// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:file/memory.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/config.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/error_handling_io.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/logger.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/convert.dart'; import 'package:test/fake.dart'; import '../src/common.dart'; void main() { late Config config; late MemoryFileSystem memoryFileSystem; late FakePlatform fakePlatform; setUp(() { memoryFileSystem = MemoryFileSystem.test(); fakePlatform = FakePlatform( environment: { 'HOME': '/', }, ); config = Config( 'example', fileSystem: memoryFileSystem, logger: BufferLogger.test(), platform: fakePlatform, ); }); testWithoutContext('Config get set value', () async { expect(config.getValue('foo'), null); config.setValue('foo', 'bar'); expect(config.getValue('foo'), 'bar'); expect(config.keys, contains('foo')); }); testWithoutContext('Config get set bool value', () async { expect(config.getValue('foo'), null); config.setValue('foo', true); expect(config.getValue('foo'), true); expect(config.keys, contains('foo')); }); testWithoutContext('Config containsKey', () async { expect(config.containsKey('foo'), false); config.setValue('foo', 'bar'); expect(config.containsKey('foo'), true); }); testWithoutContext('Config removeValue', () async { expect(config.getValue('foo'), null); config.setValue('foo', 'bar'); expect(config.getValue('foo'), 'bar'); expect(config.keys, contains('foo')); config.removeValue('foo'); expect(config.getValue('foo'), null); expect(config.keys, isNot(contains('foo'))); }); testWithoutContext('Config does not error on a file with a deprecated field', () { final BufferLogger bufferLogger = BufferLogger.test(); final File file = memoryFileSystem.file('.flutter_example') ..writeAsStringSync(''' { "is-bot": false, "license-hash": "3e8c85e63b26ce223cda96a9a8fbb410", "redisplay-welcome-message": true, "last-devtools-activation-time": "2021-10-04 16:03:19.832823", "last-active-stable-version": "b22742018b3edf16c6cadd7b76d9db5e7f9064b5" } '''); config = Config( 'example', fileSystem: memoryFileSystem, logger: bufferLogger, platform: fakePlatform, ); expect(file.existsSync(), isTrue); expect(bufferLogger.errorText, isEmpty); }); testWithoutContext('Config parse error', () { final BufferLogger bufferLogger = BufferLogger.test(); final File file = memoryFileSystem.file('.flutter_example') ..writeAsStringSync('{"hello":"bar'); config = Config( 'example', fileSystem: memoryFileSystem, logger: bufferLogger, platform: fakePlatform, ); expect(file.existsSync(), false); expect(bufferLogger.errorText, contains('Failed to decode preferences')); }); testWithoutContext('Config does not error on missing file', () { final BufferLogger bufferLogger = BufferLogger.test(); final File file = memoryFileSystem.file('example'); config = Config( 'example', fileSystem: memoryFileSystem, logger: bufferLogger, platform: fakePlatform, ); expect(file.existsSync(), false); expect(bufferLogger.errorText, isEmpty); }); testWithoutContext('Config does not error on a normally fatal file system exception', () { final BufferLogger bufferLogger = BufferLogger.test(); final Platform platform = FakePlatform(); final File file = ErrorHandlingFile( platform: platform, fileSystem: ErrorHandlingFileSystem(delegate: MemoryFileSystem.test(), platform: platform), delegate: FakeFile('testfile'), ); config = Config.createForTesting(file, bufferLogger); expect(bufferLogger.errorText, contains('Could not read preferences in testfile')); expect(bufferLogger.errorText, contains(r'sudo chown -R $(whoami) /testfile')); }); testWithoutContext('Config.createForTesting does not error when failing to delete a file', () { final BufferLogger bufferLogger = BufferLogger.test(); final FileExceptionHandler handler = FileExceptionHandler(); final MemoryFileSystem fs = MemoryFileSystem.test(opHandle: handler.opHandle); final File file = fs.file('testfile') // We write invalid JSON so that we test catching a `FormatException` ..writeAsStringSync('{"This is not valid JSON"'); handler.addError( file, FileSystemOp.delete, const FileSystemException( "Cannot delete file, path = 'testfile' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)", ), ); // Should not throw a FileSystemException Config.createForTesting(file, bufferLogger); }); testWithoutContext('Config in home dir is used if it exists', () { memoryFileSystem.file('.flutter_example').writeAsStringSync('{"hello":"bar"}'); config = Config( 'example', fileSystem: memoryFileSystem, logger: BufferLogger.test(), platform: fakePlatform, ); expect(config.getValue('hello'), 'bar'); expect(memoryFileSystem.file('.config/flutter/example').existsSync(), false); }); testWithoutContext('Config is created in config dir if it does not already exist in home dir', () { config = Config( 'example', fileSystem: memoryFileSystem, logger: BufferLogger.test(), platform: fakePlatform, ); config.setValue('foo', 'bar'); expect(memoryFileSystem.file('.config/flutter/example').existsSync(), true); }); } class FakeFile extends Fake implements File { FakeFile(this.path); @override final String path; @override bool existsSync() { return true; } @override String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding = utf8ForTesting}) { throw const FileSystemException('', '', OSError('', 13)); // EACCES error on linux } }