// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import 'io.dart'; import 'terminal.dart' show Terminal, TerminalColor, OutputPreferences; import 'utils.dart'; const int kDefaultStatusPadding = 59; /// A factory for generating [Stopwatch] instances for [Status] instances. class StopwatchFactory { /// const constructor so that subclasses may be const. const StopwatchFactory(); /// Create a new [Stopwatch] instance. Stopwatch createStopwatch() => Stopwatch(); } typedef VoidCallback = void Function(); abstract class Logger { bool get isVerbose => false; bool quiet = false; bool get supportsColor; bool get hasTerminal; Terminal get terminal; OutputPreferences get _outputPreferences; /// Display an error `message` to the user. Commands should use this if they /// fail in some way. /// /// The `message` argument is printed to the stderr in red by default. /// /// The `stackTrace` argument is the stack trace that will be printed if /// supplied. /// /// The `emphasis` argument will cause the output message be printed in bold text. /// /// The `color` argument will print the message in the supplied color instead /// of the default of red. Colors will not be printed if the output terminal /// doesn't support them. /// /// The `indent` argument specifies the number of spaces to indent the overall /// message. If wrapping is enabled in [outputPreferences], then the wrapped /// lines will be indented as well. /// /// If `hangingIndent` is specified, then any wrapped lines will be indented /// by this much more than the first line, if wrapping is enabled in /// [outputPreferences]. /// /// If `wrap` is specified, then it overrides the /// `outputPreferences.wrapText` setting. void printError( String message, { StackTrace? stackTrace, bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }); /// Display normal output of the command. This should be used for things like /// progress messages, success messages, or just normal command output. /// /// The `message` argument is printed to the stderr in red by default. /// /// The `stackTrace` argument is the stack trace that will be printed if /// supplied. /// /// If the `emphasis` argument is true, it will cause the output message be /// printed in bold text. Defaults to false. /// /// The `color` argument will print the message in the supplied color instead /// of the default of red. Colors will not be printed if the output terminal /// doesn't support them. /// /// If `newline` is true, then a newline will be added after printing the /// status. Defaults to true. /// /// The `indent` argument specifies the number of spaces to indent the overall /// message. If wrapping is enabled in [outputPreferences], then the wrapped /// lines will be indented as well. /// /// If `hangingIndent` is specified, then any wrapped lines will be indented /// by this much more than the first line, if wrapping is enabled in /// [outputPreferences]. /// /// If `wrap` is specified, then it overrides the /// `outputPreferences.wrapText` setting. void printStatus( String message, { bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, bool? newline, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }); /// Use this for verbose tracing output. Users can turn this output on in order /// to help diagnose issues with the toolchain or with their setup. void printTrace(String message); /// Start an indeterminate progress display. /// /// The `message` argument is the message to display to the user. /// /// The `progressId` argument provides an ID that can be used to identify /// this type of progress (e.g. `hot.reload`, `hot.restart`). /// /// The `progressIndicatorPadding` can optionally be used to specify spacing /// between the `message` and the progress indicator, if any. Status startProgress( String message, { String? progressId, bool multilineOutput = false, int progressIndicatorPadding = kDefaultStatusPadding, }); /// A [SilentStatus] or an [AnsiSpinner] (depending on whether the /// terminal is fancy enough), already started. Status startSpinner({ VoidCallback? onFinish }); /// Send an event to be emitted. /// /// Only surfaces a value in machine modes, Loggers may ignore this message in /// non-machine modes. void sendEvent(String name, [Map<String, dynamic>? args]) { } /// Clears all output. void clear(); } /// A [Logger] that forwards all methods to another one. /// /// Classes can derive from this to add functionality to an existing [Logger]. class DelegatingLogger implements Logger { @visibleForTesting @protected DelegatingLogger(this._delegate); final Logger _delegate; @override bool get quiet => _delegate.quiet; @override set quiet(bool value) => _delegate.quiet = value; @override bool get hasTerminal => _delegate.hasTerminal; @override Terminal get terminal => _delegate.terminal; @override OutputPreferences get _outputPreferences => _delegate._outputPreferences; @override bool get isVerbose => _delegate.isVerbose; @override void printError(String message, { StackTrace? stackTrace, bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { _delegate.printError( message, stackTrace: stackTrace, emphasis: emphasis, color: color, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, wrap: wrap, ); } @override void printStatus(String message, { bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, bool? newline, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { _delegate.printStatus(message, emphasis: emphasis, color: color, newline: newline, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, wrap: wrap, ); } @override void printTrace(String message) { _delegate.printTrace(message); } @override void sendEvent(String name, [Map<String, dynamic>? args]) { _delegate.sendEvent(name, args); } @override Status startProgress(String message, { String? progressId, bool multilineOutput = false, int progressIndicatorPadding = kDefaultStatusPadding, }) { return _delegate.startProgress(message, progressId: progressId, multilineOutput: multilineOutput, progressIndicatorPadding: progressIndicatorPadding, ); } @override Status startSpinner({VoidCallback? onFinish}) { return _delegate.startSpinner(onFinish: onFinish); } @override bool get supportsColor => _delegate.supportsColor; @override void clear() => _delegate.clear(); } /// If [logger] is a [DelegatingLogger], walks the delegate chain and returns /// the first delegate with the matching type. /// /// Throws a [StateError] if no matching delegate is found. @override T asLogger<T extends Logger>(Logger logger) { final Logger original = logger; while (true) { if (logger is T) { return logger; } else if (logger is DelegatingLogger) { logger = logger._delegate; } else { throw StateError('$original has no ancestor delegate of type $T'); } } } class StdoutLogger extends Logger { StdoutLogger({ required this.terminal, required Stdio stdio, required OutputPreferences outputPreferences, StopwatchFactory stopwatchFactory = const StopwatchFactory(), }) : _stdio = stdio, _outputPreferences = outputPreferences, _stopwatchFactory = stopwatchFactory; @override final Terminal terminal; @override final OutputPreferences _outputPreferences; final Stdio _stdio; final StopwatchFactory _stopwatchFactory; Status? _status; @override bool get isVerbose => false; @override bool get supportsColor => terminal.supportsColor; @override bool get hasTerminal => _stdio.stdinHasTerminal; @override void printError( String message, { StackTrace? stackTrace, bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { _status?.pause(); message = wrapText(message, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, shouldWrap: wrap ?? _outputPreferences.wrapText, columnWidth: _outputPreferences.wrapColumn, ); if (emphasis == true) { message = terminal.bolden(message); } message = terminal.color(message, color ?? TerminalColor.red); writeToStdErr('$message\n'); if (stackTrace != null) { writeToStdErr('$stackTrace\n'); } _status?.resume(); } @override void printStatus( String message, { bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, bool? newline, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { _status?.pause(); message = wrapText(message, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, shouldWrap: wrap ?? _outputPreferences.wrapText, columnWidth: _outputPreferences.wrapColumn, ); if (emphasis == true) { message = terminal.bolden(message); } if (color != null) { message = terminal.color(message, color); } if (newline != false) { message = '$message\n'; } writeToStdOut(message); _status?.resume(); } @protected void writeToStdOut(String message) => _stdio.stdoutWrite(message); @protected void writeToStdErr(String message) => _stdio.stderrWrite(message); @override void printTrace(String message) { } @override Status startProgress( String message, { String? progressId, bool multilineOutput = false, int progressIndicatorPadding = kDefaultStatusPadding, }) { if (_status != null) { // Ignore nested progresses; return a no-op status object. return SilentStatus( onFinish: _clearStatus, stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), )..start(); } if (supportsColor) { _status = AnsiStatus( message: message, multilineOutput: multilineOutput, padding: progressIndicatorPadding, onFinish: _clearStatus, stdio: _stdio, stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), terminal: terminal, )..start(); } else { _status = SummaryStatus( message: message, padding: progressIndicatorPadding, onFinish: _clearStatus, stdio: _stdio, stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), )..start(); } return _status!; } @override Status startSpinner({ VoidCallback? onFinish }) { if (terminal.supportsColor) { return AnsiSpinner( onFinish: onFinish, stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), terminal: terminal, stdio: _stdio, )..start(); } return SilentStatus( onFinish: onFinish, stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), )..start(); } void _clearStatus() { _status = null; } @override void sendEvent(String name, [Map<String, dynamic>? args]) { } @override void clear() { _status?.pause(); writeToStdOut(terminal.clearScreen() + '\n'); _status?.resume(); } } /// A [StdoutLogger] which replaces Unicode characters that cannot be printed to /// the Windows console with alternative symbols. /// /// By default, Windows uses either "Consolas" or "Lucida Console" as fonts to /// render text in the console. Both fonts only have a limited character set. /// Unicode characters, that are not available in either of the two default /// fonts, should be replaced by this class with printable symbols. Otherwise, /// they will show up as the unrepresentable character symbol '�'. class WindowsStdoutLogger extends StdoutLogger { WindowsStdoutLogger({ required Terminal terminal, required Stdio stdio, required OutputPreferences outputPreferences, StopwatchFactory stopwatchFactory = const StopwatchFactory(), }) : super( terminal: terminal, stdio: stdio, outputPreferences: outputPreferences, stopwatchFactory: stopwatchFactory, ); @override void writeToStdOut(String message) { final String windowsMessage = terminal.supportsEmoji ? message : message.replaceAll('🔥', '') .replaceAll('🖼️', '') .replaceAll('✗', 'X') .replaceAll('✓', '√') .replaceAll('🔨', '') .replaceAll('💪', '') .replaceAll('✏️', ''); _stdio.stdoutWrite(windowsMessage); } } class BufferLogger extends Logger { BufferLogger({ required this.terminal, required OutputPreferences outputPreferences, StopwatchFactory stopwatchFactory = const StopwatchFactory(), }) : _outputPreferences = outputPreferences, _stopwatchFactory = stopwatchFactory; /// Create a [BufferLogger] with test preferences. BufferLogger.test({ Terminal? terminal, OutputPreferences? outputPreferences, }) : terminal = terminal ?? Terminal.test(), _outputPreferences = outputPreferences ?? OutputPreferences.test(), _stopwatchFactory = const StopwatchFactory(); @override final OutputPreferences _outputPreferences; @override final Terminal terminal; final StopwatchFactory _stopwatchFactory; @override bool get isVerbose => false; @override bool get supportsColor => terminal.supportsColor; final StringBuffer _error = StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer _status = StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer _trace = StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer _events = StringBuffer(); String get errorText => _error.toString(); String get statusText => _status.toString(); String get traceText => _trace.toString(); String get eventText => _events.toString(); @override bool get hasTerminal => false; @override void printError( String message, { StackTrace? stackTrace, bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { _error.writeln(terminal.color( wrapText(message, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, shouldWrap: wrap ?? _outputPreferences.wrapText, columnWidth: _outputPreferences.wrapColumn, ), color ?? TerminalColor.red, )); } @override void printStatus( String message, { bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, bool? newline, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { if (newline != false) { _status.writeln(wrapText(message, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, shouldWrap: wrap ?? _outputPreferences.wrapText, columnWidth: _outputPreferences.wrapColumn, )); } else { _status.write(wrapText(message, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, shouldWrap: wrap ?? _outputPreferences.wrapText, columnWidth: _outputPreferences.wrapColumn, )); } } @override void printTrace(String message) => _trace.writeln(message); @override Status startProgress( String message, { String? progressId, bool multilineOutput = false, int progressIndicatorPadding = kDefaultStatusPadding, }) { assert(progressIndicatorPadding != null); printStatus(message); return SilentStatus( stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), )..start(); } @override Status startSpinner({VoidCallback? onFinish}) { return SilentStatus( stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), onFinish: onFinish, )..start(); } @override void clear() { _error.clear(); _status.clear(); _trace.clear(); _events.clear(); } @override void sendEvent(String name, [Map<String, dynamic>? args]) { _events.write(json.encode(<String, Object?>{ 'name': name, 'args': args })); } } class VerboseLogger extends DelegatingLogger { VerboseLogger(Logger parent, { StopwatchFactory stopwatchFactory = const StopwatchFactory() }) : _stopwatch = stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), _stopwatchFactory = stopwatchFactory, super(parent) { _stopwatch.start(); } final Stopwatch _stopwatch; final StopwatchFactory _stopwatchFactory; @override bool get isVerbose => true; @override void printError( String message, { StackTrace? stackTrace, bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { _emit( _LogType.error, wrapText(message, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, shouldWrap: wrap ?? _outputPreferences.wrapText, columnWidth: _outputPreferences.wrapColumn, ), stackTrace, ); } @override void printStatus( String message, { bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, bool? newline, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { _emit(_LogType.status, wrapText(message, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, shouldWrap: wrap ?? _outputPreferences.wrapText, columnWidth: _outputPreferences.wrapColumn, )); } @override void printTrace(String message) { _emit(_LogType.trace, message); } @override Status startProgress( String message, { String? progressId, bool multilineOutput = false, int progressIndicatorPadding = kDefaultStatusPadding, }) { assert(progressIndicatorPadding != null); printStatus(message); final Stopwatch timer = _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch()..start(); return SilentStatus( // This is intentionally a different stopwatch than above. stopwatch: _stopwatchFactory.createStopwatch(), onFinish: () { String time; if (timer.elapsed.inSeconds > 2) { time = getElapsedAsSeconds(timer.elapsed); } else { time = getElapsedAsMilliseconds(timer.elapsed); } printTrace('$message (completed in $time)'); }, )..start(); } void _emit(_LogType type, String message, [ StackTrace? stackTrace ]) { if (message.trim().isEmpty) { return; } final int millis = _stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds; _stopwatch.reset(); String prefix; const int prefixWidth = 8; if (millis == 0) { prefix = ''.padLeft(prefixWidth); } else { prefix = '+$millis ms'.padLeft(prefixWidth); if (millis >= 100) { prefix = terminal.bolden(prefix); } } prefix = '[$prefix] '; final String indent = ''.padLeft(prefix.length); final String indentMessage = message.replaceAll('\n', '\n$indent'); if (type == _LogType.error) { super.printError(prefix + terminal.bolden(indentMessage)); if (stackTrace != null) { super.printError(indent + stackTrace.toString().replaceAll('\n', '\n$indent')); } } else if (type == _LogType.status) { super.printStatus(prefix + terminal.bolden(indentMessage)); } else { super.printStatus(prefix + indentMessage); } } @override void sendEvent(String name, [Map<String, dynamic>? args]) { } } class PrefixedErrorLogger extends DelegatingLogger { PrefixedErrorLogger(Logger parent) : super(parent); @override void printError( String message, { StackTrace? stackTrace, bool? emphasis, TerminalColor? color, int? indent, int? hangingIndent, bool? wrap, }) { if (message.trim().isNotEmpty == true) { message = 'ERROR: $message'; } super.printError( message, stackTrace: stackTrace, emphasis: emphasis, color: color, indent: indent, hangingIndent: hangingIndent, wrap: wrap, ); } } enum _LogType { error, status, trace } typedef SlowWarningCallback = String Function(); /// A [Status] class begins when start is called, and may produce progress /// information asynchronously. /// /// The [SilentStatus] class never has any output. /// /// The [AnsiSpinner] subclass shows a spinner, and replaces it with a single /// space character when stopped or canceled. /// /// The [AnsiStatus] subclass shows a spinner, and replaces it with timing /// information when stopped. When canceled, the information isn't shown. In /// either case, a newline is printed. /// /// The [SummaryStatus] subclass shows only a static message (without an /// indicator), then updates it when the operation ends. /// /// Generally, consider `logger.startProgress` instead of directly creating /// a [Status] or one of its subclasses. abstract class Status { Status({ this.onFinish, required Stopwatch stopwatch, }) : _stopwatch = stopwatch; final VoidCallback? onFinish; @protected final Stopwatch _stopwatch; @protected String get elapsedTime { if (_stopwatch.elapsed.inSeconds > 2) { return getElapsedAsSeconds(_stopwatch.elapsed); } return getElapsedAsMilliseconds(_stopwatch.elapsed); } /// Call to start spinning. void start() { assert(!_stopwatch.isRunning); _stopwatch.start(); } /// Call to stop spinning after success. void stop() { finish(); } /// Call to cancel the spinner after failure or cancellation. void cancel() { finish(); } /// Call to clear the current line but not end the progress. void pause() { } /// Call to resume after a pause. void resume() { } @protected void finish() { assert(_stopwatch.isRunning); _stopwatch.stop(); onFinish?.call(); } } /// A [SilentStatus] shows nothing. class SilentStatus extends Status { SilentStatus({ required Stopwatch stopwatch, VoidCallback? onFinish, }) : super( onFinish: onFinish, stopwatch: stopwatch, ); @override void finish() { onFinish?.call(); } } /// Constructor writes [message] to [stdout]. On [cancel] or [stop], will call /// [onFinish]. On [stop], will additionally print out summary information. class SummaryStatus extends Status { SummaryStatus({ this.message = '', required Stopwatch stopwatch, this.padding = kDefaultStatusPadding, VoidCallback? onFinish, required Stdio stdio, }) : _stdio = stdio, super( onFinish: onFinish, stopwatch: stopwatch, ); final String message; final int padding; final Stdio _stdio; bool _messageShowingOnCurrentLine = false; @override void start() { _printMessage(); super.start(); } void _writeToStdOut(String message) => _stdio.stdoutWrite(message); void _printMessage() { assert(!_messageShowingOnCurrentLine); _writeToStdOut('${message.padRight(padding)} '); _messageShowingOnCurrentLine = true; } @override void stop() { if (!_messageShowingOnCurrentLine) { _printMessage(); } super.stop(); writeSummaryInformation(); _writeToStdOut('\n'); } @override void cancel() { super.cancel(); if (_messageShowingOnCurrentLine) { _writeToStdOut('\n'); } } /// Prints a (minimum) 8 character padded time. void writeSummaryInformation() { assert(_messageShowingOnCurrentLine); _writeToStdOut(elapsedTime.padLeft(_kTimePadding)); } @override void pause() { super.pause(); _writeToStdOut('\n'); _messageShowingOnCurrentLine = false; } } /// An [AnsiSpinner] is a simple animation that does nothing but implement a /// terminal spinner. When stopped or canceled, the animation erases itself. class AnsiSpinner extends Status { AnsiSpinner({ required Stopwatch stopwatch, required Terminal terminal, VoidCallback? onFinish, required Stdio stdio, }) : _stdio = stdio, _terminal = terminal, super( onFinish: onFinish, stopwatch: stopwatch, ); final String _backspaceChar = '\b'; final String _clearChar = ' '; final Stdio _stdio; final Terminal _terminal; bool timedOut = false; int ticks = 0; Timer? timer; // Windows console font has a limited set of Unicode characters. List<String> get _animation => !_terminal.supportsEmoji ? const <String>[r'-', r'\', r'|', r'/'] : const <String>['⣾', '⣽', '⣻', '⢿', '⡿', '⣟', '⣯', '⣷']; String get _currentAnimationFrame => _animation[ticks % _animation.length]; int get _currentLength => _currentAnimationFrame.length; String get _backspace => _backspaceChar * (spinnerIndent + _currentLength); String get _clear => _clearChar * (spinnerIndent + _currentLength); @protected int get spinnerIndent => 0; @override void start() { super.start(); assert(timer == null); _startSpinner(); } void _writeToStdOut(String message) => _stdio.stdoutWrite(message); void _startSpinner() { _writeToStdOut(_clear); // for _callback to backspace over timer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), _callback); _callback(timer!); } void _callback(Timer timer) { assert(this.timer == timer); assert(timer != null); assert(timer.isActive); _writeToStdOut(_backspace); ticks += 1; _writeToStdOut('${_clearChar * spinnerIndent}$_currentAnimationFrame'); } @override void finish() { assert(timer != null); assert(timer!.isActive); timer?.cancel(); timer = null; _clearSpinner(); super.finish(); } void _clearSpinner() { _writeToStdOut('$_backspace$_clear$_backspace'); } @override void pause() { assert(timer != null); assert(timer!.isActive); _clearSpinner(); timer?.cancel(); } @override void resume() { assert(timer != null); assert(!timer!.isActive); _startSpinner(); } } const int _kTimePadding = 8; // should fit "99,999ms" /// Constructor writes [message] to [stdout] with padding, then starts an /// indeterminate progress indicator animation (it's a subclass of /// [AnsiSpinner]). /// /// On [cancel] or [stop], will call [onFinish]. On [stop], will /// additionally print out summary information. class AnsiStatus extends AnsiSpinner { AnsiStatus({ this.message = '', this.multilineOutput = false, this.padding = kDefaultStatusPadding, required Stopwatch stopwatch, required Terminal terminal, VoidCallback? onFinish, required Stdio stdio, }) : assert(message != null), assert(multilineOutput != null), assert(padding != null), super( onFinish: onFinish, stdio: stdio, stopwatch: stopwatch, terminal: terminal, ); final String message; final bool multilineOutput; final int padding; static const String _margin = ' '; @override int get spinnerIndent => _kTimePadding - 1; int _totalMessageLength = 0; @override void start() { _startStatus(); super.start(); } void _startStatus() { final String line = '${message.padRight(padding)}$_margin'; _totalMessageLength = line.length; _writeToStdOut(line); } @override void stop() { super.stop(); writeSummaryInformation(); _writeToStdOut('\n'); } @override void cancel() { super.cancel(); _writeToStdOut('\n'); } /// Print summary information when a task is done. /// /// If [multilineOutput] is false, replaces the spinner with the summary message. /// /// If [multilineOutput] is true, then it prints the message again on a new /// line before writing the elapsed time. void writeSummaryInformation() { if (multilineOutput) { _writeToStdOut('\n${'$message Done'.padRight(padding)}$_margin'); } _writeToStdOut(elapsedTime.padLeft(_kTimePadding)); } void _clearStatus() { _writeToStdOut( '${_backspaceChar * _totalMessageLength}' '${_clearChar * _totalMessageLength}' '${_backspaceChar * _totalMessageLength}', ); } @override void pause() { super.pause(); _clearStatus(); } @override void resume() { _startStatus(); super.resume(); } }