// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:vm_service_client/vm_service_client.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/adb.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/utils.dart'; void main() { Map<String, dynamic> parseFlutterResponse(String line) { if (line.startsWith('[') && line.endsWith(']')) { try { return JSON.decode(line)[0]; } catch (e) { // Not valid JSON, so likely some other output that was surrounded by [brackets] return null; } } return null; } Stream<String> transformToLines(Stream<List<int>> byteStream) { return byteStream.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()); } task(() async { int vmServicePort; String appId; final Device device = await devices.workingDevice; await device.unlock(); final Directory appDir = dir(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'dev/integration_tests/ui')); await inDirectory(appDir, () async { final Completer<Null> ready = new Completer<Null>(); bool ok; print('run: starting...'); final Process run = await startProcess( path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'bin', 'flutter'), <String>[ 'run', '--machine', '--verbose', '-d', device.deviceId, 'lib/commands.dart' ], ); final StreamController<String> stdout = new StreamController<String>.broadcast(); transformToLines(run.stdout).listen((String line) { print('run:stdout: $line'); stdout.add(line); final dynamic json = parseFlutterResponse(line); if (json != null && json['event'] == 'app.debugPort') { vmServicePort = Uri.parse(json['params']['wsUri']).port; print('service protocol connection available at port $vmServicePort'); } else if (json != null && json['event'] == 'app.started') { appId = json['params']['appId']; print('run: ready!'); ready.complete(); ok ??= true; } }); transformToLines(run.stderr).listen((String line) { stderr.writeln('run:stderr: $line'); }); run.exitCode.then((int exitCode) { ok = false; }); await Future.any<dynamic>(<Future<dynamic>>[ready.future, run.exitCode]); if (!ok) throw 'Failed to run test app.'; final VMServiceClient client = new VMServiceClient.connect('ws://localhost:$vmServicePort/ws'); int id = 1; Future<Map<String, dynamic>> sendRequest( String method, dynamic params) async { final int requestId = id++; final Completer<Map<String, dynamic>> response = new Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>(); final StreamSubscription<String> responseSubscription = stdout.stream.listen((String line) { final Map<String, dynamic> json = parseFlutterResponse(line); if (json != null && json['id'] == requestId) response.complete(json); }); final Map<String, dynamic> req = <String, dynamic>{ 'id': requestId, 'method': method, 'params': params }; final String json = JSON.encode(<Map<String, dynamic>>[req]); print('run:stdin: $json'); run.stdin.writeln(json); final Map<String, dynamic> result = await response.future; responseSubscription.cancel(); return result; } print('test: sending two hot reloads...'); final Future<dynamic> hotReload1 = sendRequest('app.restart', <String, dynamic>{'appId': appId, 'fullRestart': false}); final Future<dynamic> hotReload2 = sendRequest('app.restart', <String, dynamic>{'appId': appId, 'fullRestart': false}); final Future<List<dynamic>> reloadRequests = Future.wait<dynamic>(<Future<dynamic>>[hotReload1, hotReload2]); final dynamic results = await Future .any<dynamic>(<Future<dynamic>>[run.exitCode, reloadRequests]); if (!ok) throw 'App crashed during hot reloads.'; final List<dynamic> responses = results; final List<dynamic> errorResponses = responses.where((dynamic r) => r['error'] != null).toList(); final List<dynamic> successResponses = responses .where((dynamic r) => r['error'] == null && r['result'] != null && r['result']['code'] == 0) .toList(); if (errorResponses.length != 1) throw 'Did not receive the expected (exactly one) hot reload error response.'; final String errorMessage = errorResponses.first['error']; if (!errorMessage.contains('in progress')) throw 'Error response was not that hot reload was in progress.'; if (successResponses.length != 1) throw 'Did not receive the expected (exactly one) successful hot reload response.'; final dynamic hotReload3 = await sendRequest('app.restart', <String, dynamic>{'appId': appId, 'fullRestart': false}); if (hotReload3['error'] != null) throw 'Received an error response from a hot reload after all other hot reloads had completed.'; sendRequest('app.stop', <String, dynamic>{'appId': appId}); final int result = await run.exitCode; if (result != 0) throw 'Received unexpected exit code $result from run process.'; print('test: validating that the app has in fact closed...'); await client.done.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5)); }); return new TaskResult.success(null); }); }