// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'constants.dart'; import 'physical_key_data.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; bool _isControlCharacter(int codeUnit) { return (codeUnit <= 0x1f && codeUnit >= 0x00) || (codeUnit >= 0x7f && codeUnit <= 0x9f); } /// A pair of strings that represents left and right modifiers. class _ModifierPair { const _ModifierPair(this.left, this.right); final String left; final String right; } // Return map[key1][key2] as a non-nullable List, where both map[key1] or // map[key1][key2] might be null. List _getGrandchildList(Map map, String key1, String key2) { final dynamic value = (map[key1] as Map?)?[key2]; final List? dynamicNullableList = value as List?; final List dynamicList = dynamicNullableList ?? []; return dynamicList.cast(); } /// The data structure used to manage keyboard key entries. /// /// The main constructor parses the given input data into the data structure. /// /// The data structure can be also loaded and saved to JSON, with the /// [LogicalKeyData.fromJson] constructor and [toJson] method, respectively. class LogicalKeyData { factory LogicalKeyData( String chromiumKeys, String gtkKeyCodeHeader, String gtkNameMap, String windowsKeyCodeHeader, String windowsNameMap, String androidKeyCodeHeader, String androidNameMap, String macosLogicalToPhysical, String iosLogicalToPhysical, String glfwHeaderFile, String glfwNameMap, PhysicalKeyData physicalKeyData, ) { final Map data = _readKeyEntries(chromiumKeys); _readWindowsKeyCodes(data, windowsKeyCodeHeader, parseMapOfListOfString(windowsNameMap)); _readGtkKeyCodes(data, gtkKeyCodeHeader, parseMapOfListOfString(gtkNameMap)); _readAndroidKeyCodes(data, androidKeyCodeHeader, parseMapOfListOfString(androidNameMap)); _readMacOsKeyCodes(data, physicalKeyData, parseMapOfListOfString(macosLogicalToPhysical)); _readIosKeyCodes(data, physicalKeyData, parseMapOfListOfString(iosLogicalToPhysical)); _readFuchsiaKeyCodes(data, physicalKeyData); _readGlfwKeyCodes(data, glfwHeaderFile, parseMapOfListOfString(glfwNameMap)); // Sort entries by value final List> sortedEntries = data.entries.toList()..sort( (MapEntry a, MapEntry b) => LogicalKeyEntry.compareByValue(a.value, b.value), ); data ..clear() ..addEntries(sortedEntries); return LogicalKeyData._(data); } /// Parses the given JSON data and populates the data structure from it. factory LogicalKeyData.fromJson(Map contentMap) { final Map data = {}; data.addEntries(contentMap.values.map((dynamic value) { final LogicalKeyEntry entry = LogicalKeyEntry.fromJsonMapEntry(value as Map); return MapEntry(entry.name, entry); })); return LogicalKeyData._(data); } /// Parses the input data given in from the various data source files, /// populating the data structure. /// /// None of the parameters may be null. LogicalKeyData._(this._data); /// Converts the data structure into a JSON structure that can be parsed by /// [LogicalKeyData.fromJson]. Map toJson() { final Map outputMap = {}; for (final LogicalKeyEntry entry in _data.values) { outputMap[entry.name] = entry.toJson(); } return outputMap; } /// Find an entry from name. /// /// Asserts if the name is not found. LogicalKeyEntry entryByName(String name) { assert(_data.containsKey(name), 'Unable to find logical entry by name $name.'); return _data[name]!; } /// All entries. Iterable get entries => _data.values; // Keys mapped from their names. final Map _data; /// Parses entries from Chromium's key mapping header file. /// /// Lines in this file look like either of these (without the ///): /// Key Enum Unicode code point /// DOM_KEY_UNI("Backspace", BACKSPACE, 0x0008), /// Key Enum Value /// DOM_KEY_MAP("Accel", ACCEL, 0x0101), /// /// Flutter's supplemental_key_data.inc also has some new formats. /// The following format uses a character as the 3rd argument. /// Key Enum Character /// DOM_KEY_UNI("KeyB", KEY_B, 'b'), /// /// The following format should be mapped to the Flutter plane. /// Key Enum Character /// FLUTTER_KEY_MAP("Lang4", LANG4, 0x00013), static Map _readKeyEntries(String input) { final Map dataByValue = {}; final RegExp domKeyRegExp = RegExp( r'(?DOM|FLUTTER)_KEY_(?UNI|MAP)\s*\(\s*' r'"(?[^\s]+?)",\s*' r'(?[^\s]+?),\s*' r"(?:0[xX](?[a-fA-F0-9]+)|'(?.)')\s*" r'\)', // Multiline is necessary because some definitions spread across // multiple lines. multiLine: true, ); final RegExp commentRegExp = RegExp(r'//.*$', multiLine: true); input = input.replaceAll(commentRegExp, ''); for (final RegExpMatch match in domKeyRegExp.allMatches(input)) { final String source = match.namedGroup('source')!; final String webName = match.namedGroup('name')!; // ".AltGraphLatch" is consumed internally and not expressed to the Web. if (webName.startsWith('.')) { continue; } final String name = LogicalKeyEntry.computeName(webName.replaceAll(RegExp('[^A-Za-z0-9]'), '')); final int value = match.namedGroup('unicode') != null ? getHex(match.namedGroup('unicode')!) : match.namedGroup('char')!.codeUnitAt(0); final String? keyLabel = (match.namedGroup('kind')! == 'UNI' && !_isControlCharacter(value)) ? String.fromCharCode(value) : null; // Skip modifier keys from DOM. They will be added with supplemental data. if (_chromeModifiers.containsKey(name) && source == 'DOM') { continue; } final bool isPrintable = keyLabel != null; final int entryValue = toPlane(value, _sourceToPlane(source, isPrintable)); final LogicalKeyEntry entry = dataByValue.putIfAbsent(entryValue, () => LogicalKeyEntry.fromName( value: entryValue, name: name, keyLabel: keyLabel, ), ); if (source == 'DOM' && !isPrintable) { entry.webNames.add(webName); } } return Map.fromEntries( dataByValue.values.map((LogicalKeyEntry entry) => MapEntry(entry.name, entry), ), ); } static void _readMacOsKeyCodes( Map data, PhysicalKeyData physicalKeyData, Map> logicalToPhysical, ) { final Map physicalToLogical = reverseMapOfListOfString(logicalToPhysical, (String logicalKeyName, String physicalKeyName) { print('Duplicate logical key name $logicalKeyName for macOS'); }); physicalToLogical.forEach((String physicalKeyName, String logicalKeyName) { final PhysicalKeyEntry physicalEntry = physicalKeyData.entryByName(physicalKeyName); assert(physicalEntry.macOSScanCode != null, 'Physical entry $physicalKeyName does not have a macOSScanCode.'); final LogicalKeyEntry? logicalEntry = data[logicalKeyName]; assert(logicalEntry != null, 'Unable to find logical entry by name $logicalKeyName.'); logicalEntry!.macOSKeyCodeNames.add(physicalEntry.name); logicalEntry.macOSKeyCodeValues.add(physicalEntry.macOSScanCode!); }); } static void _readIosKeyCodes( Map data, PhysicalKeyData physicalKeyData, Map> logicalToPhysical, ) { final Map physicalToLogical = reverseMapOfListOfString(logicalToPhysical, (String logicalKeyName, String physicalKeyName) { print('Duplicate logical key name $logicalKeyName for iOS'); }); physicalToLogical.forEach((String physicalKeyName, String logicalKeyName) { final PhysicalKeyEntry physicalEntry = physicalKeyData.entryByName(physicalKeyName); assert(physicalEntry.iOSScanCode != null, 'Physical entry $physicalKeyName does not have an iosScanCode.'); final LogicalKeyEntry? logicalEntry = data[logicalKeyName]; assert(logicalEntry != null, 'Unable to find logical entry by name $logicalKeyName.'); logicalEntry!.iOSKeyCodeNames.add(physicalEntry.name); logicalEntry.iOSKeyCodeValues.add(physicalEntry.iOSScanCode!); }); } /// Parses entries from GTK's gdkkeysyms.h key code data file. /// /// Lines in this file look like this (without the ///): /// /** Space key. */ /// #define GDK_KEY_space 0x020 static void _readGtkKeyCodes(Map data, String headerFile, Map> nameToGtkName) { final RegExp definedCodes = RegExp( r'#define ' r'GDK_KEY_(?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*' r'0x(?[0-9a-f]+),?', ); final Map gtkNameToFlutterName = reverseMapOfListOfString(nameToGtkName, (String flutterName, String gtkName) { print('Duplicate GTK logical name $gtkName'); }); for (final RegExpMatch match in definedCodes.allMatches(headerFile)) { final String gtkName = match.namedGroup('name')!; final String? name = gtkNameToFlutterName[gtkName]; final int value = int.parse(match.namedGroup('value')!, radix: 16); if (name == null) { // print('Unmapped GTK logical entry $gtkName'); continue; } final LogicalKeyEntry? entry = data[name]; if (entry == null) { print('Invalid logical entry by name $name (from GTK $gtkName)'); continue; } entry ..gtkNames.add(gtkName) ..gtkValues.add(value); } } static void _readWindowsKeyCodes(Map data, String headerFile, Map> nameMap) { // The mapping from the Flutter name (e.g. "enter") to the Windows name (e.g. // "RETURN"). final Map nameToFlutterName = reverseMapOfListOfString(nameMap, (String flutterName, String windowsName) { print('Duplicate Windows logical name $windowsName'); }); final RegExp definedCodes = RegExp( r'define ' r'VK_(?[A-Z0-9_]+)\s*' r'(?[A-Z0-9_x]+),?', ); for (final RegExpMatch match in definedCodes.allMatches(headerFile)) { final String windowsName = match.namedGroup('name')!; final String? name = nameToFlutterName[windowsName]; final int value = int.tryParse(match.namedGroup('value')!)!; if (name == null) { print('Unmapped Windows logical entry $windowsName'); continue; } final LogicalKeyEntry? entry = data[name]; if (entry == null) { print('Invalid logical entry by name $name (from Windows $windowsName)'); continue; } addNameValue( entry.windowsNames, entry.windowsValues, windowsName, value, ); } } /// Parses entries from Android's keycodes.h key code data file. /// /// Lines in this file look like this (without the ///): /// /** Left Control modifier key. */ /// AKEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT = 113, static void _readAndroidKeyCodes(Map data, String headerFile, Map> nameMap) { final Map nameToFlutterName = reverseMapOfListOfString(nameMap, (String flutterName, String androidName) { print('Duplicate Android logical name $androidName'); }); final RegExp enumBlock = RegExp(r'enum\s*\{(.*)\};', multiLine: true); // Eliminate everything outside of the enum block. headerFile = headerFile.replaceAllMapped(enumBlock, (Match match) => match.group(1)!); final RegExp enumEntry = RegExp( r'AKEYCODE_(?[A-Z0-9_]+)\s*' r'=\s*' r'(?[0-9]+),?', ); for (final RegExpMatch match in enumEntry.allMatches(headerFile)) { final String androidName = match.namedGroup('name')!; final String? name = nameToFlutterName[androidName]; final int value = int.tryParse(match.namedGroup('value')!)!; if (name == null) { print('Unmapped Android logical entry $androidName'); continue; } final LogicalKeyEntry? entry = data[name]; if (entry == null) { print('Invalid logical entry by name $name (from Android $androidName)'); continue; } entry ..androidNames.add(androidName) ..androidValues.add(value); } } static void _readFuchsiaKeyCodes(Map data, PhysicalKeyData physicalData) { for (final LogicalKeyEntry entry in data.values) { final int? value = (() { if (entry.value == 0) { return 0; } final String? keyLabel = printable[entry.constantName]; if (keyLabel != null && !entry.constantName.startsWith('numpad')) { return toPlane(keyLabel.codeUnitAt(0), kUnicodePlane.value); } else { final PhysicalKeyEntry? physicalEntry = physicalData.tryEntryByName(entry.name); if (physicalEntry != null) { return toPlane(physicalEntry.usbHidCode, kFuchsiaPlane.value); } } })(); if (value != null) { entry.fuchsiaValues.add(value); } } } /// Parses entries from GLFW's keycodes.h key code data file. /// /// Lines in this file look like this (without the ///): /// /** Space key. */ /// #define GLFW_KEY_SPACE 32, /// #define GLFW_KEY_LAST GLFW_KEY_MENU static void _readGlfwKeyCodes(Map data, String headerFile, Map> nameMap) { final Map nameToFlutterName = reverseMapOfListOfString(nameMap, (String flutterName, String glfwName) { print('Duplicate GLFW logical name $glfwName'); }); // Only get the KEY definitions, ignore the rest (mouse, joystick, etc). final RegExp definedCodes = RegExp( r'define\s+' r'GLFW_KEY_(?[A-Z0-9_]+)\s+' r'(?[A-Z0-9_]+),?', ); final Map replaced = {}; for (final RegExpMatch match in definedCodes.allMatches(headerFile)) { final String name = match.namedGroup('name')!; final String value = match.namedGroup('value')!; replaced[name] = int.tryParse(value) ?? value.replaceAll('GLFW_KEY_', ''); } final Map glfwNameToKeyCode = {}; replaced.forEach((String key, dynamic value) { // Some definition values point to other definitions (e.g #define GLFW_KEY_LAST GLFW_KEY_MENU). if (value is String) { glfwNameToKeyCode[key] = replaced[value] as int; } else { glfwNameToKeyCode[key] = value as int; } }); glfwNameToKeyCode.forEach((String glfwName, int value) { final String? name = nameToFlutterName[glfwName]; if (name == null) { return; } final LogicalKeyEntry? entry = data[nameToFlutterName[glfwName]]; if (entry == null) { print('Invalid logical entry by name $name (from GLFW $glfwName)'); return; } addNameValue( entry.glfwNames, entry.glfwValues, glfwName, value, ); }); } // Map Web key to the pair of key names static final Map _chromeModifiers = () { final String rawJson = File(path.join(dataRoot, 'chromium_modifiers.json',)).readAsStringSync(); return (json.decode(rawJson) as Map).map((String key, dynamic value) { final List pair = value as List; return MapEntry(key, _ModifierPair(pair[0] as String, pair[1] as String)); }); }(); /// Returns the static map of printable representations. static final Map printable = (() { final String printableKeys = File(path.join(dataRoot, 'printable.json',)).readAsStringSync(); return (json.decode(printableKeys) as Map) .cast(); })(); /// Returns the static map of synonym representations. /// /// These include synonyms for keys which don't have printable /// representations, and appear in more than one place on the keyboard (e.g. /// SHIFT, ALT, etc.). static final Map> synonyms = (() { final String synonymKeys = File(path.join(dataRoot, 'synonyms.json',)).readAsStringSync(); final Map dynamicSynonym = json.decode(synonymKeys) as Map; return dynamicSynonym.map((String name, dynamic values) { // The keygen and algorithm of macOS relies on synonyms being pairs. // See siblingKeyMap in macos_code_gen.dart. final List names = (values as List).whereType().toList(); assert(names.length == 2); return MapEntry>(name, names); }); })(); static int _sourceToPlane(String source, bool isPrintable) { if (isPrintable) { return kUnicodePlane.value; } switch (source) { case 'DOM': return kUnprintablePlane.value; case 'FLUTTER': return kFlutterPlane.value; default: assert(false, 'Unrecognized logical key source $source'); return kFlutterPlane.value; } } } /// A single entry in the key data structure. /// /// Can be read from JSON with the [LogicalKeyEntry.fromJsonMapEntry] constructor, or /// written with the [toJson] method. class LogicalKeyEntry { /// Creates a single key entry from available data. LogicalKeyEntry({ required this.value, required this.name, this.keyLabel, }) : webNames = [], macOSKeyCodeNames = [], macOSKeyCodeValues = [], iOSKeyCodeNames = [], iOSKeyCodeValues = [], gtkNames = [], gtkValues = [], windowsNames = [], windowsValues = [], androidNames = [], androidValues = [], fuchsiaValues = [], glfwNames = [], glfwValues = []; LogicalKeyEntry.fromName({ required int value, required String name, String? keyLabel, }) : this( value: value, name: name, keyLabel: keyLabel, ); /// Populates the key from a JSON map. LogicalKeyEntry.fromJsonMapEntry(Map map) : value = map['value'] as int, name = map['name'] as String, webNames = _getGrandchildList(map, 'names', 'web'), macOSKeyCodeNames = _getGrandchildList(map, 'names', 'macos'), macOSKeyCodeValues = _getGrandchildList(map, 'values', 'macos'), iOSKeyCodeNames = _getGrandchildList(map, 'names', 'ios'), iOSKeyCodeValues = _getGrandchildList(map, 'values', 'ios'), gtkNames = _getGrandchildList(map, 'names', 'gtk'), gtkValues = _getGrandchildList(map, 'values', 'gtk'), windowsNames = _getGrandchildList(map, 'names', 'windows'), windowsValues = _getGrandchildList(map, 'values', 'windows'), androidNames = _getGrandchildList(map, 'names', 'android'), androidValues = _getGrandchildList(map, 'values', 'android'), fuchsiaValues = _getGrandchildList(map, 'values', 'fuchsia'), glfwNames = _getGrandchildList(map, 'names', 'glfw'), glfwValues = _getGrandchildList(map, 'values', 'glfw'), keyLabel = map['keyLabel'] as String?; final int value; final String name; /// The name of the key suitable for placing in comments. String get commentName => computeCommentName(name); String get constantName => computeConstantName(commentName); /// The name of the key, mostly derived from the DomKey name in Chromium, /// but where there was no DomKey representation, derived from the Chromium /// symbol name. final List webNames; /// The names of the key codes that corresponds to this logical key on macOS, /// created from the corresponding physical keys. final List macOSKeyCodeNames; /// The key codes that corresponds to this logical key on macOS, created from /// the physical key list substituted with the key mapping. final List macOSKeyCodeValues; /// The names of the key codes that corresponds to this logical key on iOS, /// created from the corresponding physical keys. final List iOSKeyCodeNames; /// The key codes that corresponds to this logical key on iOS, created from the /// physical key list substituted with the key mapping. final List iOSKeyCodeValues; /// The list of names that GTK gives to this key (symbol names minus the /// prefix). final List gtkNames; /// The list of GTK key codes matching this key, created by looking up the /// Linux name in the GTK data, and substituting the GTK key code /// value. final List gtkValues; /// The list of names that Windows gives to this key (symbol names minus the /// prefix). final List windowsNames; /// The list of Windows key codes matching this key, created by looking up the /// Windows name in the Chromium data, and substituting the Windows key code /// value. final List windowsValues; /// The list of names that Android gives to this key (symbol names minus the /// prefix). final List androidNames; /// The list of Android key codes matching this key, created by looking up the /// Android name in the Chromium data, and substituting the Android key code /// value. final List androidValues; final List fuchsiaValues; /// The list of names that GLFW gives to this key (symbol names minus the /// prefix). final List glfwNames; /// The list of GLFW key codes matching this key, created by looking up the /// GLFW name in the Chromium data, and substituting the GLFW key code /// value. final List glfwValues; /// A string indicating the letter on the keycap of a letter key. /// /// This is only used to generate the key label mapping in keyboard_maps.g.dart. /// [LogicalKeyboardKey.keyLabel] uses a different definition and is generated /// differently. final String? keyLabel; /// Creates a JSON map from the key data. Map toJson() { return removeEmptyValues({ 'name': name, 'value': value, 'keyLabel': keyLabel, 'names': { 'web': webNames, 'macos': macOSKeyCodeNames, 'ios': iOSKeyCodeNames, 'gtk': gtkNames, 'windows': windowsNames, 'android': androidNames, 'glfw': glfwNames, }, 'values': >{ 'macos': macOSKeyCodeValues, 'ios': iOSKeyCodeValues, 'gtk': gtkValues, 'windows': windowsValues, 'android': androidValues, 'fuchsia': fuchsiaValues, 'glfw': glfwValues, }, }); } @override String toString() { return "'$name': (value: ${toHex(value)}) "; } /// Gets the named used for the key constant in the definitions in /// keyboard_key.g.dart. /// /// If set by the constructor, returns the name set, but otherwise constructs /// the name from the various different names available, making sure that the /// name isn't a Dart reserved word (if it is, then it adds the word "Key" to /// the end of the name). static String computeName(String rawName) { final String result = rawName.replaceAll('PinP', 'PInP'); if (kDartReservedWords.contains(result)) { return '${result}Key'; } return result; } /// Takes the [name] and converts it from lower camel case to capitalized /// separate words (e.g. "wakeUp" converts to "Wake Up"). static String computeCommentName(String name) { final String replaced = name.replaceAllMapped( RegExp(r'(Digit|Numpad|Lang|Button|Left|Right)([0-9]+)'), (Match match) => '${match.group(1)} ${match.group(2)}', ); return replaced // 'fooBar' => 'foo Bar', 'fooBAR' => 'foo BAR' .replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'([^A-Z])([A-Z])'), (Match match) => '${match.group(1)} ${match.group(2)}') // 'ABCDoo' => 'ABC Doo' .replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'([A-Z])([A-Z])([a-z])'), (Match match) => '${match.group(1)} ${match.group(2)}${match.group(3)}') // 'AB1' => 'AB 1', 'F1' => 'F1' .replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'([A-Z]{2,})([0-9])'), (Match match) => '${match.group(1)} ${match.group(2)}') // 'Foo1' => 'Foo 1' .replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'([a-z])([0-9])'), (Match match) => '${match.group(1)} ${match.group(2)}') .trim(); } static String computeConstantName(String commentName) { // Convert the first word in the comment name. final String lowerCamelSpace = commentName.replaceFirstMapped(RegExp(r'^[^ ]+'), (Match match) => match[0]!.toLowerCase(), ); final String result = lowerCamelSpace.replaceAll(' ', ''); if (kDartReservedWords.contains(result)) { return '${result}Key'; } return result; } static int compareByValue(LogicalKeyEntry a, LogicalKeyEntry b) => a.value.compareTo(b.value); }