// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // ignore_for_file: implementation_imports import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io' as io; // ignore: dart_io_import import 'package:build/build.dart'; import 'package:build_daemon/client.dart'; import 'package:build_daemon/data/build_status.dart'; import 'package:build_runner_core/build_runner_core.dart' as core; import 'package:glob/glob.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../build_info.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import '../platform_plugins.dart'; import '../plugins.dart'; import '../project.dart'; import '../web/compile.dart'; import 'web_fs.dart'; /// A build_runner specific implementation of the [WebCompilationProxy]. class BuildRunnerWebCompilationProxy extends WebCompilationProxy { BuildRunnerWebCompilationProxy(); @override Future<bool> initialize({ Directory projectDirectory, String testOutputDir, List<String> testFiles, BuildMode mode, String projectName, bool initializePlatform, }) async { // Create the .dart_tool directory if it doesn't exist. projectDirectory .childDirectory('.dart_tool') .createSync(); final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.fromDirectory(projectDirectory); final bool hasWebPlugins = findPlugins(flutterProject) .any((Plugin p) => p.platforms.containsKey(WebPlugin.kConfigKey)); final BuildDaemonClient client = await buildDaemonCreator.startBuildDaemon( projectDirectory.path, release: mode == BuildMode.release, profile: mode == BuildMode.profile, hasPlugins: hasWebPlugins, initializePlatform: initializePlatform, testTargets: WebTestTargetManifest( testFiles .map<String>((String absolutePath) { final String relativePath = path.relative(absolutePath, from: projectDirectory.path); return '${path.withoutExtension(relativePath)}.*'; }) .toList(), ), ); client.startBuild(); bool success = true; await for (final BuildResults results in client.buildResults) { final BuildResult result = results.results.firstWhere((BuildResult result) { return result.target == 'web'; }); if (result.status == BuildStatus.failed) { success = false; break; } if (result.status == BuildStatus.succeeded) { break; } } if (success && testOutputDir != null) { final Directory rootDirectory = projectDirectory .childDirectory('.dart_tool') .childDirectory('build') .childDirectory('flutter_web'); final Iterable<Directory> childDirectories = rootDirectory .listSync() .whereType<Directory>(); for (final Directory childDirectory in childDirectories) { final String path = globals.fs.path.join( testOutputDir, 'packages', globals.fs.path.basename(childDirectory.path), ); fsUtils.copyDirectorySync( childDirectory.childDirectory('lib'), globals.fs.directory(path), ); } final Directory outputDirectory = rootDirectory .childDirectory(projectName) .childDirectory('test'); fsUtils.copyDirectorySync( outputDirectory, globals.fs.directory(globals.fs.path.join(testOutputDir)), ); } return success; } } /// Handles mapping a single root file scheme to a multi-root scheme. /// /// This allows one build_runner build to read the output from a previous /// isolated build. class MultirootFileBasedAssetReader extends core.FileBasedAssetReader { MultirootFileBasedAssetReader( core.PackageGraph packageGraph, this.generatedDirectory, ) : super(packageGraph); final Directory generatedDirectory; @override Future<bool> canRead(AssetId id) { if (packageGraph[id.package] == packageGraph.root && _missingSource(id)) { return _generatedFile(id).exists(); } return super.canRead(id); } @override Future<List<int>> readAsBytes(AssetId id) { if (packageGraph[id.package] == packageGraph.root && _missingSource(id)) { return _generatedFile(id).readAsBytes(); } return super.readAsBytes(id); } @override Future<String> readAsString(AssetId id, {Encoding encoding}) { if (packageGraph[id.package] == packageGraph.root && _missingSource(id)) { return _generatedFile(id).readAsString(); } return super.readAsString(id, encoding: encoding); } @override Stream<AssetId> findAssets(Glob glob, {String package}) async* { if (package == null || packageGraph.root.name == package) { final String generatedRoot = globals.fs.path.join(generatedDirectory.path, packageGraph.root.name); await for (final io.FileSystemEntity entity in glob.list(followLinks: true, root: packageGraph.root.path)) { if (entity is io.File && _isNotHidden(entity) && !globals.fs.path.isWithin(generatedRoot, entity.path)) { yield _fileToAssetId(entity, packageGraph.root); } } if (!globals.fs.isDirectorySync(generatedRoot)) { return; } await for (final io.FileSystemEntity entity in glob.list(followLinks: true, root: generatedRoot)) { if (entity is io.File && _isNotHidden(entity)) { yield _fileToAssetId(entity, packageGraph.root, globals.fs.path.relative(generatedRoot), true); } } return; } yield* super.findAssets(glob, package: package); } bool _isNotHidden(io.FileSystemEntity entity) { return !path.basename(entity.path).startsWith('._'); } bool _missingSource(AssetId id) { return !globals.fs.file(path.joinAll(<String>[packageGraph.root.path, ...id.pathSegments])).existsSync(); } File _generatedFile(AssetId id) { return globals.fs.file( path.joinAll(<String>[generatedDirectory.path, packageGraph.root.name, ...id.pathSegments]) ); } /// Creates an [AssetId] for [file], which is a part of [packageNode]. AssetId _fileToAssetId(io.File file, core.PackageNode packageNode, [String root, bool generated = false]) { final String filePath = path.normalize(file.absolute.path); String relativePath; if (generated) { relativePath = filePath.substring(root.length + 2); } else { relativePath = path.relative(filePath, from: packageNode.path); } return AssetId(packageNode.name, relativePath); } }