// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io' as io; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/dart/sdk.dart'; import '../../src/common.dart'; import '../../src/context.dart'; // This test depends on some files in ///dev/automated_tests/flutter_test/* Future<void> _testExclusionLock; void main() { group('flutter test should', () { final String automatedTestsDirectory = fs.path.join('..', '..', 'dev', 'automated_tests'); final String flutterTestDirectory = fs.path.join(automatedTestsDirectory, 'flutter_test'); testUsingContext('not have extraneous error messages', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('trivial_widget', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, exitCode: isZero); }, skip: io.Platform.isLinux); // Flutter on Linux sometimes has problems with font resolution (#7224) testUsingContext('report nice errors for exceptions thrown within testWidgets()', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('exception_handling', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory); }, skip: true); // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/46142 // Note: was skip: skip: io.Platform.isWindows // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('report a nice error when a guarded function was called without await', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('test_async_utils_guarded', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory); }, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('report a nice error when an async function was called without await', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('test_async_utils_unguarded', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory); }, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('report a nice error when a Ticker is left running', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('ticker', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory); }, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('report a nice error when a pubspec.yaml is missing a flutter_test dependency', () async { final String missingDependencyTests = fs.path.join('..', '..', 'dev', 'missing_dependency_tests'); Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('trivial', missingDependencyTests, missingDependencyTests); }, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('report which user created widget caused the error', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('print_user_created_ancestor', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, extraArguments: const <String>['--track-widget-creation']); }, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('report which user created widget caused the error - no flag', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('print_user_created_ancestor_no_flag', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, extraArguments: const <String>['--no-track-widget-creation']); }, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('report correct created widget caused the error', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('print_correct_local_widget', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, extraArguments: const <String>['--track-widget-creation']); }, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(chunhtai): Remove Skip https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35425. testUsingContext('can load assets within its own package', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; return _testFile('package_assets', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, exitCode: isZero); }, skip: true); // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/46142 // Note, was skip: io.Platform.isWindows testUsingContext('run a test when its name matches a regexp', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; final ProcessResult result = await _runFlutterTest('filtering', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, extraArguments: const <String>['--name', 'inc.*de']); if (!(result.stdout as String).contains('+1: All tests passed')) { fail('unexpected output from test:\n\n${result.stdout}\n-- end stdout --\n\n'); } expect(result.exitCode, 0); }); testUsingContext('run a test when its name contains a string', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; final ProcessResult result = await _runFlutterTest('filtering', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, extraArguments: const <String>['--plain-name', 'include']); if (!(result.stdout as String).contains('+1: All tests passed')) { fail('unexpected output from test:\n\n${result.stdout}\n-- end stdout --\n\n'); } expect(result.exitCode, 0); }); testUsingContext('test runs to completion', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; final ProcessResult result = await _runFlutterTest('trivial', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory, extraArguments: const <String>['--verbose']); final String stdout = result.stdout as String; if ((!stdout.contains('+1: All tests passed')) || (!stdout.contains('test 0: starting shell process')) || (!stdout.contains('test 0: deleting temporary directory')) || (!stdout.contains('test 0: finished')) || (!stdout.contains('test package returned with exit code 0'))) { fail('unexpected output from test:\n\n${result.stdout}\n-- end stdout --\n\n'); } if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty) { fail('unexpected error output from test:\n\n${result.stderr}\n-- end stderr --\n\n'); } expect(result.exitCode, 0); }); testUsingContext('run all tests inside of a directory with no trailing slash', () async { Cache.flutterRoot = '../..'; final ProcessResult result = await _runFlutterTest(null, automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory + '/child_directory', extraArguments: const <String>['--verbose']); final String stdout = result.stdout as String; if ((!stdout.contains('+2: All tests passed')) || (!stdout.contains('test 0: starting shell process')) || (!stdout.contains('test 0: deleting temporary directory')) || (!stdout.contains('test 0: finished')) || (!stdout.contains('test package returned with exit code 0'))) { fail('unexpected output from test:\n\n${result.stdout}\n-- end stdout --\n\n'); } if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty) { fail('unexpected error output from test:\n\n${result.stderr}\n-- end stderr --\n\n'); } expect(result.exitCode, 0); }); }); } Future<void> _testFile( String testName, String workingDirectory, String testDirectory, { Matcher exitCode, List<String> extraArguments = const <String>[], }) async { exitCode ??= isNonZero; final String fullTestExpectation = fs.path.join(testDirectory, '${testName}_expectation.txt'); final File expectationFile = fs.file(fullTestExpectation); if (!expectationFile.existsSync()) { fail('missing expectation file: $expectationFile'); } while (_testExclusionLock != null) { await _testExclusionLock; } final ProcessResult exec = await _runFlutterTest( testName, workingDirectory, testDirectory, extraArguments: extraArguments, ); expect(exec.exitCode, exitCode); final List<String> output = (exec.stdout as String).split('\n'); if (output.first == 'Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...') { output.removeAt(0); } if (output.first.startsWith('Running "flutter pub get" in')) { output.removeAt(0); } output.add('<<stderr>>'); output.addAll((exec.stderr as String).split('\n')); final List<String> expectations = fs.file(fullTestExpectation).readAsLinesSync(); bool allowSkip = false; int expectationLineNumber = 0; int outputLineNumber = 0; bool haveSeenStdErrMarker = false; while (expectationLineNumber < expectations.length) { expect( output, hasLength(greaterThan(outputLineNumber)), reason: 'Failure in $testName to compare to $fullTestExpectation', ); final String expectationLine = expectations[expectationLineNumber]; String outputLine = output[outputLineNumber]; if (expectationLine == '<<skip until matching line>>') { allowSkip = true; expectationLineNumber += 1; continue; } if (allowSkip) { if (!RegExp(expectationLine).hasMatch(outputLine)) { outputLineNumber += 1; continue; } allowSkip = false; } if (expectationLine == '<<stderr>>') { expect(haveSeenStdErrMarker, isFalse); haveSeenStdErrMarker = true; } if (!RegExp(expectationLine).hasMatch(outputLine) && outputLineNumber + 1 < output.length) { // Check if the RegExp can match the next two lines in the output so // that it is possible to write expectations that still hold even if a // line is wrapped slightly differently due to for example a file name // being longer on one platform than another. final String mergedLines = '$outputLine\n${output[outputLineNumber+1]}'; if (RegExp(expectationLine).hasMatch(mergedLines)) { outputLineNumber += 1; outputLine = mergedLines; } } expect(outputLine, matches(expectationLine), reason: 'Full output:\n- - - -----8<----- - - -\n${output.join("\n")}\n- - - -----8<----- - - -'); expectationLineNumber += 1; outputLineNumber += 1; } expect(allowSkip, isFalse); if (!haveSeenStdErrMarker) { expect(exec.stderr, ''); } } Future<ProcessResult> _runFlutterTest( String testName, String workingDirectory, String testDirectory, { List<String> extraArguments = const <String>[], }) async { String testPath; if (testName == null) { // Test everything in the directory. testPath = testDirectory; final Directory directoryToTest = fs.directory(testPath); if (!directoryToTest.existsSync()) { fail('missing test directory: $directoryToTest'); } } else { // Test just a specific test file. testPath = fs.path.join(testDirectory, '${testName}_test.dart'); final File testFile = fs.file(testPath); if (!testFile.existsSync()) { fail('missing test file: $testFile'); } } final List<String> args = <String>[ ...dartVmFlags, fs.path.absolute(fs.path.join('bin', 'flutter_tools.dart')), 'test', '--no-color', ...extraArguments, testPath, ]; while (_testExclusionLock != null) { await _testExclusionLock; } final Completer<void> testExclusionCompleter = Completer<void>(); _testExclusionLock = testExclusionCompleter.future; try { return await Process.run( fs.path.join(dartSdkPath, 'bin', 'dart'), args, workingDirectory: workingDirectory, ); } finally { _testExclusionLock = null; testExclusionCompleter.complete(); } }