// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/animation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'scroll_context.dart'; import 'scroll_physics.dart'; import 'scroll_position.dart'; import 'scroll_position_with_single_context.dart'; /// Controls a scrollable widget. /// /// Scroll controllers are typically stored as member variables in [State] /// objects and are reused in each [State.build]. A single scroll controller can /// be used to control multiple scrollable widgets, but some operations, such /// as reading the scroll [offset], require the controller to be used with a /// single scrollable widget. /// /// A scroll controller creates a [ScrollPosition] to manage the state specific /// to an individual [Scrollable] widget. To use a custom [ScrollPosition], /// subclass [ScrollController] and override [createScrollPosition]. /// /// A [ScrollController] is a [Listenable]. It notifies its listeners whenever /// any of the attached [ScrollPosition]s notify _their_ listeners (i.e. /// whenever any of them scroll). It does not notify its listeners when the list /// of attached [ScrollPosition]s changes. /// /// Typically used with [ListView], [GridView], [CustomScrollView]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [ListView], [GridView], [CustomScrollView], which can be controlled by a /// [ScrollController]. /// * [Scrollable], which is the lower-level widget that creates and associates /// [ScrollPosition] objects with [ScrollController] objects. /// * [PageController], which is an analogous object for controlling a /// [PageView]. /// * [ScrollPosition], which manages the scroll offset for an individual /// scrolling widget. /// * [ScrollNotification] and [NotificationListener], which can be used to watch /// the scroll position without using a [ScrollController]. class ScrollController extends ChangeNotifier { /// Creates a controller for a scrollable widget. /// /// The values of `initialScrollOffset` and `keepScrollOffset` must not be null. ScrollController({ double initialScrollOffset = 0.0, this.keepScrollOffset = true, this.debugLabel, }) : assert(initialScrollOffset != null), assert(keepScrollOffset != null), _initialScrollOffset = initialScrollOffset; /// The initial value to use for [offset]. /// /// New [ScrollPosition] objects that are created and attached to this /// controller will have their offset initialized to this value /// if [keepScrollOffset] is false or a scroll offset hasn't been saved yet. /// /// Defaults to 0.0. double get initialScrollOffset => _initialScrollOffset; final double _initialScrollOffset; /// Each time a scroll completes, save the current scroll [offset] with /// [PageStorage] and restore it if this controller's scrollable is recreated. /// /// If this property is set to false, the scroll offset is never saved /// and [initialScrollOffset] is always used to initialize the scroll /// offset. If true (the default), the initial scroll offset is used the /// first time the controller's scrollable is created, since there's no /// scroll offset to restore yet. Subsequently the saved offset is /// restored and [initialScrollOffset] is ignored. /// /// See also: /// /// * [PageStorageKey], which should be used when more than one /// scrollable appears in the same route, to distinguish the [PageStorage] /// locations used to save scroll offsets. final bool keepScrollOffset; /// A label that is used in the [toString] output. Intended to aid with /// identifying scroll controller instances in debug output. final String debugLabel; /// The currently attached positions. /// /// This should not be mutated directly. [ScrollPosition] objects can be added /// and removed using [attach] and [detach]. @protected Iterable get positions => _positions; final List _positions = []; /// Whether any [ScrollPosition] objects have attached themselves to the /// [ScrollController] using the [attach] method. /// /// If this is false, then members that interact with the [ScrollPosition], /// such as [position], [offset], [animateTo], and [jumpTo], must not be /// called. bool get hasClients => _positions.isNotEmpty; /// Returns the attached [ScrollPosition], from which the actual scroll offset /// of the [ScrollView] can be obtained. /// /// Calling this is only valid when only a single position is attached. ScrollPosition get position { assert(_positions.isNotEmpty, 'ScrollController not attached to any scroll views.'); assert(_positions.length == 1, 'ScrollController attached to multiple scroll views.'); return _positions.single; } /// The current scroll offset of the scrollable widget. /// /// Requires the controller to be controlling exactly one scrollable widget. double get offset => position.pixels; /// Animates the position from its current value to the given value. /// /// Any active animation is canceled. If the user is currently scrolling, that /// action is canceled. /// /// The returned [Future] will complete when the animation ends, whether it /// completed successfully or whether it was interrupted prematurely. /// /// An animation will be interrupted whenever the user attempts to scroll /// manually, or whenever another activity is started, or whenever the /// animation reaches the edge of the viewport and attempts to overscroll. (If /// the [ScrollPosition] does not overscroll but instead allows scrolling /// beyond the extents, then going beyond the extents will not interrupt the /// animation.) /// /// The animation is indifferent to changes to the viewport or content /// dimensions. /// /// Once the animation has completed, the scroll position will attempt to /// begin a ballistic activity in case its value is not stable (for example, /// if it is scrolled beyond the extents and in that situation the scroll /// position would normally bounce back). /// /// The duration must not be zero. To jump to a particular value without an /// animation, use [jumpTo]. Future animateTo(double offset, { @required Duration duration, @required Curve curve, }) { assert(_positions.isNotEmpty, 'ScrollController not attached to any scroll views.'); final List> animations = List>(_positions.length); for (int i = 0; i < _positions.length; i += 1) animations[i] = _positions[i].animateTo(offset, duration: duration, curve: curve); return Future.wait(animations).then((List _) => null); } /// Jumps the scroll position from its current value to the given value, /// without animation, and without checking if the new value is in range. /// /// Any active animation is canceled. If the user is currently scrolling, that /// action is canceled. /// /// If this method changes the scroll position, a sequence of start/update/end /// scroll notifications will be dispatched. No overscroll notifications can /// be generated by this method. /// /// Immediately after the jump, a ballistic activity is started, in case the /// value was out of range. void jumpTo(double value) { assert(_positions.isNotEmpty, 'ScrollController not attached to any scroll views.'); for (ScrollPosition position in List.from(_positions)) position.jumpTo(value); } /// Register the given position with this controller. /// /// After this function returns, the [animateTo] and [jumpTo] methods on this /// controller will manipulate the given position. void attach(ScrollPosition position) { assert(!_positions.contains(position)); _positions.add(position); position.addListener(notifyListeners); } /// Unregister the given position with this controller. /// /// After this function returns, the [animateTo] and [jumpTo] methods on this /// controller will not manipulate the given position. void detach(ScrollPosition position) { assert(_positions.contains(position)); position.removeListener(notifyListeners); _positions.remove(position); } @override void dispose() { for (ScrollPosition position in _positions) position.removeListener(notifyListeners); super.dispose(); } /// Creates a [ScrollPosition] for use by a [Scrollable] widget. /// /// Subclasses can override this function to customize the [ScrollPosition] /// used by the scrollable widgets they control. For example, [PageController] /// overrides this function to return a page-oriented scroll position /// subclass that keeps the same page visible when the scrollable widget /// resizes. /// /// By default, returns a [ScrollPositionWithSingleContext]. /// /// The arguments are generally passed to the [ScrollPosition] being created: /// /// * `physics`: An instance of [ScrollPhysics] that determines how the /// [ScrollPosition] should react to user interactions, how it should /// simulate scrolling when released or flung, etc. The value will not be /// null. It typically comes from the [ScrollView] or other widget that /// creates the [Scrollable], or, if none was provided, from the ambient /// [ScrollConfiguration]. /// * `context`: A [ScrollContext] used for communicating with the object /// that is to own the [ScrollPosition] (typically, this is the /// [Scrollable] itself). /// * `oldPosition`: If this is not the first time a [ScrollPosition] has /// been created for this [Scrollable], this will be the previous instance. /// This is used when the environment has changed and the [Scrollable] /// needs to recreate the [ScrollPosition] object. It is null the first /// time the [ScrollPosition] is created. ScrollPosition createScrollPosition( ScrollPhysics physics, ScrollContext context, ScrollPosition oldPosition, ) { return ScrollPositionWithSingleContext( physics: physics, context: context, initialPixels: initialScrollOffset, keepScrollOffset: keepScrollOffset, oldPosition: oldPosition, debugLabel: debugLabel, ); } @override String toString() { final List description = []; debugFillDescription(description); return '${describeIdentity(this)}(${description.join(", ")})'; } /// Add additional information to the given description for use by [toString]. /// /// This method makes it easier for subclasses to coordinate to provide a /// high-quality [toString] implementation. The [toString] implementation on /// the [ScrollController] base class calls [debugFillDescription] to collect /// useful information from subclasses to incorporate into its return value. /// /// If you override this, make sure to start your method with a call to /// `super.debugFillDescription(description)`. @mustCallSuper void debugFillDescription(List description) { if (debugLabel != null) description.add(debugLabel); if (initialScrollOffset != 0.0) description.add('initialScrollOffset: ${initialScrollOffset.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '); if (_positions.isEmpty) { description.add('no clients'); } else if (_positions.length == 1) { // Don't actually list the client itself, since its toString may refer to us. description.add('one client, offset ${offset?.toStringAsFixed(1)}'); } else { description.add('${_positions.length} clients'); } } } // Examples can assume: // TrackingScrollController _trackingScrollController; /// A [ScrollController] whose [initialScrollOffset] tracks its most recently /// updated [ScrollPosition]. /// /// This class can be used to synchronize the scroll offset of two or more /// lazily created scroll views that share a single [TrackingScrollController]. /// It tracks the most recently updated scroll position and reports it as its /// `initialScrollOffset`. /// /// ## Sample code /// /// In this example each [PageView] page contains a [ListView] and all three /// [ListView]'s share a [TrackingScrollController]. The scroll offsets of all /// three list views will track each other, to the extent that's possible given /// the different list lengths. /// /// ```dart /// PageView( /// children: [ /// ListView( /// controller: _trackingScrollController, /// children: List.generate(100, (int i) => Text('page 0 item $i')).toList(), /// ), /// ListView( /// controller: _trackingScrollController, /// children: List.generate(200, (int i) => Text('page 1 item $i')).toList(), /// ), /// ListView( /// controller: _trackingScrollController, /// children: List.generate(300, (int i) => Text('page 2 item $i')).toList(), /// ), /// ], /// ) /// ``` /// /// In this example the `_trackingController` would have been created by the /// stateful widget that built the widget tree. class TrackingScrollController extends ScrollController { /// Creates a scroll controller that continually updates its /// [initialScrollOffset] to match the last scroll notification it received. TrackingScrollController({ double initialScrollOffset = 0.0, bool keepScrollOffset = true, String debugLabel, }) : super(initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset, keepScrollOffset: keepScrollOffset, debugLabel: debugLabel); final Map _positionToListener = {}; ScrollPosition _lastUpdated; double _lastUpdatedOffset; /// The last [ScrollPosition] to change. Returns null if there aren't any /// attached scroll positions, or there hasn't been any scrolling yet, or the /// last [ScrollPosition] to change has since been removed. ScrollPosition get mostRecentlyUpdatedPosition => _lastUpdated; /// Returns the scroll offset of the [mostRecentlyUpdatedPosition] or, if that /// is null, the initial scroll offset provided to the constructor. /// /// See also: /// /// * [ScrollController.initialScrollOffset], which this overrides. @override double get initialScrollOffset => _lastUpdatedOffset ?? super.initialScrollOffset; @override void attach(ScrollPosition position) { super.attach(position); assert(!_positionToListener.containsKey(position)); _positionToListener[position] = () { _lastUpdated = position; _lastUpdatedOffset = position.pixels; }; position.addListener(_positionToListener[position]); } @override void detach(ScrollPosition position) { super.detach(position); assert(_positionToListener.containsKey(position)); position.removeListener(_positionToListener[position]); _positionToListener.remove(position); if (_lastUpdated == position) _lastUpdated = null; if (_positionToListener.isEmpty) _lastUpdatedOffset = null; } @override void dispose() { for (ScrollPosition position in positions) { assert(_positionToListener.containsKey(position)); position.removeListener(_positionToListener[position]); } super.dispose(); } }