// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashSet;
import 'dart:ui';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';

/// Signature for listening to [PointerEnterEvent] events.
/// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [MouseRegion] and [RenderMouseRegion].
typedef PointerEnterEventListener = void Function(PointerEnterEvent event);

/// Signature for listening to [PointerExitEvent] events.
/// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [MouseRegion] and [RenderMouseRegion].
typedef PointerExitEventListener = void Function(PointerExitEvent event);

/// Signature for listening to [PointerHoverEvent] events.
/// Used by [MouseTrackerAnnotation], [MouseRegion] and [RenderMouseRegion].
typedef PointerHoverEventListener = void Function(PointerHoverEvent event);

/// The annotation object used to annotate layers that are interested in mouse
/// movements.
/// This is added to a layer and managed by the [MouseRegion] widget.
class MouseTrackerAnnotation with Diagnosticable {
  /// Creates an annotation that can be used to find layers interested in mouse
  /// movements.
  const MouseTrackerAnnotation({this.onEnter, this.onHover, this.onExit});

  /// Triggered when a mouse pointer, with or without buttons pressed, has
  /// entered the annotated region.
  /// This callback is triggered when the pointer has started to be contained
  /// by the annotationed region for any reason, which means it always matches a
  /// later [onExit].
  /// See also:
  ///  * [onExit], which is triggered when a mouse pointer exits the region.
  ///  * [MouseRegion.onEnter], which uses this callback.
  final PointerEnterEventListener onEnter;

  /// Triggered when a pointer has moved within the annotated region without
  /// buttons pressed.
  /// This callback is triggered when:
  ///  * An annotation that did not contain the pointer has moved to under a
  ///    pointer that has no buttons pressed.
  ///  * A pointer has moved onto, or moved within an annotation without buttons
  ///    pressed.
  /// This callback is not triggered when:
  ///  * An annotation that is containing the pointer has moved, and still
  ///    contains the pointer.
  final PointerHoverEventListener onHover;

  /// Triggered when a mouse pointer, with or without buttons pressed, has
  /// exited the annotated region when the annotated region still exists.
  /// This callback is triggered when the pointer has stopped being contained
  /// by the region for any reason, which means it always matches an earlier
  /// [onEnter].
  /// See also:
  ///  * [onEnter], which is triggered when a mouse pointer enters the region.
  ///  * [RenderMouseRegion.onExit], which uses this callback.
  ///  * [MouseRegion.onExit], which uses this callback, but is not triggered in
  ///    certain cases and does not always match its earier [MouseRegion.onEnter].
  final PointerExitEventListener onExit;

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
      <String, Function> {
        'enter': onEnter,
        'hover': onHover,
        'exit': onExit,
      ifEmpty: '<none>',

/// Signature for searching for [MouseTrackerAnnotation]s at the given offset.
/// It is used by the [MouseTracker] to fetch annotations for the mouse
/// position.
typedef MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder = Iterable<MouseTrackerAnnotation> Function(Offset offset);

typedef _UpdatedDeviceHandler = void Function(_MouseState mouseState, LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> previousAnnotations);

// Various states of a connected mouse device used by [MouseTracker].
class _MouseState {
    @required PointerEvent initialEvent,
  }) : assert(initialEvent != null),
       _latestEvent = initialEvent;

  // The list of annotations that contains this device.
  // It uses [LinkedHashSet] to keep the insertion order.
  LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> get annotations => _annotations;
  LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> _annotations = LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation>();

  LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> replaceAnnotations(LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> value) {
    final LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> previous = _annotations;
    _annotations = value;
    return previous;

  // The most recently processed mouse event observed from this device.
  PointerEvent get latestEvent => _latestEvent;
  PointerEvent _latestEvent;
  set latestEvent(PointerEvent value) {
    assert(value != null);
    _latestEvent = value;

  int get device => latestEvent.device;

  String toString() {
    String describeEvent(PointerEvent event) {
      return event == null ? 'null' : describeIdentity(event);
    final String describeLatestEvent = 'latestEvent: ${describeEvent(latestEvent)}';
    final String describeAnnotations = 'annotations: [list of ${annotations.length}]';
    return '${describeIdentity(this)}($describeLatestEvent, $describeAnnotations)';

/// Maintains the relationship between mouse devices and
/// [MouseTrackerAnnotation]s, and notifies interested callbacks of the changes
/// thereof.
/// This class is a [ChangeNotifier] that notifies its listeners if the value of
/// [mouseIsConnected] changes.
/// An instance of [MouseTracker] is owned by the global singleton of
/// [RendererBinding].
/// ### Details
/// The state of [MouseTracker] consists of two parts:
///  * The mouse devices that are connected.
///  * In which annotations each device is contained.
/// The states remain stable most of the time, and are only changed at the
/// following moments:
///  * An eligible [PointerEvent] has been observed, e.g. a device is added,
///    removed, or moved. In this case, the state related to this device will
///    be immediately updated.
///  * A frame has been painted. In this case, a callback will be scheduled for
///    the upcoming post-frame phase to update all devices.
class MouseTracker extends ChangeNotifier {
  /// Creates a mouse tracker to keep track of mouse locations.
  /// The first parameter is a [PointerRouter], which [MouseTracker] will
  /// subscribe to and receive events from. Usually it is the global singleton
  /// instance [GestureBinding.pointerRouter].
  /// The second parameter is a function with which the [MouseTracker] can
  /// search for [MouseTrackerAnnotation]s at a given position.
  /// Usually it is [Layer.findAllAnnotations] of the root layer.
  /// All of the parameters must not be null.
  MouseTracker(this._router, this.annotationFinder)
      : assert(_router != null),
        assert(annotationFinder != null) {

  void dispose() {

  /// Find annotations at a given offset in global logical coordinate space
  /// in visual order from front to back.
  /// [MouseTracker] uses this callback to know which annotations are affected
  /// by each device.
  /// The annotations should be returned in visual order from front to
  /// back, so that the callbacks are called in an correct order.
  final MouseDetectorAnnotationFinder annotationFinder;

  // The pointer router that the mouse tracker listens to, and receives new
  // mouse events from.
  final PointerRouter _router;

  // Tracks the state of connected mouse devices.
  // It is the source of truth for the list of connected mouse devices.
  final Map<int, _MouseState> _mouseStates = <int, _MouseState>{};

  // Whether an observed event might update a device.
  static bool _shouldMarkStateDirty(_MouseState state, PointerEvent value) {
    if (state == null)
      return true;
    assert(value != null);
    final PointerEvent lastEvent = state.latestEvent;
    assert(value.device == lastEvent.device);
    // An Added can only follow a Removed, and a Removed can only be followed
    // by an Added.
    assert((value is PointerAddedEvent) == (lastEvent is PointerRemovedEvent));

    // Ignore events that are unrelated to mouse tracking.
    if (value is PointerSignalEvent)
      return false;
    return lastEvent is PointerAddedEvent
      || value is PointerRemovedEvent
      || lastEvent.position != value.position;

  // Handler for events coming from the PointerRouter.
  // If the event marks the device dirty, update the device immediately.
  void _handleEvent(PointerEvent event) {
    if (event.kind != PointerDeviceKind.mouse)
    if (event is PointerSignalEvent)
    final int device = event.device;
    final _MouseState existingState = _mouseStates[device];
    if (!_shouldMarkStateDirty(existingState, event))

    final PointerEvent previousEvent = existingState?.latestEvent;
      targetEvent: event,
      handleUpdatedDevice: (_MouseState mouseState, LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> previousAnnotations) {
        assert(mouseState.device == event.device);
          lastAnnotations: previousAnnotations,
          nextAnnotations: mouseState.annotations,
          previousEvent: previousEvent,
          unhandledEvent: event,

  // Find the annotations that is hovered by the device of the `state`.
  // If the device is not connected, an empty set is returned without calling
  // `annotationFinder`.
  LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> _findAnnotations(_MouseState state) {
    final Offset globalPosition = state.latestEvent.position;
    final int device = state.device;
    return (_mouseStates.containsKey(device))
      ? LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation>.from(annotationFinder(globalPosition))
      : <MouseTrackerAnnotation>{} as LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation>;

  static bool get _duringBuildPhase {
    return SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks;

  // Update all devices, despite observing no new events.
  // This is called after a new frame, since annotations can be moved after
  // every frame.
  void _updateAllDevices() {
      handleUpdatedDevice: (_MouseState mouseState, LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> previousAnnotations) {
          lastAnnotations: previousAnnotations,
          nextAnnotations: mouseState.annotations,
          previousEvent: mouseState.latestEvent,
          unhandledEvent: null,

  bool _duringDeviceUpdate = false;
  // Update device states with the change of a new event or a new frame, and
  // trigger `handleUpdateDevice` for each dirty device.
  // This method is called either when a new event is observed (`targetEvent`
  // being non-null), or when no new event is observed but all devices are
  // marked dirty due to a new frame. It means that it will not happen that all
  // devices are marked dirty when a new event is unprocessed.
  // This method is the moment where `_mouseState` is updated. Before
  // this method, `_mouseState` is in sync with the state before the event or
  // before the frame. During `handleUpdateDevice` and after this method,
  // `_mouseState` is in sync with the state after the event or after the frame.
  // The dirty devices are decided as follows: if `targetEvent` is not null, the
  // dirty devices are the device that observed the event; otherwise all devices
  // are dirty.
  // This method first keeps `_mouseStates` up to date. More specifically,
  //  * If an event is observed, update `_mouseStates` by inserting or removing
  //    the state that corresponds to the event if needed, then update the
  //    `latestEvent` property of this mouse state.
  //  * For each mouse state that will correspond to a dirty device, update the
  //    `annotations` property with the annotations the device is contained.
  // Then, for each dirty device, `handleUpdatedDevice` is called with the
  // updated state and the annotations before the update.
  // Last, the method checks if `mouseIsConnected` has been changed, and notify
  // listeners if needed.
  void _updateDevices({
    PointerEvent targetEvent,
    @required _UpdatedDeviceHandler handleUpdatedDevice,
  }) {
    assert(handleUpdatedDevice != null);
    final bool mouseWasConnected = mouseIsConnected;

    // If new event is not null, only the device that observed this event is
    // dirty. The target device's state is inserted into or removed from
    // `_mouseStates` if needed, stored as `targetState`, and its
    // `mostRecentDevice` is updated.
    _MouseState targetState;
    if (targetEvent != null) {
      targetState = _mouseStates[targetEvent.device];
      if (targetState == null) {
        targetState = _MouseState(initialEvent: targetEvent);
        _mouseStates[targetState.device] = targetState;
      } else {
        assert(targetEvent is! PointerAddedEvent);
        targetState.latestEvent = targetEvent;
        // Update mouseState to the latest devices that have not been removed,
        // so that [mouseIsConnected], which is decided by `_mouseStates`, is
        // correct during the callbacks.
        if (targetEvent is PointerRemovedEvent)
    assert((targetState == null) == (targetEvent == null));

    assert(() {
      _duringDeviceUpdate = true;
      return true;
    // We can safely use `_mouseStates` here without worrying about the removed
    // state, because `targetEvent` should be null when `_mouseStates` is used.
    final Iterable<_MouseState> dirtyStates = targetEvent == null ? _mouseStates.values : <_MouseState>[targetState];
    for (final _MouseState dirtyState in dirtyStates) {
      final LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> nextAnnotations = _findAnnotations(dirtyState);
      final LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> lastAnnotations = dirtyState.replaceAnnotations(nextAnnotations);
      handleUpdatedDevice(dirtyState, lastAnnotations);
    assert(() {
      _duringDeviceUpdate = false;
      return true;

    if (mouseWasConnected != mouseIsConnected)

  // Dispatch callbacks related to a device after all necessary information
  // has been collected.
  // The `previousEvent` is the latest event before `unhandledEvent`. It might be
  // null, which means the update is triggered by a new event.
  // The `unhandledEvent` can be null, which means the update is not triggered
  // by an event.
  // However, one of `previousEvent` or `unhandledEvent` must not be null.
  static void _dispatchDeviceCallbacks({
    @required LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> lastAnnotations,
    @required LinkedHashSet<MouseTrackerAnnotation> nextAnnotations,
    @required PointerEvent previousEvent,
    @required PointerEvent unhandledEvent,
  }) {
    assert(lastAnnotations != null);
    assert(nextAnnotations != null);
    final PointerEvent latestEvent = unhandledEvent ?? previousEvent;
    assert(latestEvent != null);
    // Order is important for mouse event callbacks. The `findAnnotations`
    // returns annotations in the visual order from front to back. We call
    // it the "visual order", and the opposite one "reverse visual order".
    // The algorithm here is explained in
    // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41420

    // Send exit events to annotations that are in last but not in next, in
    // visual order.
    final Iterable<MouseTrackerAnnotation> exitingAnnotations = lastAnnotations.where(
      (MouseTrackerAnnotation value) => !nextAnnotations.contains(value),
    for (final MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation in exitingAnnotations) {
      if (annotation.onExit != null) {

    // Send enter events to annotations that are not in last but in next, in
    // reverse visual order.
    final Iterable<MouseTrackerAnnotation> enteringAnnotations =
    for (final MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation in enteringAnnotations) {
      if (annotation.onEnter != null) {

    // Send hover events to annotations that are in next, in reverse visual
    // order. The reverse visual order is chosen only because of the simplicity
    // by keeping the hover events aligned with enter events.
    if (unhandledEvent is PointerHoverEvent) {
      final Offset lastHoverPosition = previousEvent is PointerHoverEvent ? previousEvent.position : null;
      final bool pointerHasMoved = lastHoverPosition == null || lastHoverPosition != unhandledEvent.position;
      // If the hover event follows a non-hover event, or has moved since the
      // last hover, then trigger the hover callback on all annotations.
      // Otherwise, trigger the hover callback only on annotations that it
      // newly enters.
      final Iterable<MouseTrackerAnnotation> hoveringAnnotations = pointerHasMoved ? nextAnnotations.toList().reversed : enteringAnnotations;
      for (final MouseTrackerAnnotation annotation in hoveringAnnotations) {
        if (annotation.onHover != null) {

  bool _hasScheduledPostFrameCheck = false;
  /// Mark all devices as dirty, and schedule a callback that is executed in the
  /// upcoming post-frame phase to check their updates.
  /// Checking a device means to collect the annotations that the pointer
  /// hovers, and triggers necessary callbacks accordingly.
  /// Although the actual callback belongs to the scheduler's post-frame phase,
  /// this method must be called in persistent callback phase to ensure that
  /// the callback is scheduled after every frame, since every frame can change
  /// the position of annotations. Typically the method is called by
  /// [RendererBinding]'s drawing method.
  void schedulePostFrameCheck() {
    if (!mouseIsConnected)
    if (!_hasScheduledPostFrameCheck) {
      _hasScheduledPostFrameCheck = true;
      SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration duration) {
        _hasScheduledPostFrameCheck = false;

  /// Whether or not a mouse is connected and has produced events.
  bool get mouseIsConnected => _mouseStates.isNotEmpty;