// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';

import 'basic.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'lookup_boundary.dart';
import 'ticker_provider.dart';

// Examples can assume:
// late BuildContext context;

// * OverlayEntry Implementation

/// A place in an [Overlay] that can contain a widget.
/// Overlay entries are inserted into an [Overlay] using the
/// [OverlayState.insert] or [OverlayState.insertAll] functions. To find the
/// closest enclosing overlay for a given [BuildContext], use the [Overlay.of]
/// function.
/// An overlay entry can be in at most one overlay at a time. To remove an entry
/// from its overlay, call the [remove] function on the overlay entry.
/// Because an [Overlay] uses a [Stack] layout, overlay entries can use
/// [Positioned] and [AnimatedPositioned] to position themselves within the
/// overlay.
/// For example, [Draggable] uses an [OverlayEntry] to show the drag avatar that
/// follows the user's finger across the screen after the drag begins. Using the
/// overlay to display the drag avatar lets the avatar float over the other
/// widgets in the app. As the user's finger moves, draggable calls
/// [markNeedsBuild] on the overlay entry to cause it to rebuild. In its build,
/// the entry includes a [Positioned] with its top and left property set to
/// position the drag avatar near the user's finger. When the drag is over,
/// [Draggable] removes the entry from the overlay to remove the drag avatar
/// from view.
/// By default, if there is an entirely [opaque] entry over this one, then this
/// one will not be included in the widget tree (in particular, stateful widgets
/// within the overlay entry will not be instantiated). To ensure that your
/// overlay entry is still built even if it is not visible, set [maintainState]
/// to true. This is more expensive, so should be done with care. In particular,
/// if widgets in an overlay entry with [maintainState] set to true repeatedly
/// call [State.setState], the user's battery will be drained unnecessarily.
/// [OverlayEntry] is a [Listenable] that notifies when the widget built by
/// [builder] is mounted or unmounted, whose exact state can be queried by
/// [mounted]. After the owner of the [OverlayEntry] calls [remove] and then
/// [dispose], the widget may not be immediately removed from the widget tree.
/// As a result listeners of the [OverlayEntry] can get notified for one last
/// time after the [dispose] call, when the widget is eventually unmounted.
/// See also:
///  * [Overlay]
///  * [OverlayState]
///  * [WidgetsApp]
///  * [MaterialApp]
class OverlayEntry implements Listenable {
  /// Creates an overlay entry.
  /// To insert the entry into an [Overlay], first find the overlay using
  /// [Overlay.of] and then call [OverlayState.insert]. To remove the entry,
  /// call [remove] on the overlay entry itself.
    required this.builder,
    bool opaque = false,
    bool maintainState = false,
  }) : _opaque = opaque,
       _maintainState = maintainState;

  /// This entry will include the widget built by this builder in the overlay at
  /// the entry's position.
  /// To cause this builder to be called again, call [markNeedsBuild] on this
  /// overlay entry.
  final WidgetBuilder builder;

  /// Whether this entry occludes the entire overlay.
  /// If an entry claims to be opaque, then, for efficiency, the overlay will
  /// skip building entries below that entry unless they have [maintainState]
  /// set.
  bool get opaque => _opaque;
  bool _opaque;
  set opaque(bool value) {
    if (_opaque == value) {
    _opaque = value;

  /// Whether this entry must be included in the tree even if there is a fully
  /// [opaque] entry above it.
  /// By default, if there is an entirely [opaque] entry over this one, then this
  /// one will not be included in the widget tree (in particular, stateful widgets
  /// within the overlay entry will not be instantiated). To ensure that your
  /// overlay entry is still built even if it is not visible, set [maintainState]
  /// to true. This is more expensive, so should be done with care. In particular,
  /// if widgets in an overlay entry with [maintainState] set to true repeatedly
  /// call [State.setState], the user's battery will be drained unnecessarily.
  /// This is used by the [Navigator] and [Route] objects to ensure that routes
  /// are kept around even when in the background, so that [Future]s promised
  /// from subsequent routes will be handled properly when they complete.
  bool get maintainState => _maintainState;
  bool _maintainState;
  set maintainState(bool value) {
    if (_maintainState == value) {
    _maintainState = value;
    assert(_overlay != null);

  /// Whether the [OverlayEntry] is currently mounted in the widget tree.
  /// The [OverlayEntry] notifies its listeners when this value changes.
  bool get mounted => _overlayEntryStateNotifier.value != null;

  /// The currently mounted `_OverlayEntryWidgetState` built using this [OverlayEntry].
  final ValueNotifier<_OverlayEntryWidgetState?> _overlayEntryStateNotifier = ValueNotifier<_OverlayEntryWidgetState?>(null);

  void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {

  void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {

  OverlayState? _overlay;
  final GlobalKey<_OverlayEntryWidgetState> _key = GlobalKey<_OverlayEntryWidgetState>();

  /// Remove this entry from the overlay.
  /// This should only be called once.
  /// This method removes this overlay entry from the overlay immediately. The
  /// UI will be updated in the same frame if this method is called before the
  /// overlay rebuild in this frame; otherwise, the UI will be updated in the
  /// next frame. This means that it is safe to call during builds, but also
  /// that if you do call this after the overlay rebuild, the UI will not update
  /// until the next frame (i.e. many milliseconds later).
  void remove() {
    assert(_overlay != null);
    final OverlayState overlay = _overlay!;
    _overlay = null;
    if (!overlay.mounted) {

    if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks) {
      SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration duration) {
    } else {

  /// Cause this entry to rebuild during the next pipeline flush.
  /// You need to call this function if the output of [builder] has changed.
  void markNeedsBuild() {

  void _didUnmount() {
    if (_disposedByOwner) {

  bool _disposedByOwner = false;

  /// Discards any resources used by this [OverlayEntry].
  /// This method must be called after [remove] if the [OverlayEntry] is
  /// inserted into an [Overlay].
  /// After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be
  /// discarded (calls to [addListener] will throw after the object is disposed).
  /// However, the listeners registered may not be immediately released until
  /// the widget built using this [OverlayEntry] is unmounted from the widget
  /// tree.
  /// This method should only be called by the object's owner.
  void dispose() {
    assert(_overlay == null, 'An OverlayEntry must first be removed from the Overlay before dispose is called.');
    _disposedByOwner = true;
    if (!mounted) {

  String toString() => '${describeIdentity(this)}(opaque: $opaque; maintainState: $maintainState)';

class _OverlayEntryWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  const _OverlayEntryWidget({
    required Key key,
    required this.entry,
    required this.overlayState,
    this.tickerEnabled = true,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final OverlayEntry entry;
  final OverlayState overlayState;
  final bool tickerEnabled;

  _OverlayEntryWidgetState createState() => _OverlayEntryWidgetState();

class _OverlayEntryWidgetState extends State<_OverlayEntryWidget> {
  late _RenderTheater _theater;

  // Manages the stack of theater children whose paint order are sorted by their
  // _zOrderIndex. The children added by OverlayPortal are added to this linked
  // list, and they will be shown _above_ the OverlayEntry tied to this widget.
  // The children with larger zOrderIndex values (i.e. those called `show`
  // recently) will be painted last.
  // This linked list is lazily created in `_add`, and the entries are added/removed
  // via `_add`/`_remove`, called by OverlayPortals lower in the tree. `_add` or
  // `_remove` does not cause this widget to rebuild, the linked list will be
  // read by _RenderTheater as part of its render child model. This would ideally
  // be in a RenderObject but there may not be RenderObjects between
  // _RenderTheater and the render subtree OverlayEntry builds.
  LinkedList<_OverlayEntryLocation>? _sortedTheaterSiblings;

  // Worst-case O(N), N being the number of children added to the top spot in
  // the same frame. This can be a bit expensive when there's a lot of global
  // key reparenting in the same frame but N is usually a small number.
  void _add(_OverlayEntryLocation child) {
    final LinkedList<_OverlayEntryLocation> children = _sortedTheaterSiblings ??= LinkedList<_OverlayEntryLocation>();
    _OverlayEntryLocation? insertPosition = children.isEmpty ? null : children.last;
    while (insertPosition != null && insertPosition._zOrderIndex > child._zOrderIndex) {
      insertPosition = insertPosition.previous;
    if (insertPosition == null) {
    } else {

  void _remove(_OverlayEntryLocation child) {
    assert(_sortedTheaterSiblings != null);
    final bool wasInCollection = _sortedTheaterSiblings?.remove(child) ?? false;

  // Returns an Iterable that traverse the children in the child model in paint
  // order (from farthest to the user to the closest to the user).
  // The iterator should be safe to use even when the child model is being
  // mutated. The reason for that is it's allowed to add/remove/move deferred
  // children to a _RenderTheater during performLayout, but the affected
  // children don't have to be laid out in the same performLayout call.
  late final Iterable<RenderBox> _paintOrderIterable = _createChildIterable(reversed: false);
  // An Iterable that traverse the children in the child model in
  // hit-test order (from closest to the user to the farthest to the user).
  late final Iterable<RenderBox> _hitTestOrderIterable = _createChildIterable(reversed: true);

  // The following uses sync* because hit-testing is lazy, and LinkedList as a
  // Iterable doesn't support current modification.
  Iterable<RenderBox> _createChildIterable({ required bool reversed }) sync* {
    final LinkedList<_OverlayEntryLocation>? children = _sortedTheaterSiblings;
    if (children == null || children.isEmpty) {
    _OverlayEntryLocation? candidate = reversed ? children.last : children.first;
    while(candidate != null) {
      final RenderBox? renderBox = candidate._overlayChildRenderBox;
      candidate = reversed ? candidate.previous : candidate.next;
      if (renderBox != null) {
        yield renderBox;

  void initState() {
    widget.entry._overlayEntryStateNotifier.value = this;
    _theater = context.findAncestorRenderObjectOfType<_RenderTheater>()!;
    assert(_sortedTheaterSiblings == null);

  void didUpdateWidget(_OverlayEntryWidget oldWidget) {
    // OverlayState's build method always returns a RenderObjectWidget _Theater,
    // so it's safe to assume that state equality implies render object equality.
    assert(oldWidget.entry == widget.entry);
    if (oldWidget.overlayState != widget.overlayState) {
      final _RenderTheater newTheater = context.findAncestorRenderObjectOfType<_RenderTheater>()!;
      assert(_theater != newTheater);
      _theater = newTheater;

  void dispose() {
    widget.entry._overlayEntryStateNotifier.value = null;
    _sortedTheaterSiblings = null;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TickerMode(
      enabled: widget.tickerEnabled,
      child: _RenderTheaterMarker(
        theater: _theater,
        overlayEntryWidgetState: this,
        child: widget.entry.builder(context),

  void _markNeedsBuild() {
    setState(() { /* the state that changed is in the builder */ });

/// A stack of entries that can be managed independently.
/// Overlays let independent child widgets "float" visual elements on top of
/// other widgets by inserting them into the overlay's stack. The overlay lets
/// each of these widgets manage their participation in the overlay using
/// [OverlayEntry] objects.
/// Although you can create an [Overlay] directly, it's most common to use the
/// overlay created by the [Navigator] in a [WidgetsApp], [CupertinoApp] or a
/// [MaterialApp]. The navigator uses its overlay to manage the visual
/// appearance of its routes.
/// The [Overlay] widget uses a custom stack implementation, which is very
/// similar to the [Stack] widget. The main use case of [Overlay] is related to
/// navigation and being able to insert widgets on top of the pages in an app.
/// For layout purposes unrelated to navigation, consider using [Stack] instead.
/// An [Overlay] widget requires a [Directionality] widget to be in scope, so
/// that it can resolve direction-sensitive coordinates of any
/// [Positioned.directional] children.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows how to use the [Overlay] to highlight the [NavigationBar]
/// destination.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/overlay/overlay.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
///  * [OverlayEntry], the class that is used for describing the overlay entries.
///  * [OverlayState], which is used to insert the entries into the overlay.
///  * [WidgetsApp], which inserts an [Overlay] widget indirectly via its [Navigator].
///  * [MaterialApp], which inserts an [Overlay] widget indirectly via its [Navigator].
///  * [CupertinoApp], which inserts an [Overlay] widget indirectly via its [Navigator].
///  * [Stack], which allows directly displaying a stack of widgets.
class Overlay extends StatefulWidget {
  /// Creates an overlay.
  /// The initial entries will be inserted into the overlay when its associated
  /// [OverlayState] is initialized.
  /// Rather than creating an overlay, consider using the overlay that is
  /// created by the [Navigator] in a [WidgetsApp], [CupertinoApp], or a
  /// [MaterialApp] for the application.
  const Overlay({
    this.initialEntries = const <OverlayEntry>[],
    this.clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,

  /// The entries to include in the overlay initially.
  /// These entries are only used when the [OverlayState] is initialized. If you
  /// are providing a new [Overlay] description for an overlay that's already in
  /// the tree, then the new entries are ignored.
  /// To add entries to an [Overlay] that is already in the tree, use
  /// [Overlay.of] to obtain the [OverlayState] (or assign a [GlobalKey] to the
  /// [Overlay] widget and obtain the [OverlayState] via
  /// [GlobalKey.currentState]), and then use [OverlayState.insert] or
  /// [OverlayState.insertAll].
  /// To remove an entry from an [Overlay], use [OverlayEntry.remove].
  final List<OverlayEntry> initialEntries;

  /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
  /// Defaults to [Clip.hardEdge], and must not be null.
  final Clip clipBehavior;

  /// The [OverlayState] from the closest instance of [Overlay] that encloses
  /// the given context within the closest [LookupBoundary], and, in debug mode,
  /// will throw if one is not found.
  /// In debug mode, if the `debugRequiredFor` argument is provided and an
  /// overlay isn't found, then this function will throw an exception containing
  /// the runtime type of the given widget in the error message. The exception
  /// attempts to explain that the calling [Widget] (the one given by the
  /// `debugRequiredFor` argument) needs an [Overlay] to be present to function.
  /// If `debugRequiredFor` is not supplied, then the error message is more
  /// generic.
  /// Typical usage is as follows:
  /// ```dart
  /// OverlayState overlay = Overlay.of(context);
  /// ```
  /// If `rootOverlay` is set to true, the state from the furthest instance of
  /// this class is given instead. Useful for installing overlay entries above
  /// all subsequent instances of [Overlay].
  /// This method can be expensive (it walks the element tree).
  /// See also:
  /// * [Overlay.maybeOf] for a similar function that returns null if an
  ///   [Overlay] is not found.
  static OverlayState of(
    BuildContext context, {
    bool rootOverlay = false,
    Widget? debugRequiredFor,
  }) {
    final OverlayState? result = maybeOf(context, rootOverlay: rootOverlay);
    assert(() {
      if (result == null) {
        final bool hiddenByBoundary = LookupBoundary.debugIsHidingAncestorStateOfType<OverlayState>(context);
        final List<DiagnosticsNode> information = <DiagnosticsNode>[
          ErrorSummary('No Overlay widget found${hiddenByBoundary ? ' within the closest LookupBoundary' : ''}.'),
          if (hiddenByBoundary)
                'There is an ancestor Overlay widget, but it is hidden by a LookupBoundary.'
          ErrorDescription('${debugRequiredFor?.runtimeType ?? 'Some'} widgets require an Overlay widget ancestor for correct operation.'),
          ErrorHint('The most common way to add an Overlay to an application is to include a MaterialApp, CupertinoApp or Navigator widget in the runApp() call.'),
          if (debugRequiredFor != null) DiagnosticsProperty<Widget>('The specific widget that failed to find an overlay was', debugRequiredFor, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
          if (context.widget != debugRequiredFor)
            context.describeElement('The context from which that widget was searching for an overlay was'),

        throw FlutterError.fromParts(information);
      return true;
    return result!;

  /// The [OverlayState] from the closest instance of [Overlay] that encloses
  /// the given context within the closest [LookupBoundary], if any.
  /// Typical usage is as follows:
  /// ```dart
  /// OverlayState? overlay = Overlay.maybeOf(context);
  /// ```
  /// If `rootOverlay` is set to true, the state from the furthest instance of
  /// this class is given instead. Useful for installing overlay entries above
  /// all subsequent instances of [Overlay].
  /// This method can be expensive (it walks the element tree).
  /// See also:
  ///  * [Overlay.of] for a similar function that returns a non-nullable result
  ///    and throws if an [Overlay] is not found.

  static OverlayState? maybeOf(
    BuildContext context, {
    bool rootOverlay = false,
  }) {
    return rootOverlay
        ? LookupBoundary.findRootAncestorStateOfType<OverlayState>(context)
        : LookupBoundary.findAncestorStateOfType<OverlayState>(context);

  OverlayState createState() => OverlayState();

/// The current state of an [Overlay].
/// Used to insert [OverlayEntry]s into the overlay using the [insert] and
/// [insertAll] functions.
class OverlayState extends State<Overlay> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
  final List<OverlayEntry> _entries = <OverlayEntry>[];

  void initState() {

  int _insertionIndex(OverlayEntry? below, OverlayEntry? above) {
    assert(above == null || below == null);
    if (below != null) {
      return _entries.indexOf(below);
    if (above != null) {
      return _entries.indexOf(above) + 1;
    return _entries.length;

  /// Insert the given entry into the overlay.
  /// If `below` is non-null, the entry is inserted just below `below`.
  /// If `above` is non-null, the entry is inserted just above `above`.
  /// Otherwise, the entry is inserted on top.
  /// It is an error to specify both `above` and `below`.
  void insert(OverlayEntry entry, { OverlayEntry? below, OverlayEntry? above }) {
    assert(_debugVerifyInsertPosition(above, below));
    assert(!_entries.contains(entry), 'The specified entry is already present in the Overlay.');
    assert(entry._overlay == null, 'The specified entry is already present in another Overlay.');
    entry._overlay = this;
    setState(() {
      _entries.insert(_insertionIndex(below, above), entry);

  /// Insert all the entries in the given iterable.
  /// If `below` is non-null, the entries are inserted just below `below`.
  /// If `above` is non-null, the entries are inserted just above `above`.
  /// Otherwise, the entries are inserted on top.
  /// It is an error to specify both `above` and `below`.
  void insertAll(Iterable<OverlayEntry> entries, { OverlayEntry? below, OverlayEntry? above }) {
    assert(_debugVerifyInsertPosition(above, below));
      entries.every((OverlayEntry entry) => !_entries.contains(entry)),
      'One or more of the specified entries are already present in the Overlay.',
      entries.every((OverlayEntry entry) => entry._overlay == null),
      'One or more of the specified entries are already present in another Overlay.',
    if (entries.isEmpty) {
    for (final OverlayEntry entry in entries) {
      assert(entry._overlay == null);
      entry._overlay = this;
    setState(() {
      _entries.insertAll(_insertionIndex(below, above), entries);

  bool _debugVerifyInsertPosition(OverlayEntry? above, OverlayEntry? below, { Iterable<OverlayEntry>? newEntries }) {
      above == null || below == null,
      'Only one of `above` and `below` may be specified.',
      above == null || (above._overlay == this && _entries.contains(above) && (newEntries?.contains(above) ?? true)),
      'The provided entry used for `above` must be present in the Overlay${newEntries != null ? ' and in the `newEntriesList`' : ''}.',
      below == null || (below._overlay == this && _entries.contains(below) && (newEntries?.contains(below) ?? true)),
      'The provided entry used for `below` must be present in the Overlay${newEntries != null ? ' and in the `newEntriesList`' : ''}.',
    return true;

  /// Remove all the entries listed in the given iterable, then reinsert them
  /// into the overlay in the given order.
  /// Entries mention in `newEntries` but absent from the overlay are inserted
  /// as if with [insertAll].
  /// Entries not mentioned in `newEntries` but present in the overlay are
  /// positioned as a group in the resulting list relative to the entries that
  /// were moved, as specified by one of `below` or `above`, which, if
  /// specified, must be one of the entries in `newEntries`:
  /// If `below` is non-null, the group is positioned just below `below`.
  /// If `above` is non-null, the group is positioned just above `above`.
  /// Otherwise, the group is left on top, with all the rearranged entries
  /// below.
  /// It is an error to specify both `above` and `below`.
  void rearrange(Iterable<OverlayEntry> newEntries, { OverlayEntry? below, OverlayEntry? above }) {
    final List<OverlayEntry> newEntriesList = newEntries is List<OverlayEntry> ? newEntries : newEntries.toList(growable: false);
    assert(_debugVerifyInsertPosition(above, below, newEntries: newEntriesList));
      newEntriesList.every((OverlayEntry entry) => entry._overlay == null || entry._overlay == this),
      'One or more of the specified entries are already present in another Overlay.',
      newEntriesList.every((OverlayEntry entry) => _entries.indexOf(entry) == _entries.lastIndexOf(entry)),
      'One or more of the specified entries are specified multiple times.',
    if (newEntriesList.isEmpty) {
    if (listEquals(_entries, newEntriesList)) {
    final LinkedHashSet<OverlayEntry> old = LinkedHashSet<OverlayEntry>.of(_entries);
    for (final OverlayEntry entry in newEntriesList) {
      entry._overlay ??= this;
    setState(() {
      _entries.insertAll(_insertionIndex(below, above), old);

  void _markDirty() {
    if (mounted) {
      setState(() {});

  /// (DEBUG ONLY) Check whether a given entry is visible (i.e., not behind an
  /// opaque entry).
  /// This is an O(N) algorithm, and should not be necessary except for debug
  /// asserts. To avoid people depending on it, this function is implemented
  /// only in debug mode, and always returns false in release mode.
  bool debugIsVisible(OverlayEntry entry) {
    bool result = false;
    assert(() {
      for (int i = _entries.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) {
        final OverlayEntry candidate = _entries[i];
        if (candidate == entry) {
          result = true;
        if (candidate.opaque) {
      return true;
    return result;

  void _didChangeEntryOpacity() {
    setState(() {
      // We use the opacity of the entry in our build function, which means we
      // our state has changed.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // This list is filled backwards and then reversed below before
    // it is added to the tree.
    final List<_OverlayEntryWidget> children = <_OverlayEntryWidget>[];
    bool onstage = true;
    int onstageCount = 0;
    for (final OverlayEntry entry in _entries.reversed) {
      if (onstage) {
        onstageCount += 1;
          key: entry._key,
          overlayState: this,
          entry: entry,
        if (entry.opaque) {
          onstage = false;
      } else if (entry.maintainState) {
          key: entry._key,
          overlayState: this,
          entry: entry,
          tickerEnabled: false,
    return _Theater(
      skipCount: children.length - onstageCount,
      clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior,
      children: children.reversed.toList(growable: false),

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    // TODO(jacobr): use IterableProperty instead as that would
    // provide a slightly more consistent string summary of the List.
    properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<List<OverlayEntry>>('entries', _entries));

/// Special version of a [Stack], that doesn't layout and render the first
/// [skipCount] children.
/// The first [skipCount] children are considered "offstage".
class _Theater extends MultiChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const _Theater({
    this.skipCount = 0,
    this.clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
    required List<_OverlayEntryWidget> super.children,
  }) : assert(skipCount >= 0),
       assert(children.length >= skipCount);

  final int skipCount;

  final Clip clipBehavior;

  _TheaterElement createElement() => _TheaterElement(this);

  _RenderTheater createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
    return _RenderTheater(
      skipCount: skipCount,
      textDirection: Directionality.of(context),
      clipBehavior: clipBehavior,

  void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _RenderTheater renderObject) {
      ..skipCount = skipCount
      ..textDirection = Directionality.of(context)
      ..clipBehavior = clipBehavior;

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    properties.add(IntProperty('skipCount', skipCount));

class _TheaterElement extends MultiChildRenderObjectElement {
  _TheaterElement(_Theater super.widget);

  _RenderTheater get renderObject => super.renderObject as _RenderTheater;

  void insertRenderObjectChild(RenderBox child, IndexedSlot<Element?> slot) {
    super.insertRenderObjectChild(child, slot);
    final _TheaterParentData parentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
    parentData.overlayEntry = ((widget as _Theater).children[slot.index] as _OverlayEntryWidget).entry;
    assert(parentData.overlayEntry != null);

  void moveRenderObjectChild(RenderBox child, IndexedSlot<Element?> oldSlot, IndexedSlot<Element?> newSlot) {
    super.moveRenderObjectChild(child, oldSlot, newSlot);
    assert(() {
      final _TheaterParentData parentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      return parentData.overlayEntry == ((widget as _Theater).children[newSlot.index] as _OverlayEntryWidget).entry;

  void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
    final _Theater theater = widget as _Theater;
    assert(children.length >= theater.skipCount);

// A `RenderBox` that sizes itself to its parent's size, implements the stack
// layout algorithm and renders its children in the given `theater`.
mixin _RenderTheaterMixin on RenderBox {
  _RenderTheater get theater;

  Iterable<RenderBox> _childrenInPaintOrder();
  Iterable<RenderBox> _childrenInHitTestOrder();

  void setupParentData(RenderBox child) {
    if (child.parentData is! StackParentData) {
      child.parentData = StackParentData();

  bool get sizedByParent => true;

  void performLayout() {
    final Iterator<RenderBox> iterator = _childrenInPaintOrder().iterator;
    // Same BoxConstraints as used by RenderStack for StackFit.expand.
    final BoxConstraints nonPositionedChildConstraints = BoxConstraints.tight(constraints.biggest);
    final Alignment alignment = theater._resolvedAlignment;

    while (iterator.moveNext()) {
      final RenderBox child = iterator.current;
      final StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as StackParentData;
      if (!childParentData.isPositioned) {
        child.layout(nonPositionedChildConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
        childParentData.offset = alignment.alongOffset(size - child.size as Offset);
      } else {
        assert(child is! _RenderDeferredLayoutBox, 'all _RenderDeferredLayoutBoxes must be non-positioned children.');
        RenderStack.layoutPositionedChild(child, childParentData, size, alignment);
      assert(child.parentData == childParentData);

  bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, { required Offset position }) {
    final Iterator<RenderBox> iterator = _childrenInHitTestOrder().iterator;
    bool isHit = false;
    while (!isHit && iterator.moveNext()) {
      final RenderBox child = iterator.current;
      final StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as StackParentData;
      final RenderBox localChild = child;
      bool childHitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) => localChild.hitTest(result, position: position);
      isHit = result.addWithPaintOffset(offset: childParentData.offset, position: position, hitTest: childHitTest);
    return isHit;

  void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
    for (final RenderBox child in _childrenInPaintOrder()) {
      final StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as StackParentData;
      context.paintChild(child, childParentData.offset + offset);

class _TheaterParentData extends StackParentData {
  // The OverlayEntry that directly created this child. This field is null for
  // children that are created by an OverlayPortal.
  OverlayEntry? overlayEntry;

  // _overlayStateMounted is set to null in _OverlayEntryWidgetState's dispose
  // method. This property is only accessed during layout, paint and hit-test so
  // the `value!` should be safe.
  Iterator<RenderBox>? get paintOrderIterator => overlayEntry?._overlayEntryStateNotifier.value!._paintOrderIterable.iterator;
  Iterator<RenderBox>? get hitTestOrderIterator => overlayEntry?._overlayEntryStateNotifier.value!._hitTestOrderIterable.iterator;
  void visitChildrenOfOverlayEntry(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) => overlayEntry?._overlayEntryStateNotifier.value!._paintOrderIterable.forEach(visitor);

class _RenderTheater extends RenderBox with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, StackParentData>, _RenderTheaterMixin {
    List<RenderBox>? children,
    required TextDirection textDirection,
    int skipCount = 0,
    Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
  }) : assert(skipCount >= 0),
       _textDirection = textDirection,
       _skipCount = skipCount,
       _clipBehavior = clipBehavior {

  _RenderTheater get theater => this;

  void setupParentData(RenderBox child) {
    if (child.parentData is! _TheaterParentData) {
      child.parentData = _TheaterParentData();

  void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
    RenderBox? child = firstChild;
    while (child != null) {
      final _TheaterParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      final Iterator<RenderBox>? iterator = childParentData.paintOrderIterator;
      if (iterator != null) {
        while(iterator.moveNext()) {
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;

  static void _detachChild(RenderObject child) => child.detach();

  void detach() {
    RenderBox? child = firstChild;
    while (child != null) {
      final _TheaterParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;

  void redepthChildren() => visitChildren(redepthChild);

  Alignment? _alignmentCache;
  Alignment get _resolvedAlignment => _alignmentCache ??= AlignmentDirectional.topStart.resolve(textDirection);

  void _markNeedResolution() {
    _alignmentCache = null;

  TextDirection get textDirection => _textDirection;
  TextDirection _textDirection;
  set textDirection(TextDirection value) {
    if (_textDirection == value) {
    _textDirection = value;

  int get skipCount => _skipCount;
  int _skipCount;
  set skipCount(int value) {
    if (_skipCount != value) {
      _skipCount = value;

  /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
  /// Defaults to [Clip.hardEdge], and must not be null.
  Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
  Clip _clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge;
  set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
    if (value != _clipBehavior) {
      _clipBehavior = value;

  // Adding/removing deferred child does not affect the layout of other children,
  // or that of the Overlay, so there's no need to invalidate the layout of the
  // Overlay.
  // When _skipMarkNeedsLayout is true, markNeedsLayout does not do anything.
  bool _skipMarkNeedsLayout = false;
  void _addDeferredChild(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    _skipMarkNeedsLayout = true;

    // When child has never been laid out before, mark its layout surrogate as
    // needing layout so it's reachable via tree walk.
    _skipMarkNeedsLayout = false;

  void _removeDeferredChild(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    _skipMarkNeedsLayout = true;
    _skipMarkNeedsLayout = false;

  void markNeedsLayout() {
    if (_skipMarkNeedsLayout) {

  RenderBox? get _firstOnstageChild {
    if (skipCount == super.childCount) {
      return null;
    RenderBox? child = super.firstChild;
    for (int toSkip = skipCount; toSkip > 0; toSkip--) {
      final StackParentData childParentData = child!.parentData! as StackParentData;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;
      assert(child != null);
    return child;

  RenderBox? get _lastOnstageChild => skipCount == super.childCount ? null : lastChild;

  double computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
    return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicWidth(height));

  double computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
    return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(height));

  double computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
    return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width));

  double computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
    return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width));

  double? computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) {
    double? result;
    RenderBox? child = _firstOnstageChild;
    while (child != null) {
      final StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as StackParentData;
      double? candidate = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline);
      if (candidate != null) {
        candidate += childParentData.offset.dy;
        if (result != null) {
          result = math.min(result, candidate);
        } else {
          result = candidate;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;
    return result;

  Size computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) {
    return constraints.biggest;

  // The following uses sync* because concurrent modifications should be allowed
  // during layout.
  Iterable<RenderBox> _childrenInPaintOrder() sync* {
    RenderBox? child = _firstOnstageChild;
    while (child != null) {
      yield child;
      final _TheaterParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      final Iterator<RenderBox>? innerIterator = childParentData.paintOrderIterator;
      if (innerIterator != null) {
        while (innerIterator.moveNext()) {
          yield innerIterator.current;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;

  // The following uses sync* because hit testing should be lazy.
  Iterable<RenderBox> _childrenInHitTestOrder() sync* {
    RenderBox? child = _lastOnstageChild;
    int childLeft = childCount - skipCount;
    while (child != null) {
      final _TheaterParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      final Iterator<RenderBox>? innerIterator = childParentData.hitTestOrderIterator;
      if (innerIterator != null) {
        while (innerIterator.moveNext()) {
          yield innerIterator.current;
      yield child;
      childLeft -= 1;
      child = childLeft <= 0 ? null : childParentData.previousSibling;

  final LayerHandle<ClipRectLayer> _clipRectLayer = LayerHandle<ClipRectLayer>();

  void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
    if (clipBehavior != Clip.none) {
      _clipRectLayer.layer = context.pushClipRect(
        Offset.zero & size,
        clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
        oldLayer: _clipRectLayer.layer,
    } else {
      _clipRectLayer.layer = null;
      super.paint(context, offset);

  void dispose() {
    _clipRectLayer.layer = null;

  void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) {
    RenderBox? child = firstChild;
    while (child != null) {
      final _TheaterParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;

  void visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) {
    RenderBox? child = _firstOnstageChild;
    while (child != null) {
      final _TheaterParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      child = childParentData.nextSibling;

  Rect? describeApproximatePaintClip(RenderObject child) {
    switch (clipBehavior) {
      case Clip.none:
        return null;
      case Clip.hardEdge:
      case Clip.antiAlias:
      case Clip.antiAliasWithSaveLayer:
        return Offset.zero & size;

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    properties.add(IntProperty('skipCount', skipCount));
    properties.add(EnumProperty<TextDirection>('textDirection', textDirection));

  List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() {
    final List<DiagnosticsNode> offstageChildren = <DiagnosticsNode>[];
    final List<DiagnosticsNode> onstageChildren = <DiagnosticsNode>[];

    int count = 1;
    bool onstage = false;
    RenderBox? child = firstChild;
    final RenderBox? firstOnstageChild = _firstOnstageChild;
    while (child != null) {
      final _TheaterParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as _TheaterParentData;
      if (child == firstOnstageChild) {
        onstage = true;
        count = 1;

      if (onstage) {
            name: 'onstage $count',
      } else {
            name: 'offstage $count',
            style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.offstage,

      int subcount = 1;
      childParentData.visitChildrenOfOverlayEntry((RenderObject renderObject) {
        final RenderBox child = renderObject as RenderBox;
        if (onstage) {
              name: 'onstage $count - $subcount',
        } else {
              name: 'offstage $count - $subcount',
              style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.offstage,
        subcount += 1;

      child = childParentData.nextSibling;
      count += 1;

    return <DiagnosticsNode>[
      if (offstageChildren.isNotEmpty)
          'no offstage children',
          style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.offstage,

// * OverlayPortal Implementation
//  OverlayPortal is inspired by the
//  [flutter_portal](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_portal) package.
// ** RenderObject hierarchy
// The widget works by inserting its overlay child's render subtree directly
// under [Overlay]'s render object (_RenderTheater).
// https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31859944/171971838-62ed3975-4b5d-4733-a9c9-f79e263b8fcc.jpg
// To ensure the overlay child render subtree does not do layout twice, the
// subtree must only perform layout after both its _RenderTheater and the
// [OverlayPortal]'s render object (_RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox) have
// finished layout. This is handled by _RenderDeferredLayoutBox.
// ** Z-Index of an overlay child
// [_OverlayEntryLocation] is a (currently private) interface that allows an
// [OverlayPortal] to insert its overlay child into a specific [Overlay], as
// well as specifying the paint order between the overlay child and other
// children of the _RenderTheater.
// Since [OverlayPortal] is only allowed to target ancestor [Overlay]s
// (_RenderTheater must finish doing layout before _RenderDeferredLayoutBox),
// the _RenderTheater should typically be acquired using an [InheritedWidget]
// (currently, _RenderTheaterMarker) in case the [OverlayPortal] gets
// reparented.

/// A class to show, hide and bring to top an [OverlayPortal]'s overlay child
/// in the target [Overlay].
/// A [OverlayPortalController] can only be given to at most one [OverlayPortal]
/// at a time. When an [OverlayPortalController] is moved from one
/// [OverlayPortal] to another, its [isShowing] state does not carry over.
/// [OverlayPortalController.show] and [OverlayPortalController.hide] can be
/// called even before the controller is assigned to any [OverlayPortal], but
/// they typically should not be called while the widget tree is being rebuilt.
class OverlayPortalController {
  /// Creates an [OverlayPortalController], optionally with a String identifier
  /// `debugLabel`.
  OverlayPortalController({ String? debugLabel }) : _debugLabel = debugLabel;

  _OverlayPortalState? _attachTarget;

  // A separate _zOrderIndex to allow `show()` or `hide()` to be called when the
  // controller is not yet attached. Once this controller is attached,
  // _attachTarget._zOrderIndex will be used as the source of truth, and this
  // variable will be set to null.
  int? _zOrderIndex;
  final String? _debugLabel;

  static int _wallTime = kIsWeb
    ? -9007199254740992 // -2^53
    : -1 << 63;

  // Returns a unique and monotonically increasing timestamp that represents
  // now.
  // The value this method returns increments after each call.
  int _now() {
    final int now = _wallTime += 1;
    assert(_zOrderIndex == null || _zOrderIndex! < now);
    assert(_attachTarget?._zOrderIndex == null || _attachTarget!._zOrderIndex! < now);
    return now;

  /// Show the overlay child of the [OverlayPortal] this controller is attached
  /// to, at the top of the target [Overlay].
  /// When there are more than one [OverlayPortal]s that target the same
  /// [Overlay], the overlay child of the last [OverlayPortal] to have called
  /// [show] appears at the top level, unobstructed.
  /// If [isShowing] is already true, calling this method brings the overlay
  /// child it controls to the top.
  /// This method should typically not be called while the widget tree is being
  /// rebuilt.
  void show() {
    final _OverlayPortalState? state = _attachTarget;
    if (state != null) {
    } else {
      _zOrderIndex = _now();

  /// Hide the [OverlayPortal]'s overlay child.
  /// Once hidden, the overlay child will be removed from the widget tree the
  /// next time the widget tree rebuilds, and stateful widgets in the overlay
  /// child may lose states as a result.
  /// This method should typically not be called while the widget tree is being
  /// rebuilt.
  void hide() {
    final _OverlayPortalState? state = _attachTarget;
    if (state != null) {
    } else {
      assert(_zOrderIndex != null);
      _zOrderIndex = null;

  /// Whether the associated [OverlayPortal] should build and show its overlay
  /// child, using its `overlayChildBuilder`.
  bool get isShowing {
    final _OverlayPortalState? state = _attachTarget;
    return state != null
      ? state._zOrderIndex != null
      : _zOrderIndex != null;

  /// Conventience method for toggling the current [isShowing] status.
  /// This method should typically not be called while the widget tree is being
  /// rebuilt.
  void toggle() => isShowing ? hide() : show();

  String toString() {
    final String? debugLabel = _debugLabel;
    final String label = debugLabel == null ? '' : '($debugLabel)';
    final String isDetached = _attachTarget != null ? '' : ' DETACHED';
    return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'OverlayPortalController')}$label$isDetached';

/// A widget that renders its overlay child on an [Overlay].
/// The overlay child is initially hidden until [OverlayPortalController.show]
/// is called on the associated [controller]. The [OverlayPortal] uses
/// [overlayChildBuilder] to build its overlay child and renders it on the
/// specified [Overlay] as if it was inserted using an [OverlayEntry], while it
/// can depend on the same set of [InheritedWidget]s (such as [Theme]) that this
/// widget can depend on.
/// This widget requires an [Overlay] ancestor in the widget tree when its
/// overlay child is showing.
/// When [OverlayPortalController.hide] is called, the widget built using
/// [overlayChildBuilder] will be removed from the widget tree the next time the
/// widget rebuilds. Stateful descendants in the overlay child subtree may lose
/// states as a result.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example uses an [OverlayPortal] to build a tooltip that becomes visible
/// when the user taps on the [child] widget. There's a [DefaultTextStyle] above
/// the [OverlayPortal] controlling the [TextStyle] of both the [child] widget
/// and the widget [overlayChildBuilder] builds, which isn't otherwise doable if
/// the tooltip was added as an [OverlayEntry].
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/overlay/overlay_portal.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// ### Paint Order
/// In an [Overlay], an overlay child is painted after the [OverlayEntry]
/// associated with its [OverlayPortal] (that is, the [OverlayEntry] closest to
/// the [OverlayPortal] in the widget tree, which usually represents the
/// enclosing [Route]), and before the next [OverlayEntry].
/// When an [OverlayEntry] has multiple associated [OverlayPortal]s, the paint
/// order between their overlay children is the order in which
/// [OverlayPortalController.show] was called. The last [OverlayPortal] to have
/// called `show` gets to paint its overlay child in the foreground.
/// ### Differences between [OverlayPortal] and [OverlayEntry]
/// The main difference between [OverlayEntry] and [OverlayPortal] is that
/// [OverlayEntry] builds its widget subtree as a child of the target [Overlay],
/// while [OverlayPortal] uses [overlayChildBuilder] to build a child widget of
/// itself. This allows [OverlayPortal]'s overlay child to depend on the same
/// set of [InheritedWidget]s as [OverlayPortal], and it's also guaranteed that
/// the overlay child will not outlive its [OverlayPortal].
/// On the other hand, [OverlayPortal]'s implementation is more complex. For
/// instance, it does a bit more work than a regular widget during global key
/// reparenting. If the content to be shown on the [Overlay] doesn't benefit
/// from being a part of [OverlayPortal]'s subtree, consider using an
/// [OverlayEntry] instead.
/// See also:
///  * [OverlayEntry], an alternative API for inserting widgets into an
///    [Overlay].
///  * [Positioned], which can be used to size and position the overlay child in
///    relation to the target [Overlay]'s boundaries.
///  * [CompositedTransformFollower], which can be used to position the overlay
///    child in relation to the linked [CompositedTransformTarget] widget.
class OverlayPortal extends StatefulWidget {
  /// Creates an [OverlayPortal] that renders the widget [overlayChildBuilder]
  /// builds on the closest [Overlay] when [OverlayPortalController.show] is
  /// called.
  const OverlayPortal({
    required this.controller,
    required this.overlayChildBuilder,
  }) : _targetRootOverlay = false;

  /// Creates an [OverlayPortal] that renders the widget [overlayChildBuilder]
  /// builds on the root [Overlay] when [OverlayPortalController.show] is
  /// called.
  const OverlayPortal.targetsRootOverlay({
    required this.controller,
    required this.overlayChildBuilder,
  }) : _targetRootOverlay = true;

  /// The controller to show, hide and bring to top the overlay child.
  final OverlayPortalController controller;

  /// A [WidgetBuilder] used to build a widget below this widget in the tree,
  /// that renders on the closest [Overlay].
  /// The said widget will only be built and shown in the closest [Overlay] once
  /// [OverlayPortalController.show] is called on the associated [controller].
  /// It will be painted in front of the [OverlayEntry] closest to this widget
  /// in the widget tree (which is usually the enclosing [Route]).
  /// The built overlay child widget is inserted below this widget in the widget
  /// tree, allowing it to depend on [InheritedWidget]s above it, and be
  /// notified when the [InheritedWidget]s change.
  /// Unlike [child], the built overlay child can visually extend outside the
  /// bounds of this widget without being clipped, and receive hit-test events
  /// outside of this widget's bounds, as long as it does not extend outside of
  /// the [Overlay] on which it is rendered.
  final WidgetBuilder overlayChildBuilder;

  /// A widget below this widget in the tree.
  final Widget? child;

  final bool _targetRootOverlay;

  State<OverlayPortal> createState() => _OverlayPortalState();

class _OverlayPortalState extends State<OverlayPortal> {
  int? _zOrderIndex;
  // The location of the overlay child within the overlay. This object will be
  // used as the slot of the overlay child widget.
  // The developer must call `show` to reveal the overlay so we can get a unique
  // timestamp of the user interaction for sorting.
  // Avoid invalidating the cache if possible, since the framework uses `==` to
  // compare slots, and _OverlayEntryLocation can't override that operator since
  // it's mutable.
  bool _childModelMayHaveChanged = true;
  _OverlayEntryLocation? _locationCache;
  _OverlayEntryLocation _getLocation(int zOrderIndex, bool targetRootOverlay) {
    final _OverlayEntryLocation? cachedLocation = _locationCache;
    if (cachedLocation != null && !_childModelMayHaveChanged) {
      assert(cachedLocation._zOrderIndex == zOrderIndex);
      return cachedLocation;
    _childModelMayHaveChanged = false;
    final _RenderTheaterMarker? marker = _RenderTheaterMarker.maybeOf(context, targetRootOverlay: targetRootOverlay);
    if (marker == null) {
      throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[
        ErrorSummary('No Overlay widget found.'),
          '${widget.runtimeType} widgets require an Overlay widget ancestor.\n'
          'An overlay lets widgets float on top of other widget children.',
          'To introduce an Overlay widget, you can either directly '
          'include one, or use a widget that contains an Overlay itself, '
          'such as a Navigator, WidgetApp, MaterialApp, or CupertinoApp.',
        ...context.describeMissingAncestor(expectedAncestorType: Overlay),
    final _OverlayEntryLocation returnValue;
    if (cachedLocation == null) {
      returnValue = _OverlayEntryLocation(zOrderIndex, marker.overlayEntryWidgetState, marker.theater);
    } else if (cachedLocation._childModel != marker.overlayEntryWidgetState || cachedLocation._theater != marker.theater) {
      returnValue = _OverlayEntryLocation(zOrderIndex, marker.overlayEntryWidgetState, marker.theater);
    } else {
      returnValue = cachedLocation;
    assert(returnValue._zOrderIndex == zOrderIndex);
    return _locationCache = returnValue;

  void initState() {

  void _setupController(OverlayPortalController controller) {
      controller._attachTarget == null || controller._attachTarget == this,
      'Failed to attach $controller to $this. It is already attached to ${controller._attachTarget}.'
    final int? controllerZOrderIndex = controller._zOrderIndex;
    final int? zOrderIndex = _zOrderIndex;
    if (zOrderIndex == null || (controllerZOrderIndex != null && controllerZOrderIndex > zOrderIndex)) {
      _zOrderIndex = controllerZOrderIndex;
    controller._zOrderIndex = null;
    controller._attachTarget = this;

  void didChangeDependencies() {
    _childModelMayHaveChanged = true;

  void didUpdateWidget(OverlayPortal oldWidget) {
    _childModelMayHaveChanged = _childModelMayHaveChanged || oldWidget._targetRootOverlay != widget._targetRootOverlay;
    if (oldWidget.controller != widget.controller) {
      oldWidget.controller._attachTarget = null;

  void dispose() {
    widget.controller._attachTarget = null;
    _locationCache = null;

  void show(int zOrderIndex) {
      SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase != SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks,
      '${widget.controller.runtimeType}.show() should not be called during build.'
    setState(() { _zOrderIndex = zOrderIndex; });
    _locationCache = null;

  void hide() {
    assert(SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase != SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks);
    setState(() { _zOrderIndex = null; });
    _locationCache = null;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final int? zOrderIndex = _zOrderIndex;
    if (zOrderIndex == null) {
      return _OverlayPortal(
        overlayLocation: null,
        overlayChild: null,
        child: widget.child,
    return _OverlayPortal(
      overlayLocation: _getLocation(zOrderIndex, widget._targetRootOverlay),
      overlayChild: _DeferredLayout(child: Builder(builder: widget.overlayChildBuilder)),
      child: widget.child,

/// A location in an [Overlay].
/// An [_OverlayEntryLocation] determines the [Overlay] the associated
/// [OverlayPortal] should put its overlay child onto, as well as the overlay
/// child's paint order in relation to other contents painted on the [Overlay].
// An _OverlayEntryLocation is a cursor pointing to a location in a particular
// Overlay's child model, and provides methods to insert/remove/move a
// _RenderDeferredLayoutBox to/from its target _theater.
// The occupant (a `RenderBox`) will be painted above the associated
// [OverlayEntry], but below the [OverlayEntry] above that [OverlayEntry].
// Additionally, `_activate` and `_deactivate` are called when the overlay
// child's `_OverlayPortalElement` activates/deactivates (for instance, during
// global key reparenting).
// `_OverlayPortalElement` removes its overlay child's render object from the
// target `_RenderTheater` when it deactivates and puts it back on `activated`.
// These 2 methods can be used to "hide" a child in the child model without
// removing it, when the child is expensive/difficult to re-insert at the
// correct location on `activated`.
// ### Equality
// An `_OverlayEntryLocation` will be used as an Element's slot. These 3 parts
// uniquely identify a place in an overlay's child model:
// - _theater
// - _childModel (the OverlayEntry)
// - _zOrderIndex
// Since it can't implement operator== (it's mutable), the same `_OverlayEntryLocation`
// instance must not be used to represent more than one locations.
final class _OverlayEntryLocation extends LinkedListEntry<_OverlayEntryLocation> {
  _OverlayEntryLocation(this._zOrderIndex, this._childModel, this._theater);

  final int _zOrderIndex;
  final _OverlayEntryWidgetState _childModel;
  final _RenderTheater _theater;

  _RenderDeferredLayoutBox? _overlayChildRenderBox;
  void _addToChildModel(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    assert(_overlayChildRenderBox == null, 'Failed to add $child. This location ($this) is already occupied by $_overlayChildRenderBox.');
    _overlayChildRenderBox = child;
  void _removeFromChildModel(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    assert(child == _overlayChildRenderBox);
    _overlayChildRenderBox = null;
    assert(_childModel._sortedTheaterSiblings?.contains(this) ?? false);

  void _addChild(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    assert(child.parent == _theater);

  void _removeChild(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    // This call is allowed even when this location is disposed.
    assert(child.parent == null);

  void _moveChild(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child, _OverlayEntryLocation fromLocation) {
    assert(fromLocation != this);
    final _RenderTheater fromTheater = fromLocation._theater;
    final _OverlayEntryWidgetState fromModel = fromLocation._childModel;

    if (fromTheater != _theater) {

    if (fromModel != _childModel || fromLocation._zOrderIndex != _zOrderIndex) {

  void _activate(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    assert(_overlayChildRenderBox == null, '$_overlayChildRenderBox');
    _overlayChildRenderBox = child;

  void _deactivate(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child) {
    _overlayChildRenderBox = null;

  bool _debugNotDisposed() {
    if (_debugDisposedStackTrace == null) {
      return true;
    throw StateError('$this is already disposed. Stack trace: $_debugDisposedStackTrace');

  StackTrace? _debugDisposedStackTrace;
  void _dispose() {
    assert(() {
      _debugDisposedStackTrace = StackTrace.current;
      return true;

class _RenderTheaterMarker extends InheritedWidget {
  const _RenderTheaterMarker({
    required this.theater,
    required this.overlayEntryWidgetState,
    required super.child,

  final _RenderTheater theater;
  final _OverlayEntryWidgetState overlayEntryWidgetState;

  bool updateShouldNotify(_RenderTheaterMarker oldWidget) {
    return oldWidget.theater != theater
        || oldWidget.overlayEntryWidgetState != overlayEntryWidgetState;

  static _RenderTheaterMarker? maybeOf(BuildContext context, { bool targetRootOverlay = false }) {
    if (targetRootOverlay) {
      final InheritedElement? ancestor = _rootRenderTheaterMarkerOf(context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_RenderTheaterMarker>());
      assert(ancestor == null || ancestor.widget is _RenderTheaterMarker);
      return ancestor != null ? context.dependOnInheritedElement(ancestor) as _RenderTheaterMarker? : null;
    return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_RenderTheaterMarker>();

  static InheritedElement? _rootRenderTheaterMarkerOf(InheritedElement? theaterMarkerElement) {
    assert(theaterMarkerElement == null || theaterMarkerElement.widget is _RenderTheaterMarker);
    if (theaterMarkerElement == null) {
      return null;
    InheritedElement? ancestor;
    theaterMarkerElement.visitAncestorElements((Element element) {
      ancestor = element.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_RenderTheaterMarker>();
      return false;
    return ancestor == null ? theaterMarkerElement : _rootRenderTheaterMarkerOf(ancestor);

class _OverlayPortal extends RenderObjectWidget {
  /// Creates a widget that renders the given [overlayChild] in the [Overlay]
  /// specified by `overlayLocation`.
  /// The `overlayLocation` parameter must not be null when [overlayChild] is not
  /// null.
    required this.overlayLocation,
    required this.overlayChild,
    required this.child,
  }) : assert(overlayChild == null || overlayLocation != null),
       assert(overlayLocation == null || overlayLocation._debugNotDisposed());

  final Widget? overlayChild;

  /// A widget below this widget in the tree.
  final Widget? child;

  final _OverlayEntryLocation? overlayLocation;

  RenderObjectElement createElement() => _OverlayPortalElement(this);

  RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => _RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox();

class _OverlayPortalElement extends RenderObjectElement {
  _OverlayPortalElement(_OverlayPortal super.widget);

  _RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox get renderObject => super.renderObject as _RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox;

  Element? _overlayChild;
  Element? _child;

  void mount(Element? parent, Object? newSlot) {
    super.mount(parent, newSlot);
    final _OverlayPortal widget = this.widget as _OverlayPortal;
    _child = updateChild(_child, widget.child, null);
    _overlayChild = updateChild(_overlayChild, widget.overlayChild, widget.overlayLocation);

  void update(_OverlayPortal newWidget) {
    _child = updateChild(_child, newWidget.child, null);
    _overlayChild = updateChild(_overlayChild, newWidget.overlayChild, newWidget.overlayLocation);

  void forgetChild(Element child) {
    // The _overlayChild Element does not have a key because the _DeferredLayout
    // widget does not take a Key, so only the regular _child can be taken
    // during global key reparenting.
    assert(child == _child);
    _child = null;

  void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
    final Element? child = _child;
    final Element? overlayChild = _overlayChild;
    if (child != null) {
    if (overlayChild != null) {

  void activate() {
    final Element? overlayChild = _overlayChild;
    if (overlayChild != null) {
      final _RenderDeferredLayoutBox? box = overlayChild.renderObject as _RenderDeferredLayoutBox?;
      if (box != null) {
        assert(renderObject._deferredLayoutChild == box);
        (overlayChild.slot! as _OverlayEntryLocation)._activate(box);

  void deactivate() {
    final Element? overlayChild = _overlayChild;
    // Instead of just detaching the render objects, removing them from the
    // render subtree entirely such that if the widget gets reparented to a
    // different overlay entry, the overlay child is inserted in the right
    // position in the overlay's child list.
    // This is also a workaround for the !renderObject.attached assert in the
    // `RenderObjectElement.deactive()` method.
    if (overlayChild != null) {
      final _RenderDeferredLayoutBox? box = overlayChild.renderObject as _RenderDeferredLayoutBox?;
      if (box != null) {
        (overlayChild.slot! as _OverlayEntryLocation)._deactivate(box);

  void insertRenderObjectChild(RenderBox child, _OverlayEntryLocation? slot) {
    assert(child.parent == null, "$child's parent is not null: ${child.parent}");
    if (slot != null) {
      renderObject._deferredLayoutChild = child as _RenderDeferredLayoutBox;
    } else {
      renderObject.child = child;

  // The [_DeferredLayout] widget does not have a key so there will be no
  // reparenting between _overlayChild and _child, thus the non-null-typed slots.
  void moveRenderObjectChild(_RenderDeferredLayoutBox child, _OverlayEntryLocation oldSlot, _OverlayEntryLocation newSlot) {
    newSlot._moveChild(child, oldSlot);

  void removeRenderObjectChild(RenderBox child, _OverlayEntryLocation? slot) {
    if (slot == null) {
      renderObject.child = null;
    assert(renderObject._deferredLayoutChild == child);
    slot._removeChild(child as _RenderDeferredLayoutBox);
    renderObject._deferredLayoutChild = null;

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Element>('child', _child, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Element>('overlayChild', _overlayChild, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Object>('overlayLocation', _overlayChild?.slot, defaultValue: null));

class _DeferredLayout extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
  const _DeferredLayout({
    // This widget must not be given a key: we currently do not support
    // reparenting between the overlayChild and child.
    required Widget child,
  }) : super(child: child);

  _RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox getLayoutParent(BuildContext context) {
    return context.findAncestorRenderObjectOfType<_RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox>()!;

  _RenderDeferredLayoutBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
    final _RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox parent = getLayoutParent(context);
    final _RenderDeferredLayoutBox renderObject = _RenderDeferredLayoutBox(parent);
    parent._deferredLayoutChild = renderObject;
    return renderObject;

  void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _RenderDeferredLayoutBox renderObject) {
    assert(renderObject._layoutSurrogate == getLayoutParent(context));
    assert(getLayoutParent(context)._deferredLayoutChild == renderObject);

// A `RenderProxyBox` that defers its layout until its `_layoutSurrogate` is
// laid out.
// This `RenderObject` must be a child of a `_RenderTheater`. It guarantees that:
// 1. It's a relayout boundary, and `markParentNeedsLayout` is overridden such
//    that it never dirties its `_RenderTheater`.
// 2. Its `layout` implementation is overridden such that `performLayout` does
//    not do anything when its called from `layout`, preventing the parent
//    `_RenderTheater` from laying out this subtree prematurely (but this
//    `RenderObject` may still be resized). Instead, `markNeedsLayout` will be
//    called from within `layout` to schedule a layout update for this relayout
//    boundary when needed.
// 3. When invoked from `PipelineOwner.flushLayout`, or
//    `_layoutSurrogate.performLayout`, this `RenderObject` behaves like an
//    `Overlay` that has only one entry.
final class _RenderDeferredLayoutBox extends RenderProxyBox with _RenderTheaterMixin, LinkedListEntry<_RenderDeferredLayoutBox> {

  StackParentData get stackParentData => parentData! as StackParentData;
  final _RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox _layoutSurrogate;

  Iterable<RenderBox> _childrenInPaintOrder() {
    final RenderBox? child = this.child;
    return child == null
      ? const Iterable<RenderBox>.empty()
      : Iterable<RenderBox>.generate(1, (int i) => child);
  Iterable<RenderBox> _childrenInHitTestOrder() => _childrenInPaintOrder();

  _RenderTheater get theater {
    final AbstractNode? parent = this.parent;
    return parent is _RenderTheater
      ? parent
      : throw FlutterError('$parent of $this is not a _RenderTheater');

  void redepthChildren() {

  bool _callingMarkParentNeedsLayout = false;
  void markParentNeedsLayout() {
    // No re-entrant calls.
    if (_callingMarkParentNeedsLayout) {
    _callingMarkParentNeedsLayout = true;
    _callingMarkParentNeedsLayout = false;

  bool _needsLayout = true;
  void markNeedsLayout() {
    _needsLayout = true;

  RenderObject? get debugLayoutParent => _layoutSurrogate;

  void layoutByLayoutSurrogate() {
    final _RenderTheater? theater = parent as _RenderTheater?;
    if (theater == null || !attached) {
      assert(false, '$this is not attached to parent');

  bool _parentDoingLayout = false;
  void layout(Constraints constraints, { bool parentUsesSize = false }) {
    assert(_needsLayout == debugNeedsLayout);
    // Only _RenderTheater calls this implementation.
    assert(parent != null);
    final bool scheduleDeferredLayout = _needsLayout || this.constraints != constraints;
    _parentDoingLayout = true;
    super.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: parentUsesSize);
    _parentDoingLayout = false;
    _needsLayout = false;
    if (scheduleDeferredLayout) {
      final _RenderTheater parent = this.parent! as _RenderTheater;
      // Invoking markNeedsLayout as a layout callback allows this node to be
      // merged back to the `PipelineOwner` if it's not already dirty. Otherwise
      // this may cause some dirty descendants to performLayout a second time.
      parent.invokeLayoutCallback((BoxConstraints constraints) { markNeedsLayout(); });

  void performResize() {
    size = constraints.biggest;

  bool _debugMutationsLocked = false;
  void performLayout() {
    if (_parentDoingLayout) {
      _needsLayout = false;
    assert(() {
      _debugMutationsLocked = true;
      return true;
    // This method is directly being invoked from `PipelineOwner.flushLayout`,
    // or from `_layoutSurrogate`'s performLayout.
    assert(parent != null);
    final RenderBox? child = this.child;
    if (child == null) {
      _needsLayout = false;
    assert(() {
      _debugMutationsLocked = false;
      return true;
    _needsLayout = false;

  void applyPaintTransform(RenderBox child, Matrix4 transform) {
    final BoxParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as BoxParentData;
    final Offset offset = childParentData.offset;
    transform.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);

// A RenderProxyBox that makes sure its `deferredLayoutChild` has a greater
// depth than itself.
class _RenderLayoutSurrogateProxyBox extends RenderProxyBox {
  _RenderDeferredLayoutBox? _deferredLayoutChild;

  void redepthChildren() {
    final _RenderDeferredLayoutBox? child = _deferredLayoutChild;
    // If child is not attached, this method will be invoked by child's real
    // parent when it's attached.
    if (child != null && child.attached) {

  void performLayout() {
    // Try to layout `_deferredLayoutChild` here now that its configuration
    // and constraints are up-to-date. Additionally, during the very first
    // layout, this makes sure that _deferredLayoutChild is reachable via tree
    // walk.