#!/usr/bin/env dart // Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; /// This script expects to run with the cwd as the root of the flutter repo. It /// will generate documentation for the packages in `packages/`, and leave the /// documentation in `dev/docs/doc/api/`. main(List<String> args) async { // Create the pubspec.yaml file. StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(''' name: Flutter dependencies: '''); for (String package in _findPackageNames()) { buf.writeln(' $package:'); buf.writeln(' path: ../../packages/$package'); } new File('dev/docs/pubspec.yaml').writeAsStringSync(buf.toString()); // Create the library file. Directory libDir = new Directory('dev/docs/lib'); libDir.createSync(); StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer('library temp_doc;\n\n'); for (String libraryRef in _libraryRefs()) { contents.writeln('import \'package:$libraryRef\';'); } new File('dev/docs/lib/temp_doc.dart').writeAsStringSync(contents.toString()); // Run pub. Process process = await Process.start('pub', <String>['get'], workingDirectory: 'dev/docs'); _print(process.stdout); _print(process.stderr); int code = await process.exitCode; if (code != 0) exit(code); // Generate the documentation; we require dartdoc >= 0.9.4. List<String> args = <String>[ 'global', 'run', 'dartdoc', '--header', 'styles.html', '--header', 'analytics.html', '--dart-sdk', '../../bin/cache/dart-sdk', '--exclude', 'temp_doc', '--favicon=favicon.ico', '--use-categories' ]; for (String libraryRef in _libraryRefs()) { String name = _entityName(libraryRef); args.add('--include-external'); args.add(name.substring(0, name.length - 5)); } _findSkyServicesLibraryNames().forEach((String libName) { args.add('--include-external'); args.add(libName); }); process = await Process.start('pub', args, workingDirectory: 'dev/docs'); _print(process.stdout); _print(process.stderr); exit(await process.exitCode); } List<String> _findSkyServicesLibraryNames() { Directory skyServicesLocation = new Directory('bin/cache/pkg/sky_services/lib'); if (!skyServicesLocation.existsSync()) { throw 'Did not find sky_services package location in ' '${skyServicesLocation.path}.'; } return skyServicesLocation.listSync(followLinks: false, recursive: true) .where((FileSystemEntity entity) { return entity is File && entity.path.endsWith('.mojom.dart'); }).map((FileSystemEntity entity) { String basename = _entityName(entity.path); basename = basename.substring(0, basename.length-('.dart'.length)); return basename.replaceAll('.', '_'); }); } List<String> _findPackageNames() { return _findPackages().map((Directory dir) => _entityName(dir.path)).toList(); } List<Directory> _findPackages() { return new Directory('packages') .listSync() .where((FileSystemEntity entity) => entity is Directory) .where((Directory dir) { File pubspec = new File('${dir.path}/pubspec.yaml'); bool nodoc = pubspec.readAsStringSync().contains('nodoc: true'); return !nodoc; }) .toList(); } List<String> _libraryRefs() sync* { for (Directory dir in _findPackages()) { String dirName = _entityName(dir.path); for (FileSystemEntity file in new Directory('${dir.path}/lib').listSync()) { if (file is File && file.path.endsWith('.dart')) yield '$dirName/${_entityName(file.path)}'; } } } String _entityName(String path) { return path.indexOf('/') == -1 ? path : path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } void _print(Stream<List<int>> stream) { stream .transform(UTF8.decoder) .transform(const LineSplitter()) .listen(print); }