blvd" ], [ "BLVDU", "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", "9.95", "$274.25M", "2014", "Finance", "Business Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blvdu" ], [ "BLVDW", "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", "0.5501", "n/a", "2014", "Finance", "Business Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blvdw" ], [ "BMRC", "Bank of Marin Bancorp", "50.18", "$297.74M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bmrc" ], [ "BMRN", "BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.", "107.16", "$15.8B", "1999", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bmrn" ], [ "BMTC", "Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation", "29.59", "$406.34M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bmtc" ], [ "BNCL", "Beneficial Bancorp, Inc.", "11.22", "$843.25M", "n/a", "Finance", "Savings Institutions", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bncl" ], [ "BNCN", "BNC Bancorp", "16.41", "$484.04M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bncn" ], [ "BNDX", "Vanguard Total International Bond ETF", "53.57", "$1.85B", "n/a", "n/a", "n/a", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bndx" ], [ "BNFT", "Benefitfocus, Inc.", "21.95", "$560.94M", "2013", "Technology", "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bnft" ], [ "BNSO", "Bonso Electronics International, Inc.", "1.419", "$7.45M", "n/a", "Capital Goods", "Industrial Machinery/Components", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bnso" ], [ "BOBE", "Bob Evans Farms, Inc.", "56.9", "$1.34B", "n/a", "Consumer Services", "Restaurants", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bobe" ], [ "BOCH", "Bank of Commerce Holdings (CA)", "5.7399", "$76.3M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/boch" ], [ "BOFI", "BofI Holding, Inc.", "90.32", "$1.36B", "2005", "Finance", "Savings Institutions", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bofi" ], [ "BOKF", "BOK Financial Corporation", "59.54", "$4.13B", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bokf" ], [ "BONA", "Bona Film Group Limited", "6.89", "$419.44M", "2010", "Consumer Services", "Movies/Entertainment", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bona" ], [ "BONT", "The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc.", "5.53", "$112.99M", "1991", "Consumer Services", "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bont" ], [ "BOOM", "Dynamic Materials Corporation", "14.79", "$206.75M", "n/a", "Capital Goods", "Industrial Specialties", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/boom" ], [ "BOSC", "B.O.S. Better Online Solutions", "3.1", "$4.15M", "n/a", "Technology", "Computer Communications Equipment", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bosc" ], [ "BOTA", "Biota Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", "2.46", "$86.35M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bota" ], [ "BOTJ", "Bank of the James Financial Group, Inc.", "11", "$37.01M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/botj" ], [ "BPFH", "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", "12.68", "$1.05B", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bpfh" ], [ "BPFHP", "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", "25.6", "n/a", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bpfhp" ], [ "BPFHW", "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", "5.652", "n/a", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bpfhw" ], [ "BPOP", "Popular, Inc.", "33.21", "$3.44B", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bpop" ], [ "BPOPM", "Popular, Inc.", "21.82", "n/a", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bpopm" ], [ "BPOPN", "Popular, Inc.", "22.77", "$273.24M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bpopn" ], [ "BPTH", "Bio-Path Holdings, Inc.", "2.13", "$190.08M", "n/a", "Consumer Services", "Other Specialty Stores", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bpth" ], [ "BRCD", "Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.", "12.06", "$5.2B", "1999", "Technology", "Computer Communications Equipment", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brcd" ], [ "BRCM", "Broadcom Corporation", "44.68", "$26.76B", "1998", "Technology", "Semiconductors", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brcm" ], [ "BRDR", "Borderfree, Inc.", "7.41", "$235.73M", "2014", "Miscellaneous", "Business Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brdr" ], [ "BREW", "Craft Brew Alliance, Inc.", "12.26", "$233.85M", "n/a", "Consumer Non-Durables", "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brew" ], [ "BRID", "Bridgford Foods Corporation", "7.58", "$69.07M", "n/a", "Consumer Non-Durables", "Specialty Foods", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brid" ], [ "BRKL", "Brookline Bancorp, Inc.", "9.73", "$681.32M", "n/a", "Finance", "Savings Institutions", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brkl" ], [ "BRKR", "Bruker Corporation", "18.77", "$3.16B", "n/a", "Capital Goods", "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brkr" ], [ "BRKS", "Brooks Automation, Inc.", "12.23", "$823.25M", "1995", "Technology", "Industrial Machinery/Components", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brks" ], [ "BRLI", "Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.", "34.32", "$952.37M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Medical Specialities", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/brli" ], [ "BSDM", "BSD Medical Corporation", "0.41", "$16.27M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bsdm" ], [ "BSET", "Bassett Furniture Industries, Incorporated", "25.24", "$266.79M", "n/a", "Consumer Durables", "Home Furnishings", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bset" ], [ "BSF", "Bear State Financial, Inc.", "10.5452", "$390.18M", "n/a", "Finance", "Savings Institutions", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bsf" ], [ "BSFT", "BroadSoft, Inc.", "27.82", "$801.41M", "2010", "Technology", "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bsft" ], [ "BSPM", "Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", "1.25", "$19.35M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bspm" ], [ "BSQR", "BSQUARE Corporation", "4.71", "$55.23M", "1999", "Miscellaneous", "Business Services", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bsqr" ], [ "BSRR", "Sierra Bancorp", "16.53", "$227.91M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bsrr" ], [ "BSTC", "BioSpecifics Technologies Corp", "39.29", "$255.41M", "n/a", "Health Care", "Major Pharmaceuticals", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bstc" ], [ "BUR", "Burcon Nutrascience Corp", "2.57", "$87.75M", "n/a", "Consumer Non-Durables", "Packaged Foods", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bur" ], [ "BUSE", "First Busey Corporation", "6.41", "$556.72M", "n/a", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/buse" ], [ "BV", "Bazaarvoice, Inc.", "9.24", "$726.59M", "2012", "Technology", "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bv" ], [ "BVA", "Cordia Bancorp Inc.", "3.8901", "$25.3M", "n/a", "n/a", "n/a", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bva" ], [ "BVSN", "BroadVision, Inc.", "6.1", "$29.42M", "1996", "Technology", "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bvsn" ], [ "BWEN", "Broadwind Energy, Inc.", "5.09", "$75.44M", "n/a", "Capital Goods", "Metal Fabrications", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bwen" ], [ "BWFG", "Bankwell Financial Group, Inc.", "18.82", "$133.03M", "2014", "Finance", "Major Banks", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bwfg" ], [ "BWINA", "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", "23.8", "$356.41M", "n/a", "Finance", "Property-Casualty Insurers", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bwina" ], [ "BWINB", "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", "23.19", "$347.27M", "n/a", "Finance", "Property-Casualty Insurers", "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/bwinb" ] ]