// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'base_code_gen.dart'; import 'constants.dart'; import 'logical_key_data.dart'; import 'physical_key_data.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; const List<String> kModifiersOfInterest = <String>[ 'ShiftLeft', 'ShiftRight', 'ControlLeft', 'ControlRight', 'AltLeft', 'AltRight', 'MetaLeft', 'MetaRight', ]; // The name of keys that require special attention. const List<String> kSpecialPhysicalKeys = <String>['CapsLock']; const List<String> kSpecialLogicalKeys = <String>['CapsLock']; /// Generates the key mapping for macOS, based on the information in the key /// data structure given to it. class MacOSCodeGenerator extends PlatformCodeGenerator { MacOSCodeGenerator(PhysicalKeyData keyData, LogicalKeyData logicalData) : super(keyData, logicalData); /// This generates the map of macOS key codes to physical keys. String get _scanCodeMap { final OutputLines<int> lines = OutputLines<int>('macOS scancode map'); for (final PhysicalKeyEntry entry in keyData.entries) { if (entry.macOSScanCode != null) { lines.add(entry.macOSScanCode!, ' @${toHex(entry.macOSScanCode)} : @${toHex(entry.usbHidCode)}, // ${entry.constantName}'); } } return lines.sortedJoin().trimRight(); } String get _keyCodeToLogicalMap { final OutputLines<int> lines = OutputLines<int>('macOS keycode map'); for (final LogicalKeyEntry entry in logicalData.entries) { zipStrict(entry.macOSKeyCodeValues, entry.macOSKeyCodeNames, (int macOSValue, String macOSName) { lines.add(macOSValue, ' @${toHex(macOSValue)} : @${toHex(entry.value, digits: 11)}, // $macOSName -> ${entry.constantName}'); }); } return lines.sortedJoin().trimRight(); } /// This generates the mask values for the part of a key code that defines its plane. String get _maskConstants { final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(); const List<MaskConstant> maskConstants = <MaskConstant>[ kValueMask, kUnicodePlane, kMacosPlane, ]; for (final MaskConstant constant in maskConstants) { buffer.writeln('const uint64_t k${constant.upperCamelName} = ${toHex(constant.value, digits: 11)};'); } return buffer.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates a map from the key code to a modifier flag. String get _keyToModifierFlagMap { final StringBuffer modifierKeyMap = StringBuffer(); for (final String name in kModifiersOfInterest) { modifierKeyMap.writeln(' @${toHex(logicalData.entryByName(name).macOSKeyCodeValues[0])} : @(kModifierFlag${lowerCamelToUpperCamel(name)}),'); } return modifierKeyMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates a map from the modifier flag to the key code. String get _modifierFlagToKeyMap { final StringBuffer modifierKeyMap = StringBuffer(); for (final String name in kModifiersOfInterest) { modifierKeyMap.writeln(' @(kModifierFlag${lowerCamelToUpperCamel(name)}) : @${toHex(logicalData.entryByName(name).macOSKeyCodeValues[0])},'); } return modifierKeyMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates some keys that needs special attention. String get _specialKeyConstants { final StringBuffer specialKeyConstants = StringBuffer(); for (final String keyName in kSpecialPhysicalKeys) { specialKeyConstants.writeln('const uint64_t k${keyName}PhysicalKey = ${toHex(keyData.entryByName(keyName).usbHidCode)};'); } for (final String keyName in kSpecialLogicalKeys) { specialKeyConstants.writeln('const uint64_t k${lowerCamelToUpperCamel(keyName)}LogicalKey = ${toHex(logicalData.entryByName(keyName).value)};'); } return specialKeyConstants.toString().trimRight(); } @override String get templatePath => path.join(dataRoot, 'macos_key_code_map_cc.tmpl'); @override String outputPath(String platform) => path.join(PlatformCodeGenerator.engineRoot, 'shell', 'platform', 'darwin', 'macos', 'framework', 'Source', 'KeyCodeMap.mm'); @override Map<String, String> mappings() { // There is no macOS keycode map since macOS uses keycode to represent a physical key. // The LogicalKeyboardKey is generated by raw_keyboard_macos.dart from the unmodified characters // from NSEvent. return <String, String>{ 'MACOS_SCAN_CODE_MAP': _scanCodeMap, 'MACOS_KEYCODE_LOGICAL_MAP': _keyCodeToLogicalMap, 'MASK_CONSTANTS': _maskConstants, 'KEYCODE_TO_MODIFIER_FLAG_MAP': _keyToModifierFlagMap, 'MODIFIER_FLAG_TO_KEYCODE_MAP': _modifierFlagToKeyMap, 'SPECIAL_KEY_CONSTANTS': _specialKeyConstants, }; } }