// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /// An example xcresult bundle json with invalid issues map. const String kSampleResultJsonInvalidIssuesMap = r''' { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionsInvocationRecord" }, "issues": [] } '''; /// An example xcresult bundle json that contains warnings and errors that needs to be discarded per https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/95354. const String kSampleResultJsonWithIssuesToBeDiscarded = r''' { "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" }, "errorSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "documentLocationInCreatingWorkspace" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "DocumentLocation" }, "concreteTypeName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "DVTTextDocumentLocation" }, "url" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "file:\/\/\/Users\/m\/Projects\/test_create\/ios\/Runner\/AppDelegate.m#CharacterRangeLen=0&CharacterRangeLoc=263&EndingColumnNumber=56&EndingLineNumber=7&LocationEncoding=1&StartingColumnNumber=56&StartingLineNumber=7" } }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Semantic Issue" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Use of undeclared identifier 'asdas'" } }, { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Uncategorized" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code" } } ] }, "warningSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Warning" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.0.99." } } ] } } } '''; /// An example xcresult bundle json that contains some warning and some errors. const String kSampleResultJsonWithIssues = r''' { "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" }, "errorSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "documentLocationInCreatingWorkspace" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "DocumentLocation" }, "concreteTypeName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "DVTTextDocumentLocation" }, "url" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "file:\/\/\/Users\/m\/Projects\/test_create\/ios\/Runner\/AppDelegate.m#CharacterRangeLen=0&CharacterRangeLoc=263&EndingColumnNumber=56&EndingLineNumber=7&LocationEncoding=1&StartingColumnNumber=56&StartingLineNumber=7" } }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Semantic Issue" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Use of undeclared identifier 'asdas'" } } ] }, "warningSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Warning" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.0.99." } } ] } } } '''; /// An example xcresult bundle json that contains some warning and some errors. const String kSampleResultJsonWithNoProvisioningProfileIssue = r''' { "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" }, "errorSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "documentLocationInCreatingWorkspace" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "DocumentLocation" }, "concreteTypeName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "DVTTextDocumentLocation" }, "url" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "file:\/\/\/Users\/m\/Projects\/test_create\/ios\/Runner\/AppDelegate.m#CharacterRangeLen=0&CharacterRangeLoc=263&EndingColumnNumber=56&EndingLineNumber=7&LocationEncoding=1&StartingColumnNumber=56&StartingLineNumber=7" } }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Error" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Runner requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor" } } ] }, "warningSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Warning" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.0.99." } } ] } } } '''; /// An example xcresult bundle json that contains some warning and some errors. const String kSampleResultJsonWithIssuesAndInvalidUrl = r''' { "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" }, "errorSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "documentLocationInCreatingWorkspace" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "DocumentLocation" }, "concreteTypeName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "DVTTextDocumentLocation" }, "url" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "3:00" } }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Semantic Issue" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Use of undeclared identifier 'asdas'" } } ] }, "warningSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Warning" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.0.99." } } ] } } } '''; /// An example xcresult bundle json that contains no issues. const String kSampleResultJsonNoIssues = r''' { "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" } } } '''; /// An example xcresult bundle json with some provision profile issue. const String kSampleResultJsonWithProvisionIssue = r''' { "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" }, "errorSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Semantic Issue" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Some Provisioning profile issue." } } ] } } } '''; /// An example xcresult bundle json that contains action issues. const String kSampleResultJsonWithActionIssues = r''' { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionsInvocationRecord" }, "actions" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionRecord" }, "actionResult" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionResult" }, "coverage" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "CodeCoverageInfo" } }, "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" }, "testFailureSummaries" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Array" }, "_values" : [ { "_type" : { "_name" : "TestFailureIssueSummary", "_supertype" : { "_name" : "IssueSummary" } }, "issueType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Uncategorized" }, "message" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier:\n\t\t{ id:1234D567-890C-1DA2-34E5-F6789A0123C4 }\n\n\tIneligible destinations for the \"Runner\" scheme:\n\t\t{ platform:iOS, id:dvtdevice-DVTiPhonePlaceholder-iphoneos:placeholder, name:Any iOS Device, error:iOS 17.0 is not installed. To use with Xcode, first download and install the platform }" } } ] } }, "logRef" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Reference" }, "id" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "0~5X-qvql8_ppq0bj9taBMeZd4L2lXQagy1twsFRWwc06r42obpBZfP87uKnGO98mp5CUz1Ppr1knHiTMH9tOuwQ==" }, "targetType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "TypeDefinition" }, "name" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "ActivityLogSection" } } }, "metrics" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultMetrics" } }, "resultName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "All Tests" }, "status" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "failedToStart" }, "testsRef" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Reference" }, "id" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "0~Dmuz8-g6YRb8HPVbTUXJD21oy3r5jxIGi-njd2Lc43yR5JlJf7D78HtNn2BsrF5iw1uYMnsuJ9xFDV7ZAmwhGg==" }, "targetType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "TypeDefinition" }, "name" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "ActionTestPlanRunSummaries" } } } }, "buildResult" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionResult" }, "coverage" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "CodeCoverageInfo" } }, "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" } }, "metrics" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultMetrics" } }, "resultName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Build Succeeded" }, "status" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "succeeded" } }, "endedTime" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Date" }, "_value" : "2023-07-10T12:52:22.592-0500" }, "runDestination" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionRunDestinationRecord" }, "localComputerRecord" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionDeviceRecord" }, "platformRecord" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionPlatformRecord" } } }, "targetDeviceRecord" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionDeviceRecord" }, "platformRecord" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionPlatformRecord" } } }, "targetSDKRecord" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ActionSDKRecord" } } }, "schemeCommandName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "Test" }, "schemeTaskName" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "BuildAndAction" }, "startedTime" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Date" }, "_value" : "2023-07-10T12:52:22.592-0500" }, "title" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "RunnerTests.xctest" } } ] }, "issues" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultIssueSummaries" } }, "metadataRef" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "Reference" }, "id" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "0~pY0GqmiVE6Q3qlWdLJDp_PnrsUKsJ7KKM1zKGnvEZOWGdBeGNArjjU62kgF2UBFdQLdRmf5SGpImQfJB6e7vDQ==" }, "targetType" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "TypeDefinition" }, "name" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "String" }, "_value" : "ActionsInvocationMetadata" } } }, "metrics" : { "_type" : { "_name" : "ResultMetrics" } } } ''';