// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:process/process.dart'; import 'package:xml/xml.dart'; import '../artifacts.dart'; import '../base/analyze_size.dart'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/deferred_component.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/io.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../base/net.dart'; import '../base/platform.dart'; import '../base/process.dart'; import '../base/project_migrator.dart'; import '../base/terminal.dart'; import '../base/utils.dart'; import '../build_info.dart'; import '../cache.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import '../flutter_manifest.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import '../project.dart'; import '../reporting/reporting.dart'; import 'android_builder.dart'; import 'android_studio.dart'; import 'gradle_errors.dart'; import 'gradle_utils.dart'; import 'java.dart'; import 'migrations/android_studio_java_gradle_conflict_migration.dart'; import 'migrations/top_level_gradle_build_file_migration.dart'; import 'multidex.dart'; /// The regex to grab variant names from printVariants gradle task /// /// The task is defined in flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle. /// /// The expected output from the task should be similar to: /// /// BuildVariant: debug /// BuildVariant: release /// BuildVariant: profile final RegExp _kBuildVariantRegex = RegExp('^BuildVariant: (?<$_kBuildVariantRegexGroupName>.*)\$'); const String _kBuildVariantRegexGroupName = 'variant'; /// The directory where the APK artifact is generated. Directory getApkDirectory(FlutterProject project) { return project.isModule ? project.android.buildDirectory .childDirectory('host') .childDirectory('outputs') .childDirectory('apk') : project.android.buildDirectory .childDirectory('app') .childDirectory('outputs') .childDirectory('flutter-apk'); } /// The directory where the app bundle artifact is generated. @visibleForTesting Directory getBundleDirectory(FlutterProject project) { return project.isModule ? project.android.buildDirectory .childDirectory('host') .childDirectory('outputs') .childDirectory('bundle') : project.android.buildDirectory .childDirectory('app') .childDirectory('outputs') .childDirectory('bundle'); } /// The directory where the repo is generated. /// Only applicable to AARs. Directory getRepoDirectory(Directory buildDirectory) { return buildDirectory .childDirectory('outputs') .childDirectory('repo'); } /// Returns the name of Gradle task that starts with [prefix]. String _taskFor(String prefix, BuildInfo buildInfo) { final String buildType = camelCase(buildInfo.modeName); final String productFlavor = buildInfo.flavor ?? ''; return '$prefix${sentenceCase(productFlavor)}${sentenceCase(buildType)}'; } /// Returns the task to build an APK. @visibleForTesting String getAssembleTaskFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) { return _taskFor('assemble', buildInfo); } /// Returns the task to build an AAB. @visibleForTesting String getBundleTaskFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) { return _taskFor('bundle', buildInfo); } /// Returns the task to build an AAR. @visibleForTesting String getAarTaskFor(BuildInfo buildInfo) { return _taskFor('assembleAar', buildInfo); } /// Returns the output APK file names for a given [AndroidBuildInfo]. /// /// For example, when [splitPerAbi] is true, multiple APKs are created. Iterable _apkFilesFor(AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo) { final String buildType = camelCase(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.modeName); final String productFlavor = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.lowerCasedFlavor ?? ''; final String flavorString = productFlavor.isEmpty ? '' : '-$productFlavor'; if (androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi) { return androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.map((AndroidArch arch) { final String abi = arch.archName; return 'app$flavorString-$abi-$buildType.apk'; }); } return ['app$flavorString-$buildType.apk']; } // The maximum time to wait before the tool retries a Gradle build. const Duration kMaxRetryTime = Duration(seconds: 10); /// An implementation of the [AndroidBuilder] that delegates to gradle. class AndroidGradleBuilder implements AndroidBuilder { AndroidGradleBuilder({ required Java? java, required Logger logger, required ProcessManager processManager, required FileSystem fileSystem, required Artifacts artifacts, required Usage usage, required GradleUtils gradleUtils, required Platform platform, required AndroidStudio? androidStudio, }) : _java = java, _logger = logger, _fileSystem = fileSystem, _artifacts = artifacts, _usage = usage, _gradleUtils = gradleUtils, _androidStudio = androidStudio, _fileSystemUtils = FileSystemUtils(fileSystem: fileSystem, platform: platform), _processUtils = ProcessUtils(logger: logger, processManager: processManager); final Java? _java; final Logger _logger; final ProcessUtils _processUtils; final FileSystem _fileSystem; final Artifacts _artifacts; final Usage _usage; final GradleUtils _gradleUtils; final FileSystemUtils _fileSystemUtils; final AndroidStudio? _androidStudio; /// Builds the AAR and POM files for the current Flutter module or plugin. @override Future buildAar({ required FlutterProject project, required Set androidBuildInfo, required String target, String? outputDirectoryPath, required String buildNumber, }) async { Directory outputDirectory = _fileSystem.directory(outputDirectoryPath ?? project.android.buildDirectory); if (project.isModule) { // Module projects artifacts are located in `build/host`. outputDirectory = outputDirectory.childDirectory('host'); } for (final AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo in androidBuildInfo) { await buildGradleAar( project: project, androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo, target: target, outputDirectory: outputDirectory, buildNumber: buildNumber, ); } printHowToConsumeAar( buildModes: androidBuildInfo .map((AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo) { return androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.modeName; }).toSet(), androidPackage: project.manifest.androidPackage, repoDirectory: getRepoDirectory(outputDirectory), buildNumber: buildNumber, logger: _logger, fileSystem: _fileSystem, ); } /// Builds the APK. @override Future buildApk({ required FlutterProject project, required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo, required String target, bool configOnly = false, }) async { await buildGradleApp( project: project, androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo, target: target, isBuildingBundle: false, localGradleErrors: gradleErrors, configOnly: configOnly, maxRetries: 1, ); } /// Builds the App Bundle. @override Future buildAab({ required FlutterProject project, required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo, required String target, bool validateDeferredComponents = true, bool deferredComponentsEnabled = false, bool configOnly = false, }) async { await buildGradleApp( project: project, androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo, target: target, isBuildingBundle: true, localGradleErrors: gradleErrors, validateDeferredComponents: validateDeferredComponents, deferredComponentsEnabled: deferredComponentsEnabled, configOnly: configOnly, maxRetries: 1, ); } /// Builds an app. /// /// * [project] is typically [FlutterProject.current()]. /// * [androidBuildInfo] is the build configuration. /// * [target] is the target dart entry point. Typically, `lib/main.dart`. /// * If [isBuildingBundle] is `true`, then the output artifact is an `*.aab`, /// otherwise the output artifact is an `*.apk`. /// * [maxRetries] If not `null`, this is the max number of build retries in case a retry is triggered. Future buildGradleApp({ required FlutterProject project, required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo, required String target, required bool isBuildingBundle, required List localGradleErrors, required bool configOnly, bool validateDeferredComponents = true, bool deferredComponentsEnabled = false, int retry = 0, @visibleForTesting int? maxRetries, }) async { if (!project.android.isSupportedVersion) { _exitWithUnsupportedProjectMessage(_usage, _logger.terminal); } final List migrators = [ TopLevelGradleBuildFileMigration(project.android, _logger), AndroidStudioJavaGradleConflictMigration(_logger, project: project.android, androidStudio: _androidStudio, java: globals.java) , ]; final ProjectMigration migration = ProjectMigration(migrators); migration.run(); final bool usesAndroidX = isAppUsingAndroidX(project.android.hostAppGradleRoot); if (usesAndroidX) { BuildEvent('app-using-android-x', type: 'gradle', flutterUsage: _usage).send(); } else if (!usesAndroidX) { BuildEvent('app-not-using-android-x', type: 'gradle', flutterUsage: _usage).send(); _logger.printStatus("${_logger.terminal.warningMark} Your app isn't using AndroidX.", emphasis: true); _logger.printStatus( 'To avoid potential build failures, you can quickly migrate your app ' 'by following the steps on https://goo.gl/CP92wY .', indent: 4, ); } // The default Gradle script reads the version name and number // from the local.properties file. updateLocalProperties( project: project, buildInfo: androidBuildInfo.buildInfo); final List command = [ // This does more than get gradlewrapper. It creates the file, ensures it // exists and verifies the file is executable. _gradleUtils.getExecutable(project), ]; // All automatically created files should exist. if (configOnly) { _logger.printStatus('Config complete.'); return; } // Assembly work starts here. final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo; final String assembleTask = isBuildingBundle ? getBundleTaskFor(buildInfo) : getAssembleTaskFor(buildInfo); final Status status = _logger.startProgress( "Running Gradle task '$assembleTask'...", ); if (_logger.isVerbose) { command.add('--full-stacktrace'); command.add('--info'); command.add('-Pverbose=true'); } else { command.add('-q'); } if (!buildInfo.androidGradleDaemon) { command.add('--no-daemon'); } final LocalEngineInfo? localEngineInfo = _artifacts.localEngineInfo; if (localEngineInfo != null) { final Directory localEngineRepo = _getLocalEngineRepo( engineOutPath: localEngineInfo.engineOutPath, androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo, fileSystem: _fileSystem, ); _logger.printTrace( 'Using local engine: ${localEngineInfo.engineOutPath}\n' 'Local Maven repo: ${localEngineRepo.path}' ); command.add('-Plocal-engine-repo=${localEngineRepo.path}'); command.add('-Plocal-engine-build-mode=${buildInfo.modeName}'); command.add('-Plocal-engine-out=${localEngineInfo.engineOutPath}'); command.add('-Ptarget-platform=${_getTargetPlatformByLocalEnginePath( localEngineInfo.engineOutPath)}'); } else if (androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.isNotEmpty) { final String targetPlatforms = androidBuildInfo .targetArchs .map((AndroidArch e) => e.platformName).join(','); command.add('-Ptarget-platform=$targetPlatforms'); } command.add('-Ptarget=$target'); // Only attempt adding multidex support if all the flutter generated files exist. // If the files do not exist and it was unintentional, the app will fail to build // and prompt the developer if they wish Flutter to add the files again via gradle_error.dart. if (androidBuildInfo.multidexEnabled && multiDexApplicationExists(project.directory) && androidManifestHasNameVariable(project.directory)) { command.add('-Pmultidex-enabled=true'); ensureMultiDexApplicationExists(project.directory); _logger.printStatus('Building with Flutter multidex support enabled.'); } // If using v1 embedding, we want to use FlutterApplication as the base app. final String baseApplicationName = project.android.getEmbeddingVersion() == AndroidEmbeddingVersion.v2 ? 'android.app.Application' : 'io.flutter.app.FlutterApplication'; command.add('-Pbase-application-name=$baseApplicationName'); final List? deferredComponents = project.manifest.deferredComponents; if (deferredComponents != null) { if (deferredComponentsEnabled) { command.add('-Pdeferred-components=true'); androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.dartDefines.add('validate-deferred-components=$validateDeferredComponents'); } // Pass in deferred components regardless of building split aot to satisfy // android dynamic features registry in build.gradle. final List componentNames = []; for (final DeferredComponent component in deferredComponents) { componentNames.add(component.name); } if (componentNames.isNotEmpty) { command.add('-Pdeferred-component-names=${componentNames.join(',')}'); // Multi-apk applications cannot use shrinking. This is only relevant when using // android dynamic feature modules. _logger.printStatus( 'Shrinking has been disabled for this build due to deferred components. Shrinking is ' 'not available for multi-apk applications. This limitation is expected to be removed ' 'when Gradle plugin 4.2+ is available in Flutter.', color: TerminalColor.yellow); command.add('-Pshrink=false'); } } command.addAll(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.toGradleConfig()); if (buildInfo.fileSystemRoots.isNotEmpty) { command.add('-Pfilesystem-roots=${buildInfo.fileSystemRoots.join('|')}'); } if (buildInfo.fileSystemScheme != null) { command.add('-Pfilesystem-scheme=${buildInfo.fileSystemScheme}'); } if (androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi) { command.add('-Psplit-per-abi=true'); } if (androidBuildInfo.fastStart) { command.add('-Pfast-start=true'); } command.add(assembleTask); GradleHandledError? detectedGradleError; String? detectedGradleErrorLine; String? consumeLog(String line) { if (detectedGradleError != null) { // Pipe stdout/stderr from Gradle. return line; } for (final GradleHandledError gradleError in localGradleErrors) { if (gradleError.test(line)) { detectedGradleErrorLine = line; detectedGradleError = gradleError; // The first error match wins. break; } } // Pipe stdout/stderr from Gradle. return line; } final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch() ..start(); int exitCode = 1; try { exitCode = await _processUtils.stream( command, workingDirectory: project.android.hostAppGradleRoot.path, allowReentrantFlutter: true, environment: _java?.environment, mapFunction: consumeLog, ); } on ProcessException catch (exception) { consumeLog(exception.toString()); // Rethrow the exception if the error isn't handled by any of the // `localGradleErrors`. if (detectedGradleError == null) { rethrow; } } finally { status.stop(); } _usage.sendTiming('build', 'gradle', sw.elapsed); if (exitCode != 0) { if (detectedGradleError == null) { BuildEvent('gradle-unknown-failure', type: 'gradle', flutterUsage: _usage).send(); throwToolExit( 'Gradle task $assembleTask failed with exit code $exitCode', exitCode: exitCode, ); } final GradleBuildStatus status = await detectedGradleError!.handler( line: detectedGradleErrorLine!, project: project, usesAndroidX: usesAndroidX, multidexEnabled: androidBuildInfo.multidexEnabled, ); if (maxRetries == null || retry < maxRetries) { switch (status) { case GradleBuildStatus.retry: // Use binary exponential backoff before retriggering the build. // The expected wait times are: 100ms, 200ms, 400ms, and so on... final int waitTime = min(pow(2, retry).toInt() * 100, kMaxRetryTime.inMicroseconds); retry += 1; _logger.printStatus('Retrying Gradle Build: #$retry, wait time: ${waitTime}ms'); await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: waitTime)); await buildGradleApp( project: project, androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo, target: target, isBuildingBundle: isBuildingBundle, localGradleErrors: localGradleErrors, retry: retry, maxRetries: maxRetries, configOnly: configOnly, ); final String successEventLabel = 'gradle-${detectedGradleError!.eventLabel}-success'; BuildEvent(successEventLabel, type: 'gradle', flutterUsage: _usage).send(); return; case GradleBuildStatus.exit: // Continue and throw tool exit. } } BuildEvent('gradle-${detectedGradleError?.eventLabel}-failure', type: 'gradle', flutterUsage: _usage).send(); throwToolExit( 'Gradle task $assembleTask failed with exit code $exitCode', exitCode: exitCode, ); } if (isBuildingBundle) { final File bundleFile = findBundleFile(project, buildInfo, _logger, _usage); final String appSize = (buildInfo.mode == BuildMode.debug) ? '' // Don't display the size when building a debug variant. : ' (${getSizeAsMB(bundleFile.lengthSync())})'; if (buildInfo.codeSizeDirectory != null) { await _performCodeSizeAnalysis('aab', bundleFile, androidBuildInfo); } _logger.printStatus( '${_logger.terminal.successMark} Built ${_fileSystem.path.relative(bundleFile.path)}$appSize.', color: TerminalColor.green, ); return; } // Gradle produced APKs. final Iterable apkFilesPaths = project.isModule ? findApkFilesModule(project, androidBuildInfo, _logger, _usage) : listApkPaths(androidBuildInfo); final Directory apkDirectory = getApkDirectory(project); // Generate sha1 for every generated APKs. for (final File apkFile in apkFilesPaths.map(apkDirectory.childFile)) { if (!apkFile.existsSync()) { _exitWithExpectedFileNotFound( project: project, fileExtension: '.apk', logger: _logger, usage: _usage, ); } final String filename = apkFile.basename; _logger.printTrace('Calculate SHA1: $apkDirectory/$filename'); final File apkShaFile = apkDirectory.childFile('$filename.sha1'); apkShaFile.writeAsStringSync(_calculateSha(apkFile)); final String appSize = (buildInfo.mode == BuildMode.debug) ? '' // Don't display the size when building a debug variant. : ' (${getSizeAsMB(apkFile.lengthSync())})'; _logger.printStatus( '${_logger.terminal.successMark} Built ${_fileSystem.path.relative(apkFile.path)}$appSize.', color: TerminalColor.green, ); if (buildInfo.codeSizeDirectory != null) { await _performCodeSizeAnalysis('apk', apkFile, androidBuildInfo); } } } Future _performCodeSizeAnalysis(String kind, File zipFile, AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo,) async { final SizeAnalyzer sizeAnalyzer = SizeAnalyzer( fileSystem: _fileSystem, logger: _logger, flutterUsage: _usage, ); final String archName = androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.single.archName; final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo; final File aotSnapshot = _fileSystem.directory(buildInfo.codeSizeDirectory) .childFile('snapshot.$archName.json'); final File precompilerTrace = _fileSystem.directory(buildInfo.codeSizeDirectory) .childFile('trace.$archName.json'); final Map output = await sizeAnalyzer.analyzeZipSizeAndAotSnapshot( zipFile: zipFile, aotSnapshot: aotSnapshot, precompilerTrace: precompilerTrace, kind: kind, ); final File outputFile = _fileSystemUtils.getUniqueFile( _fileSystem .directory(_fileSystemUtils.homeDirPath) .childDirectory('.flutter-devtools'), '$kind-code-size-analysis', 'json', ) ..writeAsStringSync(jsonEncode(output)); // This message is used as a sentinel in analyze_apk_size_test.dart _logger.printStatus( 'A summary of your ${kind.toUpperCase()} analysis can be found at: ${outputFile.path}', ); // DevTools expects a file path relative to the .flutter-devtools/ dir. final String relativeAppSizePath = outputFile.path .split('.flutter-devtools/') .last .trim(); _logger.printStatus( '\nTo analyze your app size in Dart DevTools, run the following command:\n' 'dart devtools --appSizeBase=$relativeAppSizePath' ); } /// Builds AAR and POM files. /// /// * [project] is typically [FlutterProject.current()]. /// * [androidBuildInfo] is the build configuration. /// * [outputDir] is the destination of the artifacts, /// * [buildNumber] is the build number of the output aar, Future buildGradleAar({ required FlutterProject project, required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo, required String target, required Directory outputDirectory, required String buildNumber, }) async { final FlutterManifest manifest = project.manifest; if (!manifest.isModule && !manifest.isPlugin) { throwToolExit('AARs can only be built for plugin or module projects.'); } final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo; final String aarTask = getAarTaskFor(buildInfo); final Status status = _logger.startProgress( "Running Gradle task '$aarTask'...", ); final String flutterRoot = _fileSystem.path.absolute(Cache.flutterRoot!); final String initScript = _fileSystem.path.join( flutterRoot, 'packages', 'flutter_tools', 'gradle', 'aar_init_script.gradle', ); final List command = [ _gradleUtils.getExecutable(project), '-I=$initScript', '-Pflutter-root=$flutterRoot', '-Poutput-dir=${outputDirectory.path}', '-Pis-plugin=${manifest.isPlugin}', '-PbuildNumber=$buildNumber', ]; if (_logger.isVerbose) { command.add('--full-stacktrace'); command.add('--info'); command.add('-Pverbose=true'); } else { command.add('-q'); } if (!buildInfo.androidGradleDaemon) { command.add('--no-daemon'); } if (target.isNotEmpty) { command.add('-Ptarget=$target'); } command.addAll(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.toGradleConfig()); if (buildInfo.dartObfuscation && buildInfo.mode != BuildMode.release) { _logger.printStatus( 'Dart obfuscation is not supported in ${sentenceCase(buildInfo.friendlyModeName)}' ' mode, building as un-obfuscated.', ); } final LocalEngineInfo? localEngineInfo = _artifacts.localEngineInfo; if (localEngineInfo != null) { final Directory localEngineRepo = _getLocalEngineRepo( engineOutPath: localEngineInfo.engineOutPath, androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo, fileSystem: _fileSystem, ); _logger.printTrace( 'Using local engine: ${localEngineInfo.engineOutPath}\n' 'Local Maven repo: ${localEngineRepo.path}' ); command.add('-Plocal-engine-repo=${localEngineRepo.path}'); command.add('-Plocal-engine-build-mode=${buildInfo.modeName}'); command.add('-Plocal-engine-out=${localEngineInfo.engineOutPath}'); // Copy the local engine repo in the output directory. try { copyDirectory( localEngineRepo, getRepoDirectory(outputDirectory), ); } on FileSystemException catch (error, st) { throwToolExit( 'Failed to copy the local engine ${localEngineRepo.path} repo ' 'in ${outputDirectory.path}: $error, $st' ); } command.add('-Ptarget-platform=${_getTargetPlatformByLocalEnginePath( localEngineInfo.engineOutPath)}'); } else if (androidBuildInfo.targetArchs.isNotEmpty) { final String targetPlatforms = androidBuildInfo.targetArchs .map((AndroidArch e) => e.platformName).join(','); command.add('-Ptarget-platform=$targetPlatforms'); } command.add(aarTask); final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch() ..start(); RunResult result; try { result = await _processUtils.run( command, workingDirectory: project.android.hostAppGradleRoot.path, allowReentrantFlutter: true, environment: _java?.environment, ); } finally { status.stop(); } _usage.sendTiming('build', 'gradle-aar', sw.elapsed); if (result.exitCode != 0) { _logger.printStatus(result.stdout, wrap: false); _logger.printError(result.stderr, wrap: false); throwToolExit( 'Gradle task $aarTask failed with exit code ${result.exitCode}.', exitCode: result.exitCode, ); } final Directory repoDirectory = getRepoDirectory(outputDirectory); if (!repoDirectory.existsSync()) { _logger.printStatus(result.stdout, wrap: false); _logger.printError(result.stderr, wrap: false); throwToolExit( 'Gradle task $aarTask failed to produce $repoDirectory.', exitCode: exitCode, ); } _logger.printStatus( '${_logger.terminal.successMark} Built ${_fileSystem.path.relative(repoDirectory.path)}.', color: TerminalColor.green, ); } @override Future> getBuildVariants({required FlutterProject project}) async { final Status status = _logger.startProgress( "Running Gradle task 'printBuildVariants'...", ); final List command = [ _gradleUtils.getExecutable(project), '-q', // suppresses gradle output. 'printBuildVariants', ]; final Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch() ..start(); RunResult result; try { result = await _processUtils.run( command, workingDirectory: project.android.hostAppGradleRoot.path, allowReentrantFlutter: true, environment: _java?.environment, ); } finally { status.stop(); } _usage.sendTiming('print', 'android build variants', sw.elapsed); if (result.exitCode != 0) { _logger.printStatus(result.stdout, wrap: false); _logger.printError(result.stderr, wrap: false); return const []; } final List options = []; for (final String line in LineSplitter.split(result.stdout)) { final RegExpMatch? match = _kBuildVariantRegex.firstMatch(line); if (match != null) { options.add(match.namedGroup(_kBuildVariantRegexGroupName)!); } } return options; } } /// Prints how to consume the AAR from a host app. void printHowToConsumeAar({ required Set buildModes, String? androidPackage = 'unknown', required Directory repoDirectory, required Logger logger, required FileSystem fileSystem, String? buildNumber, }) { assert(buildModes.isNotEmpty); buildNumber ??= '1.0'; logger.printStatus('\nConsuming the Module', emphasis: true); logger.printStatus(''' 1. Open ${fileSystem.path.join('', 'app', 'build.gradle')} 2. Ensure you have the repositories configured, otherwise add them: String storageUrl = System.env.$kFlutterStorageBaseUrl ?: "https://storage.googleapis.com" repositories { maven { url '${repoDirectory.path}' } maven { url "\$storageUrl/download.flutter.io" } } 3. Make the host app depend on the Flutter module: dependencies {'''); for (final String buildMode in buildModes) { logger.printStatus(""" ${buildMode}Implementation '$androidPackage:flutter_$buildMode:$buildNumber'"""); } logger.printStatus(''' } '''); if (buildModes.contains('profile')) { logger.printStatus(''' 4. Add the `profile` build type: android { buildTypes { profile { initWith debug } } } '''); } logger.printStatus('To learn more, visit https://flutter.dev/go/build-aar'); } String _hex(List bytes) { final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer(); for (final int part in bytes) { result.write('${part < 16 ? '0' : ''}${part.toRadixString(16)}'); } return result.toString(); } String _calculateSha(File file) { final List bytes = file.readAsBytesSync(); return _hex(sha1.convert(bytes).bytes); } void _exitWithUnsupportedProjectMessage(Usage usage, Terminal terminal) { BuildEvent('unsupported-project', type: 'gradle', eventError: 'gradle-plugin', flutterUsage: usage).send(); throwToolExit( '${terminal.warningMark} Your app is using an unsupported Gradle project. ' 'To fix this problem, create a new project by running `flutter create -t app ` ' 'and then move the dart code, assets and pubspec.yaml to the new project.', ); } /// Returns [true] if the current app uses AndroidX. // TODO(egarciad): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/40800 // Remove `FlutterManifest.usesAndroidX` and provide a unified `AndroidProject.usesAndroidX`. bool isAppUsingAndroidX(Directory androidDirectory) { final File properties = androidDirectory.childFile('gradle.properties'); if (!properties.existsSync()) { return false; } return properties.readAsStringSync().contains('android.useAndroidX=true'); } /// Returns the APK files for a given [FlutterProject] and [AndroidBuildInfo]. @visibleForTesting Iterable findApkFilesModule( FlutterProject project, AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo, Logger logger, Usage usage, ) { final Iterable apkFileNames = _apkFilesFor(androidBuildInfo); final Directory apkDirectory = getApkDirectory(project); final Iterable apks = apkFileNames.expand((String apkFileName) { File apkFile = apkDirectory.childFile(apkFileName); if (apkFile.existsSync()) { return [apkFile]; } final BuildInfo buildInfo = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo; final String modeName = camelCase(buildInfo.modeName); apkFile = apkDirectory .childDirectory(modeName) .childFile(apkFileName); if (apkFile.existsSync()) { return [apkFile]; } final String? flavor = buildInfo.flavor; if (flavor != null) { // Android Studio Gradle plugin v3 adds flavor to path. apkFile = apkDirectory .childDirectory(flavor) .childDirectory(modeName) .childFile(apkFileName); if (apkFile.existsSync()) { return [apkFile]; } } return const []; }); if (apks.isEmpty) { _exitWithExpectedFileNotFound( project: project, fileExtension: '.apk', logger: logger, usage: usage, ); } return apks.map((File file) => file.path); } /// Returns the APK files for a given [FlutterProject] and [AndroidBuildInfo]. /// /// The flutter.gradle plugin will copy APK outputs into: /// `$buildDir/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app---.apk` @visibleForTesting Iterable listApkPaths( AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo, ) { final String buildType = camelCase(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.modeName); final List apkPartialName = [ if (androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.flavor?.isNotEmpty ?? false) androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.lowerCasedFlavor!, '$buildType.apk', ]; if (androidBuildInfo.splitPerAbi) { return [ for (final AndroidArch androidArch in androidBuildInfo.targetArchs) [ 'app', androidArch.archName, ...apkPartialName, ].join('-'), ]; } return [ [ 'app', ...apkPartialName, ].join('-'), ]; } @visibleForTesting File findBundleFile(FlutterProject project, BuildInfo buildInfo, Logger logger, Usage usage) { final List fileCandidates = [ getBundleDirectory(project) .childDirectory(camelCase(buildInfo.modeName)) .childFile('app.aab'), getBundleDirectory(project) .childDirectory(camelCase(buildInfo.modeName)) .childFile('app-${buildInfo.modeName}.aab'), ]; if (buildInfo.flavor != null) { // The Android Gradle plugin 3.0.0 adds the flavor name to the path. // For example: In release mode, if the flavor name is `foo_bar`, then // the directory name is `foo_barRelease`. fileCandidates.add( getBundleDirectory(project) .childDirectory('${buildInfo.lowerCasedFlavor}${camelCase('_${buildInfo.modeName}')}') .childFile('app.aab')); // The Android Gradle plugin 3.5.0 adds the flavor name to file name. // For example: In release mode, if the flavor name is `foo_bar`, then // the file name is `app-foo_bar-release.aab`. fileCandidates.add( getBundleDirectory(project) .childDirectory('${buildInfo.lowerCasedFlavor}${camelCase('_${buildInfo.modeName}')}') .childFile('app-${buildInfo.lowerCasedFlavor}-${buildInfo.modeName}.aab')); // The Android Gradle plugin 4.1.0 does only lowercase the first character of flavor name. fileCandidates.add(getBundleDirectory(project) .childDirectory('${buildInfo.uncapitalizedFlavor}${camelCase('_${buildInfo.modeName}')}') .childFile('app-${buildInfo.uncapitalizedFlavor}-${buildInfo.modeName}.aab')); // The Android Gradle plugin uses kebab-case and lowercases the first character of the flavor name // when multiple flavor dimensions are used: // e.g. // flavorDimensions "dimension1","dimension2" // productFlavors { // foo { // dimension "dimension1" // } // bar { // dimension "dimension2" // } // } fileCandidates.add(getBundleDirectory(project) .childDirectory('${buildInfo.uncapitalizedFlavor}${camelCase('_${buildInfo.modeName}')}') .childFile('app-${kebabCase(buildInfo.uncapitalizedFlavor!)}-${buildInfo.modeName}.aab')); } for (final File bundleFile in fileCandidates) { if (bundleFile.existsSync()) { return bundleFile; } } _exitWithExpectedFileNotFound( project: project, fileExtension: '.aab', logger: logger, usage: usage, ); } /// Throws a [ToolExit] exception and logs the event. Never _exitWithExpectedFileNotFound({ required FlutterProject project, required String fileExtension, required Logger logger, required Usage usage, }) { final String androidGradlePluginVersion = getGradleVersionForAndroidPlugin(project.android.hostAppGradleRoot, logger); BuildEvent('gradle-expected-file-not-found', type: 'gradle', settings: 'androidGradlePluginVersion: $androidGradlePluginVersion, ' 'fileExtension: $fileExtension', flutterUsage: usage, ).send(); throwToolExit( 'Gradle build failed to produce an $fileExtension file. ' "It's likely that this file was generated under ${project.android.buildDirectory.path}, " "but the tool couldn't find it." ); } void _createSymlink(String targetPath, String linkPath, FileSystem fileSystem) { final File targetFile = fileSystem.file(targetPath); if (!targetFile.existsSync()) { throwToolExit("The file $targetPath wasn't found in the local engine out directory."); } final File linkFile = fileSystem.file(linkPath); final Link symlink = linkFile.parent.childLink(linkFile.basename); try { symlink.createSync(targetPath, recursive: true); } on FileSystemException catch (exception) { throwToolExit( 'Failed to create the symlink $linkPath->$targetPath: $exception' ); } } String _getLocalArtifactVersion(String pomPath, FileSystem fileSystem) { final File pomFile = fileSystem.file(pomPath); if (!pomFile.existsSync()) { throwToolExit("The file $pomPath wasn't found in the local engine out directory."); } XmlDocument document; try { document = XmlDocument.parse(pomFile.readAsStringSync()); } on XmlException { throwToolExit( 'Error parsing $pomPath. Please ensure that this is a valid XML document.' ); } on FileSystemException { throwToolExit( 'Error reading $pomPath. Please ensure that you have read permission to this ' 'file and try again.'); } final Iterable project = document.findElements('project'); assert(project.isNotEmpty); for (final XmlElement versionElement in document.findAllElements('version')) { if (versionElement.parent == project.first) { return versionElement.innerText; } } throwToolExit('Error while parsing the element from $pomPath'); } /// Returns the local Maven repository for a local engine build. /// For example, if the engine is built locally at /engine/src/out/android_release_unopt /// This method generates symlinks in the temp directory to the engine artifacts /// following the convention specified on https://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Repositories Directory _getLocalEngineRepo({ required String engineOutPath, required AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo, required FileSystem fileSystem, }) { final String abi = _getAbiByLocalEnginePath(engineOutPath); final Directory localEngineRepo = fileSystem.systemTempDirectory .createTempSync('flutter_tool_local_engine_repo.'); final String buildMode = androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.modeName; final String artifactVersion = _getLocalArtifactVersion( fileSystem.path.join( engineOutPath, 'flutter_embedding_$buildMode.pom', ), fileSystem, ); for (final String artifact in const ['pom', 'jar']) { // The Android embedding artifacts. _createSymlink( fileSystem.path.join( engineOutPath, 'flutter_embedding_$buildMode.$artifact', ), fileSystem.path.join( localEngineRepo.path, 'io', 'flutter', 'flutter_embedding_$buildMode', artifactVersion, 'flutter_embedding_$buildMode-$artifactVersion.$artifact', ), fileSystem, ); // The engine artifacts (libflutter.so). _createSymlink( fileSystem.path.join( engineOutPath, '${abi}_$buildMode.$artifact', ), fileSystem.path.join( localEngineRepo.path, 'io', 'flutter', '${abi}_$buildMode', artifactVersion, '${abi}_$buildMode-$artifactVersion.$artifact', ), fileSystem, ); } for (final String artifact in ['flutter_embedding_$buildMode', '${abi}_$buildMode']) { _createSymlink( fileSystem.path.join( engineOutPath, '$artifact.maven-metadata.xml', ), fileSystem.path.join( localEngineRepo.path, 'io', 'flutter', artifact, 'maven-metadata.xml', ), fileSystem, ); } return localEngineRepo; } String _getAbiByLocalEnginePath(String engineOutPath) { String result = 'armeabi_v7a'; if (engineOutPath.contains('x86')) { result = 'x86'; } else if (engineOutPath.contains('x64')) { result = 'x86_64'; } else if (engineOutPath.contains('arm64')) { result = 'arm64_v8a'; } return result; } String _getTargetPlatformByLocalEnginePath(String engineOutPath) { String result = 'android-arm'; if (engineOutPath.contains('x86')) { result = 'android-x86'; } else if (engineOutPath.contains('x64')) { result = 'android-x64'; } else if (engineOutPath.contains('arm64')) { result = 'android-arm64'; } return result; }