// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'material.dart'; import 'theme.dart'; const double _kMinFlingVelocity = 1.0; // screen width per second // Used for Android and Fuchsia. class _MountainViewPageTransition extends AnimatedWidget { _MountainViewPageTransition({ Key key, this.routeAnimation, this.child, }) : super( key: key, listenable: _kTween.animate(new CurvedAnimation( parent: routeAnimation, // The route's linear 0.0 - 1.0 animation. curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn ) )); static final FractionalOffsetTween _kTween = new FractionalOffsetTween( begin: const FractionalOffset(0.0, 0.25), end: FractionalOffset.topLeft ); final Widget child; final Animation<double> routeAnimation; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // TODO(ianh): tell the transform to be un-transformed for hit testing return new SlideTransition( position: listenable, child: new FadeTransition( opacity: new CurvedAnimation( parent: routeAnimation, curve: Curves.easeIn, // Eyeballed from other Material apps. ), child: child, ), ); } } // Used for iOS. class _CupertinoPageTransition extends AnimatedWidget { static final FractionalOffsetTween _kTween = new FractionalOffsetTween( begin: FractionalOffset.topRight, end: -FractionalOffset.topRight ); _CupertinoPageTransition({ Key key, Animation<double> animation, this.child }) : super( key: key, listenable: _kTween.animate(new CurvedAnimation( parent: animation, curve: new _CupertinoTransitionCurve(null) ) )); final Widget child; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // TODO(ianh): tell the transform to be un-transformed for hit testing // but not while being controlled by a gesture. return new SlideTransition( position: listenable, child: new Material( elevation: 6, child: child ) ); } } // Custom curve for iOS page transitions. class _CupertinoTransitionCurve extends Curve { _CupertinoTransitionCurve(this.curve); Curve curve; @override double transform(double t) { // The input [t] is the average of the current and next route's animation. // This means t=0.5 represents when the route is fully onscreen. At // t > 0.5, it is partially offscreen to the left (which happens when there // is another route on top). At t < 0.5, the route is to the right. // We divide the range into two halves, each with a different transition, // and scale each half to the range [0.0, 1.0] before applying curves so that // each half goes through the full range of the curve. if (t > 0.5) { // Route is to the left of center. t = (t - 0.5) * 2.0; if (curve != null) t = curve.transform(t); t = t / 3.0; t = t / 2.0 + 0.5; } else { // Route is to the right of center. if (curve != null) t = curve.transform(t * 2.0) / 2.0; } return t; } } // This class responds to drag gestures to control the route's transition // animation progress. Used for iOS back gesture. class _CupertinoBackGestureController extends NavigationGestureController { _CupertinoBackGestureController({ @required NavigatorState navigator, @required this.controller, @required this.onDisposed, }) : super(navigator) { assert(controller != null); assert(onDisposed != null); } AnimationController controller; final VoidCallback onDisposed; @override void dispose() { controller.removeStatusListener(handleStatusChanged); controller = null; onDisposed(); super.dispose(); } @override void dragUpdate(double delta) { // This assert can be triggered the Scaffold is reparented out of the route // associated with this gesture controller and continues to feed it events. // TODO(abarth): Change the ownership of the gesture controller so that the // object feeding it these events (e.g., the Scaffold) is responsible for // calling dispose on it as well. assert(controller != null); controller.value -= delta; } @override bool dragEnd(double velocity) { // This assert can be triggered the Scaffold is reparented out of the route // associated with this gesture controller and continues to feed it events. // TODO(abarth): Change the ownership of the gesture controller so that the // object feeding it these events (e.g., the Scaffold) is responsible for // calling dispose on it as well. assert(controller != null); if (velocity.abs() >= _kMinFlingVelocity) { controller.fling(velocity: -velocity); } else if (controller.value <= 0.5) { controller.fling(velocity: -1.0); } else { controller.fling(velocity: 1.0); } // Don't end the gesture until the transition completes. final AnimationStatus status = controller.status; handleStatusChanged(status); controller?.addStatusListener(handleStatusChanged); return (status == AnimationStatus.reverse || status == AnimationStatus.dismissed); } void handleStatusChanged(AnimationStatus status) { if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) { navigator.pop(); assert(controller == null); } else if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) { dispose(); assert(controller == null); } } } /// A modal route that replaces the entire screen with a material design transition. /// /// The entrance transition for the page slides the page upwards and fades it /// in. The exit transition is the same, but in reverse. /// /// By default, when a modal route is replaced by another, the previous route /// remains in memory. To free all the resources when this is not necessary, set /// [maintainState] to false. class MaterialPageRoute<T> extends PageRoute<T> { /// Creates a page route for use in a material design app. MaterialPageRoute({ @required this.builder, RouteSettings settings: const RouteSettings(), this.maintainState: true, }) : super(settings: settings) { assert(builder != null); assert(opaque); } /// Builds the primary contents of the route. final WidgetBuilder builder; @override final bool maintainState; @override Duration get transitionDuration => const Duration(milliseconds: 300); @override Color get barrierColor => null; @override bool canTransitionFrom(TransitionRoute<dynamic> nextRoute) { return nextRoute is MaterialPageRoute<dynamic>; } @override void dispose() { _backGestureController?.dispose(); super.dispose(); } _CupertinoBackGestureController _backGestureController; /// Support for dismissing this route with a horizontal swipe is enabled /// for [TargetPlatform.iOS]. If attempts to dismiss this route might be /// vetoed because a [WillPopCallback] was defined for the route then the /// platform-specific back gesture is disabled. /// /// See also: /// /// * [hasScopedWillPopCallback], which is true if a `willPop` callback /// is defined for this route. @override NavigationGestureController startPopGesture() { // If attempts to dismiss this route might be vetoed, then do not // allow the user to dismiss the route with a swipe. if (hasScopedWillPopCallback) return null; if (controller.status != AnimationStatus.completed) return null; assert(_backGestureController == null); _backGestureController = new _CupertinoBackGestureController( navigator: navigator, controller: controller, onDisposed: () { _backGestureController = null; } ); return _backGestureController; } @override Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> forwardAnimation) { final Widget result = builder(context); assert(() { if (result == null) { throw new FlutterError( 'The builder for route "${settings.name}" returned null.\n' 'Route builders must never return null.' ); } return true; }); return result; } @override Widget buildTransitions(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> forwardAnimation, Widget child) { if (Theme.of(context).platform == TargetPlatform.iOS && Navigator.of(context).userGestureInProgress) { return new _CupertinoPageTransition( animation: new AnimationMean(left: animation, right: forwardAnimation), child: child ); } else { return new _MountainViewPageTransition( routeAnimation: animation, child: child ); } } @override String get debugLabel => '${super.debugLabel}(${settings.name})'; }