// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart'; import 'browser.dart'; import 'run_command.dart'; import 'test/common.dart'; final String _bat = Platform.isWindows ? '.bat' : ''; final String _flutterRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.fromUri(Platform.script)))); final String _flutter = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'bin', 'flutter$_bat'); final String _testAppDirectory = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'web'); final String _appBuildDirectory = path.join(_testAppDirectory, 'build', 'web'); final String _target = path.join('lib', 'service_worker_test.dart'); final String _targetPath = path.join(_testAppDirectory, _target); // Run a web service worker test as a standalone Dart program. Future<void> main() async { await runWebServiceWorkerTest(headless: false); } Future<void> _setAppVersion(int version) async { final File targetFile = File(_targetPath); await targetFile.writeAsString( (await targetFile.readAsString()).replaceFirst( RegExp(r'CLOSE\?version=\d+'), 'CLOSE?version=$version', ) ); } Future<void> _rebuildApp({ @required int version }) async { await _setAppVersion(version); await runCommand( _flutter, <String>[ 'clean' ], workingDirectory: _testAppDirectory, ); await runCommand( _flutter, <String>['build', 'web', '--profile', '-t', _target], workingDirectory: _testAppDirectory, environment: <String, String>{ 'FLUTTER_WEB': 'true', }, ); } Future<void> runWebServiceWorkerTest({ @required bool headless, }) async { test('flutter_service_worker.js', () async { await _rebuildApp(version: 1); final Map<String, int> requestedPathCounts = <String, int>{}; void expectRequestCounts(Map<String, int> expectedCounts) { expect(requestedPathCounts, expectedCounts); requestedPathCounts.clear(); } AppServer server; Future<void> waitForAppToLoad(Map<String, int> waitForCounts) async { print('Waiting for app to load $waitForCounts'); await Future.any(<Future<void>>[ () async { while (!waitForCounts.entries.every((MapEntry<String, int> entry) => (requestedPathCounts[entry.key] ?? 0) >= entry.value)) { await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); } }(), server.onChromeError.then((String error) { throw Exception('Chrome error: $error'); }), ]); } String reportedVersion; Future<void> startAppServer({ @required String cacheControl, }) async { server = await AppServer.start( headless: headless, cacheControl: cacheControl, appUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/index.html', appDirectory: _appBuildDirectory, additionalRequestHandlers: <Handler>[ (Request request) { final String requestedPath = request.url.path; requestedPathCounts.putIfAbsent(requestedPath, () => 0); requestedPathCounts[requestedPath] += 1; if (requestedPath == 'CLOSE') { reportedVersion = request.url.queryParameters['version']; return Response.ok('OK'); } return Response.notFound(''); }, ], ); } try { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Caching server ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// print('With cache: test first page load'); await startAppServer(cacheControl: 'max-age=3600'); await waitForAppToLoad(<String, int>{ 'CLOSE': 1, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, }); expectRequestCounts(<String, int>{ '': 1, // Even though the server is caching index.html is downloaded twice, // once by the initial page load, and once by the service worker. // Other resources are loaded once only by the service worker. 'index.html': 2, 'main.dart.js': 1, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, 'assets/FontManifest.json': 1, 'assets/NOTICES': 1, 'assets/AssetManifest.json': 1, 'CLOSE': 1, // In headless mode Chrome does not load 'manifest.json' and 'favicon.ico'. if (!headless) ...<String, int>{ 'manifest.json': 1, 'favicon.ico': 1, } }); expect(reportedVersion, '1'); reportedVersion = null; print('With cache: test page reload'); await server.chrome.reloadPage(); await waitForAppToLoad(<String, int>{ 'CLOSE': 1, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, }); expectRequestCounts(<String, int>{ 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, 'CLOSE': 1, }); expect(reportedVersion, '1'); reportedVersion = null; print('With cache: test page reload after rebuild'); await _rebuildApp(version: 2); // Since we're caching, we need to ignore cache when reloading the page. await server.chrome.reloadPage(ignoreCache: true); await waitForAppToLoad(<String, int>{ 'CLOSE': 1, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 2, }); expectRequestCounts(<String, int>{ 'index.html': 2, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 2, '': 1, 'main.dart.js': 1, 'assets/NOTICES': 1, 'assets/AssetManifest.json': 1, 'assets/FontManifest.json': 1, 'CLOSE': 1, if (!headless) 'favicon.ico': 1, }); expect(reportedVersion, '2'); reportedVersion = null; await server.stop(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Non-caching server ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// print('No cache: test first page load'); await _rebuildApp(version: 3); await startAppServer(cacheControl: 'max-age=0'); await waitForAppToLoad(<String, int>{ 'CLOSE': 1, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, }); expectRequestCounts(<String, int>{ '': 1, 'index.html': 2, // We still download some resources multiple times if the server is non-caching. 'main.dart.js': 2, 'assets/FontManifest.json': 2, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, 'assets/NOTICES': 1, 'assets/AssetManifest.json': 1, 'CLOSE': 1, // In headless mode Chrome does not load 'manifest.json' and 'favicon.ico'. if (!headless) ...<String, int>{ 'manifest.json': 1, 'favicon.ico': 1, } }); expect(reportedVersion, '3'); reportedVersion = null; print('No cache: test page reload'); await server.chrome.reloadPage(); await waitForAppToLoad(<String, int>{ 'CLOSE': 1, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, }); expectRequestCounts(<String, int>{ 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, 'CLOSE': 1, if (!headless) 'manifest.json': 1, }); expect(reportedVersion, '3'); reportedVersion = null; print('No cache: test page reload after rebuild'); await _rebuildApp(version: 4); // TODO(yjbanov): when running Chrome with DevTools protocol, for some // reason a hard refresh is still required. This works without a hard // refresh when running Chrome manually as normal. At the time of writing // this test I wasn't able to figure out what's wrong with the way we run // Chrome from tests. await server.chrome.reloadPage(ignoreCache: true); await waitForAppToLoad(<String, int>{ 'CLOSE': 1, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 1, }); expectRequestCounts(<String, int>{ '': 1, 'index.html': 2, 'flutter_service_worker.js': 2, 'main.dart.js': 2, 'assets/NOTICES': 1, 'assets/AssetManifest.json': 1, 'assets/FontManifest.json': 2, 'CLOSE': 1, if (!headless) ...<String, int>{ 'manifest.json': 1, 'favicon.ico': 1, } }); expect(reportedVersion, '4'); reportedVersion = null; } finally { await _setAppVersion(1); await server?.stop(); } // This is a long test. The default 30 seconds is not enough. }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 10))); }