// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/semantics.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'box.dart'; import 'layer.dart'; import 'object.dart'; /// How an embedded platform view behave during hit tests. enum PlatformViewHitTestBehavior { /// Opaque targets can be hit by hit tests, causing them to both receive /// events within their bounds and prevent targets visually behind them from /// also receiving events. opaque, /// Translucent targets both receive events within their bounds and permit /// targets visually behind them to also receive events. translucent, /// Transparent targets don't receive events within their bounds and permit /// targets visually behind them to receive events. transparent, } enum _PlatformViewState { uninitialized, resizing, ready, } bool _factoryTypesSetEquals<T>(Set<Factory<T>>? a, Set<Factory<T>>? b) { if (a == b) { return true; } if (a == null || b == null) { return false; } return setEquals(_factoriesTypeSet(a), _factoriesTypeSet(b)); } Set<Type> _factoriesTypeSet<T>(Set<Factory<T>> factories) { return factories.map<Type>((Factory<T> factory) => factory.type).toSet(); } /// A render object for an Android view. /// /// Requires Android API level 20 or greater. /// /// [RenderAndroidView] is responsible for sizing, displaying and passing touch events to an /// Android [View](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View). /// /// {@template flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.layout} /// The render object's layout behavior is to fill all available space, the parent of this object must /// provide bounded layout constraints. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// {@template flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.gestures} /// The render object participates in Flutter's gesture arenas, and dispatches touch events to the /// platform view iff it won the arena. Specific gestures that should be dispatched to the platform /// view can be specified with factories in the `gestureRecognizers` constructor parameter or /// by calling `updateGestureRecognizers`. If the set of gesture recognizers is empty, the gesture /// will be dispatched to the platform view iff it was not claimed by any other gesture recognizer. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// See also: /// /// * [AndroidView] which is a widget that is used to show an Android view. /// * [PlatformViewsService] which is a service for controlling platform views. class RenderAndroidView extends RenderBox with _PlatformViewGestureMixin { /// Creates a render object for an Android view. RenderAndroidView({ required AndroidViewController viewController, required PlatformViewHitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior, required Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, }) : assert(viewController != null), assert(hitTestBehavior != null), assert(gestureRecognizers != null), assert(clipBehavior != null), _viewController = viewController, _clipBehavior = clipBehavior { _viewController.pointTransformer = (Offset offset) => globalToLocal(offset); updateGestureRecognizers(gestureRecognizers); _viewController.addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(_onPlatformViewCreated); this.hitTestBehavior = hitTestBehavior; } _PlatformViewState _state = _PlatformViewState.uninitialized; /// The Android view controller for the Android view associated with this render object. AndroidViewController get viewcontroller => _viewController; AndroidViewController _viewController; /// Sets a new Android view controller. /// /// `viewController` must not be null. set viewController(AndroidViewController viewController) { assert(_viewController != null); assert(viewController != null); if (_viewController == viewController) return; _viewController.removeOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(_onPlatformViewCreated); _viewController = viewController; _sizePlatformView(); if (_viewController.isCreated) { markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } _viewController.addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(_onPlatformViewCreated); } /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.hardEdge], and must not be null. Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior; Clip _clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge; set clipBehavior(Clip value) { assert(value != null); if (value != _clipBehavior) { _clipBehavior = value; markNeedsPaint(); markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } void _onPlatformViewCreated(int id) { markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } /// {@template flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.updateGestureRecognizers} /// Updates which gestures should be forwarded to the platform view. /// /// Gesture recognizers created by factories in this set participate in the gesture arena for each /// pointer that was put down on the render box. If any of the recognizers on this list wins the /// gesture arena, the entire pointer event sequence starting from the pointer down event /// will be dispatched to the Android view. /// /// The `gestureRecognizers` property must not contain more than one factory with the same [Factory.type]. /// /// Setting a new set of gesture recognizer factories with the same [Factory.type]s as the current /// set has no effect, because the factories' constructors would have already been called with the previous set. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// Any active gesture arena the Android view participates in is rejected when the /// set of gesture recognizers is changed. void updateGestureRecognizers(Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers) { _updateGestureRecognizersWithCallBack(gestureRecognizers, _viewController.dispatchPointerEvent); } @override bool get sizedByParent => true; @override bool get alwaysNeedsCompositing => true; @override bool get isRepaintBoundary => true; @override Size computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) { return constraints.biggest; } @override void performResize() { super.performResize(); _sizePlatformView(); } late Size _currentAndroidViewSize; Future<void> _sizePlatformView() async { // Android virtual displays cannot have a zero size. // Trying to size it to 0 crashes the app, which was happening when starting the app // with a locked screen (see: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/20456). if (_state == _PlatformViewState.resizing || size.isEmpty) { return; } _state = _PlatformViewState.resizing; markNeedsPaint(); Size targetSize; do { targetSize = size; await _viewController.setSize(targetSize); _currentAndroidViewSize = targetSize; // We've resized the platform view to targetSize, but it is possible that // while we were resizing the render object's size was changed again. // In that case we will resize the platform view again. } while (size != targetSize); _state = _PlatformViewState.ready; markNeedsPaint(); } @override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (_viewController.textureId == null) return; // Clip the texture if it's going to paint out of the bounds of the renter box // (see comment in _paintTexture for an explanation of when this happens). if ((size.width < _currentAndroidViewSize.width || size.height < _currentAndroidViewSize.height) && clipBehavior != Clip.none) { _clipRectLayer = context.pushClipRect( true, offset, offset & size, _paintTexture, clipBehavior: clipBehavior, oldLayer: _clipRectLayer, ); return; } _clipRectLayer = null; _paintTexture(context, offset); } ClipRectLayer? _clipRectLayer; void _paintTexture(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { // As resizing the Android view happens asynchronously we don't know exactly when is a // texture frame with the new size is ready for consumption. // TextureLayer is unaware of the texture frame's size and always maps it to the // specified rect. If the rect we provide has a different size from the current texture frame's // size the texture frame will be scaled. // To prevent unwanted scaling artifacts while resizing we freeze the texture frame, until // we know that a frame with the new size is in the buffer. // This guarantees that the size of the texture frame we're painting is always // _currentAndroidViewSize. context.addLayer(TextureLayer( rect: offset & _currentAndroidViewSize, textureId: _viewController.textureId!, freeze: _state == _PlatformViewState.resizing, )); } @override void describeSemanticsConfiguration (SemanticsConfiguration config) { super.describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config.isSemanticBoundary = true; if (_viewController.isCreated) { config.platformViewId = _viewController.viewId; } } } /// A render object for an iOS UIKit UIView. /// /// {@template flutter.rendering.RenderUiKitView} /// Embedding UIViews is still preview-quality. To enable the preview for an iOS app add a boolean /// field with the key 'io.flutter.embedded_views_preview' and the value set to 'YES' to the /// application's Info.plist file. A list of open issued with embedding UIViews is available on /// [Github](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22a%3A+platform-views%22+label%3Aplatform-ios+sort%3Acreated-asc) /// {@endtemplate} /// /// [RenderUiKitView] is responsible for sizing and displaying an iOS /// [UIView](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview). /// /// UIViews are added as sub views of the FlutterView and are composited by Quartz. /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.layout} /// /// {@macro flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.gestures} /// /// See also: /// /// * [UiKitView] which is a widget that is used to show a UIView. /// * [PlatformViewsService] which is a service for controlling platform views. class RenderUiKitView extends RenderBox { /// Creates a render object for an iOS UIView. /// /// The `viewId`, `hitTestBehavior`, and `gestureRecognizers` parameters must not be null. RenderUiKitView({ required UiKitViewController viewController, required this.hitTestBehavior, required Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers, }) : assert(viewController != null), assert(hitTestBehavior != null), assert(gestureRecognizers != null), _viewController = viewController { updateGestureRecognizers(gestureRecognizers); } /// The unique identifier of the UIView controlled by this controller. /// /// Typically generated by [PlatformViewsRegistry.getNextPlatformViewId], the UIView /// must have been created by calling [PlatformViewsService.initUiKitView]. UiKitViewController get viewController => _viewController; UiKitViewController _viewController; set viewController(UiKitViewController viewController) { assert(viewController != null); final bool needsSemanticsUpdate = _viewController.id != viewController.id; _viewController = viewController; markNeedsPaint(); if (needsSemanticsUpdate) { markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } /// How to behave during hit testing. // The implicit setter is enough here as changing this value will just affect // any newly arriving events there's nothing we need to invalidate. PlatformViewHitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior; /// {@macro flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.updateGestureRecognizers} void updateGestureRecognizers(Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers) { assert(gestureRecognizers != null); assert( _factoriesTypeSet(gestureRecognizers).length == gestureRecognizers.length, 'There were multiple gesture recognizer factories for the same type, there must only be a single ' 'gesture recognizer factory for each gesture recognizer type.', ); if (_factoryTypesSetEquals(gestureRecognizers, _gestureRecognizer?.gestureRecognizerFactories)) { return; } _gestureRecognizer?.dispose(); _gestureRecognizer = _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer(viewController, gestureRecognizers); } @override bool get sizedByParent => true; @override bool get alwaysNeedsCompositing => true; @override bool get isRepaintBoundary => true; _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer? _gestureRecognizer; PointerEvent? _lastPointerDownEvent; @override Size computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) { return constraints.biggest; } @override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { context.addLayer(PlatformViewLayer( rect: offset & size, viewId: _viewController.id, )); } @override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, { Offset? position }) { if (hitTestBehavior == PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.transparent || !size.contains(position!)) return false; result.add(BoxHitTestEntry(this, position)); return hitTestBehavior == PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque; } @override bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) => hitTestBehavior != PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.transparent; @override void handleEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestEntry entry) { if (event is! PointerDownEvent) { return; } _gestureRecognizer!.addPointer(event); _lastPointerDownEvent = event.original ?? event; } // This is registered as a global PointerRoute while the render object is attached. void _handleGlobalPointerEvent(PointerEvent event) { if (event is! PointerDownEvent) { return; } if (!(Offset.zero & size).contains(globalToLocal(event.position))) { return; } if ((event.original ?? event) != _lastPointerDownEvent) { // The pointer event is in the bounds of this render box, but we didn't get it in handleEvent. // This means that the pointer event was absorbed by a different render object. // Since on the platform side the FlutterTouchIntercepting view is seeing all events that are // within its bounds we need to tell it to reject the current touch sequence. _viewController.rejectGesture(); } _lastPointerDownEvent = null; } @override void describeSemanticsConfiguration (SemanticsConfiguration config) { super.describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); config.isSemanticBoundary = true; config.platformViewId = _viewController.id; } @override void attach(PipelineOwner owner) { super.attach(owner); GestureBinding.instance!.pointerRouter.addGlobalRoute(_handleGlobalPointerEvent); } @override void detach() { GestureBinding.instance!.pointerRouter.removeGlobalRoute(_handleGlobalPointerEvent); _gestureRecognizer!.reset(); super.detach(); } } // This recognizer constructs gesture recognizers from a set of gesture recognizer factories // it was give, adds all of them to a gesture arena team with the _UiKitViewGesturrRecognizer // as the team captain. // When the team wins a gesture the recognizer notifies the engine that it should release // the touch sequence to the embedded UIView. class _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer extends OneSequenceGestureRecognizer { _UiKitViewGestureRecognizer( this.controller, this.gestureRecognizerFactories, { Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices, }) : super(supportedDevices: supportedDevices) { team = GestureArenaTeam() ..captain = this; _gestureRecognizers = gestureRecognizerFactories.map( (Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer> recognizerFactory) { final OneSequenceGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer = recognizerFactory.constructor(); gestureRecognizer.team = team; // The below gesture recognizers requires at least one non-empty callback to // compete in the gesture arena. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35394#issuecomment-562285087 if (gestureRecognizer is LongPressGestureRecognizer) { gestureRecognizer.onLongPress ??= (){}; } else if (gestureRecognizer is DragGestureRecognizer) { gestureRecognizer.onDown ??= (_){}; } else if (gestureRecognizer is TapGestureRecognizer) { gestureRecognizer.onTapDown ??= (_){}; } return gestureRecognizer; }, ).toSet(); } // We use OneSequenceGestureRecognizers as they support gesture arena teams. // TODO(amirh): get a list of GestureRecognizers here. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/20953 final Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizerFactories; late Set<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer> _gestureRecognizers; final UiKitViewController controller; @override void addAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent event) { super.addAllowedPointer(event); for (final OneSequenceGestureRecognizer recognizer in _gestureRecognizers) { recognizer.addPointer(event); } } @override String get debugDescription => 'UIKit view'; @override void didStopTrackingLastPointer(int pointer) { } @override void handleEvent(PointerEvent event) { stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown(event); } @override void acceptGesture(int pointer) { controller.acceptGesture(); } @override void rejectGesture(int pointer) { controller.rejectGesture(); } void reset() { resolve(GestureDisposition.rejected); } } typedef _HandlePointerEvent = Future<void> Function(PointerEvent event); // This recognizer constructs gesture recognizers from a set of gesture recognizer factories // it was give, adds all of them to a gesture arena team with the _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer // as the team captain. // As long as the gesture arena is unresolved, the recognizer caches all pointer events. // When the team wins, the recognizer sends all the cached pointer events to `_handlePointerEvent`, and // sets itself to a "forwarding mode" where it will forward any new pointer event to `_handlePointerEvent`. class _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer extends OneSequenceGestureRecognizer { _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer( _HandlePointerEvent handlePointerEvent, this.gestureRecognizerFactories, { Set<PointerDeviceKind>? supportedDevices, }) : super(supportedDevices: supportedDevices) { team = GestureArenaTeam() ..captain = this; _gestureRecognizers = gestureRecognizerFactories.map( (Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer> recognizerFactory) { final OneSequenceGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer = recognizerFactory.constructor(); gestureRecognizer.team = team; // The below gesture recognizers requires at least one non-empty callback to // compete in the gesture arena. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35394#issuecomment-562285087 if (gestureRecognizer is LongPressGestureRecognizer) { gestureRecognizer.onLongPress ??= (){}; } else if (gestureRecognizer is DragGestureRecognizer) { gestureRecognizer.onDown ??= (_){}; } else if (gestureRecognizer is TapGestureRecognizer) { gestureRecognizer.onTapDown ??= (_){}; } return gestureRecognizer; }, ).toSet(); _handlePointerEvent = handlePointerEvent; } late _HandlePointerEvent _handlePointerEvent; // Maps a pointer to a list of its cached pointer events. // Before the arena for a pointer is resolved all events are cached here, if we win the arena // the cached events are dispatched to `_handlePointerEvent`, if we lose the arena we clear the cache for // the pointer. final Map<int, List<PointerEvent>> cachedEvents = <int, List<PointerEvent>>{}; // Pointer for which we have already won the arena, events for pointers in this set are // immediately dispatched to `_handlePointerEvent`. final Set<int> forwardedPointers = <int>{}; // We use OneSequenceGestureRecognizers as they support gesture arena teams. // TODO(amirh): get a list of GestureRecognizers here. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/20953 final Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizerFactories; late Set<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer> _gestureRecognizers; @override void addAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent event) { super.addAllowedPointer(event); for (final OneSequenceGestureRecognizer recognizer in _gestureRecognizers) { recognizer.addPointer(event); } } @override String get debugDescription => 'Platform view'; @override void didStopTrackingLastPointer(int pointer) { } @override void handleEvent(PointerEvent event) { if (!forwardedPointers.contains(event.pointer)) { _cacheEvent(event); } else { _handlePointerEvent(event); } stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown(event); } @override void acceptGesture(int pointer) { _flushPointerCache(pointer); forwardedPointers.add(pointer); } @override void rejectGesture(int pointer) { stopTrackingPointer(pointer); cachedEvents.remove(pointer); } void _cacheEvent(PointerEvent event) { if (!cachedEvents.containsKey(event.pointer)) { cachedEvents[event.pointer] = <PointerEvent> []; } cachedEvents[event.pointer]!.add(event); } void _flushPointerCache(int pointer) { cachedEvents.remove(pointer)?.forEach(_handlePointerEvent); } @override void stopTrackingPointer(int pointer) { super.stopTrackingPointer(pointer); forwardedPointers.remove(pointer); } void reset() { forwardedPointers.forEach(super.stopTrackingPointer); forwardedPointers.clear(); cachedEvents.keys.forEach(super.stopTrackingPointer); cachedEvents.clear(); resolve(GestureDisposition.rejected); } } /// A render object for embedding a platform view. /// /// [PlatformViewRenderBox] presents a platform view by adding a [PlatformViewLayer] layer, /// integrates it with the gesture arenas system and adds relevant semantic nodes to the semantics tree. class PlatformViewRenderBox extends RenderBox with _PlatformViewGestureMixin { /// Creating a render object for a [PlatformViewSurface]. /// /// The `controller` parameter must not be null. PlatformViewRenderBox({ required PlatformViewController controller, required PlatformViewHitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior, required Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers, }) : assert(controller != null && controller.viewId != null && controller.viewId > -1), assert(hitTestBehavior != null), assert(gestureRecognizers != null), _controller = controller { this.hitTestBehavior = hitTestBehavior; updateGestureRecognizers(gestureRecognizers); } /// Sets the [controller] for this render object. /// /// This value must not be null, and setting it to a new value will result in a repaint. set controller(PlatformViewController controller) { assert(controller != null); assert(controller.viewId != null && controller.viewId > -1); if ( _controller == controller) { return; } final bool needsSemanticsUpdate = _controller.viewId != controller.viewId; _controller = controller; markNeedsPaint(); if (needsSemanticsUpdate) { markNeedsSemanticsUpdate(); } } /// {@macro flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.updateGestureRecognizers} /// /// Any active gesture arena the `PlatformView` participates in is rejected when the /// set of gesture recognizers is changed. void updateGestureRecognizers(Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers) { _updateGestureRecognizersWithCallBack(gestureRecognizers, _controller.dispatchPointerEvent); } PlatformViewController _controller; @override bool get sizedByParent => true; @override bool get alwaysNeedsCompositing => true; @override bool get isRepaintBoundary => true; @override Size computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) { return constraints.biggest; } @override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { assert(_controller.viewId != null); context.addLayer(PlatformViewLayer( rect: offset & size, viewId: _controller.viewId, )); } @override void describeSemanticsConfiguration (SemanticsConfiguration config) { super.describeSemanticsConfiguration(config); assert(_controller.viewId != null); config.isSemanticBoundary = true; config.platformViewId = _controller.viewId; } } /// The Mixin handling the pointer events and gestures of a platform view render box. mixin _PlatformViewGestureMixin on RenderBox implements MouseTrackerAnnotation { /// How to behave during hit testing. // Changing _hitTestBehavior might affect which objects are considered hovered over. set hitTestBehavior(PlatformViewHitTestBehavior value) { if (value != _hitTestBehavior) { _hitTestBehavior = value; if (owner != null) markNeedsPaint(); } } PlatformViewHitTestBehavior? _hitTestBehavior; _HandlePointerEvent? _handlePointerEvent; /// {@macro flutter.rendering.RenderAndroidView.updateGestureRecognizers} /// /// Any active gesture arena the `PlatformView` participates in is rejected when the /// set of gesture recognizers is changed. void _updateGestureRecognizersWithCallBack(Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers, _HandlePointerEvent handlePointerEvent) { assert(gestureRecognizers != null); assert( _factoriesTypeSet(gestureRecognizers).length == gestureRecognizers.length, 'There were multiple gesture recognizer factories for the same type, there must only be a single ' 'gesture recognizer factory for each gesture recognizer type.', ); if (_factoryTypesSetEquals(gestureRecognizers, _gestureRecognizer?.gestureRecognizerFactories)) { return; } _gestureRecognizer?.dispose(); _gestureRecognizer = _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer(handlePointerEvent, gestureRecognizers); _handlePointerEvent = handlePointerEvent; } _PlatformViewGestureRecognizer? _gestureRecognizer; @override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, { required Offset position }) { if (_hitTestBehavior == PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.transparent || !size.contains(position)) { return false; } result.add(BoxHitTestEntry(this, position)); return _hitTestBehavior == PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque; } @override bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) => _hitTestBehavior != PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.transparent; @override PointerEnterEventListener? get onEnter => null; @override PointerExitEventListener? get onExit => null; @override MouseCursor get cursor => MouseCursor.uncontrolled; @override bool get validForMouseTracker => true; @override void handleEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestEntry entry) { if (event is PointerDownEvent) { _gestureRecognizer!.addPointer(event); } if (event is PointerHoverEvent) { _handlePointerEvent?.call(event); } } @override void detach() { _gestureRecognizer!.reset(); super.detach(); } }