    "Boulder Brands, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Packaged Foods", 
    "BDCA Venture, Inc.", 
    "Black Diamond, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
    "Bridge Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Birner Dental Management Services, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
    "BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "BioTelemetry, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
    "B/E Aerospace, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Durables", 
    "Industrial Specialties", 
    "bebe stores, inc.", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
    "Bel Fuse Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Electrical Products", 
    "Bel Fuse Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Electrical Products", 
    "BankFinancial Corporation", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "BGC Partners, Inc.", 
    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
    "Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Other Specialty Stores", 
    "BG Medicine, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
    "Barington/Hilco Acquisition Corp.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology", 
    "First Trust BICK Index Fund", 
    "Baidu, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
    "Biogen Idec Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "BIND Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Biocept, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical Specialities", 
    "Biodel Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Biolase, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
    "BioScrip, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
    "ProShares UltraShort Nasdaq Biotechnology", 
    "BJ's Restaurants, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "BlackRock Kelso Capital Corporation", 
    "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", 
    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
    "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", 
    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
    "Bank Mutual Corporation", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Bank of South Carolina Corp.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "The Bank of Kentucky Financial Corp.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Ballard Power Systems, Inc.", 
    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
    "Builders FirstSource, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
    "BioLife Solutions, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
    "BLIN          ", 
    "Bridgeline Digital, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/blin          "
    "Blackbaud, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "Bloomin' Brands, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "BSB Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Bellerophon Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "BioLineRx Ltd.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "bluebird bio, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Bank of Marin Bancorp", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Beneficial Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "BNC Bancorp", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Vanguard Total International Bond ETF", 
    "Benefitfocus, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "Bonso Electronics International, Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
    "Bob Evans Farms, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Bank of Commerce Holdings (CA)", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "BofI Holding, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "BOK Financial Corporation", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Bona Film Group Limited", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
    "Dynamic Materials Corporation", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Industrial Specialties", 
    "B.O.S. Better Online Solutions", 
    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
    "Biota Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "Bank of the James Financial Group, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Popular, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Popular, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Popular, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Bio-Path Holdings, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Other Specialty Stores", 
    "Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.", 
    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
    "Broadcom Corporation", 
    "Borderfree, Inc.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Craft Brew Alliance, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
    "Bridgford Foods Corporation", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Specialty Foods", 
    "Brookline Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Bruker Corporation", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
    "Brooks Automation, Inc.", 
    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
    "Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical Specialities", 
    "BSD Medical Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
    "Bassett Furniture Industries, Incorporated", 
    "Consumer Durables", 
    "Home Furnishings", 
    "Bear State Financial, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "BroadSoft, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "BSQUARE Corporation", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Sierra Bancorp", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "BioSpecifics Technologies Corp", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Burcon Nutrascience Corp", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Packaged Foods", 
    "First Busey Corporation", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Bazaarvoice, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "Cordia Bancorp Inc.", 
    "BroadVision, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "Broadwind Energy, Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Metal Fabrications", 
    "Bankwell Financial Group, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", 
    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
    "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", 
    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 