part of skysprites; class TexturedLine extends Node { TexturedLine(List<Point> points, List<Color> colors, List<double> widths, [Texture texture, List<double> textureStops]) { painter = new TexturedLinePainter(points, colors, widths, texture, textureStops); } TexturedLinePainter painter; void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) { painter.paint(canvas); } } class TexturedLinePainter { TexturedLinePainter(this._points, this.colors, this.widths, [Texture texture, this.textureStops]) { this.texture = texture; } List<Point> _points; List<Point> get points => _points; set points(List<Point> points) { _points = points; _calculatedTextureStops = null; } List<Color> colors; List<double> widths; Texture _texture; Texture get texture => _texture; set texture(Texture texture) { _texture = texture; if (texture == null) { _cachedPaint = new Paint(); } else { Matrix4 matrix = new Matrix4.identity(); sky.ImageShader shader = new sky.ImageShader(texture.image, sky.TileMode.repeated, sky.TileMode.repeated,; _cachedPaint = new Paint(); _cachedPaint.setShader(shader); } } List<double> textureStops; List<double> _calculatedTextureStops; List<double> get calculatedTextureStops { if (_calculatedTextureStops == null) _calculateTextureStops(); return _calculatedTextureStops; } double _length; double get length { if (_calculatedTextureStops == null) _calculateTextureStops(); return _length; } double textureStopOffset = 0.0; double _textureLoopLength; get textureLoopLength => textureLoopLength; set textureLoopLength(double textureLoopLength) { _textureLoopLength = textureLoopLength; _calculatedTextureStops = null; } sky.TransferMode transferMode = sky.TransferMode.srcOver; Paint _cachedPaint = new Paint(); void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) { // Check input values assert(_points != null); if (_points.length < 2) return; assert(_points.length == colors.length); assert(_points.length == widths.length); _cachedPaint.transferMode = transferMode; // Calculate normals List<Vector2> vectors = []; for (Point pt in _points) { vectors.add(new Vector2(pt.x, pt.y)); } List<Vector2> miters = _computeMiterList(vectors, false); List<Point> vertices = []; List<int> indicies = []; List<Color> verticeColors = []; List<Point> textureCoordinates; double textureTop; double textureBottom; List<double> stops; // Add first point Point lastPoint = _points[0]; Vector2 lastMiter = miters[0]; // Add vertices and colors _addVerticesForPoint(vertices, lastPoint, lastMiter, widths[0]); verticeColors.add(colors[0]); verticeColors.add(colors[0]); if (texture != null) { assert(texture.rotated == false); // Setup for calculating texture coordinates textureTop =; textureBottom = texture.frame.bottom; textureCoordinates = []; // Use correct stops if (textureStops != null) { assert(_points.length == textureStops.length); stops = textureStops; } else { if (_calculatedTextureStops == null) _calculateTextureStops(); stops = _calculatedTextureStops; } // Texture coordinate points double xPos = _xPosForStop(stops[0]); textureCoordinates.add(new Point(xPos, textureTop)); textureCoordinates.add(new Point(xPos, textureBottom)); } // Add the rest of the points for (int i = 1; i < _points.length; i++) { // Add vertices Point currentPoint = _points[i]; Vector2 currentMiter = miters[i]; _addVerticesForPoint(vertices, currentPoint, currentMiter, widths[i]); // Add references to the triangles int lastIndex0 = (i - 1) * 2; int lastIndex1 = (i - 1) * 2 + 1; int currentIndex0 = i * 2; int currentIndex1 = i * 2 + 1; indicies.addAll([lastIndex0, lastIndex1, currentIndex0]); indicies.addAll([lastIndex1, currentIndex1, currentIndex0]); // Add colors verticeColors.add(colors[i]); verticeColors.add(colors[i]); if (texture != null) { // Texture coordinate points double xPos = _xPosForStop(stops[i]); textureCoordinates.add(new Point(xPos, textureTop)); textureCoordinates.add(new Point(xPos, textureBottom)); } // Update last values lastPoint = currentPoint; lastMiter = currentMiter; } canvas.drawVertices(sky.VertexMode.triangles, vertices, textureCoordinates, verticeColors, sky.TransferMode.modulate, indicies, _cachedPaint); } double _xPosForStop(double stop) { if (_textureLoopLength == null) { return texture.frame.left + texture.frame.width * (stop - textureStopOffset); } else { return texture.frame.left + texture.frame.width * (stop - textureStopOffset * (_textureLoopLength / length)) * (length / _textureLoopLength); } } void _addVerticesForPoint(List<Point> vertices, Point point, Vector2 miter, double width) { double halfWidth = width / 2.0; Offset offset0 = new Offset(miter[0] * halfWidth, miter[1] * halfWidth); Offset offset1 = new Offset(-miter[0] * halfWidth, -miter[1] * halfWidth); vertices.add(point + offset0); vertices.add(point + offset1); } void _calculateTextureStops() { List<double> stops = []; double length = 0.0; // Add first stop stops.add(0.0); // Calculate distance to each point from the first point along the line for (int i = 1; i < _points.length; i++) { Point lastPoint = _points[i - 1]; Point currentPoint = _points[i]; double dist = GameMath.pointQuickDist(lastPoint, currentPoint); length += dist; stops.add(length); } // Normalize the values in the range [0.0, 1.0] for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { stops[i] = stops[i] / length; new Point(512.0, 512.0); } _calculatedTextureStops = stops; _length = length; } } Vector2 _computeMiter(Vector2 lineA, Vector2 lineB) { Vector2 miter = new Vector2(- (lineA[1] + lineB[1]), lineA[0] + lineB[0]); miter.normalize(); double dot = dot2(miter, new Vector2(-lineA[1], lineA[0])); if (dot.abs() < 0.1) { miter = _vectorNormal(lineA).normalize(); return miter; } double miterLength = 1.0 / dot; miter = miter.scale(miterLength); return miter; } Vector2 _vectorNormal(Vector2 v) { return new Vector2(-v[1], v[0]); } Vector2 _vectorDirection(Vector2 a, Vector2 b) { Vector2 result = a - b; return result.normalize(); } List<Vector2> _computeMiterList(List<Vector2> points, bool closed) { List<Vector2> out = []; Vector2 curNormal = null; if (closed) { points = new List<Vector2>.from(points); points.add(points[0]); } int total = points.length; for (int i = 1; i < total; i++) { Vector2 last = points[i - 1]; Vector2 cur = points[i]; Vector2 next = (i < total - 1) ? points[i + 1] : null; Vector2 lineA = _vectorDirection(cur, last); if (curNormal == null) { curNormal = _vectorNormal(lineA); } if (i == 1) { out.add(curNormal); } if (next == null) { curNormal = _vectorNormal(lineA); out.add(curNormal); } else { Vector2 lineB = _vectorDirection(next, cur); Vector2 miter = _computeMiter(lineA, lineB); out.add(miter); } } return out; }