// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:ui' as ui show Gradient, TextBox, lerpDouble; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'alignment.dart'; import 'basic_types.dart'; import 'box_fit.dart'; import 'decoration.dart'; import 'edge_insets.dart'; import 'image_provider.dart'; import 'text_painter.dart'; import 'text_span.dart'; import 'text_style.dart'; /// Possible ways to draw Flutter's logo. enum FlutterLogoStyle { /// Show only Flutter's logo, not the "Flutter" label. /// /// This is the default behavior for [FlutterLogoDecoration] objects. markOnly, /// Show Flutter's logo on the left, and the "Flutter" label to its right. horizontal, /// Show Flutter's logo above the "Flutter" label. stacked, } /// An immutable description of how to paint Flutter's logo. class FlutterLogoDecoration extends Decoration { /// Creates a decoration that knows how to paint Flutter's logo. /// /// The [lightColor] and [darkColor] are used to fill the logo. The [style] /// controls whether and where to draw the "Flutter" label. If one is shown, /// the [textColor] controls the color of the label. /// /// The [lightColor], [darkColor], [textColor], [style], and [margin] /// arguments must not be null. const FlutterLogoDecoration({ this.lightColor: const Color(0xFF42A5F5), // Colors.blue[400] this.darkColor: const Color(0xFF0D47A1), // Colors.blue[900] this.textColor: const Color(0xFF616161), this.style: FlutterLogoStyle.markOnly, this.margin: EdgeInsets.zero, }) : assert(lightColor != null), assert(darkColor != null), assert(textColor != null), assert(style != null), assert(margin != null), _position = style == FlutterLogoStyle.markOnly ? 0.0 : style == FlutterLogoStyle.horizontal ? 1.0 : -1.0, // ignore: CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL_NUM_STRING // (see https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/26980 for details about that ignore statement) _opacity = 1.0; const FlutterLogoDecoration._(this.lightColor, this.darkColor, this.textColor, this.style, this.margin, this._position, this._opacity); /// The lighter of the two colors used to paint the logo. /// /// If possible, the default should be used. It corresponds to the 400 and 900 /// values of [material.Colors.blue] from the Material library. /// /// If for some reason that color scheme is impractical, the same entries from /// [material.Colors.amber], [material.Colors.red], or /// [material.Colors.indigo] colors can be used. These are Flutter's secondary /// colors. /// /// In extreme cases where none of those four color schemes will work, /// [material.Colors.pink], [material.Colors.purple], or /// [material.Colors.cyan] can be used. These are Flutter's tertiary colors. final Color lightColor; /// The darker of the two colors used to paint the logo. /// /// See [lightColor] for more information about selecting the logo's colors. final Color darkColor; /// The color used to paint the "Flutter" text on the logo, if [style] is /// [FlutterLogoStyle.horizontal] or [FlutterLogoStyle.stacked]. The /// appropriate color is `const Color(0xFF616161)` (a medium gray), against a /// white background. final Color textColor; /// Whether and where to draw the "Flutter" text. By default, only the logo /// itself is drawn. // This property isn't actually used when painting. It's only really used to // set the internal _position property. final FlutterLogoStyle style; /// How far to inset the logo from the edge of the container. final EdgeInsets margin; // The following are set when lerping, to represent states that can't be // represented by the constructor. final double _position; // -1.0 for stacked, 1.0 for horizontal, 0.0 for no logo final double _opacity; // 0.0 .. 1.0 bool get _inTransition => _opacity != 1.0 || (_position != -1.0 && _position != 0.0 && _position != 1.0); @override bool debugAssertIsValid() { assert(lightColor != null && darkColor != null && textColor != null && style != null && margin != null && _position != null && _position.isFinite && _opacity != null && _opacity >= 0.0 && _opacity <= 1.0); return true; } @override bool get isComplex => !_inTransition; /// Linearly interpolate between two Flutter logo descriptions. /// /// Interpolates both the color and the style in a continuous fashion. /// /// If both values are null, this returns null. Otherwise, it returns a /// non-null value. If one of the values is null, then the result is obtained /// by scaling the other value's opacity and [margin]. /// /// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning /// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something /// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished, /// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between /// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline /// between `a` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and /// 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can /// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]). /// /// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as /// an [AnimationController]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [Decoration.lerp], which interpolates between arbitrary decorations. static FlutterLogoDecoration lerp(FlutterLogoDecoration a, FlutterLogoDecoration b, double t) { assert(t != null); assert(a == null || a.debugAssertIsValid()); assert(b == null || b.debugAssertIsValid()); if (a == null && b == null) return null; if (a == null) { return new FlutterLogoDecoration._( b.lightColor, b.darkColor, b.textColor, b.style, b.margin * t, b._position, b._opacity * t.clamp(0.0, 1.0), ); } if (b == null) { return new FlutterLogoDecoration._( a.lightColor, a.darkColor, a.textColor, a.style, a.margin * t, a._position, a._opacity * (1.0 - t).clamp(0.0, 1.0), ); } if (t == 0.0) return a; if (t == 1.0) return b; return new FlutterLogoDecoration._( Color.lerp(a.lightColor, b.lightColor, t), Color.lerp(a.darkColor, b.darkColor, t), Color.lerp(a.textColor, b.textColor, t), t < 0.5 ? a.style : b.style, EdgeInsets.lerp(a.margin, b.margin, t), a._position + (b._position - a._position) * t, (a._opacity + (b._opacity - a._opacity) * t).clamp(0.0, 1.0), ); } @override FlutterLogoDecoration lerpFrom(Decoration a, double t) { assert(debugAssertIsValid()); if (a == null || a is FlutterLogoDecoration) { assert(a == null || a.debugAssertIsValid()); return FlutterLogoDecoration.lerp(a, this, t); } return super.lerpFrom(a, t); } @override FlutterLogoDecoration lerpTo(Decoration b, double t) { assert(debugAssertIsValid()); if (b == null || b is FlutterLogoDecoration) { assert(b == null || b.debugAssertIsValid()); return FlutterLogoDecoration.lerp(this, b, t); } return super.lerpTo(b, t); } @override // TODO(ianh): better hit testing bool hitTest(Size size, Offset position, { TextDirection textDirection }) => true; @override BoxPainter createBoxPainter([VoidCallback onChanged]) { assert(debugAssertIsValid()); return new _FlutterLogoPainter(this); } @override bool operator ==(dynamic other) { assert(debugAssertIsValid()); if (identical(this, other)) return true; if (other is! FlutterLogoDecoration) return false; final FlutterLogoDecoration typedOther = other; return lightColor == typedOther.lightColor && darkColor == typedOther.darkColor && textColor == typedOther.textColor && _position == typedOther._position && _opacity == typedOther._opacity; } @override int get hashCode { assert(debugAssertIsValid()); return hashValues( lightColor, darkColor, textColor, _position, _opacity ); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsNode.message('$lightColor/$darkColor on $textColor')); properties.add(new EnumProperty<FlutterLogoStyle>('style', style)); if (_inTransition) properties.add(new DiagnosticsNode.message('transition $_position:$_opacity')); } } /// An object that paints a [BoxDecoration] into a canvas. class _FlutterLogoPainter extends BoxPainter { _FlutterLogoPainter(this._config) : assert(_config != null), assert(_config.debugAssertIsValid()), super(null) { _prepareText(); } final FlutterLogoDecoration _config; // these are configured assuming a font size of 100.0. TextPainter _textPainter; Rect _textBoundingRect; void _prepareText() { const String kLabel = 'Flutter'; _textPainter = new TextPainter( text: new TextSpan( text: kLabel, style: new TextStyle( color: _config.textColor, fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 100.0 * 350.0 / 247.0, // 247 is the height of the F when the fontSize is 350, assuming device pixel ratio 1.0 fontWeight: FontWeight.w300, textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic, ), ), textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, ); _textPainter.layout(); final ui.TextBox textSize = _textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(const TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: kLabel.length)).single; _textBoundingRect = new Rect.fromLTRB(textSize.left, textSize.top, textSize.right, textSize.bottom); } // This class contains a lot of magic numbers. They were derived from the // values in the SVG files exported from the original artwork source. void _paintLogo(Canvas canvas, Rect rect) { // Our points are in a coordinate space that's 166 pixels wide and 202 pixels high. // First, transform the rectangle so that our coordinate space is a square 202 pixels // to a side, with the top left at the origin. canvas.save(); canvas.translate(rect.left, rect.top); canvas.scale(rect.width / 202.0, rect.height / 202.0); // Next, offset it some more so that the 166 horizontal pixels are centered // in that square (as opposed to being on the left side of it). This means // that if we draw in the rectangle from 0,0 to 166,202, we are drawing in // the center of the given rect. canvas.translate((202.0 - 166.0) / 2.0, 0.0); // Set up the styles. final Paint lightPaint = new Paint() ..color = _config.lightColor.withOpacity(0.8); final Paint mediumPaint = new Paint() ..color = _config.lightColor; final Paint darkPaint = new Paint() ..color = _config.darkColor; final ui.Gradient triangleGradient = new ui.Gradient.linear( const Offset(87.2623 + 37.9092, 28.8384 + 123.4389), const Offset(42.9205 + 37.9092, 35.0952 + 123.4389), <Color>[ const Color(0xBFFFFFFF), const Color(0xBFFCFCFC), const Color(0xBFF4F4F4), const Color(0xBFE5E5E5), const Color(0xBFD1D1D1), const Color(0xBFB6B6B6), const Color(0xBF959595), const Color(0xBF6E6E6E), const Color(0xBF616161), ], <double>[ 0.2690, 0.4093, 0.4972, 0.5708, 0.6364, 0.6968, 0.7533, 0.8058, 0.8219 ], ); final Paint trianglePaint = new Paint() ..shader = triangleGradient ..blendMode = BlendMode.multiply; final ui.Gradient rectangleGradient = new ui.Gradient.linear( const Offset(62.3643 + 37.9092, 40.135 + 123.4389), const Offset(54.0376 + 37.9092, 31.8083 + 123.4389), <Color>[ const Color(0x80FFFFFF), const Color(0x80FCFCFC), const Color(0x80F4F4F4), const Color(0x80E5E5E5), const Color(0x80D1D1D1), const Color(0x80B6B6B6), const Color(0x80959595), const Color(0x806E6E6E), const Color(0x80616161), ], <double>[ 0.4588, 0.5509, 0.6087, 0.6570, 0.7001, 0.7397, 0.7768, 0.8113, 0.8219 ], ); final Paint rectanglePaint = new Paint() ..shader = rectangleGradient ..blendMode = BlendMode.multiply; // Draw the basic shape. final Path topBeam = new Path() ..moveTo(37.7, 128.9) ..lineTo(9.8, 101.0) ..lineTo(100.4, 10.4) ..lineTo(156.2, 10.4); canvas.drawPath(topBeam, lightPaint); final Path middleBeam = new Path() ..moveTo(156.2, 94.0) ..lineTo(100.4, 94.0) ..lineTo(79.5, 114.9) ..lineTo(107.4, 142.8); canvas.drawPath(middleBeam, lightPaint); final Path bottomBeam = new Path() ..moveTo(79.5, 170.7) ..lineTo(100.4, 191.6) ..lineTo(156.2, 191.6) ..lineTo(156.2, 191.6) ..lineTo(107.4, 142.8); canvas.drawPath(bottomBeam, darkPaint); canvas.save(); canvas.transform(new Float64List.fromList(const <double>[ // careful, this is in _column_-major order 0.7071, -0.7071, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7071, 0.7071, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -77.697, 98.057, 0.0, 1.0, ])); canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTWH(59.8, 123.1, 39.4, 39.4), mediumPaint); canvas.restore(); // The two gradients. final Path triangle = new Path() ..moveTo(79.5, 170.7) ..lineTo(120.9, 156.4) ..lineTo(107.4, 142.8); canvas.drawPath(triangle, trianglePaint); final Path rectangle = new Path() ..moveTo(107.4, 142.8) ..lineTo(79.5, 170.7) ..lineTo(86.1, 177.3) ..lineTo(114.0, 149.4); canvas.drawPath(rectangle, rectanglePaint); canvas.restore(); } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, ImageConfiguration configuration) { offset += _config.margin.topLeft; final Size canvasSize = _config.margin.deflateSize(configuration.size); if (canvasSize.isEmpty) return; Size logoSize; if (_config._position > 0.0) { // horizontal style logoSize = const Size(820.0, 232.0); } else if (_config._position < 0.0) { // stacked style logoSize = const Size(252.0, 306.0); } else { // only the mark logoSize = const Size(202.0, 202.0); } final FittedSizes fittedSize = applyBoxFit(BoxFit.contain, logoSize, canvasSize); assert(fittedSize.source == logoSize); final Rect rect = Alignment.center.inscribe(fittedSize.destination, offset & canvasSize); final double centerSquareHeight = canvasSize.shortestSide; final Rect centerSquare = new Rect.fromLTWH( offset.dx + (canvasSize.width - centerSquareHeight) / 2.0, offset.dy + (canvasSize.height - centerSquareHeight) / 2.0, centerSquareHeight, centerSquareHeight ); Rect logoTargetSquare; if (_config._position > 0.0) { // horizontal style logoTargetSquare = new Rect.fromLTWH(rect.left, rect.top, rect.height, rect.height); } else if (_config._position < 0.0) { // stacked style final double logoHeight = rect.height * 191.0 / 306.0; logoTargetSquare = new Rect.fromLTWH( rect.left + (rect.width - logoHeight) / 2.0, rect.top, logoHeight, logoHeight ); } else { // only the mark logoTargetSquare = centerSquare; } final Rect logoSquare = Rect.lerp(centerSquare, logoTargetSquare, _config._position.abs()); if (_config._opacity < 1.0) { canvas.saveLayer( offset & canvasSize, new Paint() ..colorFilter = new ColorFilter.mode( const Color(0xFFFFFFFF).withOpacity(_config._opacity), BlendMode.modulate, ) ); } if (_config._position != 0.0) { if (_config._position > 0.0) { // horizontal style final double fontSize = 2.0 / 3.0 * logoSquare.height * (1 - (10.4 * 2.0) / 202.0); final double scale = fontSize / 100.0; final double finalLeftTextPosition = // position of text in rest position (256.4 / 820.0) * rect.width - // 256.4 is the distance from the left edge to the left of the F when the whole logo is 820.0 wide (32.0 / 350.0) * fontSize; // 32 is the distance from the text bounding box edge to the left edge of the F when the font size is 350 final double initialLeftTextPosition = // position of text when just starting the animation rect.width / 2.0 - _textBoundingRect.width * scale; final Offset textOffset = new Offset( rect.left + ui.lerpDouble(initialLeftTextPosition, finalLeftTextPosition, _config._position), rect.top + (rect.height - _textBoundingRect.height * scale) / 2.0 ); canvas.save(); if (_config._position < 1.0) { final Offset center = logoSquare.center; final Path path = new Path() ..moveTo(center.dx, center.dy) ..lineTo(center.dx + rect.width, center.dy - rect.width) ..lineTo(center.dx + rect.width, center.dy + rect.width) ..close(); canvas.clipPath(path); } canvas.translate(textOffset.dx, textOffset.dy); canvas.scale(scale, scale); _textPainter.paint(canvas, Offset.zero); canvas.restore(); } else if (_config._position < 0.0) { // stacked style final double fontSize = 0.35 * logoTargetSquare.height * (1 - (10.4 * 2.0) / 202.0); final double scale = fontSize / 100.0; if (_config._position > -1.0) { // This limits what the drawRect call below is going to blend with. canvas.saveLayer(_textBoundingRect, new Paint()); } else { canvas.save(); } canvas.translate( logoTargetSquare.center.dx - (_textBoundingRect.width * scale / 2.0), logoTargetSquare.bottom ); canvas.scale(scale, scale); _textPainter.paint(canvas, Offset.zero); if (_config._position > -1.0) { canvas.drawRect(_textBoundingRect.inflate(_textBoundingRect.width * 0.5), new Paint() ..blendMode = BlendMode.modulate ..shader = new ui.Gradient.linear( new Offset(_textBoundingRect.width * -0.5, 0.0), new Offset(_textBoundingRect.width * 1.5, 0.0), <Color>[const Color(0xFFFFFFFF), const Color(0xFFFFFFFF), const Color(0x00FFFFFF), const Color(0x00FFFFFF)], <double>[ 0.0, math.max(0.0, _config._position.abs() - 0.1), math.min(_config._position.abs() + 0.1, 1.0), 1.0 ], ) ); } canvas.restore(); } } _paintLogo(canvas, logoSquare); if (_config._opacity < 1.0) canvas.restore(); } }