@ECHO off REM Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be REM found in the LICENSE file. REM ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- REM REM Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the REM `shared.sh` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter & Dart continue to REM work across all platforms! REM REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETLOCAL SET flutter_tools_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\packages\flutter_tools SET cache_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache SET snapshot_path=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.snapshot SET snapshot_path_old=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.snapshot.old SET stamp_path=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.stamp SET script_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\bin\flutter_tools.dart SET dart_sdk_path=%cache_dir%\dart-sdk SET engine_stamp=%cache_dir%\engine-dart-sdk.stamp SET engine_version_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\internal\engine.version SET dart=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\dart.exe REM Ensure that bin/cache exists. IF NOT EXIST "%cache_dir%" MKDIR "%cache_dir%" REM If the cache still doesn't exist, fail with an error that we probably don't have permissions. IF NOT EXIST "%cache_dir%" ( ECHO Error: Unable to create cache directory at 1>&2 ECHO %cache_dir% 1>&2 ECHO. 1>&2 ECHO This may be because flutter doesn't have write permissions for 1>&2 ECHO this path. Try moving the flutter directory to a writable location, 1>&2 ECHO such as within your home directory. 1>&2 EXIT 1 ) :acquire_lock 2>NUL ( REM "3" is now stderr because of "2>NUL". CALL :subroutine %* 2>&3 9> "%cache_dir%\flutter.bat.lock" || GOTO acquire_lock ) GOTO :after_subroutine :subroutine REM If present, run the bootstrap script first SET bootstrap_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\internal\bootstrap.bat IF EXIST "%bootstrap_path%" ( CALL "%bootstrap_path%" ) REM Check that git exists and get the revision SET git_exists=false 2>NUL ( PUSHD "%flutter_root%" FOR /f %%r IN ('git rev-parse HEAD') DO ( SET git_exists=true SET revision=%%r ) POPD ) REM If git didn't execute we don't have git. Exit without /B to avoid retrying. if %git_exists% == false echo Error: Unable to find git in your PATH. && EXIT 1 SET compilekey="%revision%:%FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS%" REM Invalidate cache if: REM * SNAPSHOT_PATH is not a file, or REM * STAMP_PATH is not a file, or REM * STAMP_PATH is an empty file, or REM * Contents of STAMP_PATH is not what we are going to compile, or REM * pubspec.yaml last modified after pubspec.lock REM The following IF conditions are all linked with a logical OR. However, REM there is no OR operator in batch and a GOTO construct is used as replacement. IF NOT EXIST "%engine_stamp%" GOTO do_sdk_update_and_snapshot SET /P dart_required_version=<"%engine_version_path%" SET /P dart_installed_version=<"%engine_stamp%" IF %dart_required_version% NEQ %dart_installed_version% GOTO do_sdk_update_and_snapshot IF NOT EXIST "%snapshot_path%" GOTO do_snapshot IF NOT EXIST "%stamp_path%" GOTO do_snapshot SET /P stamp_value=<"%stamp_path%" IF %stamp_value% NEQ %compilekey% GOTO do_snapshot SET pubspec_yaml_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.yaml SET pubspec_lock_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.lock FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR /B /O:D "%pubspec_yaml_path%" "%pubspec_lock_path%"') DO SET newer_file=%%i FOR %%i IN (%pubspec_yaml_path%) DO SET pubspec_yaml_timestamp=%%~ti FOR %%i IN (%pubspec_lock_path%) DO SET pubspec_lock_timestamp=%%~ti IF "%pubspec_yaml_timestamp%" == "%pubspec_lock_timestamp%" SET newer_file="" IF "%newer_file%" EQU "pubspec.yaml" GOTO do_snapshot REM Everything is up-to-date - exit subroutine EXIT /B :do_sdk_update_and_snapshot REM Detect which PowerShell executable is available on the Host REM PowerShell version <= 5: PowerShell.exe REM PowerShell version >= 6: pwsh.exe WHERE /Q pwsh.exe && ( SET powershell_executable=pwsh.exe ) || WHERE /Q PowerShell.exe && ( SET powershell_executable=PowerShell.exe ) || ( ECHO Error: PowerShell executable not found. 1>&2 ECHO Either pwsh.exe or PowerShell.exe must be in your PATH. 1>&2 EXIT 1 ) ECHO Checking Dart SDK version... 1>&2 SET update_dart_bin=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\internal\update_dart_sdk.ps1 REM Escape apostrophes from the executable path SET "update_dart_bin=%update_dart_bin:'=''%" REM PowerShell command must have exit code set in order to prevent all non-zero exit codes from being translated REM into 1. The exit code 2 is used to detect the case where the major version is incorrect and there should be REM no subsequent retries. ECHO Downloading Dart SDK from Flutter engine %dart_required_version%... 1>&2 %powershell_executable% -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -Command "Unblock-File -Path '%update_dart_bin%'; & '%update_dart_bin%'; exit $LASTEXITCODE;" IF "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "2" ( EXIT 1 ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( ECHO Error: Unable to update Dart SDK. Retrying... 1>&2 timeout /t 5 /nobreak GOTO :do_sdk_update_and_snapshot ) :do_snapshot IF EXIST "%FLUTTER_ROOT%\version" DEL "%FLUTTER_ROOT%\version" ECHO: > "%cache_dir%\.dartignore" ECHO Building flutter tool... 1>&2 PUSHD "%flutter_tools_dir%" REM Makes changes to PUB_ENVIRONMENT only visible to commands within SETLOCAL/ENDLOCAL SETLOCAL IF "%CI%" == "true" GOTO on_bot IF "%BOT%" == "true" GOTO on_bot IF "%CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION%" == "true" GOTO on_bot IF "%CHROME_HEADLESS%" == "1" GOTO on_bot GOTO not_on_bot :on_bot SET PUB_ENVIRONMENT=%PUB_ENVIRONMENT%:flutter_bot :not_on_bot SET PUB_SUMMARY_ONLY=1 SET PUB_ENVIRONMENT=%PUB_ENVIRONMENT%:flutter_install IF "%PUB_CACHE%" == "" ( IF EXIST "%pub_cache_path%" SET PUB_CACHE=%pub_cache_path% ) SET /A total_tries=10 SET /A remaining_tries=%total_tries%-1 :retry_pub_upgrade ECHO Running pub upgrade... 1>&2 "%dart%" pub upgrade --suppress-analytics IF "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" goto :upgrade_succeeded ECHO Error (%ERRORLEVEL%): Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... (%remaining_tries% tries left) 1>&2 timeout /t 5 /nobreak 2>NUL SET /A remaining_tries-=1 IF "%remaining_tries%" EQU "0" GOTO upgrade_retries_exhausted GOTO :retry_pub_upgrade :upgrade_retries_exhausted SET exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL% ECHO Error: 'pub upgrade' still failing after %total_tries% tries. 1>&2 GOTO final_exit :upgrade_succeeded ENDLOCAL POPD REM Move the old snapshot - we can't just overwrite it as the VM might currently have it REM memory mapped (e.g. on flutter upgrade), and deleting it might not work if the file REM is in use. For downloading a new dart sdk the folder is moved, so we take the same REM approach of moving the file here. SET /A snapshot_path_suffix=1 :move_old_snapshot IF EXIST "%snapshot_path_old%%snapshot_path_suffix%" ( SET /A snapshot_path_suffix+=1 GOTO move_old_snapshot ) ELSE ( IF EXIST "%snapshot_path%" ( MOVE "%snapshot_path%" "%snapshot_path_old%%snapshot_path_suffix%" 2> NUL > NUL ) ) IF "%FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS%" == "" ( "%dart%" --verbosity=error --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --snapshot-kind="app-jit" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.dart_tool\package_config.json" --no-enable-mirrors "%script_path%" > NUL ) else ( "%dart%" "%FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS%" --verbosity=error --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --snapshot-kind="app-jit" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.dart_tool\package_config.json" "%script_path%" > NUL ) IF "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( ECHO Error: Unable to create dart snapshot for flutter tool. 1>&2 SET exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL% GOTO :final_exit ) >"%stamp_path%" ECHO %compilekey% REM Try to delete any old snapshots now. Swallow any errors though. DEL "%snapshot_path%.old*" 2> NUL > NUL REM Exit Subroutine EXIT /B :after_subroutine :final_exit EXIT /B %exit_code%