// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/logger.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import 'gen_l10n_templates.dart'; import 'gen_l10n_types.dart'; import 'localizations_utils.dart'; /// The default path used when the `useSyntheticPackage` setting is set to true /// in [LocalizationsGenerator]. /// /// See [LocalizationsGenerator.initialize] for where and how it is used by the /// localizations tool. final String defaultSyntheticPackagePath = globals.fs.path.join('.dart_tool', 'flutter_gen', 'gen_l10n'); List generateMethodParameters(Message message) { assert(message.placeholders.isNotEmpty); final Placeholder countPlaceholder = message.isPlural ? message.getCountPlaceholder() : null; return message.placeholders.map((Placeholder placeholder) { final String type = placeholder == countPlaceholder ? 'int' : placeholder.type; return '$type ${placeholder.name}'; }).toList(); } String generateDateFormattingLogic(Message message) { if (message.placeholders.isEmpty || !message.placeholdersRequireFormatting) { return '@(none)'; } final Iterable formatStatements = message.placeholders .where((Placeholder placeholder) => placeholder.isDate) .map((Placeholder placeholder) { if (placeholder.format == null) { throw L10nException( 'The placeholder, ${placeholder.name}, has its "type" resource attribute set to ' 'the "${placeholder.type}" type. To properly resolve for the right ' '${placeholder.type} format, the "format" attribute needs to be set ' 'to determine which DateFormat to use. \n' 'Check the intl library\'s DateFormat class constructors for allowed ' 'date formats.' ); } if (!placeholder.hasValidDateFormat) { throw L10nException( 'Date format "${placeholder.format}" for placeholder ' '${placeholder.name} does not have a corresponding DateFormat ' 'constructor\n. Check the intl library\'s DateFormat class ' 'constructors for allowed date formats.' ); } return dateFormatTemplate .replaceAll('@(placeholder)', placeholder.name) .replaceAll('@(format)', placeholder.format); }); return formatStatements.isEmpty ? '@(none)' : formatStatements.join(''); } String generateNumberFormattingLogic(Message message) { if (message.placeholders.isEmpty || !message.placeholdersRequireFormatting) { return '@(none)'; } final Iterable formatStatements = message.placeholders .where((Placeholder placeholder) => placeholder.isNumber) .map((Placeholder placeholder) { if (!placeholder.hasValidNumberFormat) { throw L10nException( 'Number format ${placeholder.format} for the ${placeholder.name} ' 'placeholder does not have a corresponding NumberFormat constructor.\n' 'Check the intl library\'s NumberFormat class constructors for allowed ' 'number formats.' ); } final Iterable parameters = placeholder.optionalParameters.map((OptionalParameter parameter) { return '${parameter.name}: ${parameter.value}'; }, ); return numberFormatTemplate .replaceAll('@(placeholder)', placeholder.name) .replaceAll('@(format)', placeholder.format) .replaceAll('@(parameters)', parameters.join(', \n')); }); return formatStatements.isEmpty ? '@(none)' : formatStatements.join(''); } String generatePluralMethod(Message message, AppResourceBundle bundle) { if (message.placeholders.isEmpty) { throw L10nException( 'Unable to find placeholders for the plural message: ${message.resourceId}.\n' 'Check to see if the plural message is in the proper ICU syntax format ' 'and ensure that placeholders are properly specified.' ); } // To make it easier to parse the plurals message, temporarily replace each // "{placeholder}" parameter with "#placeholder#". String easyMessage = bundle.translationFor(message); for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders) { easyMessage = easyMessage.replaceAll('{${placeholder.name}}', '#${placeholder.name}#'); } final Placeholder countPlaceholder = message.getCountPlaceholder(); if (countPlaceholder == null) { throw L10nException( 'Unable to find the count placeholder for the plural message: ${message.resourceId}.\n' 'Check to see if the plural message is in the proper ICU syntax format ' 'and ensure that placeholders are properly specified.' ); } const Map pluralIds = { '=0': 'zero', '=1': 'one', '=2': 'two', 'few': 'few', 'many': 'many', 'other': 'other' }; final List pluralLogicArgs = []; for (final String pluralKey in pluralIds.keys) { final RegExp expRE = RegExp('($pluralKey)\\s*{([^}]+)}'); final RegExpMatch match = expRE.firstMatch(easyMessage); if (match != null && match.groupCount == 2) { String argValue = generateString(match.group(2)); for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders) { if (placeholder != countPlaceholder && placeholder.requiresFormatting) { argValue = argValue.replaceAll('#${placeholder.name}#', '\${${placeholder.name}String}'); } else { argValue = argValue.replaceAll('#${placeholder.name}#', '\${${placeholder.name}}'); } } pluralLogicArgs.add(' ${pluralIds[pluralKey]}: $argValue'); } } final List parameters = message.placeholders.map((Placeholder placeholder) { final String placeholderType = placeholder == countPlaceholder ? 'int' : placeholder.type; return '$placeholderType ${placeholder.name}'; }).toList(); final String comment = message.description ?? 'No description provided in @${message.resourceId}'; return pluralMethodTemplate .replaceAll('@(comment)', comment) .replaceAll('@(name)', message.resourceId) .replaceAll('@(parameters)', parameters.join(', ')) .replaceAll('@(dateFormatting)', generateDateFormattingLogic(message)) .replaceAll('@(numberFormatting)', generateNumberFormattingLogic(message)) .replaceAll('@(count)', countPlaceholder.name) .replaceAll('@(pluralLogicArgs)', pluralLogicArgs.join(',\n')) .replaceAll('@(none)\n', ''); } String generateMethod(Message message, AppResourceBundle bundle) { String generateMessage() { String messageValue = generateString(bundle.translationFor(message)); for (final Placeholder placeholder in message.placeholders) { if (placeholder.requiresFormatting) { messageValue = messageValue.replaceAll('{${placeholder.name}}', '\${${placeholder.name}String}'); } else { messageValue = messageValue.replaceAll('{${placeholder.name}}', '\${${placeholder.name}}'); } } return messageValue; } if (message.isPlural) { return generatePluralMethod(message, bundle); } if (message.placeholdersRequireFormatting) { return formatMethodTemplate .replaceAll('@(name)', message.resourceId) .replaceAll('@(parameters)', generateMethodParameters(message).join(', ')) .replaceAll('@(dateFormatting)', generateDateFormattingLogic(message)) .replaceAll('@(numberFormatting)', generateNumberFormattingLogic(message)) .replaceAll('@(message)', generateMessage()) .replaceAll('@(none)\n', ''); } if (message.placeholders.isNotEmpty) { return methodTemplate .replaceAll('@(name)', message.resourceId) .replaceAll('@(parameters)', generateMethodParameters(message).join(', ')) .replaceAll('@(message)', generateMessage()); } return getterTemplate .replaceAll('@(name)', message.resourceId) .replaceAll('@(message)', generateMessage()); } String generateBaseClassMethod(Message message) { final String comment = message.description ?? 'No description provided in @${message.resourceId}'; if (message.placeholders.isNotEmpty) { return baseClassMethodTemplate .replaceAll('@(comment)', comment) .replaceAll('@(name)', message.resourceId) .replaceAll('@(parameters)', generateMethodParameters(message).join(', ')); } return baseClassGetterTemplate .replaceAll('@(comment)', comment) .replaceAll('@(name)', message.resourceId); } String _generateLookupByAllCodes( AppResourceBundleCollection allBundles, String Function(LocaleInfo) generateSwitchClauseTemplate, ) { final Iterable localesWithAllCodes = allBundles.locales.where((LocaleInfo locale) { return locale.scriptCode != null && locale.countryCode != null; }); if (localesWithAllCodes.isEmpty) { return ''; } final Iterable switchClauses = localesWithAllCodes.map((LocaleInfo locale) { return generateSwitchClauseTemplate(locale) .replaceAll('@(case)', locale.toString()); }); return allCodesLookupTemplate.replaceAll( '@(allCodesSwitchClauses)', switchClauses.join('\n '), ); } String _generateLookupByScriptCode( AppResourceBundleCollection allBundles, String Function(LocaleInfo) generateSwitchClauseTemplate, ) { final Iterable switchClauses = allBundles.languages.map((String language) { final Iterable locales = allBundles.localesForLanguage(language); final Iterable localesWithScriptCodes = locales.where((LocaleInfo locale) { return locale.scriptCode != null && locale.countryCode == null; }); if (localesWithScriptCodes.isEmpty) { return null; } return nestedSwitchTemplate .replaceAll('@(languageCode)', language) .replaceAll('@(code)', 'scriptCode') .replaceAll('@(switchClauses)', localesWithScriptCodes.map((LocaleInfo locale) { return generateSwitchClauseTemplate(locale) .replaceAll('@(case)', locale.scriptCode); }).join('\n ')); }).where((String switchClause) => switchClause != null); if (switchClauses.isEmpty) { return ''; } return languageCodeSwitchTemplate .replaceAll('@(comment)', '// Lookup logic when language+script codes are specified.') .replaceAll('@(switchClauses)', switchClauses.join('\n '), ); } String _generateLookupByCountryCode( AppResourceBundleCollection allBundles, String Function(LocaleInfo) generateSwitchClauseTemplate, ) { final Iterable switchClauses = allBundles.languages.map((String language) { final Iterable locales = allBundles.localesForLanguage(language); final Iterable localesWithCountryCodes = locales.where((LocaleInfo locale) { return locale.countryCode != null && locale.scriptCode == null; }); if (localesWithCountryCodes.isEmpty) { return null; } return nestedSwitchTemplate .replaceAll('@(languageCode)', language) .replaceAll('@(code)', 'countryCode') .replaceAll('@(switchClauses)', localesWithCountryCodes.map((LocaleInfo locale) { return generateSwitchClauseTemplate(locale) .replaceAll('@(case)', locale.countryCode); }).join('\n ')); }).where((String switchClause) => switchClause != null); if (switchClauses.isEmpty) { return ''; } return languageCodeSwitchTemplate .replaceAll('@(comment)', '// Lookup logic when language+country codes are specified.') .replaceAll('@(switchClauses)', switchClauses.join('\n ')); } String _generateLookupByLanguageCode( AppResourceBundleCollection allBundles, String Function(LocaleInfo) generateSwitchClauseTemplate, ) { final Iterable switchClauses = allBundles.languages.map((String language) { final Iterable locales = allBundles.localesForLanguage(language); final Iterable localesWithLanguageCode = locales.where((LocaleInfo locale) { return locale.countryCode == null && locale.scriptCode == null; }); if (localesWithLanguageCode.isEmpty) { return null; } return localesWithLanguageCode.map((LocaleInfo locale) { return generateSwitchClauseTemplate(locale) .replaceAll('@(case)', locale.languageCode); }).join('\n '); }).where((String switchClause) => switchClause != null); if (switchClauses.isEmpty) { return ''; } return languageCodeSwitchTemplate .replaceAll('@(comment)', '// Lookup logic when only language code is specified.') .replaceAll('@(switchClauses)', switchClauses.join('\n ')); } String _generateLookupBody( AppResourceBundleCollection allBundles, String className, bool useDeferredLoading, String fileName, ) { final String Function(LocaleInfo) generateSwitchClauseTemplate = (LocaleInfo locale) { return (useDeferredLoading ? switchClauseDeferredLoadingTemplate : switchClauseTemplate) .replaceAll('@(localeClass)', '$className${locale.camelCase()}') .replaceAll('@(appClass)', className) .replaceAll('@(library)', '${fileName}_${locale.languageCode}'); }; return lookupBodyTemplate .replaceAll('@(lookupAllCodesSpecified)', _generateLookupByAllCodes( allBundles, generateSwitchClauseTemplate, )) .replaceAll('@(lookupScriptCodeSpecified)', _generateLookupByScriptCode( allBundles, generateSwitchClauseTemplate, )) .replaceAll('@(lookupCountryCodeSpecified)', _generateLookupByCountryCode( allBundles, generateSwitchClauseTemplate, )) .replaceAll('@(lookupLanguageCodeSpecified)', _generateLookupByLanguageCode( allBundles, generateSwitchClauseTemplate, )); } String _generateDelegateClass({ AppResourceBundleCollection allBundles, String className, Set supportedLanguageCodes, bool useDeferredLoading, String fileName, }) { final String lookupBody = _generateLookupBody( allBundles, className, useDeferredLoading, fileName, ); final String loadBody = ( useDeferredLoading ? loadBodyDeferredLoadingTemplate : loadBodyTemplate ) .replaceAll('@(class)', className) .replaceAll('@(lookupName)', '_lookup$className'); final String lookupFunction = (useDeferredLoading ? lookupFunctionDeferredLoadingTemplate : lookupFunctionTemplate) .replaceAll('@(class)', className) .replaceAll('@(lookupName)', '_lookup$className') .replaceAll('@(lookupBody)', lookupBody); return delegateClassTemplate .replaceAll('@(class)', className) .replaceAll('@(loadBody)', loadBody) .replaceAll('@(supportedLanguageCodes)', supportedLanguageCodes.join(', ')) .replaceAll('@(lookupFunction)', lookupFunction); } class LocalizationsGenerator { /// Creates an instance of the localizations generator class. /// /// It takes in a [FileSystem] representation that the class will act upon. LocalizationsGenerator(this._fs); final FileSystem _fs; Iterable _allMessages; AppResourceBundleCollection _allBundles; LocaleInfo _templateArbLocale; /// The directory that contains the project's arb files, as well as the /// header file, if specified. /// /// It is assumed that all input files (e.g. [templateArbFile], arb files /// for translated messages, header file templates) will reside here. /// /// This directory is specified with the [initialize] method. Directory inputDirectory; /// The Flutter project's root directory. /// /// This directory is specified with the [initialize] method. Directory projectDirectory; /// The directory to generate the project's localizations files in. /// /// It is assumed that all output files (e.g. The localizations /// [outputFile], `messages_.dart` and `messages_all.dart`) /// will reside here. /// /// This directory is specified with the [initialize] method. Directory outputDirectory; /// The input arb file which defines all of the messages that will be /// exported by the generated class that's written to [outputFile]. /// /// This file is specified with the [initialize] method. File templateArbFile; /// The file to write the generated abstract localizations and /// localizations delegate classes to. Separate localizations /// files will also be generated for each language using this /// filename as a prefix and the locale as the suffix. /// /// This file is specified with the [initialize] method. File baseOutputFile; /// The class name to be used for the localizations class in [outputFile]. /// /// For example, if 'AppLocalizations' is passed in, a class named /// AppLocalizations will be used for localized message lookups. /// /// The class name is specified with the [initialize] method. String get className => _className; String _className; /// The list of preferred supported locales. /// /// By default, the list of supported locales in the localizations class /// will be sorted in alphabetical order. However, this option /// allows for a set of preferred locales to appear at the top of the /// list. /// /// The order of locales in this list will also be the order of locale /// priority. For example, if a device supports 'en' and 'es' and /// ['es', 'en'] is passed in, the 'es' locale will take priority over 'en'. /// /// The list of preferred locales is specified with the [initialize] method. List get preferredSupportedLocales => _preferredSupportedLocales; List _preferredSupportedLocales; /// The list of all arb path strings in [inputDirectory]. List get arbPathStrings { return _allBundles.bundles.map((AppResourceBundle bundle) => bundle.file.path).toList(); } /// The supported language codes as found in the arb files located in /// [inputDirectory]. final Set supportedLanguageCodes = {}; /// The supported locales as found in the arb files located in /// [inputDirectory]. final Set supportedLocales = {}; /// The header to be prepended to the generated Dart localization file. String header = ''; final Map> _unimplementedMessages = >{}; /// Whether to generate the Dart localization file with locales imported as /// deferred, allowing for lazy loading of each locale in Flutter web. /// /// This can reduce a web app’s initial startup time by decreasing the size of /// the JavaScript bundle. When [_useDeferredLoading] is set to true, the /// messages for a particular locale are only downloaded and loaded by the /// Flutter app as they are needed. For projects with a lot of different /// locales and many localization strings, it can be an performance /// improvement to have deferred loading. For projects with a small number of /// locales, the difference is negligible, and might slow down the start up /// compared to bundling the localizations with the rest of the application. /// /// Note that this flag does not affect other platforms such as mobile or /// desktop. bool get useDeferredLoading => _useDeferredLoading; bool _useDeferredLoading; /// Contains a map of each output language file to its corresponding content in /// string format. final Map _languageFileMap = {}; /// Contains the generated application's localizations and localizations delegate /// classes. String _generatedLocalizationsFile; /// The file that contains the list of inputs and outputs for generating /// localizations. File _inputsAndOutputsListFile; List _inputFileList; List _outputFileList; /// Initializes [inputDirectory], [outputDirectory], [templateArbFile], /// [outputFile] and [className]. /// /// Throws an [L10nException] when a provided configuration is not allowed /// by [LocalizationsGenerator]. /// /// Throws a [FileSystemException] when a file operation necessary for setting /// up the [LocalizationsGenerator] cannot be completed. void initialize({ String inputPathString, String outputPathString, String templateArbFileName, String outputFileString, String classNameString, List preferredSupportedLocale, String headerString, String headerFile, bool useDeferredLoading = false, String inputsAndOutputsListPath, bool useSyntheticPackage = true, String projectPathString, }) { setProjectDir(projectPathString); setInputDirectory(inputPathString); setOutputDirectory( outputPathString: outputPathString ?? inputPathString, useSyntheticPackage: useSyntheticPackage, ); setTemplateArbFile(templateArbFileName); setBaseOutputFile(outputFileString); setPreferredSupportedLocales(preferredSupportedLocale); _setHeader(headerString, headerFile); _setUseDeferredLoading(useDeferredLoading); className = classNameString; _setInputsAndOutputsListFile(inputsAndOutputsListPath); } static bool _isNotReadable(FileStat fileStat) { final String rawStatString = fileStat.modeString(); // Removes potential prepended permission bits, such as '(suid)' and '(guid)'. final String statString = rawStatString.substring(rawStatString.length - 9); return !(statString[0] == 'r' || statString[3] == 'r' || statString[6] == 'r'); } static bool _isNotWritable(FileStat fileStat) { final String rawStatString = fileStat.modeString(); // Removes potential prepended permission bits, such as '(suid)' and '(guid)'. final String statString = rawStatString.substring(rawStatString.length - 9); return !(statString[1] == 'w' || statString[4] == 'w' || statString[7] == 'w'); } @visibleForTesting void setProjectDir(String projectPathString) { if (projectPathString == null) { return; } final Directory directory = _fs.directory(projectPathString); if (!directory.existsSync()) { throw L10nException( 'Directory does not exist: $directory.\n' 'Please select a directory that contains the project\'s localizations ' 'resource files.' ); } projectDirectory = directory; } /// Sets the reference [Directory] for [inputDirectory]. @visibleForTesting void setInputDirectory(String inputPathString) { if (inputPathString == null) { throw L10nException('inputPathString argument cannot be null'); } inputDirectory = _fs.directory( projectDirectory != null ? _getAbsoluteProjectPath(inputPathString) : inputPathString ); if (!inputDirectory.existsSync()) { throw L10nException( "The 'arb-dir' directory, '$inputDirectory', does not exist.\n" 'Make sure that the correct path was provided.' ); } final FileStat fileStat = inputDirectory.statSync(); if (_isNotReadable(fileStat) || _isNotWritable(fileStat)) { throw L10nException( "The 'arb-dir' directory, '$inputDirectory', doesn't allow reading and writing.\n" 'Please ensure that the user has read and write permissions.' ); } } /// Sets the reference [Directory] for [outputDirectory]. @visibleForTesting void setOutputDirectory({ String outputPathString, bool useSyntheticPackage = true, }) { if (useSyntheticPackage) { outputDirectory = _fs.directory( projectDirectory != null ? _getAbsoluteProjectPath(defaultSyntheticPackagePath) : defaultSyntheticPackagePath ); } else { if (outputPathString == null) { throw L10nException( 'outputPathString argument cannot be null if not using ' 'synthetic package option.' ); } outputDirectory = _fs.directory( projectDirectory != null ? _getAbsoluteProjectPath(outputPathString) : outputPathString ); } } /// Sets the reference [File] for [templateArbFile]. @visibleForTesting void setTemplateArbFile(String templateArbFileName) { if (templateArbFileName == null) { throw L10nException('templateArbFileName argument cannot be null'); } if (inputDirectory == null) { throw L10nException('inputDirectory cannot be null when setting template arb file'); } templateArbFile = _fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(inputDirectory.path, templateArbFileName)); final String templateArbFileStatModeString = templateArbFile.statSync().modeString(); if (templateArbFileStatModeString[0] == '-' && templateArbFileStatModeString[3] == '-') { throw L10nException( "The 'template-arb-file', $templateArbFile, is not readable.\n" 'Please ensure that the user has read permissions.' ); } } /// Sets the reference [File] for the localizations delegate [outputFile]. @visibleForTesting void setBaseOutputFile(String outputFileString) { if (outputFileString == null) { throw L10nException('outputFileString argument cannot be null'); } baseOutputFile = _fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(outputDirectory.path, outputFileString)); } static bool _isValidClassName(String className) { // Public Dart class name cannot begin with an underscore if (className[0] == '_') { return false; } // Dart class name cannot contain non-alphanumeric symbols if (className.contains(RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z_\d]'))) { return false; } // Dart class name must start with upper case character if (className[0].contains(RegExp(r'[a-z]'))) { return false; } // Dart class name cannot start with a number if (className[0].contains(RegExp(r'\d'))) { return false; } return true; } /// Sets the [className] for the localizations and localizations delegate /// classes. @visibleForTesting set className(String classNameString) { if (classNameString == null || classNameString.isEmpty) { throw L10nException('classNameString argument cannot be null or empty'); } if (!_isValidClassName(classNameString)) { throw L10nException( "The 'output-class', $classNameString, is not a valid public Dart class name.\n" ); } _className = classNameString; } /// Sets [preferredSupportedLocales] so that this particular list of locales /// will take priority over the other locales. @visibleForTesting void setPreferredSupportedLocales(List inputLocales) { if (inputLocales == null || inputLocales.isEmpty) { _preferredSupportedLocales = const []; } else { _preferredSupportedLocales = inputLocales.map((String localeString) { return LocaleInfo.fromString(localeString); }).toList(); } } void _setHeader(String headerString, String headerFile) { if (headerString != null && headerFile != null) { throw L10nException( 'Cannot accept both header and header file arguments. \n' 'Please make sure to define only one or the other. ' ); } if (headerString != null) { header = headerString; } else if (headerFile != null) { try { header = _fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(inputDirectory.path, headerFile)).readAsStringSync(); } on FileSystemException catch (error) { throw L10nException ( 'Failed to read header file: "$headerFile". \n' 'FileSystemException: ${error.message}' ); } } } String _getAbsoluteProjectPath(String relativePath) => globals.fs.path.join(projectDirectory.path, relativePath); void _setUseDeferredLoading(bool useDeferredLoading) { if (useDeferredLoading == null) { throw L10nException('useDeferredLoading argument cannot be null.'); } _useDeferredLoading = useDeferredLoading; } void _setInputsAndOutputsListFile(String inputsAndOutputsListPath) { if (inputsAndOutputsListPath == null) { return; } _inputsAndOutputsListFile = _fs.file( globals.fs.path.join(inputsAndOutputsListPath, 'gen_l10n_inputs_and_outputs.json'), ); _inputFileList = []; _outputFileList = []; } static bool _isValidGetterAndMethodName(String name) { // Public Dart method name must not start with an underscore if (name[0] == '_') { return false; } // Dart getter and method name cannot contain non-alphanumeric symbols if (name.contains(RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z_\d]'))) { return false; } // Dart method name must start with lower case character if (name[0].contains(RegExp(r'[A-Z]'))) { return false; } // Dart class name cannot start with a number if (name[0].contains(RegExp(r'\d'))) { return false; } return true; } // Load _allMessages from templateArbFile and _allBundles from all of the ARB // files in inputDirectory. Also initialized: supportedLocales. void loadResources() { final AppResourceBundle templateBundle = AppResourceBundle(templateArbFile); _templateArbLocale = templateBundle.locale; _allMessages = templateBundle.resourceIds.map((String id) => Message(templateBundle.resources, id)); for (final String resourceId in templateBundle.resourceIds) { if (!_isValidGetterAndMethodName(resourceId)) { throw L10nException( 'Invalid ARB resource name "$resourceId" in $templateArbFile.\n' 'Resources names must be valid Dart method names: they have to be ' 'camel case, cannot start with a number or underscore, and cannot ' 'contain non-alphanumeric characters.' ); } } _allBundles = AppResourceBundleCollection(inputDirectory); if (_inputsAndOutputsListFile != null) { _inputFileList.addAll(_allBundles.bundles.map((AppResourceBundle bundle) { return bundle.file.absolute.path; })); } final List allLocales = List.from(_allBundles.locales); for (final LocaleInfo preferredLocale in preferredSupportedLocales) { final int index = allLocales.indexOf(preferredLocale); if (index == -1) { throw L10nException( "The preferred supported locale, '$preferredLocale', cannot be " 'added. Please make sure that there is a corresponding ARB file ' 'with translations for the locale, or remove the locale from the ' 'preferred supported locale list.' ); } allLocales.removeAt(index); allLocales.insertAll(0, preferredSupportedLocales); } supportedLocales.addAll(allLocales); } void _addUnimplementedMessage(LocaleInfo locale, String message) { if (_unimplementedMessages.containsKey(locale)) { _unimplementedMessages[locale].add(message); } else { _unimplementedMessages.putIfAbsent(locale, () => [message]); } } String _generateBaseClassFile( String className, String fileName, String header, AppResourceBundle bundle, AppResourceBundle templateBundle, Iterable messages, ) { final LocaleInfo locale = bundle.locale; final Iterable methods = messages.map((Message message) { if (bundle.translationFor(message) == null) { _addUnimplementedMessage(locale, message.resourceId); } return generateMethod( message, bundle.translationFor(message) == null ? templateBundle : bundle, ); }); return classFileTemplate .replaceAll('@(header)', header) .replaceAll('@(language)', describeLocale(locale.toString())) .replaceAll('@(baseClass)', className) .replaceAll('@(fileName)', fileName) .replaceAll('@(class)', '$className${locale.camelCase()}') .replaceAll('@(localeName)', locale.toString()) .replaceAll('@(methods)', methods.join('\n\n')); } String _generateSubclass( String className, AppResourceBundle bundle, Iterable messages, ) { final LocaleInfo locale = bundle.locale; final String baseClassName = '$className${LocaleInfo.fromString(locale.languageCode).camelCase()}'; messages .where((Message message) => bundle.translationFor(message) == null) .forEach((Message message) { _addUnimplementedMessage(locale, message.resourceId); }); final Iterable methods = messages .where((Message message) => bundle.translationFor(message) != null) .map((Message message) => generateMethod(message, bundle)); return subclassTemplate .replaceAll('@(language)', describeLocale(locale.toString())) .replaceAll('@(baseLanguageClassName)', baseClassName) .replaceAll('@(class)', '$className${locale.camelCase()}') .replaceAll('@(localeName)', locale.toString()) .replaceAll('@(methods)', methods.join('\n\n')); } // Generate the AppLocalizations class, its LocalizationsDelegate subclass, // and all AppLocalizations subclasses for every locale. This method by // itself does not generate the output files. void _generateCode() { bool isBaseClassLocale(LocaleInfo locale, String language) { return locale.languageCode == language && locale.countryCode == null && locale.scriptCode == null; } List getLocalesForLanguage(String language) { return _allBundles.bundles // Return locales for the language specified, except for the base locale itself .where((AppResourceBundle bundle) { final LocaleInfo locale = bundle.locale; return !isBaseClassLocale(locale, language) && locale.languageCode == language; }) .map((AppResourceBundle bundle) => bundle.locale).toList(); } final String directory = globals.fs.path.basename(outputDirectory.path); final String outputFileName = globals.fs.path.basename(baseOutputFile.path); final Iterable supportedLocalesCode = supportedLocales.map((LocaleInfo locale) { final String languageCode = locale.languageCode; final String countryCode = locale.countryCode; final String scriptCode = locale.scriptCode; if (countryCode == null && scriptCode == null) { return 'Locale(\'$languageCode\')'; } else if (countryCode != null && scriptCode == null) { return 'Locale(\'$languageCode\', \'$countryCode\')'; } else if (countryCode != null && scriptCode != null) { return 'Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: \'$languageCode\', countryCode: \'$countryCode\', scriptCode: \'$scriptCode\')'; } else { return 'Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: \'$languageCode\', scriptCode: \'$scriptCode\')'; } }); final Set supportedLanguageCodes = Set.from( _allBundles.locales.map((LocaleInfo locale) => '\'${locale.languageCode}\'') ); final List allLocales = _allBundles.locales.toList()..sort(); final String fileName = outputFileName.split('.')[0]; for (final LocaleInfo locale in allLocales) { if (isBaseClassLocale(locale, locale.languageCode)) { final File languageMessageFile = _fs.file( globals.fs.path.join(outputDirectory.path, '${fileName}_$locale.dart'), ); // Generate the template for the base class file. Further string // interpolation will be done to determine if there are // subclasses that extend the base class. final String languageBaseClassFile = _generateBaseClassFile( className, outputFileName, header, _allBundles.bundleFor(locale), _allBundles.bundleFor(_templateArbLocale), _allMessages, ); // Every locale for the language except the base class. final List localesForLanguage = getLocalesForLanguage(locale.languageCode); // Generate every subclass that is needed for the particular language final Iterable subclasses = localesForLanguage.map((LocaleInfo locale) { return _generateSubclass( className, _allBundles.bundleFor(locale), _allMessages, ); }); _languageFileMap.putIfAbsent(languageMessageFile, () { return languageBaseClassFile.replaceAll('@(subclasses)', subclasses.join()); }); } } final List sortedClassImports = supportedLocales .where((LocaleInfo locale) => isBaseClassLocale(locale, locale.languageCode)) .map((LocaleInfo locale) { final String library = '${fileName}_${locale.toString()}'; if (useDeferredLoading) { return "import '$library.dart' deferred as $library;"; } else { return "import '$library.dart';"; } }) .toList() ..sort(); final String delegateClass = _generateDelegateClass( allBundles: _allBundles, className: className, supportedLanguageCodes: supportedLanguageCodes, useDeferredLoading: useDeferredLoading, fileName: fileName, ); _generatedLocalizationsFile = fileTemplate .replaceAll('@(header)', header) .replaceAll('@(class)', className) .replaceAll('@(methods)', _allMessages.map(generateBaseClassMethod).join('\n')) .replaceAll('@(importFile)', '$directory/$outputFileName') .replaceAll('@(supportedLocales)', supportedLocalesCode.join(',\n ')) .replaceAll('@(supportedLanguageCodes)', supportedLanguageCodes.join(', ')) .replaceAll('@(messageClassImports)', sortedClassImports.join('\n')) .replaceAll('@(delegateClass)', delegateClass); } void writeOutputFiles() { // First, generate the string contents of all necessary files. _generateCode(); // Since all validity checks have passed up to this point, // write the contents into the directory. if (!outputDirectory.existsSync()) { outputDirectory.createSync(recursive: true); } // Ensure that the created directory has read/write permissions. final FileStat fileStat = outputDirectory.statSync(); if (_isNotReadable(fileStat) || _isNotWritable(fileStat)) { throw L10nException( "The 'output-dir' directory, $outputDirectory, doesn't allow reading and writing.\n" 'Please ensure that the user has read and write permissions.' ); } // Generate the required files for localizations. _languageFileMap.forEach((File file, String contents) { file.writeAsStringSync(contents); if (_inputsAndOutputsListFile != null) { _outputFileList.add(file.absolute.path); } }); baseOutputFile.writeAsStringSync(_generatedLocalizationsFile); if (_inputsAndOutputsListFile != null) { _outputFileList.add(baseOutputFile.absolute.path); // Generate a JSON file containing the inputs and outputs of the gen_l10n script. if (!_inputsAndOutputsListFile.existsSync()) { _inputsAndOutputsListFile.createSync(recursive: true); } _inputsAndOutputsListFile.writeAsStringSync( json.encode( { 'inputs': _inputFileList, 'outputs': _outputFileList, }), ); } } void outputUnimplementedMessages(String untranslatedMessagesFile, Logger logger) { if (logger == null) { throw L10nException( 'Logger must be defined when generating untranslated messages file.' ); } if (untranslatedMessagesFile == null || untranslatedMessagesFile == '') { _unimplementedMessages.forEach((LocaleInfo locale, List messages) { logger.printStatus('"$locale": ${messages.length} untranslated message(s).'); }); logger.printStatus( 'To see a detailed report, use the --untranslated-messages-file \n' 'option in the tool to generate a JSON format file containing \n' 'all messages that need to be translated.' ); } else { _writeUnimplementedMessagesFile(untranslatedMessagesFile); } } void _writeUnimplementedMessagesFile(String untranslatedMessagesFile) { if (_unimplementedMessages.isEmpty) { return; } final File unimplementedMessageTranslationsFile = _fs.file(untranslatedMessagesFile); String resultingFile = '{\n'; int count = 0; final int numberOfLocales = _unimplementedMessages.length; _unimplementedMessages.forEach((LocaleInfo locale, List messages) { resultingFile += ' "$locale": [\n'; for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i += 1) { resultingFile += ' "${messages[i]}"'; if (i != messages.length - 1) { resultingFile += ','; } resultingFile += '\n'; } resultingFile += ' ]'; count += 1; if (count < numberOfLocales) { resultingFile += ',\n'; } resultingFile += '\n'; }); resultingFile += '}\n'; unimplementedMessageTranslationsFile.writeAsStringSync(resultingFile); } }