    "Empire Resorts, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Optibase Ltd.", 
    "Real Estate", 
    "Ocean Bio-Chem, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Durables", 
    "Specialty Chemicals", 
    "Optical Cable Corporation", 
    "Basic Industries", 
    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
    "OceanFirst Financial Corp.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Oclaro, Inc.", 
    "Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
    "Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
    "Ocera Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Ocular Therapeutix, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.", 
    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
    "Office Depot, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Other Specialty Stores", 
    "Oconee Federal Financial Corp.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Orthofix International N.V.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
    "Omega Flex, Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Industrial Specialties", 
    "OFS Capital Corporation", 
    "OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
    "OHA Investment Corporation", 
    "One Horizon Group, Inc.", 
    "Public Utilities", 
    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
    "Ohr Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "O2Micro International Limited", 
    "Southwest Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Old Line Bancshares, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Universal Display Corporation", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Electrical Products", 
    "Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte S.A.B. de C.V.", 
    "Omnicell, Inc.", 
    "Computer Manufacturing", 
    "OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Omeros Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Marine Transportation", 
    "Old National Bancorp", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Spark Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "Oncolytics Biotech, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Tracker Stock", 
    "Oneida Financial Corp.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "ON Semiconductor Corporation", 
    "Onconova Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Oncothyreon Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
    "Onvia, Inc.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Opus Bank", 
    "OptimumBank Holdings, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Ophthotech Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Old Point Financial Corporation", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.", 
    "Public Utilities", 
    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
    "Opexa Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "ORBCOMM Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
    "Orbotech Ltd.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
    "Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Ocean Rig UDW Inc.", 
    "Oil & Gas Production", 
    "Oritani Financial Corp.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "O'Reilly Automotive, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Other Specialty Stores", 
    "Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Bio Blast Pharma Ltd.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Orrstown Financial Services Inc", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Old Second Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Old Second Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Ocean Shore Holding Co.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Osiris Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "OSI Systems, Inc.", 
    "SLM Corporation", 
    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
    "Ossen Innovation Co., Ltd.", 
    "Basic Industries", 
    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
    "Overstock.com, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
    "OraSure Technologies, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
    "Otelco Inc.", 
    "Public Utilities", 
    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
    "Open Text Corporation", 
    "EDP Services", 
    "Otonomy, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "On Track Innovations Ltd", 
    "Otter Tail Corporation", 
    "Public Utilities", 
    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
    "Outerwall Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Other Consumer Services", 
    "Ovascience Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Ohio Valley Banc Corp.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Oak Valley Bancorp (CA)", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "OmniVision Technologies, Inc.", 
    "Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited", 
    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
    "Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited", 
    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
    "Oxford Immunotec Global PLC", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
    "OXiGENE, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
    "Bank of the Ozarks", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Pan American Silver Corp.", 
    "Basic Industries", 
    "Precious Metals", 
    "Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
    "PacWest Bancorp", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "PowerShares Global Agriculture Portfolio", 
    "Phibro Animal Health Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Pangaea Logistics Solutions Ltd.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Marine Transportation", 
    "Parnell Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd", 
    "Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.", 
    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
    "Patrick Industries, Inc.", 
    "Basic Industries", 
    "Forest Products", 
    "Paychex, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
    "Polonia Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "People's United Financial, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Porter Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Prudential Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Prima BioMed Ltd", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Potbelly Corporation", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Poage Bankshares, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "PACCAR Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Auto Manufacturing", 