// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:io'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; @immutable class CustomerTest { factory CustomerTest(File testFile) { final String errorPrefix = 'Could not parse: ${testFile.path}\n'; final List<String> contacts = <String>[]; final List<String> fetch = <String>[]; final List<String> setup = <String>[]; final List<Directory> update = <Directory>[]; final List<String> test = <String>[]; int? iterations; bool hasTests = false; for (final String line in testFile.readAsLinesSync().map((String line) => line.trim())) { if (line.isEmpty || line.startsWith('#')) { // Blank line or comment. continue; } final bool isUnknownDirective = _TestDirective.values.firstWhereOrNull((_TestDirective d) => line.startsWith(d.name)) == null; if (isUnknownDirective) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}Unexpected directive:\n$line'); } _maybeAddTestConfig(line, directive: _TestDirective.contact, directiveValues: contacts); _maybeAddTestConfig(line, directive: _TestDirective.fetch, directiveValues: fetch); _maybeAddTestConfig(line, directive: _TestDirective.setup, directiveValues: setup, platformAgnostic: false); final String updatePrefix = _directive(_TestDirective.update); if (line.startsWith(updatePrefix)) { update.add(Directory(line.substring(updatePrefix.length))); } final String iterationsPrefix = _directive(_TestDirective.iterations); if (line.startsWith(iterationsPrefix)) { if (iterations != null) { throw FormatException('Cannot specify "${_TestDirective.iterations.name}" directive multiple times.'); } iterations = int.parse(line.substring(iterationsPrefix.length)); if (iterations < 1) { throw FormatException('The "${_TestDirective.iterations.name}" directive must have a positive integer value.'); } } if (line.startsWith(_directive(_TestDirective.test)) || line.startsWith('${_TestDirective.test.name}.')) { hasTests = true; } _maybeAddTestConfig(line, directive: _TestDirective.test, directiveValues: test, platformAgnostic: false); } if (contacts.isEmpty) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}No "${_TestDirective.contact.name}" directives specified. At least one contact e-mail address must be specified.'); } for (final String email in contacts) { if (!email.contains(_email) || email.endsWith('@example.com')) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}The following e-mail address appears to be an invalid e-mail address: $email'); } } if (fetch.isEmpty) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}No "${_TestDirective.fetch.name}" directives specified. Two lines are expected: "git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git tests" and "git -C tests checkout HASH".'); } if (fetch.length < 2) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}Only one "${_TestDirective.fetch.name}" directive specified. Two lines are expected: "git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git tests" and "git -C tests checkout HASH".'); } if (!fetch[0].contains(_fetch1)) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}First "${_TestDirective.fetch.name}" directive does not match expected pattern (expected "git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git tests").'); } if (!fetch[1].contains(_fetch2)) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}Second "${_TestDirective.fetch.name}" directive does not match expected pattern (expected "git -C tests checkout HASH").'); } if (update.isEmpty) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}No "${_TestDirective.update.name}" directives specified. At least one directory must be specified. (It can be "." to just upgrade the root of the repository.)'); } if (!hasTests) { throw FormatException('${errorPrefix}No "${_TestDirective.test.name}" directives specified. At least one command must be specified to run tests.'); } return CustomerTest._( List<String>.unmodifiable(contacts), List<String>.unmodifiable(fetch), List<String>.unmodifiable(setup), List<Directory>.unmodifiable(update), List<String>.unmodifiable(test), iterations, ); } const CustomerTest._( this.contacts, this.fetch, this.setup, this.update, this.tests, this.iterations, ); // (e-mail regexp from HTML standard) static final RegExp _email = RegExp(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$"); static final RegExp _fetch1 = RegExp(r'^git(?: -c core.longPaths=true)? clone https://github.com/[-a-zA-Z0-9]+/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+.git tests$'); static final RegExp _fetch2 = RegExp(r'^git(?: -c core.longPaths=true)? -C tests checkout [0-9a-f]+$'); final List<String> contacts; final List<String> fetch; final List<String> setup; final List<Directory> update; final List<String> tests; final int? iterations; static void _maybeAddTestConfig( String line, { required _TestDirective directive, required List<String> directiveValues, bool platformAgnostic = true, }) { final List<_PlatformType> platforms = platformAgnostic ? <_PlatformType>[_PlatformType.all] : _PlatformType.values; for (final _PlatformType platform in platforms) { final String directiveName = _directive(directive, platform: platform); if (line.startsWith(directiveName) && platform.conditionMet) { directiveValues.add(line.substring(directiveName.length)); } } } static String _directive( _TestDirective directive, { _PlatformType platform = _PlatformType.all, }) { return switch (platform) { _PlatformType.all => '${directive.name}=', _ => '${directive.name}.${platform.name}=', }; } } enum _PlatformType { all, windows, macos, linux, posix; bool get conditionMet => switch (this) { _PlatformType.all => true, _PlatformType.windows => Platform.isWindows, _PlatformType.macos => Platform.isMacOS, _PlatformType.linux => Platform.isLinux, _PlatformType.posix => Platform.isLinux || Platform.isMacOS, }; } enum _TestDirective { contact, fetch, setup, update, test, iterations, }