  "scriptCategory": "English-like",
  "@scriptCategory": {
    "description": "The name of the language's script category (see https://material.io/guidelines/style/typography.html#typography-language-categories-reference)",
    "type": "text"

  "timeOfDayFormat": "h:mm a",
  "@timeOfDayFormat": {
    "description": "The ICU 'Short Time' pattern, such as 'HH:mm', 'h:mm a', 'H:mm'. See: http://demo.icu-project.org/icu-bin/locexp?d_=en&_=en_US",
    "type": "text"

  "openAppDrawerTooltip": "Open navigation menu",
  "@openAppDrawerTooltip": {
    "description": "The tooltip for the leading AppBar menu (aka 'hamburger') button",
    "type": "text"

  "backButtonTooltip": "Back",
  "@backButtonTooltip": {
    "description": "The BackButton's tooltip",
    "type": "text"

  "closeButtonTooltip": "Close",
  "@closeButtonTooltip": {
    "description": "The CloseButton's tooltip",
    "type": "text"

  "nextMonthTooltip": "Next month",
  "@nextMonthTooltip": {
    "description": "The tooltip for the MonthPicker's 'next month' button.",
    "type": "text"

  "previousMonthTooltip": "Previous month",
  "@previousMonthTooltip": {
    "description": "The tooltip for the MonthPicker's 'previous month' button.",
    "type": "text"

  "nextPageTooltip": "Next page",
  "@nextMonthTooltip": {
    "description": "The tooltip for the [PaginatedDataTables]'s 'next page' button.",
    "type": "text"

  "previousPageTooltip": "Previous page",
  "@previousMonthTooltip": {
    "description": "The tooltip for the PaginatedDataTables's 'previous page' button.",
    "type": "text"

  "showMenuTooltip": "Show menu",
  "@showMenuTooltip": {
    "description": "The default PopupMenuButton tooltip",
    "type": "text"

  "aboutListTileTitle": "About $applicationName",
  "@aboutListTileTitle": {
    "description": "The default title for AboutListTile",
    "type": "text"

  "licensesPageTitle": "Licenses",
  "@licensesPageTitle": {
    "description": "The title for the Flutter licenses page.",
    "type": "text"

  "pageRowsInfoTitle": "$firstRow–$lastRow of $rowCount",
  "pageRowsInfoTitleApproximate": "$firstRow–$lastRow of about $rowCount",
  "@pageRowsInfoTitle": {
    "description": "Title for the [PaginatedDataTable]'s row info footer",
    "type": "text"

  "rowsPerPageTitle": "Rows per page:",
  "@rowsPerPageTitle": {
    "description": "Title for the [PaginatedDataTable]'s 'rows per page' footer.",
    "type": "text"

  "selectedRowCountTitleZero": "No items selected",
  "selectedRowCountTitleOne": "1 item selected",
  "selectedRowCountTitleOther": "$selectedRowCount items selected",
  "@selectedRowCountTitle": {
    "description": "Title for the PaginatedDataTable's selected row count header",
    "type": "text"

  "cancelButtonLabel": "CANCEL",
  "@cancelButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for cancel buttons and menu items.",
    "type": "text"

  "closeButtonLabel": "CLOSE",
  "@closeButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for close buttons and menu items.",
    "type": "text"

  "continueButtonLabel": "CONTINUE",
  "@continueButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for continue buttons and menu items.",
    "type": "text"

  "copyButtonLabel": "COPY",
  "@copyButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for copy buttons and menu items.",
    "type": "text"

  "cutButtonLabel": "CUT",
  "@cutButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for cut buttons and menu items",
    "type": "text"

  "okButtonLabel": "OK",
  "@okButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for OK buttons and menu items.",
    "type": "text"

  "pasteButtonLabel": "PASTE",
  "@pasteButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for paste buttons and menu items.",
    "type": "text"

  "selectAllButtonLabel": "SELECT ALL",
  "@selectButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for select-all buttons and menu items.",
    "type": "text"

  "viewLicensesButtonLabel": "VIEW LICENSES",
  "@viewLicensesButtonLabel": {
    "description": "The label for the about box's view licenses button.",
    "type": "text"

  "anteMeridiemAbbreviation": "AM",
  "@anteMeridiemAbbreviation": {
    "description": "The abbreviation for ante meridiem (before noon) shown in the time picker.",
    "type": "text"

  "postMeridiemAbbreviation": "PM",
  "@postMeridiemAbbreviation": {
    "description": "The abbreviation for post meridiem (after noon) shown in the time picker.",
    "type": "text"