// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// @dart = 2.8

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';

PopupMenuThemeData _popupMenuTheme() {
  return PopupMenuThemeData(
    color: Colors.orange,
    shape: BeveledRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12)),
    elevation: 12.0,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Color(0xffffffff), textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic),

void main() {
  test('PopupMenuThemeData copyWith, ==, hashCode basics', () {
    expect(const PopupMenuThemeData(), const PopupMenuThemeData().copyWith());
    expect(const PopupMenuThemeData().hashCode, const PopupMenuThemeData().copyWith().hashCode);

  test('PopupMenuThemeData null fields by default', () {
    const PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = PopupMenuThemeData();
    expect(popupMenuTheme.color, null);
    expect(popupMenuTheme.shape, null);
    expect(popupMenuTheme.elevation, null);
    expect(popupMenuTheme.textStyle, null);

  testWidgets('Default PopupMenuThemeData debugFillProperties', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder builder = DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder();
    const PopupMenuThemeData().debugFillProperties(builder);

    final List<String> description = builder.properties
        .where((DiagnosticsNode node) => !node.isFiltered(DiagnosticLevel.info))
        .map((DiagnosticsNode node) => node.toString())

    expect(description, <String>[]);

  testWidgets('PopupMenuThemeData implements debugFillProperties', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder builder = DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder();
      color: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(2.0)),
      elevation: 2.0,
      textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Color(0xffffffff)),

    final List<String> description = builder.properties
        .where((DiagnosticsNode node) => !node.isFiltered(DiagnosticLevel.info))
        .map((DiagnosticsNode node) => node.toString())

    expect(description, <String>[
      'color: Color(0xffffffff)',
      'shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(BorderSide(Color(0xff000000), 0.0, BorderStyle.none), BorderRadius.circular(2.0))',
      'elevation: 2.0',
      'text style: TextStyle(inherit: true, color: Color(0xffffffff))',

  testWidgets('Passing no PopupMenuThemeData returns defaults', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final Key popupButtonKey = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupButtonApp = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupItemKey = UniqueKey();

    await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
      theme: ThemeData(),
      key: popupButtonApp,
      home: Material(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              key: popupButtonKey,
              itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
                return <PopupMenuEntry<Object>>[
                    key: popupItemKey,
                    child: const Text('Example'),

    await tester.tap(find.byKey(popupButtonKey));
    await tester.pumpAndSettle();

    /// The last Material widget under popupButtonApp is the [PopupMenuButton]
    /// specified above, so by finding the last descendent of popupButtonApp
    /// that is of type Material, this code retrieves the built
    /// [PopupMenuButton].
    final Material button = tester.widget<Material>(
        of: find.byKey(popupButtonApp),
        matching: find.byType(Material),
    expect(button.color, null);
    expect(button.shape, null);
    expect(button.elevation, 8.0);

    /// The last DefaultTextStyle widget under popupItemKey is the
    /// [PopupMenuItem] specified above, so by finding the last descendent of
    /// popupItemKey that is of type DefaultTextStyle, this code retrieves the
    /// built [PopupMenuItem].
    final DefaultTextStyle text = tester.widget<DefaultTextStyle>(
        of: find.byKey(popupItemKey),
        matching: find.byType(DefaultTextStyle),
    expect(text.style.fontFamily, 'Roboto');
    expect(text.style.color, const Color(0xdd000000));

  testWidgets('Popup menu uses values from PopupMenuThemeData', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = _popupMenuTheme();
    final Key popupButtonKey = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupButtonApp = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupItemKey = UniqueKey();

    await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
      theme: ThemeData(popupMenuTheme: popupMenuTheme),
      key: popupButtonApp,
      home: Material(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              key: popupButtonKey,
              itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
                return <PopupMenuEntry<Object>>[
                    key: popupItemKey,
                    child: const Text('Example'),

    await tester.tap(find.byKey(popupButtonKey));
    await tester.pumpAndSettle();

    /// The last Material widget under popupButtonApp is the [PopupMenuButton]
    /// specified above, so by finding the last descendent of popupButtonApp
    /// that is of type Material, this code retrieves the built
    /// [PopupMenuButton].
    final Material button = tester.widget<Material>(
        of: find.byKey(popupButtonApp),
        matching: find.byType(Material),
    expect(button.color, popupMenuTheme.color);
    expect(button.shape, popupMenuTheme.shape);
    expect(button.elevation, popupMenuTheme.elevation);

    /// The last DefaultTextStyle widget under popupItemKey is the
    /// [PopupMenuItem] specified above, so by finding the last descendent of
    /// popupItemKey that is of type DefaultTextStyle, this code retrieves the
    /// built [PopupMenuItem].
    final DefaultTextStyle text = tester.widget<DefaultTextStyle>(
        of: find.byKey(popupItemKey),
        matching: find.byType(DefaultTextStyle),
    expect(text.style, popupMenuTheme.textStyle);

  testWidgets('Popup menu widget properties take priority over theme', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = _popupMenuTheme();
    final Key popupButtonKey = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupButtonApp = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupItemKey = UniqueKey();

    const Color color = Colors.purple;
    const ShapeBorder shape = RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(9.0)),
    const double elevation = 7.0;
    const TextStyle textStyle = TextStyle(color: Color(0x00000000), textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic);

    await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
      theme: ThemeData(popupMenuTheme: popupMenuTheme),
      key: popupButtonApp,
      home: Material(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              key: popupButtonKey,
              elevation: elevation,
              color: color,
              shape: shape,
              itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
                return <PopupMenuEntry<Object>>[
                    key: popupItemKey,
                    textStyle: textStyle,
                    child: const Text('Example'),

    await tester.tap(find.byKey(popupButtonKey));
    await tester.pumpAndSettle();

    /// The last Material widget under popupButtonApp is the [PopupMenuButton]
    /// specified above, so by finding the last descendent of popupButtonApp
    /// that is of type Material, this code retrieves the built
    /// [PopupMenuButton].
    final Material button = tester.widget<Material>(
        of: find.byKey(popupButtonApp),
        matching: find.byType(Material),
    expect(button.color, color);
    expect(button.shape, shape);
    expect(button.elevation, elevation);

    /// The last DefaultTextStyle widget under popupItemKey is the
    /// [PopupMenuItem] specified above, so by finding the last descendent of
    /// popupItemKey that is of type DefaultTextStyle, this code retrieves the
    /// built [PopupMenuItem].
    final DefaultTextStyle text = tester.widget<DefaultTextStyle>(
        of: find.byKey(popupItemKey),
        matching: find.byType(DefaultTextStyle),
    expect(text.style, textStyle);

  testWidgets('ThemeData.popupMenuTheme properties are utilized', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final Key popupButtonKey = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupButtonApp = UniqueKey();
    final Key popupItemKey = UniqueKey();

    await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
      key: popupButtonApp,
      home: Material(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              data: PopupMenuThemeData(
                color: Colors.pink,
                shape: BeveledRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)),
                elevation: 6.0,
                textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Color(0xfffff000), textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic),
              child: PopupMenuButton<void>(
                key: popupButtonKey,
                itemBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
                  return <PopupMenuEntry<Object>>[
                      key: popupItemKey,
                      child: const Text('Example'),

    await tester.tap(find.byKey(popupButtonKey));
    await tester.pumpAndSettle();

    /// The last Material widget under popupButtonApp is the [PopupMenuButton]
    /// specified above, so by finding the last descendent of popupButtonApp
    /// that is of type Material, this code retrieves the built
    /// [PopupMenuButton].
    final Material button = tester.widget<Material>(
        of: find.byKey(popupButtonApp),
        matching: find.byType(Material),
    expect(button.color, Colors.pink);
    expect(button.shape, BeveledRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)));
    expect(button.elevation, 6.0);

    /// The last DefaultTextStyle widget under popupItemKey is the
    /// [PopupMenuItem] specified above, so by finding the last descendent of
    /// popupItemKey that is of type DefaultTextStyle, this code retrieves the
    /// built [PopupMenuItem].
    final DefaultTextStyle text = tester.widget<DefaultTextStyle>(
        of: find.byKey(popupItemKey),
        matching: find.byType(DefaultTextStyle),
    expect(text.style.color, const Color(0xfffff000));